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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, April 2007



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    MAZEL TOV DAVID STAHL CONGREGANT OF THE YEAR FOR 2006! It's seems befitting that David Stahl should be honored as our first Congregant of the Year in our new home. He has given unselfishly of his time over the years, serving as Vice-President of Ritual and Social Action, where he continues to be active as a committee member for each. He has served as Treasurer and Temple Board Member-at- Large. He is our Senior Para-Rabbinic Fellow and runs Saturday morning minyan. He has filled in for Rabbi Akselrad at bereavement services and chaired the committee during the search for our assistant rabbi. He is a Fnember of the Chesed committee as well as the New Campus Committee and a Brotherhood board member. He is active in the Pacific Southwest Counsel for the URJ and chairs the Ritual Biennenial Committee. He is also a past president of Temple Etz Chaim in Tombard, IL. And in his spare time, he built the sukkah at Kind David this past year and is currently shopping for a sukkah for our new home. David and his wife, Bette met on a blind date in Columbus, Ohio, where Bette was a student at Ohio State and David was working at Battelle Memorial Institute. They have been married for 48 years and moved to our community Continued on pg. 10 Yom Hashoah Observance April 15 * Here at CNT! DETAILS ON PAGE 17 Scholar-In-Residence Weekend % Peninnah Schram ~ May 4 & 5 DETAILS ON PAGE 14 Music Season Sabbath April 27th Featuring Michael Isaacson Composer/ Conductor Details on page 16 Inside 2 Rabbi s ALessage Miy Attractions 3 Presidents Atessage 4 Cantorial ^Soloists Message 5 Dir. Lifelong Learning Message B nai Mitzvahs 6 Exec. D r. Message 7 Adult Education 8 YaLrzeits/jM emoriams 9 Yiskor 10 ATonthly P rograms 11 Gala Photo Insert 15 Calendar 18 Aten s Club News 19 Sisterhood News 24 TVorship Schedule V_____________1 __________________/An Affair To Remember Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad It is hard to believe that with the printing of this month?s bulletin our new Temple would have been open for five weeks. After about eight years of planning and hard work, our dream has become a reality. In this month?s bulletin you will find photos that will capture some of the excitement of that gala weekend. We have also posted additional photos on the internet. Skimming through the photos you will realize the extent of participation of our membership that weekend. Over 1,000 people attended our service of dedication. Saturday night?s gala, an extraordinary black tie affair was sold out with over 340 people in attendance. Our Torah walk had participation of all ages and included over 150 people. Truly this was an affair to be remembered. While this bulletin includes ?thank you? to the dozens and dozens of people who worked hard for this weekend and on our building project I would like to take a moment to thank a few people in particular. The Greenspun Family has shown us tremendous support over the years. Based on a handshake and a conversation with Jerry Gordon and myself, they committed land to our Congregation. Joyce Mack too showed tremendous faith in our Congregation. Without her generosity we could not have moved forward. Jerry Gordon has committed eight years of his life raising funds, working with contractors and designers and numerous other officials and lay leaders to insure that our Temple would be built. By his side were Bob Unger, his co-chair, and Scott Stolberg, our original NCC chair. They too gave countless hours of time and gave generously to insure our dream would be a reality. Yvonne Gordon and Stewart & Sharna Blumenfeld led a wonderful gala committee which produced a remarkable weekend of love and memories. Our architect Jon Sparer, our contractor Ze?ev Yacobovsky, Cleo Design, Jim Wadkins, and my dedicated staff led so ably by Irv Duchowny all worked so hard and gave of their talents to insure that our building would be a home reflective of Jewish ideals and a warm environment. Roberta Unger worked with lay and professional staff on many (2 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG details of the weekend as well. Philip Goldstein, Cookie Olshein and Craig Rosen worked very hard to insure that our service of dedication was filled with beautiful music and a liturgy that was inspiring. My wife Joni, CJ and Sam and extended family al have been so supportive over the years. Without their love and patience I could not have devoted this much time and energy to a project of this scope. Dangerous to thank a few, remiss not to thank some, I conclude by thanking all of our Congregants who gave from the heart to insure that our Congregation would be a home of welcome to everyone. yy '~j)csaek Qiit* tc tyetws TQaMi, "Philip, and the entile Sta^ \___ May Attractions ? 