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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Febuary 19, 1987






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 17 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000545. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS STANDING AGENDA SENATE THURSDAY FEB 19, 198 7 4:00 BEH 542 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS V. BOARD, COMMITTEE AND DIRECTOR REPORTS VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII. OPEN DISCUSSION IX. ADJOURNMENT gi UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENT AGENDA SENATE MEETING 17-12 THRUSDAY FEB 19, 1897 4:00 BEH 542 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SENATE MEETING 17-5, 17-9 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS VI. BOARD, COMMITTEE, DIRECTOR REPORTS VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. NOMINATIONS TO BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS SEAT 1) Sam Lieberman 2) Jack Spicer 3) Lance Malone 4) Rod Richter B. APPOINTMENT OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS SEAT C. NOMINATIONS TO HEALTH SCIENCES SEAT 1) Wendy Hopkins D. APPOINTMENT OF HEALTH SCIENCES SEAT VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of $400 to Eclectic Arts Ensemble B. Approval of $400 to Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals C. Approval of contracts for Spring Concert Series #i March 7, 1987 1.) Lance Gilman-Samsons Army - $200 2.) Andrew C. Zafuto-Various Artists - $100 3.) Guy Griebel-Tripple Ripple - $100 4.) Devon-Abeyance - $100 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 D. Approval of contracts for Spring Concert Series #2 March -ZS-, 1987 1.) Gigli Locatelli-Herc! Of Lemmings - $200 2.) Jack L. Grisham-Tender Fury - $100 3.) Chad-Heart 0f Thorns - $100 4.) Shawn Sloan-Atomic Gods - $100 E. INTRODUCTION OF 12 CREDIT FEE-WAIVER FOR KUNV ASSISTANT PROGRAM DIRECTOR IX, OPEN DISCUSSION X. ADJURNMENT PW CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENT AGENDA SENATE MEETING 17-12 THURSDAY FEB 19, 1987 4:00 BEH 542 VII. NEW BUSINESS F. Approval of contract for David Lersten, for Lip Sync contest #2, running and judging of contest on Feb 27, 1987 in the amount of 50.00. (SEE ATTACHED) G. Approval of contract with Zellie Dow for D.J. Services on Feb 27, 1987 TGIF Party in the amount of $75.00 (SEE ATTACHED) H. Approval of contract with Various Artists (VA) for Feb 27, TGIF party in the amount of $250.00 to provide musicial entertainment. (SEE ATTACHED) I. Approval of contract with Kappa Sigma Pledge class for clean up after TGIF party on Feb 27, 1987, in the amount of $50.00 (SEE ATTACHED). J. Overrride of Senate Bylaw #13, Compensation of Assistant Intramurals Director, (2/3). K. Introduction of Constutition Revisions. (SEE ATTACHED) L. Approval of contract with Soundsmith Audio for providing lighting and sound on Mar 7, 1987 in the amount of $300. gl UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 17-12 THRUSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1987 4:00 PM BEH 542 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:10PM by Senate President Zayas. II. ROLL CALL Senator M. Chastain Senator Evenson Senator Fagel Senator Gentile Senator Goldstein Senator Gomez Senator Leroy Senator Mentnech Senator Muir Senator Retke Senator Smith Senator Tiffany Senator Zayas-Dorchak III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SENATE MEETINGS 17-5 and 17-10 The minutes from meetings 17-5 and 17-10 were approved. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS President Hendrick informed the Senate that the Board of Regents approved the first PHD for the Environmental Science Department. Senate President Zayas spoke about the beverages which had been and will usually be provided at all Senate meetings. Senator Evenson was sworn in as Senate President Pro Tempore, by CSUN Secretary Gary Longfellow. Present Absent Senator Allen Senator A. Chastain Senator Cunningham (excused) Senator Harrington (late) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES 17-12 2-19-87 PAGE 2 Seriate President Pro Tempore Evenson announced that he was working on getting the trophy case for the Thomas and Mack. Greg Dorchak will be drawing up the plans. The trophy case should be completed next season. President Hendrick mentioned that he received a memo from the University of Reno Nevada about proposing a bill in the legislature to earmark funds from propostion five. Senate President Zayas introduced Palma Wesely as new Senate Secretary. V. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS There were none. VI. BOARD, COMMITTEE, DIRECTOR REPORTS Yellin' Rebel - Senator Zayas-Dorchak announced that Wednesday 25, at 12:30 there will be a candidate's debate. She also asked the candidates to either call or come to the Yellin' Rebel . office on the 20,21,22, to schedule an appointment for an interview. OPI - Senator Gomez can get a discount on name plates at Tac Office Supply. Intramurals - Senator Muir - The Pool Tournament is February 27, at 7:00 and is open to all students at the Sports Pub. He changed the name to "CSUN Shoot Out." The first fifty people through the door will receive CSUN key chains. Basketball Intramurals will be on Tuesdays, Thrusdays, Fridays, all day Saturdays and Sundays. Senator Muir mentioned someone has been getting into his office and stealing things. Conrev - Jeff Chadwell - the committee finished the new Constitution with a few changes that Senators should be aware of. Senate President Zayas congradulated Chadwell on a good job. Motion by Senator Allen to end meeting at 5:30. Motion amended by Senator Retke to 5:25, with multitude of seconds. Main Motion was amended with no objections. Motion failed with five opposed (Senator Leroy, Senator Harrington, Senator Evenson, Senator Goldstein, Senator Zayas). MINUTES 17-12 2-19-87 PAGE 3 VII. OLD