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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. 6. m . Cory #2 to construct approxlmately 10 lineal feet of 6 * oast Iron fire hydrant eonneetioa. the estimated cost of constructing said mains and fire hydrant connection te $7070. Subdivider agrees to deposit $7070 upon execution of contract, stake lines and furnish 'Si i necessary easement. Company agrees Upon execution of agreement, receipt of $7070 and necessary easement, to construct mains consisting of approximately 1180 lineal feet of 8 * and 520 lineal feet of 8 * cast iron water mains and 10 lineal feet 6 * cast iron fire connection. To refund to Subdivider at quarterly intervals 38# of the revenue received from customer* located within the area outlined in green taking direct service from the water mains installed hereunder for a period of 10 years or until the Subdivider has been repaid the actual cost of the water mains (exclusive of the cost of said fire hydrant connection) so advanced by it, which ever first occurs. Other usual conditions except that the first two lines of page 2 of the standard form of agreement should refer to*Rule 9 on file with the Public Service Commission of the State of Mevada approved August 24, 1951.* fan prists are attached for use in preparing agreement• Will you also please prepare easement from the Southrldge Development Company to the Water Company for necessary rights of way descriptions of which are attached. W. H. Johnson