2 $ 5/4 Shabbat Unplugged Scholar-in-Residence 7:30 pm 5/11 Tot Shabbat 6:30 pm Shabbat Elonoring R/S Teachers 7:30 pm 5/12 Sisterhood Progressive Dinner 6:00 pm 5/17 Confirmation Consecration 6:30 pm 5/18 Confirmation Service 7:30 pm 5/20 Temple Picnic 12:30pm 5/23 Yiskor Service Office Closed 10:00am 5/28 Memorial Day - Office ClosedTemple Board President - Marla Letizia 1 VP Administration ~ Harry Sax VP Ways & Means - Michael Unger VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Member Recruitment -Jay Poster VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Treasurer - Gregg Solomon Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Michele Fendell Barry Lewisohn Jordie Primack I Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus-Lewis Daryl Alterwitz lllisa Polis Craig Kurtzman Mark Bromberg Laura Bailey, Sisterhood President CNTS istcrhood@cox. net Stu Solomon, Men?s Club President Megan Stolberg, NTTY President Mcganl22@cox.nct Past Presidents > Scott Stolberg Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater ^deceased Temple President, Marla Letizia At the writing of this letter, it is actually just a week since the opening of our new campus. The joy and emotion of each new history making event seems phenomenal. The first Shabbat was standing room only and we had to bring out an extra 50 to 60 chairs to accommodate everyone. Imagine our first Friday night having the feeling of a ?High Holy Day? service! There was great wonder in seeing everyone?s glistening eyes, smiling faces and awestruck delight at the first sight of the building and the grounds. There is continued satisfaction for all who participated in the building of the campus as well as for those who now enjoy and appreciate the fruits of the committee?s labor. Israeli dancing kicked off our first Shabbat and Shabbatone service in the social hall and the Purim Carnival had more than 400 congregants in attendance. We are now ready to shout out to the world to ?come and see what we have done, we open our hearts and the doors of our creation. We have infinite space, limited only by limitless imagination to turn and share our newfound light with the rest of our community?. We started with a vision, and when the vision became a reality, we realized that, through striving toward a common purpose, we were able to manifest our dreams. Both as individuals and as a congregation we all have the ability to create, support, and build our lives into splendor. Our new Greenspun Campus for Jewish Life, Learning and Spiritual Renewal provides all of these things, to all of us, at all ages and stages of our path. We have proven it can be done and continue to strive through providing education and programming for all ages. We built this magnificent temple and we are all stronger because of our amazing journey together. We started with a vision, we built reality, now...together, we dance. To Our CNT Family.... we hope that you have all had a chance to sec our new facility and appreciate it's beauty. We feel we have built something that will last for generations. We ask that at Onegs, B'nai Mitzvah parties or any function held here that everyone, especially our children, treat this new home with the respect a Sacred house of worship deserves. Your Temple Board C April 2007 D Just a Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist Although our Gala weekend is but a memory, it was a huge success. We all enjoyed the dinner and entertainment Saturday evening and the dedication service on Sunday. It took many months of committee planning and dreaming to put it all together and I'd like to say Thank you' to all the committees for their hard work. As for the musical part of it, I would specifically like to thank the Shabbatones, the Adult Choir with Choir Director John Smith, the Youth Choir with Choir Director Sherri Swezey, assisted by Lori Frankl, and Lillian Kollar our fabulous accompanist. With their help and devotion to the temple we were blessed with their talents on Sunday. I heard many wonderful comments about how well the Choirs and the Shabbatones blended together and the "sunshine" they brought to our