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    RTHE ORIGINAL _ omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?╟÷ * 220 W. 19th St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. |Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 This Clipping From -New York?╟÷Day by Day- T^owiiig the Book *By Frank FarrelL Frank Farrell fof that gold-lined The New York State Crime Commission will get around to giv-i Ing former Sun and Pulitzer Prize reporter Mike Johnson public credit) i for dock-walloping investigative leadsjlhat stepped right out of pages lwk-^?╜- ?╟≤---/?√ß <&- i of his book, "Crime on the Labor. Front." But Mr. Johnson doesn't know about it yet. He's been out R. Ruark's way with Africa's uprising Mau Maus. .-. . Gussie Moran won another set, from industrialist Milton Steynas^^0iiW^d splints he had 'fo1 wear afte^^pPorlier tenn% shots cracked three oVJaiM0IK . . . London nib-king Siegi Sessler Rjj^pPnome with .enough M"21 's" iitchen ?√ß egu^^pnt to open a ? toanctfr of that saloon iu?╜?╜^FBritish capital. . .g^fr Tallulah BankhJKdjfjlraws the pay friends^Uk about for herj|fa|pfeeks at ^he^ands^J^OOO per, then :. thJ^aljKt; war is on in, Lapffegas. Innkeepers I J^rcnlejfhad, a truce notrtpj^o over 15G for personalities. . .'. Ad-pan Mn Friede seemsJpn&e getting over his part- ling with Natalie JEa acdjbss Barbar^^^ord Cook with whom he's j burning oil in tSe Yiennese^U^Sern these midnights. ... Luise ^Rainer apparently\|^||jajgi|W^PTV is here to stay. \ The former film | heavy is being offerecFW channels by an agency. . . . Cafe rounders I wonder, where the district attorney will find a jury of his peers for! sMickeygJelke?╟÷12 millionaires measuring under 5-feet-4. Y - .* * * 4 MGM scenarist Helen Deutsch who dug up "King Solomon's jMines" and other hits, is most excited about her forthcoming "Lili." iHer first song-composing's in it and to Tin Pan Aljey the- tune | sounds like a jukebox jingler. . . -.^^^m-om If that knockout on wks Danger looked too real, perhaps it was. The prop bottle failed to breakaway and victim Lewis Charles wound up with a helmet of bandage and adhesive. . j. . Gloria Swanson's being talked about for "Pal Joey's" leadings lassie in Paris production. - .^Sp Showgal iDell Parker has been ordered to drop all cosmetics ufatil doctors : courtright can ascertain wh#fc:goo has been N ---UK giving her serious eye trouble. . . . Philly's swank Bachelors Club will stage its annual roi&this weekend in Atlantic City's Dennis Hotel J with Meyer, J3ay^irap)Le(' bandstand. ... Paramount board chairman Adolph Zukpr gefesp^pther golden jubilee dinner on this seaboard (for his pioneering aJroeSu years in the motion-picture industry. Internationally ariety Clubs are sponsoring the clambake set for the I Waldorf M^eh'4.^. . .Pianist Vera Franceschi's <jlick on the key- aboard has funded 'fee^the top musical notti, a concert with the !Philharmo^^'Syrh^&Qr^ Saturday. ... On the Irox: Scotland's Duke of Rdxburgn^gsuSg to evict his wife frqm the castle. | A Crossley poll and Schaefer's brew confirm what Rheingold1 I-Philip Liebmann has been telling me for years?╟÷that women buy more beer than men.Msome ways. Seems 51 percent of the lager poured in NYC homes is selected and purchased by women. That' why males usually guess wrong, forecasting winners of the annual brau-girl contests?╟÷because the face that wins is always one-that appeals to housewive^Kho cast most of the votes. .. . Thrush Rosalind Courtright posters from her current Miami assignment: "All the horseplayer Wants down here is pallor, betroom and bath." . . . !Other early Florida vacationers advise some gambling wheels are* spinning, but getting to them is like gaining admission to Fort Knox. ?║ Bankhead ^ESTABLISHED 188S BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York HOUSTON, TEX. PRESS Circ. D. 88,618 v DEC 261952 %WNCtal ILETTA and LORETTA TOWNSEND At Angelo's * . . ^ana uefoe tar~ lone did their Christmas cooking at home?╟÷ turkey pizza! Naturally . . . Navy ?