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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    CCF&RB Minutes - July II, I96l Page Two Mr, Albright presented copies of the new brochure just off the presses. He told the Board that at the time bids were advertised all local bidders were told that the Fair Board would award the bid locally if bids were no more than 10% over lowest outside bids, however, the bid from Paragon Press in Salt Lake City was 37% lower than any local bid so they were awarded the job. 10,000 copies were ordered initially and another 10,000 may be ordered within six months for approximately 400 each. Convention Bureau Manager Desmond KeI Iy^reported that they had been unable to finalize two conventions they thought they would received. These were the American Medical Association and theNational Square Dance Convention. However, he said the Bureau would continue to work on these two accounts and he felt sure they would be successful at-another time. Member Petitti suggested he contact the local members of^the Square Dance Group to formulate plans for a future campaign. Upon motion by Member Petitti, seconded by Member Manix, the Board unanimously voted to authorize the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer to sign signature cards for the various Fair Board bank accounts. This was occasioned by Mayor Earl Hartke going off the Clark County Fair & Recreation Board and Member Fountain becoming Vice-Chairman, Upon motion by Member Fountain, seconded by Member Olsen, the Board unanimously voted to accept the skates and benchesfor the roller skating program, transferred to them by the City of Las Vegas. Upon motion by Member Fountain, seconded by Member Petitti, the Board unanimously voted to accept releases from the American Seating Company of all obligation to them for fixed and portable seating in the Convention Center. Upon motion by Member Fountain, seconded by Member Olsen, the Board unanimously voted to transfer $55,000 from the Gross Income Fund to the Operating and Maintenance Fund to meet budgeted expenses for July, Upon motion by Member Petitti, seconded by Member Fountain, the Board unanimously approved payment of $9,620,80 from the Gross Income Fund to the Treasurer of Clark County for room tax collection costs for the month of June, Upon motion by Member Fountain, seconded by Member Petitti, the Board unanimously approved bills from the Operating and Maintenance Fund in the amount of $52,247*14, listed separately immediately following these minutes. Upon motion by Member Fountain, seconded by Member Petitti, the Board unanimously approved the following payments from the Operating & Maintenance Fund: a* TransWorld Airlines - $1,516.01 b. American Society of Travel Agents - $1,175*00 c. Foster & Kleiser - $2,812.50 Upon motion by Member Fountain, seconded by Member Olsen, the Board unanimously approved payment of $4,032.50 from the Operating and Maintenance Fund to Stage Sound & Equipment Company for a metro light, purchase of which was previously approved by the Board, Mr. Albright told the Board that last week he, along with Mr. Kelly and Mr. Whipple, had gone to the Las Vegas Sun to acquaint themwith the purpose of the trip to the ASTA Convention at Cannes, France and the necessity of a good attendance from Las Vegas. Previously he and Mr. Kelly had discussed this matter -2-