lives that day. I am forever grateful to this caring and talented group of people. I look forward to many years here at Congregation NerTamid, growing with you all spiritually, religiously and helping to make your lives a little sweeter with our music. Opening! FALL 2007 Congregation Ner Tamid Early Childhood Education Center Ages 2 1A-5 Years (toilet-trained) $ Safe $ Nurturing $ Developmental^ Appropriate $ Jewish Music & Holidays $ Child - Centered Activities $ Jewish Values $ Licensed & Experienced Staff Your child?s first experience can set the tone for life! Open Houses Scheduled! Meet New Dir. of Early Childhood Education April 5 5:00-7:00 pm ~ April 13 6:30-7:30 pm April 15 10:00 am-Noon ~ May 5 5:00-6:00 pm Call for information or a registration packet (702)733-6292 Ask for Craig Rosen croscn(? RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DATES TO REMEM BE1 Apr 1-8 No Religious School - Spring Break Apr 22 4th Grade Family Ed Day - Israel Apr 29 5,h Grade Family Ed Day- Death May 4 Shabbat Service w/ Master storyteller Peninnah Schram May 5 ?A Havdallah Happening?? picnic with storyteller Peninnah Schram May 11 Teacher Appreciation Shabbat May 13 No Religious School - Mother?s Day May 18 Confirmation Shabbat service May 20 Final day of Religious School and picnic YOUTH GROUPS April 1 NTTY Teen Lounge Day Apr 13-15 NFT Y S W Spring Kallah - Phoenix, AZ May 6 TNT Swimming and Barbeque (5lh graders welcome to attend) May 6 NTTY Pool Party (8lh graders welcome to attend) GE WWW.LVNER.TAMID.ORG >Rebecca Schwartz April 14, 2007 Hello, my name is Rebecca Schwartz. I am currently in 7th grade at Alexander Dawson Middle School and enjoy dancing, rock climbing, and music. This past summer, our family traveled to the Sierra?s where my dad taught me how to fish. 1 am very good with computers and frequently told that I should become a programmer. I have one sister, Abby, who is 10 years old. My mitzvah project is to raise money for Jewish Family Services. I am looking forward to becoming a Bat Mitzvah in our new synagogue. Jeremy Curran April 21, 2007 Hi, my name is Jeremy Curran and I am in 7th grade at Warren Walker where I play percussion in the band. My hobbies are soccer and cooking. Please join my family and me as we celebrate this special day. Sarah Hechter April 28, 2007 My name is Sarah Hechter and I am an 8th grade honor student at Greenspun Jr. High and last summer I was inducted into the Na?tional Honor Roll for Outstanding Aca?demic Achievement. I will enter high school with three high school credits and hope to maintain an IB status at graduation. I hope to go on to become a lawyer or a judge. My hobbies are gymnastics & playing bass guitar for my school Jazz Band. I love hanging out with my friends at the movies or bowling lane. I am looking forward to shar?ing this special day with my family and invite you to join us as we celebrate my Bat Mitzvah. B?nai Mitzvah ~ R/S News Craig Rosen Director of Lifelong Learning We have made the journey to the Promised Land! I now know what our ancestors felt like after moving the Jewish community out of Egypt and wandering through the desert. What a great sense of joy it is to be in our new home. From our opening weekend to the Purim carnival and the other ?firsts? in the new building, it?s such an exciting time to be serving as your Director of Lifelong Learning. Now that spring is here, our holiday cycle moves us from Purim to Passover. Passover provides us with an opportunity to recreate the story of our people who were slaves in Egypt and through God became a free people. We take time at our Passover Seder to tell this story by using the Haggadah, eating certain foods, and celebrating our freedom. This holiday provides us with meaningful rituals like dipping our food into saltwater, eating Matzah and bitter herbs, and reclining while eating. I always like to embellish my seder with some other rituals like remembering the 10 plagues by decorating with plastic frogs at the dinner table, turning the water red with food coloring, and dressing up as Moses and having a discussion about freedom. There are many ways to make the seder something special for you and your family. I challenge you to be creative this year and have some fun with your Passover seder! I?d love to hear some of your ideas or rituals - please share them with me at and I can pass them along so that others may adopt them. Wishing you all a Happy Passover! PURIM Thank Yous' Many thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers and donors