BUSINESS President Hendrick spoke about bowling, which was tabled from the week before. Motion to take from table $400 for UNLV Bowling Team. Motion by Senator Harrington, seconded by Senator Fagel. There was discussion. The motion passed with two abstentions (Senator Gomez and Senator Harrington). ITEM A Motion to close nominations by Senator Leroy, seconded by Senator Evenson. ITEM B Motion to allow each candidate to address the Senate, after which a run off election will be held between the top two vote getters. Motion by Senator Leroy, seconded by Senator Harrington. Motion by Senator Retke to limit each speech to two minutes. Motion was amended with no objections. Jack Spicer addressed the Senate. Vice President Muir informed the Senate that Lance Malone withdrew his name. Sam Lieberman addressed the Senate. Rod Richter addressed the Senate. There was a request for a roll call vote. g*am Lieberman Jack Spicer Rod Richter Senator Zayas-Dorchak Senator Allen Senator A. Chastain Senator Harrington Senator Fagel Senator Evenson Senator Leroy Senator Gentile Senator Goldstein Senator Mentnech Senator Gomez Senator Muir Senator Smith Senator Retke Senator Tiffany MINUTES 17-12 2-19-87 PAGE 4 Senator M. Chastain abstained. Sam Lieberman had three votes Jack Spicer had seven votes, and Rod Richter had five votes. Senator Zayas called for a roll call vote. Run off election between Jack Spicer and Rod Richter. Jack Spicer Senator Allen Senator A. Chastain Senator Fagel Senator Gentile Senator Leroy Senator Mentech Senator Muir Senator Retke Senator Tiffany Rod Richter Senator Evenson Senator Goldstein Senator Gomez Senator Harrington Senator Smith Senator Zayas-Dorchak Senator M. Chastain abstained. Jack Spicer was sworn into office by CSUN Secretary Gary Longfellow. President Hendrick - announced that the Senate should show more respect, and be more quiet during a swearing in. ITEM C Senate President Zayas - said the nomination for Jody Walleen should be put on ballot. She was not on the agenda by mistake. ITEM D Senate President Zayas would not accept a motion to appoint a Senator at this time, since grade verifications were not yet in. VII. NEW BUSINESS ITEM A Approval for $400 to the Eclectic Art Ensemble. Motion by Senator Leroy, seconded by Senator Zayas-Dorchak. President of Eclectic Art Ensemble addressed the Senate. There was discussion. The motion was carried with .sixteen in favor, and zero opposed. Senator Gomez left at 5:00PM. MINUTES 17-12 2-19-87 PAGE 5 ITEM B Approval of $400 for Students for the Ethnie»L~ Treatment of Animal Motion by Senator Harrington, seconded by Senator Fagel. Mary McNeal addressed Senate. There was discussion. Motion by Senator Allen to call for a vote. There were multitude of seconds. With no ojections the motion was passed. Main motion carried with fifteen in favor, zero opposed, and one abstention (Senator Smith). ITEM C Moiton to remove from the table $400 for Pre-Professional Club. Motion by Senator Harrington, seconded by Senator Mentnech. The President of the Pre-Professional Organization addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Motion passed with sixteen in favor, zero opposed. Motion carried. Moiton by Senator Fagel to approve items C-D, 1-4 inclusive. ITEM D Approval of contracts with 10% of profits added to payment. Motion by Senator Fagel, seconded by Senator Harrington. There was discussion. Entertainment and Program Director Mike Mixer addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Motion by Senator Fagel to end debate, with multitude of seconds. MINUTES 17-12 2-19-87 PAGE 6 Motion carried with sixteen in favor, zero opposed. Main motion carried with sixteen in favor, zero opposed. ITEM E Approval of KUNV 12 credit fee-waiver for KUNV Assistant Programmer. Motion by Senator Allen, seconded by Senator Spicer. There was discussion. Motion carried, with sixteen in favor, zero opposed. Motion by Senator Fagel to approve item F-I as a whole, with a multitude of seconds. ITEMS F-I Motion carried with sixteen in favor, zero opposed. ITEM J Motion by Senator-Retkerto move out of the day and move to item L. ITEM L Approval of contract with Soundsmith Audio for providing lighting and sound on March 7, 1987 in the amount of $300. Motion by Senator Retke, seconded by Senator Allen. There was discussion. Motion carried with sixteen in favor, zero opposed. ITEM J Compensation of Assistant Intramurals Director. Motion by Senator Muir, seconded by Senator Mentnech. Motion by Senator Allen to move into a vote. Motion carried with no objections. MINUTES 17-12 2-19-87 PAGE 7 Motion failed with five opposed (Senator Evenson, Senator Gentile, Senator Harrington, Senator Leroy, Senator Zayas-Dorchak.) Senator Retke left the meeting at 5:20. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION' Senator Jfentnech inquired about Bud books. Senator Leroy - announced Bud books will be called Spud books, and they will be in soon. Senator Tiffany - asked about out of order rules. Senator President Zayas - said that after three out of orders you lose your speaking privileges. Senator Goldstein - said that books in bookstore will be put in library sometime next week. President Hendrick - Apologized for his earlier comment about the' Senate having to be more respectful. Senator Zayas-Dorchak - announced to candidates about coming to newspaper for interviews. Senator Mentnech- asked about extending the hours of the library during finals. Senator Goldstein - motion to adjorn. Senate President Zayas - did not recognize the motion. Senator Chastain - books can be donated to library, for a tax exemption. Senate President Zayas - did not like phrasing of the Old Business on minutes for Organizational Board.* He will not accept' the minutes in the future if they are phrased in the same way. X. ADJORNMENT The meeting was adjorned at 5:40PM by Senate President Zayas. Senate President