╟≤ Academy- man Ray Bright Jr. and secktry Gloria Bell a Christmas twosome . . . Albert Gee gifted newsmen and their wives with chopsticks and rice bowls (China, what else!) . .g. The Picture: It's twins Iletta and Lor- etta Townsend. Both are school teachers and snapped wnile dining at Angelo's ... Did we report that radio exec Fred Nahas arranged I and emceed some 15 Christmas shows in the last week for various homes, charity groups? That's why he's dead for Christmas . . . j Volunteers of America's Maj. J. F. Fuller still beaming over the gifts which poured- into their program (toys for 1500 kids yesterday at Tay- I lor School). And he has a special beam for Ken Grant and the KNUZ pluggers . . . Post Women's Ed Marjorie Paxson and family saved their annual holiday party for Monday . . . ?╟≤ * ^'M^ COSMOPOPULACE . . . Oilman Dale Moore and Merle off this week j to NY and a Waldorf New Year's Eve soiree . . . Houston Retail Grocers toss their "Holiday Hop" Sunday eve in the Glamrock's Hall of 1 Exhibits. They'll serve "grocers' steaks." ?╟? That is, hot dogs . . . ! Passersby still stopping to watch clerks w#?·k in the window of old David's store. They list Harris, Upham staiek averages h^QSH^s. , . ) Memo to- CVL: Understand some folks sent their enemies* copies of | Edna Ferher's "Giant" for Christmas . . . Bookman Ted Brown reports I some 15 or 20 thousand copies Of "Spindletop" sold nationally thus far. Very good!.... A leading airlines wired delicatessener Alfred. Kahn to send his best Christmas package to new Federal S?╜f|rity^ Administrator Oveta Culp Hobby! . . .Entertainment bOokie Lillian McCardell hostessed her annual wee hours Yule party for all show folk from midnight Weds, to 10 ayem yesterday morn . . ^jfjll ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ n FOTOFLASH?╟÷ And this is G. FON- DUWARD and wife EVALYN, at Cousin's. He's with United Gas. ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ HOUTOgp?·.v. McClendcjIpfeaity partner Jim Russell threw a huge party . Jp^bilman Morris Jfankel guest of Jakie Freedman's at the SandsJPXas >Vega?║,..,. Jjfe last UH Cougar reported student drinking f'TliSUIoSecf bjgrfive-year study at Yal^ijSays four out of j fivifeollege men whprdrink began drinking before entering college I "J Museum ofJ0oe Arts lecturer Stella Shurtleff has arrived in p|as afterJb&prear's tour of~Yurrop. She comes back to work here j " , W. W/Mpough of Minimax was on yesterday's special IDhris11S?║P15ay videocaM^or Mutual of Omaha. She talked with her { ison, Hospital Mate 2/c Kenneth Buhler, who is sick in.England . . . j Frank (Poncho) Womack, the ex-Texas athlete, is home for the holi- j days. He now coaches basketball at Camp Chaffee, Ark. . . . Song- { writer Fill Sondock off for Hollywood, Fla.> for the New Year's ... WLm * * * (ffii-- DIARY OF A MAN ABOUT TOWN . . . Random Jottings: Look- [ big over the Christmas loot and?╟÷eureka!?╟÷an amazing thing to report. All our Christmas ties are in amazing taste, wearable, and show extraordinary ability on the part of the person who selected them.' This has never happened before! . . . We're very proud of Mister Jackson and the Rt. Hon. Mister Hemingway, our irrepressible pups, for their nonchalance and good manners this Christmas. They tore up only a few packages under the tree and contained their excitement admirably, so admirably that it was only necessary to get the mop once or twice . . . Our lads, tho, Lord love 'em, just couldn't keep those wild animal spirits down. By the time you read this, I think it will be necessary to tie them down for a while so that they don't just excite themselves to death . . . And there were many, many blessings this year. I'm thankful and very prou4 (?╟≤ i Jiliiii&5371 PRESS Cl^^^^pREAU 165 Churcrj^^Pgmw York Circ. D. ^^^^^'03f550 JifWiti. Hollywood Highlights: Whiting to Join List Of Singers in Movils i lAjjte'By LOUELLA O. PARSONS1 Motion/-Picture Editor, International News Seryi^ ItA' I tried to crowd so many things I wanted to do into a space-of a few hours. Now I'm back in 'N^jjrasrk with the inauguration a happy memory. I thoroughly enjoyed lunching at the Seriate as the guest of :?