who made this year's Purim carnival so special. Over 50 volunteers came together to create such a memorable day. Special recognition goes to Beth Falk our Purim carnival chairperson for her tireless work in pulling the carnival together, and to our Religious School teachers for creating, decorating and staffing the booths. We also extend our appreciation to Cheryl Rayburn for soliciting many of our silent auction items and to Dolly Farrow for arranging for a number of our raffle prizes. Thank you to our Purim donors for helping to underwrite this years carnival: Simone & Jerry Schwartz, Elisa & Brian Katz and Family, Angela & Andrew Goldstein, Jana Pleggenkuhle, Judith & Kent Berkley, Jeffrey Eisenhart, and Gary & Mara Lieberman. April 2007 INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCES! IrvDuchowny, Executive Director We?ve just had our Opening Gala Weekend, and it was simply wonderful and incredible! From^|, ^ our Mezuzah hanging ceremonies, to our Gala dinner, to our Torah Walk, to our much-antici-^? pated Consecration Service, we have finally opened our new Synagogue, on the Greenspun || Campus for Jewish Life, Learning and Spiritual Renewal. Hundreds joined us for our Gala W Dinner, and hundreds again for our Torah Walk. We had over 1,000 people join us in our new l Mack Sanctuary for the Consecration service, and everyone who was there saw and felt the awesome emotional experience. For me, I know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I am so grateful that I could be a participant in so many aspects of our Opening. Since that incredible weekend, we have now also had our first Shabbat service in our new home, our Purim Carnival, our first Shabbatone service, and our first B'nai Mitzvah. In addition, we have finally moved the office into our new home, and we?re now in the process of making this beautiful building our home. Getting settled will take a long time, and this continues to be a very exciting time for all of us, both on staff and as congregants. In addition, we?ve also had many people contact us about joining as new members, and that is now on the top of my agenda, in meeting with all those who would like to join our CNT family. After all is said and done, I want to give a special ?Thank You? to our administrative staff - Lynette, Mary & Karen. These are the ladies who have helped us move out of Emerson Avenue facility, move into our temporary offices, move into King David for 15 months of services, and moved into our new home at ?55 North?. Hours upon hours ot preparation, packing, moving, and now, unpacking (again), while continuing to do the business of the temple. What a huge effort on everyone?s part - THANK YOU! We couldn't have done this without you. In addition. Rabbi, Philip, Craig, and Roberta have all also gone over and above in accomplishing everything - services have continued without^^ missing a beat, we had our ?traveling show? in ?06 for services, B'nai Mitzvot. and all life-cycle events. Well done, team! Now, as we move forward, we are gaining in membership while we adjust to our new home - as we all know, when anyone moves into a new home, it takes quite a while for the dust to settle and find everything we were so good about packing - now, if I can only find those files I so carefully packed .... Thank you to our Congregants for being so supportive and understanding during these times - we all look forward to seeing you here at our new home! ?4Y! Friday, April 13 @ 6:30PM - In Beit Tefillah Celebrate Israel Independence Day! ^ For Children Ages 2-5 Yrs Old & Their PaReNTS IMext Service is Friday, May 11 (I WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG >ADULT EDUCATION SECOND MONDAYS APRIL 16 (Third Monday of the Month) 7:00-7:00 PM "Music of the Holocaust" Instructor: Davida Handler Learn about some of the music produced - under unspeakable conditions - during the Holocaust. We will listen to Songs of the Ghettos, the Partisans, and Terezin. 