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Letter from R. E. Marks (Reno) to E. E. Bennett, March 23, 1949


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Creator: Marks, R. E.




Marks stating that the Clark County delegation seemed anxious to rush Senate Bill 155 through as fast as possible, amending the Las Vegas Valley Water District act to allow bond issues.

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Box 13 Folder W23-1-C Water Conservation - Supply from Lake Mead


    hln000931. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    SB 155 Reno, March 23, 1949 Referring to your 83-4 of March 9th and to numerous telephone conversations with you regarding SB 155 which really would have set up the Board of Directors of the Las Vegas Water District: When this bill cleared the Senate under rush-act tactics, it was fairly on its way to go through the Assembly in like manner. I spoke to Mr. Ryan and others and we did secure some delay in i t . At a meeting on March 14th at which were present Clark County Assemblymen Ryan, Warner, Embry, Claiborne, Higgins, Harmon; Clark County Senator C. D. Baker; Clark County District Attorney Bob Jones; Water District Commissioners Henry Miller and John Bunch; Las Vegas Review Journal correspondent Ray Germain; and City Manager J. M. Murphy, I induced Mr. B i l l Moore of the Last Frontier Hotel and member of the Nevada Tax Commission to be present. Mr. Blonde and I also were in attendance. At the outset of the meeting it occurred to me that Mr. Jones was bent on rushing this bill through with only minor amendments, none of which would have included the right of the people to veto upon this bond issue. He insisted that two public hearings would protect the taxpayers of the Las Vegas Water Valley District. It was at this meeting, I believe, that Mr. Jones and Mr. Miller had their minds changed, and as a result of the meeting sufficient strength began to accumulate upon which satisfactory amendments eventually were concluded. Enclosed is copy of SB 155, one of the few copies available at this time, in its final form ready to have the Chapter number inserted as soon as it is signed by Governor Pittman. In a conversation with the Governor before the bill was properly arrested in the assembly, he told me he weald not dare to veto it even in that form, if the people of Clark County wanted i t , so I presume there is no Question but that he will sign this SB 155. cc: Mr. R. A. Blonde Mr. C. M. Cory Mr. A.M. Folger R. E. Marks