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    J C C -M r . S . S . B e n n e Mr. L. H. Maag I A S TBG AS LAND MMD WATER C O H P A IT i • • M *«!«*, 8 a llfe *a ia M y X, X95fc Mr* ftom a A* ONspWflll* ^raaidant I n Tu m Valla? « tn r B ia tria l 135 towto I ^ i street lM T«0M, * • « * * i » r Hf* Oaaptoll* S tom town adrlaad tto l Wm Im aafar a f im Urn fayaa watar aratm la $£& waa tad*? tto l toa Fraliadaaxy M « i a# fl,2 9 9 f9 M I.^ Mm to w p lA S «C P ««IH t n w w - aparatlaa la eaaplatiB* toa tm ia fa r a t to la M m . la S tora heretofore told yew, m ara i4 U la g to tom Mr. Ntof wmmim to Urn Vagaa tmp&r&rtly *1 Ito a to m af toa B ia tria l fa r t o yaryaaa « f M d tila g Mr* B w tfiw la toaaai ag fa a lH a r with t o im part?* Nr. m*&** aalary ia $575 * m ato, md bta aapamaa fa r to# Xato ytar torn am *»*a* til® * m ato. 8a that tto ra aa? to a d « fla ita mdarataadiitg w ild raapaat to Mr* t o l 't aarviaaa, I atoaid Ilk a to tom jnm m fiiR t o to llaw tat to to it o t to st Mr. May w ill rm alft oa toa payroll « f Mm toa Vsgaa toad and to la r to p w md to ll m l toaam aa a v to to •? Mia B ia tria l, to w ill ranala a l toa fayaa fa r atoh t o p n iy yarlad aa Mm B ia trle t wlohao to r Mm p tm a t a f m M i M m to . Senator fta toooain* to a tiia r with Mu» aparatlaaa a f toa walar pradafttlea aad d talrlto ti© ft eyataai, to l m lM M r to aar toa toa Vaym toad aad to la r Gaapas? a to ll tom aa? vaapasafttdUt? with raapact la Mm wanagaatnl a f Mm watar ayato®. toaa raoalpt af M U tto rafa r Mm B ia tria l M U raiatoaraa toa toa toga* toad aad to la r flaapapy fa r Mr. feag'a salary a f $575 par mato aad fa r fe&a aattol axpaaaaa, m l la amaad $$51 par m ato, darts* such parted of tim .aa to aay ram i a a l toa Yagaa a l Mm rapMa* a f toa B ia tria l fa r Mm parpaada ito a m H a t o I f Mm torayaing ia a a tief eatery la Mm B ia tria l, w ill yaw piaaaa alga and raters Mm aaalaaaA aapy a f to la X allar. I torn aakad lir. toa« la M # tis U with Hr, Saadtow to r ito