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Jewish Federation correspondence, meeting minutes, and other records, item 16




Questionnaire on Local and Council of Jewish Federations (CJF) Committees on serving the aging

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    . r r ! COUNCIL Of JEWISH FEDERATIONS QUESTIONNAIRE ON LOCAL AND CJF COMMITTEES ON SERVING THE AGING Does your Federation have a functioning Committee on Services to the Aging? Yes_____No______ If yes, how often does it meet? 2. Do you have any Aging Subcommittees? Yes_____No_ If yes, how often do they meet? 3. Who serves on the committee and Subcommittees? Bow are the agencies represented? 4. What is the charge to the committee and to the Subcommittees? 5. Please briefly describe the issues which you have discussed, and the matters which you have resolved, in the past two years. (Over)- 2 - 6. What are the issues (problems) will work on during the coming year? 7. What subjects would you like the CJF Committee on Aging to consider during the coming year? 8. Are there lay leaders in your community who are not now currently on the CJF Committee who might like to serve? If yes, please provide name(s) and address(es). NAME POSITION COMMUNITY PLEASE RETURN TO JOAN FULD AT CJF BY THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1988 JF:rr 2/10/88 (88-322-04)