8:00-8:50 PM HERMAN COHEN - Religion of reason LEO BAECK - Mystery and Commandment MARTIN BUBER - Religious Existentialism ABRAHAM HESCHEL- Mystic and Social Activist Instructor: Al Esbin May 14 7:00-7: 50 PM Film Shanghai Ghetto (Please view prior to class) Instructor: Pam Poster 8:00-8:50 PM FEMINIST JEWISH THEOLOGY Instructor: Al Esbin Classes are FREE of charge and open to the community. RSVP appreciated to office at 733-6292 or email Please look for our new brochure on the King David Memorial Garden Perpetual Rows of Remembrance and contact Irv if you?d like information as to how you can honor and respect those who have passed away. Taste of Judaism Thursdays at 7 pm April 19, 26 & May 3 \ 4 > Have family or friends that are curious about Judaism? Maybe you know someone who?s thinking of converting? This is the class for them! Various speakers will be briefly touching on Jewish life cycles, holidays and living Jewish. Please RSVP to Temple office so we can expect you. Judaism 101 Liturgy Series Saturday, April 21 @ 12:30 pm The Aleinu On Saturday afternoons during her visits. Rab?binic Intern Cookie Olshein has been offering a series of classes entitled ?Judaism 101.? These classes take place immediately following Torah Study from 12:30- 1:30 p.m. Participants will first discuss each prayer?s background and meaning, followed by time to practice the pronunciation of the words in each prayer. This is the sixth and final class in this series and will focus on the Aleinu. Hebrew reading is not required; translitera?tion will be provided. Those RSVP?ing Thursday before class will receive a CD containing the prayers discussed during that class so that participants can practice the reading/ chanting of these prayers at home. If do not RSVP, you may still attend the class, although no CD will be pre?pared for you to take home. RSVP?s for this class may be made by calling our Program Director, Nancy Weinberger, at CNT?s office (733-6292) or by e-mail- ing her at nweinberger@lvnertamid.ore. ----------------------------- ( April 2007 D Yahrzeits April 6 Ruth Bossak Sarah Brand Rudy Brooks Ruth Chasnick Richard Cohn James T Fratrick Ethel Futernick Margaret Goodheart Alfred Gratz Marvin Greenspan Sally Greenspan Richard Harris Bebe Herzog Nancy Helene Hughes Dr. Carl Kaufman Harold Kochberg Jack Kreisman Hyman Kuller Adele Lieberman Helen Maribos Tracy Morris Niles Osguthorpe Christine Penrod Wolf Reichel Larry Rutman Isidore Schuman M. Harry Shiroff Abraham Siegel Robert Stone Harold Stralser David Wanderer Murray Weidenfeld Henry Wolf Annie Zon Arthur Zucker IN MEMORIAM: Kenji Kayama, beloved brother of Anisia Wroobel Gene Brown, beloved husband of Andrea April 13 April 20 April 27 Jacob Adler Goldie Black Mollie Ackerman Esther Alter Belle Brenner Julius Brothman Elaine Catanzaro Mary Canter Phoebe Brown Marion Engel Nathaniel Chaiken Sara Diaz Carmona Gilbert Flores Sr. David Charach Irving Cohn Sarah Glickman Catherine Comer Marty Cooper Ida Gold Michael Cook Lillian Eisner Rosalyn Green Joseph Esbin Phyllis Freid Belle Greenspun Eddie Fishier Irving Goldbrener Frank Greensweig Alvin Glantz Fred Granich Hilda Klinger Mary Hallerman Henry J. Greenstein Bob Landun Bernice Kay Emanuel Grossman Joseph Leboff Kurt Klein Barbara Hildenbrand Bertha Lewin Lewis Klinger Dr. Jack Hirsh Herbert Lunenfeld Rosalie ?Roz? Kominsky Sheila Hoit Ida Marco Isadore Lazareck Mary Hollander Marlene Neafsey Sheryle R. Mettille Lewis Klinger Marian Polinsky Dora Nathanson Phil F. Krumholz Nettie Price Jack Novak Jack Kur Jennie Canes Rabin Sophie Pietsky Bessie Miller Ben Sandell Henry Ritchie Betty Miller Irving Schultz Sheila Rudnick Julius Moll Nell Searle Phil Seltzer Jean Myers Jean Seidman Penny Sheer Hermoine Nash Rose Seltzer Eugene Surowiec David Nyman Penny Sheer Ida Weinberg Victor Selinsky Kate Silber David Wright Lee Burger Shilepsky Amy Spector Lester Yolhck Blanche Smith Samuel Titen Sam Smith Lillian Wasserman Alan Tobman Dorothy Y. Werlin Joseph Unger Rabbi Stephen E Weisberg Isadore Wexler Leroy Lebovitz, beloved father of Bonnie Levy, beloved father-in-law of Michael and beloved grandfather of Megan, Jonathan and Brandon Shirley Helen Wert, beloved mother of Yvonne Gordon, beloved mother-in-law of Jerry Gordon and loving grandmother to Jeffery & Sara Helen Alterman, beloved mother of Keith Altennan, beloved mother-in-law of Sandra and loving grandmother of Rachael and Samantha Muriel Toffel, beloved mother of Fred Toflfel, beloved mother-in-law of Arlene and devoted grandmother of Rachael & Melissa Murray Posin, beloved husband of Sara, father of Mitchell, father-in-law of Anita, grandfather of Russell and Nicholas Marilyn Cohen, beloved wife of David (deceased), beloved mother of Fred, Stuart, Albert, Yehuda, Marcia and Debbie, beloved cousin-in-law of Sid Barasch, grandmother to 26, great-grandmother to 9 (I WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG > PASSOVER YISKOR 5 Passover Yiskor Service ~ April 9, 2007 at 10:00 am If we need to add someone's name, please contact Karen Levine in the office at 733-6292. Rabbi Sidney