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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, November 9, 1976






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 5 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000120. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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SENATE MEETING //16 November 9, 1976 I. Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 5:05 by the Chair H . Roll Call Roll call was taken by the CSUN Secretary Members Present: Absent (Excused) Jeff Barta Dominick Cirone Andrew Sultan Debi Fields Joe Mann Sharon Baker Brad Peterson Leona Gonzales Rich Cole Bobby Lawson Bill Marion Keith Terry Jim Rafferty Mike Whipple Tony Gwirtz Iris McCowan Greg McKinley Warren Stief Gene Russo Tom Moreo Dave Cavalieri Jim Bateman Tara Corcoran Cathy McLaurin Dan Newman Marshal Willick Joe Warpinski Ron McCormick III. Approval of Minutes Motion by Joe Warpinski to approve minutes for Senate Meeting #15. Seconded by Keith Terry. Discussion. Motion passes with one abstention. Motion by Brad Peterson to approve minutes for Senate Meeting //16. Seconded by Sharon Baker. Brad states that he would like to change his vote on Section V, Committee Reports, A. Activities Board, on the motion to accept the Erich Von Daniken Contract to an abstention. This would bring the total abstentions to six, with no change to the motions passage. Motion to approve minutes passes with one abstention. IV. Announcements From now on, agenda material will be strictly adhered to. A flag football game will be held this Sunday. CSUN versus the Yell, at the playing field. Dan Russell apologized to the Senate for missing the last Senate meeting. V. Committee Reports A. Activities Board Report canceled because of absence of Chairman I,orenz. B. Union Board Joe Warpinski moved to approve the Union Board Operating Policy. Seconded Ron McCormick. Mike Whipple moved to table this motion until the next meeting. Seconded by Sharon Baker. Discussion. (Tom Moreo excused). Motion to table passes 19-4-2. C. Elections Board Sharon Baker announces that the new arts and letters senators have taken their seats. They are: Bobby Lawson, Rich Cole, and Bill Marion. D. Organizations Committee Pam Hysell moves to approve BBKGJ as a recognized organization. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. A stipulation is attached to this motion that this organization not ask for matching funds because of the low membership. Discussion. Sharon Baker calls for question. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. V Bobby Lawson request roll call vote. Jeff Barta yes Dominick Cirone yes Andrew Sultan yes Debi Fields yes Joe Mann yes Sharon Baker yes Brad Peterson yes Leona Gonzales Abs. Rich Cole Abs Bobby Lawson yes Bill Marion Abs. Jim Bateman yes Tara Corcoran yes Cathy McLaurin yes Jim Rafferty Abs. Mike Whipple yes Dave Cavalieri yes Tony Gwirtz yes Iris McCowan yes Greg McKinley yes Warren Stief yes Keith Terry Abs. Gene Russo Abs. Marshal Willick yes Joe Warpinski yes Ron McCormick yes Motion to vote immediately passes with 20-0-6. Request by Sharon Baker for roll call vote on motion. Dan Russell requests show of hands. Vote on method of voting passes in favor of show of hands. Vote on main motion to accept BBKGJ passes with 22-0-4. Pam Hysell moves to accept the Christian Science Organization, seconded by Keith Terry. Discussion. (Rich Cole excused). Joe Warpinski moved to table the motion to accept until a representative of the organization is available during a senate meeting for questioning. Seconded by Marshal Willick. Motion to table passes with three abstaining. Pam Hysell moves to grant the Hotel Association $450 in matching funds. Seconded by Ron McCormick. Brad Peterson moves to table until the Senate receives receipts on the actual expenditures. Seconded by Keith Terry. Motion fails with four in favor. Keith Terry calls for question. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. Motion passes to vote immediately. Vote on motion to grant Hotel Association $450 matching .funds fails, 2-12-5. Pam Hysell moves to give the Hotel Association $200 matching funds, seconded by Joe Warpinski. Ron McCormick calls for question, seconded by Bobby Lawson. Passesl6-6-2. Vote on main motion fails with seven abstentions. Pam Hysell announces that there will be an Organizations Council meeting next Tuesday at 12 noon, and asks interested new senators to attend. VI. Old Business Presidential Nominations and Appointments Dan Russell submits the following names and positions to be approved at the following meeting. Eugene Belin, Union Board Member LeighAnne Morejon, Judicial Court Chief Justice. Darcy Gogert, Judicial Court Justice David Borris, Judicial Court Justice Steve Compan, Judicial Court Justice Dan Russell announces the following vacancies that Senators could apply for: 2 seats in the Activities Board, Student Bill of Rights Committee, Constit-utional Revision Committee, Day Care Board, Committee for the investigation of the P.E. and Athletic Departments, Radio Station Board. VII. New Business Marshal Willick made a motion that during Senate meetings, all Senators sit according to class or college they represent. Seconded by Dominick Cirone. Discussion. Joe Warpinski moves to amend the motion so that each individual Senator receive a name plate which includes his college or class he is representing. Seconded by Bill Marion. Joe Warpinski calls for the question. Seconded by Ron McCormick. Passes with three abstentions. Vote on amendment passes with three abstentions. Vote on main motion immediately by Joe Warpinski. Seconded by Dominick Cirone. Call for question passes. Main motion fails 7-10-7. Dan Russell moved that we get name plates for every Senator with college or class included. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. Request for recount on last vote. (Leona Gonzales excused). Motion failed 6-13-4. Ron McCormick called for question. Seconded by Sharon Baker. Passes with one abstention. Vote on motion to get name plates passes unanimously. Ron McCormick made a motion that CSUN grant $450 in recognition of the past support to the Hotel Association. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. Dominick Cirone called for the question. Seconded by Andrew Sultan. Motion fails. Joe Warpinski calls for question. Seconded by Cathy McLaurin. Passes with two opposed and one abstention. Vote on main motion fails with five in favor and one abstaining. Joe Warpinski moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ron McCormick. Motion fails. Jim Rafferty asks that the Senate support a mass communications board. Point of Information by Dan Russell. He states that such a board has already been established. Dan Russell made a motion that signs be put up around campus stating that openings are available on certain committees. Seconded by Gene Russo. Motion passes with two abstentions. Jim Rafferty made a motion that the Senate establish a Campus Life Enrichment Research Committee. Seconded by Mike Whipple. Motion passes with two opposed and four abstentions. Jim Rafferty appointed Chairman. Keith Terry moved to adjourn. Seconded by Dominick Cirone. Motion ties at 10-10-2. Chair rules against the motion because of information item. Motion fails. Pam Beury reminds Senators about the CSUN-Yell football game. Marshal Willick moves to adjourn. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. Passes, meeting adjourned at 6:45. CSUN Secretary ResDectflillv submitted-