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MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, HELD IN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROOM OF THE DISTRICT OFFICE, 919 WEST BONANZA ROAD, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, COUNTY OF CLARK, STATE OF NEVADA A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Las Vegas Valley Water District was held in the Board of Directors Room of the District Office, 919 West Bonanza Road, Las Vegas, Nevada. President Thomas A. Campbell called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M., Tuesday, February 7, 1956. The following Directors were present: Thomas A. Campbell G. William Coulthard Harry E. Miller C. Norman Cornwall S. R. DuBravac R. E. Thorn William L. Rosevear Also present: W. C. Renshaw, Jewel Barkhuff, Mary Jean Barozzi and George E. Harris of the Las Vegas Union School District, John Bunch, Ira Carter, Bill Peyton and Jeanne Houssels representatives of the Whitney Water Company s &t.f. df PROPERTY - HIGH SCHOOL President Campbell announed that the first business before the Board was consideration of sale of property to the School District. He noted the presence of Mr. George E. Harris who was representing the Las Vegas Union School District. The President explained that since he was not present during recent discussions with the School Board, he would asked Director Coulthard or Manager Renshaw to discuss the matter. At the request of Director Coulthard, Manager Renshaw explained that the school had recently obtained an appraisal on a second parcel of District land, but that they had not made a definite decision as to which parcel they would purchase. In a recent telephone conversation Mr. R. Guild Gray, Superintendent of Schools, had requested an opportunity to discuss with the Board, the possibility of holding the parcels until the school was able to purchase one. Mr. Harris stated that while a definite decision had not been made, the School Board seemed to favor the last parcel appraised. The School does not have funds available at the present time to purchase either parcel, but he felt they would have the funds within the next 18 months. He asked the Board on what terms and conditions it would deal with the School. Following a general discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that since the District had no immediate plans to sell the parcels other than to the school, it would give the School a two year option on both parcels. They felt the