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    DORCAS II-4-23 Rev.4/27/82 Rev. 5/11782 And separate bedrooms. SARAH Milly, what are we going to do all winter? LIZA What are we going to do? MILLY Be strong! RUTH But what are we going to do the rest of the time? MILLY Why we?╟╓ve got plenty to do. We'll tend to the house, make new clothes for ourselves... and for the baby. (ALL the GIRLS react) MARTHA Baby! What baby? MILLY Mine and Adam's. GIRLS (ad lib) Oh Milly. How wonderful etc etc. When?╟╓s In the A baby Milly, No. LIZA the baby cornin'? MILLY spring. ALICE in the spring. How romantic! DORCAS does Adam know? MILLY (after a pause) ALICE Oh, Milly. That's terrible. How come he didn't know? MILLY Well Alice, I didn't think it was time to tell him. I figured I'd better wait 'til things worked out between us.