╜fif&> Malone, wife of the Senator from Nevada. The Senator dropped in for a^brief moment and I had a chance to ask him a ..few questions about what will happen in the Korean situation, etc. At the luncheon were the two attractive wives of our Cah> fornia Senators, Mrs'. Knowland and Mrs. Kuchel. Mrs. William Randolph Hearst Jr.'s yellow hatand-gle^^were much admired, and Mrs. Robert McCormJck told me thj|i$tie had persuaded Bootsie to buy them at Bess-Benn in Chicago. Mrs. Edgar Eisenhower, who says her husband is the hand-? somest of the President's brothers, told me that she is th.e one who asked to call me Louella. Went from the luncheon to keep an appointment gat our Hearst offices where I saw two of my favorite people, Inez Robb and George Dixon, who agreed with me that it's a good||&fiig the inauguration comes only every four years. !rffirtg?║^^^% I went to thank David Sentner, wh^^Mled my cjpy so efficiently, and visited the Times-HeraJ^m'the same pilding. NOW IT'S MARGARE WHITING joining the list < recording stars in the movies- count 'em, Rosemary "*"""v> Johnnie Ray anl^JcF And you ain't .heard yet. Agr. Margaret will; pla^^er own mother, Mrs, i^ichjf^Whitingr in Roy Rowland^firidependent musical base'd cp the Ujei"VJM Maggie's?·s60Ba I?║>s e r - f; Richard^hitln||gwM(^rote ''Japan^'pandmanr^sBeyond the B^K';Horizon,"' and "Hone^??g Stil^^ther surprise:.Ss that Davirpiiwne will play Richard Whi^^fehd he'll-sing. Why not^l^iwarbled. on the stage in "iili's Rainbow" and did all rljfflffVvJ*'' The?╜p$-of' th^WJiiting story is "M^p|al,'" taken from another of InOong hits. Rep! acement? MARIO LANZA WAS OF- ED $20,000" a^pek by the cepted. (An||ihey say he's getting betfepr???) Ther#ts a hot rumor around Hoh^iood that Brian Sullivan, Metropolitan star, will be put ^ffi "The Student Prince" in Mario's place. I don't believe it. There's too much etijpl up in Lanza's songs on the sound track, recorded before he went AWOL. *?╟≤?╟≤ * * f&jpo^ HAD A NICE CHAT WITH Allan Jones sand Irene Hervey at the Inaupral Ball. Allan, looking none the worse for wear from his long road totir with: "Guys and Dolls," lauded: ?╟≤ "Guess Tvllhit the J&ekpot,; Louella. After this privilege of singing for President Eisenhower, I'll have the privilege of singing for Queen Elizabeth at the Coronation.*' V Irene and Allan leave April 6 Y LAST DAY IN WASHltfQTON WAS Jf|f as hectic./ I PRESS CLIPPING BjUf^AU 165 Church Street;- Ne^^ork VARIE^^ NEW YORK (WU^ J/Mf 1953 ir Stow), %andsfuas^^ ^?√ß?√ß?√ß'^?√ßii?iL^*<^/v^> Lena Horrie^ {with Lennie Hi (12), B0>W Strane, Peggw<\ 9 Chlco, Rayjmatm Orctyg *o - couer or igmnimum. Jy-Q / ^r^ Momentum of J^Vy%^ 1*??$^ opening in mi4dT^>.^/v^<V ?? the posh ho%omo?<i/J*/-'**/<?√ß of the annuJ^^V ?·% * and with^r^^/g^V P ?╟≤%'*> tine7V^<& o**A '&%$?· ,> %P , Peggy Dietribr?^^. %^f<^ .%??$, V former, with Stran>sfe^gl*,/^<?% %*/ of gypsy in latter. Joy Hfe^^ ^ t%Jr in the Magyar episode 'with "t^/<wr heel-and-toe. Arnold Ross, long known in ] jazz circles as one of the better j pianists, gives Mtss Horne all the /S&is keyboard know-how, *?·%> her drummer, fur- *<J background neces- tay Sinatra scores with Will, t RTHE ORIGINAL ^ omeikF PDFCC CLIPPINGS ?√ß?√ß 220 W. 19th St., NE WllMRK 11, N.Y. Tel. CHelsea ^B60 Cir. (S 676,066) This Clipping From BOSTON, MASS. ADVERTISER Abu Fraier [Tallulah's Wage Now ?5;G's Weekly SUNDAY MPORTMENT?╟÷ Daffy La^?╜-.-.Vegas, will pay ifeLULAH |2^P' a week for three weeks. She'll perform in May at the Sands^fer !gk where Bostonian*"^ IHWE- SINATRA, first, cousin, of Frankie, leads th^band. ?·&-s her first night sjtpt booking ... JO BAI^pfe-foot Milton mite, . has- -..joined BARBARA Af0.^mfrt in the Holly wood Ice'Revue at Madison Sq. Clal&pL!.'/JTCRgME- .?╟÷^, ^smmam ROHBiK3 is Ifrtown to add some polish to the dances in JOBARNUM Joins Ice Revue ?╟? JSKui'Town" (Shubert) . . ." HELENVHAYES will i be at the Press Club tomorrow, 5 to 7 p. m "On Borrowed Time" (Wilbur) has a new director, MARSHALL 1 JftMISQNv-wfro wor&s for JOSH LOGAN.