Akselrad Helen Altcrman Joaqnina Alvarez Rebecca Becker Leo Beigelman Katherine "Kitty" Blatchjord Dubby Bernstein Gene Brown James Cassatta Nathan Chad dick Mike Chevalier David Cohen Marilyn Cohen Ira Epstein Charles Etcoff Gertrude Fesslcr Mary Fox June Frank Harris Goldstein David Greenberg Belle Greenspun Emanuel Grossman Richard Harris Sandy Hayman Mervyn Hergott Jack Hirsh Ben Hoffman Jenny Ingber Sue Kabakov Selma Katz Kcnji Kayama Austin Koehler Max Lax Leroy Lebovitz Phil Levy Stanley Liebman Sidney Marco Richard Matthews Sidney Mayman Julius Moll Bernice Nadelman Hania Oderbcrg Maer Parness Brett Pcrlmuttcr Murray Posin Elaine Primaek Fran Rieger Shayna Rosenberg Ellen Rosenbloom Jack Ross Estelle Rousso Leonard Rudner Diane Schwartz Victor Selinsky Melvin Sernoe Fred Sherman Irene Sparage Muriel Toffel Paulina Trupp Roy Trupp Shirley Helen Wert Ernestine Wiesenfeld Barry Wilins Stuart Zatlin ?x *4*1. % if.: J _ v WBR ? / A pril 2007 D Ongoing Monthly Programs JACS 6 pm at Temple Office Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent persons and Significant others will once again be meeting at the temple office every Thursday. Alzheimers Support Group BEGINNING APRIL 10TH @ 6:30 PM Second Tuesday of Each Month Group is open to all caregivers, family and friends of loved ones with Alzheimer's. Together we will find a way to cope with the continuous struggle of this disease. For more information contact Carol Hecht at 617-6430. Rosh Chodesh/Women's Study Friday, April 20th 6:45 pm In the Beit Tefillah Join us before services for a provocative women's study group. We will discuss holidays, lifecycle events, the women in the Bible and how they effect our lives. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. Shabbat Transportation For Seniors Now Available! Transportation to the first Shabbat service of each month here at CNT for any senior citizen wanting to worship in the Las Vegas/Henderson area. Please contact Nancy Weinberger in the temple office 733- 6292 for more information or to make arrangements for a ride. This program is coordinated by the CNT Chesed Committee through a grant from the United Jewish Community /Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. A Special ?Thank You? To Weiss Restaurant Deli-Bakery 2744 V Green Valley Pkwy. In Henderson For Donating the Challah For Shabbat Services ( ^ Congregant of Year cont. from pg. 1 20 years ago from Columbus, OH. After spending a short time "shul shopping?? and fortunately for us? they made a commitment to join CNT. Bette describes David as a devoted husband, father and grandfather. Together they have three children-two sons and a daughter- and five grandchildren-four grandsons and one granddaughter. With a degree in engineering, spe?cifically in nuclear materials, David continues con?sulting part-time and teaching at UNLV. He enjoys woodworking and playing bridge, which he has also taught to Temple members and working on the elec?tric train set he maintains for his grandchildren?s en?joyment. He even finds time in his busy schedule to referee soccer games! Bette speaks lovingly of her husband when she credits him for encouraging her to pursue her Master?s Degree in Education. She is his biggest fan and knows full well how deep his devotion to our congregation runs, telling me, ?'David loves working for the Temple in any way that he can. It brings him much happi?ness.? That is certainly evident in all the time he un?selfishly devotes to our congregational family, by set?ting a sterling example for long-time members as well as new members and for always finding time to take on one more task. He is truly an inspiration to us all. Please join us on Friday, April 13th as we honor this most deserving congregant. Mazel tov, David! 10 WWW.LVNEHTAMID.ORGGala Opening Memories To view more pictures, long on to the links below: I V :.f * l E W H ' . A pril 2007 ?D A Huge ? Thank 1 bn' to those who helped with Green Valley Ranch Casino, Resort & Spa for it?s tremendous leadership in supporting our Gala Bank of Nevada for it?s tremendous leadership in supporting our Gala Greenspun Media Group for it's assistance with our Gala Commemorative Journal Alan Creel & Creel Printing for their printing our Gala Commemorative journal Jaki Baskow for providing Gala entertainment Harrah?s Entertainment for allowing us to use their tables, chairs and heaters CNTs Men?s Club for organizing Sunday morning?s Torah Walk Brad Lennox & the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity brothers from UNLVfor