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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, January 29, 1953 80-12 Mr. Mm. Re inhardt: Mr. Bennett says that you desire a memorandum as to the status of the proposal to transfer the water produc­tion facilities of the Railroad at Las Vegas to the LVL& WCompany. This was first suggested in your letter to Mr.Stod­dard of December 4, 1951^ and was temporarily sidetracked, I believe, because of Mr. Hulsizer's alternative proposal that a donation of the entire water system at Las Vegas be made to the District. The proposal was again revived in your letter to Mr. Stoddard of September 30, 1952. In December, 1952, I was called to Omaha to discuss the matter with the various interested officials. At­tached is a copy of the memorandum made on December 16, 1952, following the conference. You will note that a definite conclusion was not reached, but that it was tentatively thought that the transfer should be made. The final conclusion was to be reached after Mr. Bachman had had a final opinion from Mr. Sutton as to the tax consequences. I do not know what h%s finally been decided. I believe the mat­ter now rests with either Mr. Sutton or Mr. Bachman or 3 0 1953 Enel. Ce C.