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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    THE ANGELBREAD FOUNDATION /'T'v THE SANDS HOTEL LAS VEGAS, N EVADA D U D L E Y 2 - 7 1 0 0 involve the formulation of ?╟≤ mix which eon be furnished to bakers ebon no will fran- chise to twiRiRRt tA JtfelEAtAtRtI * 3. General Mills liked the idea of our strict demands far quality control on any baker wherever no do bake the bread ?╟÷ and they will threw the whole weight of their test- ing department behind the quality control program we will have to set wp to make certain that dmgellta's Bread, wherever it is baked, will always tests like the bread the Sisters at loss da Lima Hospital asks. 4* General Mills liked the ides of having R*g*n Bakeries handle the fyfmtehifftwg, even to the point of stating that thsy couldn't go along with our project unless there were a baker Ilka Began involved ?╟÷ this is bscauss doesn't want to gst a lot of heat from bakers ail ever the country that thsy now service with Geld Medal Flour, who might not be franchised to bake our bread* Therefore, General mile will go along with any baker that lagan and the Foundation select ?╟÷ mod they will swing thsir whole sales fores into action to help us determine the best quality baker who might bo the meet honorable and the meet progressive In the cities we select for marketing. 5. General Mills stated they cannot be too obviously identified as bsing in back of dngolita's Broad ?╟÷ but rather as tha supplier of tho flour mad a six far bakers that are selected. But they did state they will threw a lot of support behind tho scenes as far as tha distribution geos technically, mad will also help contribute to tho advertising program* They could not bo specific at this