assisting in the Torah Walk Norm Kaufman for donating the ?Torah Walk? buttons Cheryl &Alex Hazanfor donating the bottled water Carol & Howard Strong for donating the volunteer?s sweatshirts Ron Slocum & uBloomers? for providing the bimah flowers David Weinstein for the photography during Sunday?s events Paul Kcssin for videotaping Sunday?s events All Around Video - Carl Pride & Dave Tipton Jim Wadkinsfor his audio/visual assitance Gary Bordman & ?Absolute Amusements? for providing lights & sound and for providing the children?s activities on Sunday Harry Sax and ?Arby?s? for providing snacks for Sunday?s events Howard Layfer and Ocean Spray for donating refreshments on Sunday All the Docents for providing tours and answering quesitons Peter Reveen and Lance Burton for Sunday?s entertainment King David Memorial Chapel & Cemetaryfor hosting us during our journey to our new home and for their continued support: Ken Knauss, President Palm Mortuaries & Memorial Parks; Allen Brewster, Founder & Chairman and Jay Poster, Founder & Manager King David Memorial Chapel & Cemetary, All the NCC Committee Members Jerry Gordon, Esq., NCC Chair Bob Unger, Esq., NCC Construction & Design Chair Scott Stolberg, Founding NCC Chair All the Gala Committee Gala Co-Chairs - Yvonne Gordon, Sharna and Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Adult and Youth Choirs Melissa Lemoine, Processional Coordinator And... to ALL the volunteers who have brought us to this special day the weekend festivities April 2007 B ) Peninnah Schram, internationally known storyteller, teacher, author, and recording artist, will be Congregation NerTamid's Scholar-in-Residence May 4 & 5. Peninnah Schram is Associate Professor of Speech and Drama at Stern College of Yeshiva University and Azrieli Graduate School. Peninnah is the author of seven books of Jewish folktales, including Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another and Stories Within Stories: From the Jewish Oral Tradition. She also recorded a CD, The Minstrel and the Storyteller, with singer/guitarist Gerard Edery. She is a recipient of the prestigious Covenant Award for Outstanding Jewish Educator. Peninnah has been awarded the National Storytellers Network 1999 Circle of Excellence Award and, most recently, the 2003 Lifetime Achievement Award. Ms. Schram, considered the doyenne of storytelling, was instrumental in bringing storytelling to the national Jewish scene through the Storytelling Network, which she established in cooperation with the Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE). She has appeared as a featured storyteller at major conferences and festivals, including the National Storytelling Festival (NAPPS) in Jonesborough, Tennessee. Ms. Schram founded the Jewish Storytelling Center in 1984 and brought it to the 92nd Street Y two years later. The Center presents Storytelling Workshops and the Jewish Storytelling Newsletter. She travels across the United States and internationally, presenting storytelling workshops and performing stories and folktales drawn from a variety of Jewish and non-Jewish sources. Among the Jewish stories included in Ms. Schram's repertoire are legends, parables and folktales from the bible, Talmud and midrash; Hasidic and Yiddish tales; and stories from Sephardic and Israeli sources. Ms. Schram's most recent book is Stories Within Stories: From the Jewish Oral Tradition. She has produced plays for adults and children, narrated two radio series and recorded several audio and video cassettes, including six folktales on the CD The Minstrel and the Storyteller: Stories and Songs of the Jewish People, performed with singer/ guitarist Gerard Edery. Ms. Schram is a recipient of the prestigious Covenant Award for Outstanding Jewish Educators from The Covenant Foundation and The Circle of Excellence Award from the National Storytelling Network. She received her B.A. from the University of Connecticut and her M.A. from Columbia University. Ms. Schram grew up in Connecticut and first heard stories from her father, who was a cantor who told her biblical and midrashic tales, and her mother, who shared with her the proverbs and folktales of the Jewish people. She now resides in New York. Please join us for a wonderful weekend of learning and fun May 4 & 5 as we welcome Peninnah Schram as our Scholar-in-Residence. This program is sponsored by the Oscar Alterwitz Memorial Fund. WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORGAPRIL 2007 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday