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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 22, 2001






Includes meeting minutes and agenda, along with additional information about bylaws. CSUN Session 31 (Part 2) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac001068. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President Steph Davy SENATE AGENDA MEETING 31-33 Monday, October 22, 2001 MSU 201, 6:00PM Monica Moradkhan Senate President^ro-Tem^^ jq QRDER Education Samra Dayani II. Urban Affairs Sarah Bowers Business Chris Powell Education Lisa Fleming Liberal Arts Katie MacDonald Hotel Administration Ken Aoki V. Student Development Jessica Zarndt Health Services Shawna Hughes Fines Arts Cara Chasin Sciences Aaron Dunning Education Tony Salsaa Business Alyson Ling Business Luke Bowland Engineering Rocco Gonzalez Liberal Arts Jason Schrock Education Giselle Stewart Urban Affairs Scott Fauske Hotel Administration Nicole Reddick Business Lauren Miller Student Development Nicholas Farrety Health Sciences Anisa Izzolo Hotel Administration Glenn Butler Liberal Arts ROLL CALL III. ANNOUNCEMENTS IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 31-29, 31-30, and 31-32 BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Business Manager Report D. Directors' Reports Michael Bond- Office of Student Information A1 Heck- Nevada Student Affairs Davin Hill- Rebel Radio Ali Laman-Lyons- Elections Joseph Lucchese- Entertainment & Programming Kelly Martinez- CSUN Services E. Liaison Reports Greek Advisory Multicultural Student Affairs Residence Hall Association Student Athletics Student Health Advisory Committee UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of changes to Bylaw 21 (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR POWELL; CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • FAX (702) 895-4606 VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of Senator Izzolo serving on the Ways & Means Committee. As submitted by SENATOR LING; B. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $500.00 to A.C.D.A. for the Choral Department's Fall Concert at Artemus Ham Concert Hall (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; C. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $300.00 to the Chinese Students & Scholar Association for a traditional moon-cake festival for the UNLV Community (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; D. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $500.00 to the College Republicans for start-up costs for their club (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; E. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $300.00 to the Financial Management Association for organizational, community service, employer functions, social events, and guest speaker events (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; F. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $500.00 to the Student Sports Marketing Association for the purchase of sweatshirts and shorts to identify members of the organization at the UNLV athletic events (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; G. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $500.00 to the UNLV Tennis Club for T-shirts, tennis balls, and a social event (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; H. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $500.00 to the UNLV Young Democrats for T-shirts, a banner, and printing costs (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XL ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. SENATE BYLAW 21 CSUN ENTERTAINMENT AND PROGRAMMING BOARD (Effective November 21, 1987; Revised October 7, 1992) I. PURPOSE The purpose of the Entertainment and Programming Board (E & P) shall be to obtain, schedule, administer, and publicize CSUN sponsored activities, entertainment, and social events. II. STRUCTURE The E & P Board shall consist of the following: A. The Director, who shall be nominated by the Executive Board and approved by the Senate; B. The Assistant Director(s), who shall be selected as prescribed by Articles IX, Section E, Item 1, of the CSUN Constitution; C. At least five (5) but no more than [ten (10)] thirty five (35), CSUN members, at least three (3) of whom must be Senators. III. DUTIES, POWERS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ENTERTAINMENT AND PROGRAMMING A. The Director: 1. The duties of the Director shall be as those as described in Article IX , Section D, of the CSUN Constitution; 2. The Director shall vote only to break a tie. B. The Assistant Director: 1. The duties of the Assistant Director shall be as those as described in Article IX , Section D, of the CSUN Constitution; C. The Board: 1. Budgetary Authority: a. The Board shall review the budget prepared by the Director; b. All budgets must be approved by the Board prior to their submission to either the Ways & Means Committee, the Senate, or any other body as appropriated. 2. The Board may establish any necessary subcommittees, the chair of which must be a Board member; 3. The Entertainment and Programming Board shall establish an Operating Policy to be approved by both the E & P Board and the Senate. Minutes Meeting 31-33 Monday, October 22, 2001 MSU 201, 6:00PM I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY calls meeting 31-33 to order at 6:05pm; II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Monica Moradkhan Sarah Bowers (Excused) Sarnra Dayani Jason Schrock (Excused) Chris Powell Glenn Butler (Excused) Lisa Fleming * (6:45pm) Katie MacDonald Ken Aoki Jessica Zarndt Shawna Hughes Cara Chasin Aaron Dunning Tony Salsaa * (6:14pm) Alyson Ling Luke Bowland Rocco Gonzalez Giselle Stewart Scott Fauske Nicole Reddick * (6:40pm) Lauren Miller Nicholas Farrey Anisa Izzolo * Denotes tardiness III. ANNOUNCEMENTS SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY- The last meeting of the session is next Monday, October 29t h , and it is tradition to have a few joke items on the agenda. We usually get bombarded so you can submit those to her tomorrow by 5pm and she will choose which are appropriate for the agenda and how many. Also give a copy to the Senate Secretary; APPROVAL OF MINUTES None; BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports SENATOR LING- Ways and Means was held today and everything passed unanimously. We can just combine and approve everything if no one sees any problems. She will be happy to answer any questions; SENATOR POWELL- Bylaws Committee did not meet today. The bylaw is on the agenda because it was tabled last week; B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports None; C. Business Manager Report- Pam Levins $275.00 to CCD for co-sponsorship of the T-shirt purchased by CCD in conjunction with orientation, $267.98 to Office Depot for toner for the laser printers in senate chambers and the directors' offices, $200.00 to Market Card, Inc. for 5,000 Real World flyers, $414.11 to Boise Cascade for a transcriber, cassettes, batteries, and Xerox paper, and $484.99 to Boise Cascade for 400 dozen pencils totaling $1,642.08; D. Directors' Reports Michael Bond- Office of Student Information The Real World is next Monday the 29t h . Because there was a report about the lack of advertising for Rebel Ruckus we are going to survey students to see what they read most and what is the best way to reach them. The E&P Board came up with the idea to start a newsletter; SENATOR STEWART- She thought they did a good job advertising. She sees the posters everywhere and they are on every window. The people that would complain probably don't live in this area; A1 Heck- Nevada Student Affairs There was a Board of Regents meeting last week. One of the issues affecting UNLV students was whether or not to up the GPA requirements from 2.5 to 3.0. The item was tabled. The Military Reserve Bill passed. The Real World Forum is Monday October 29t h at 7pm. Joe has done a phenomenal amount of advertising for this event. The Real World cast members will be on the radio earlier that day along with the posters and IV. V. flyers that are already up. In addition there will be tables in the MSU and the Dining Commons and a display in Pita Plaza. Please submit any questions you have for the Real World members even if you cannot attend; SENATOR SALSAA enters at 6:14pm; SENATOR ZARNDT- Wants to know if there is a form or way to express opinions about the GPA requirements; Director Heck- They will probably create a survey for students to fill out; SENATOR ZARNDT- Wants to know how she can get a copy of the statistics; PRESIDENT MORADKHAN- He can get her a copy of the statistics; Davin Hill- Rebel Radio He wants to thank everyone for being so supportive and tolerant of the process they have been going through. Purchasing is still moving slow, but its picking up a little bit. We should start to see some progress soon. They also put in an order for keys for the two classrooms they will be occupying and they should have them by the end of the week; Ali Laman-Lyons- Elections She wants to thanks everyone for supporting her for both the homecoming and senate elections. There will be an Elections Board meeting tomorrow at 4pm in MSU 210 North to discuss violations. She is also looking for help to improve the election process and the packet. There will be meetings every other Tuesday at 4pm for the duration of the semester; Joseph Lucchese- Entertainment and Programming He wants to thank all the student helpers for the events so far especially the Street Team. The last tailgate is Saturday, November 3r d . The Homecoming tailgate was successful and he would like to see that turnout again. Steve Lockwood- Speaks about the Street Team- The team is composed of UNLV students that are interested in getting involved in Student Government, but don't have the time to commit to an office or a directorship. Each team has a route. There are two dorm teams composed of six people to pass out and hang up posters and flyers. There is an on campus team which hang up the posters in the halls. Then there is an on campus fleet that he can call at any time because they are only taking 6-9 credits. He sees the works of this because this is an idea he got from a company in LA; Dallas Fueston- The promotional end he has been taking is working with the UNLV Voice, which is an informational newsletter, and taking it to mass distribution to all the classes and colleges. This will start in November and senators will go to classes and talk for approximately one minute about what each director is working on. They will also bring up that we supply pencils and scantrons and talk about our budget and where the money is being spent. It also might include a Senator of the Month. This is just another avenue to get the word out and get people involved in what's going on in Student Government. The last Movie Night was "The Fast and the Furious." Alpha Gamma Delta and Delta Zeta sold snacks and drinks and Red Bull also helped sponsor the event. The event was good and we had about one hundred people, which was a bigger turnout than the last one. His next goal is to have an even bigger turnout by incorporating more organizations and making it more festive. They will also be changing the movie from "Final Fantasy" to something more appealing to the college market; SENATOR FARREY- Wants to know when the next movie night is; Director Lucchese- November 7t h is the next movie night and they will be changing the next movie night to something more appealing to the students because of negative feedback from the campus. The movie after that is American Pie II on November 14t h; SENATOR STEWART- Knows that other campuses are able to get movies before they come out and she thinks that would attract more people; Director Lucchese- Swank Motion Pictures issues out films that are either going to be released before or at the same time to universities, but the copy rights costs thousands of dollars. We get them typically a month or two after there date of release, but we couldn't show them at that time because school wasn't in session, but they should be able to show them closer to the release date in spring; SENATOR AOKI- Wants to know where they going to get the extended funds for the newsletter and the other forms of advertising; Director Lucchese- They are already saving money by sending out information through e-mail which is free and he will also be using his discretionary account; SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY- She has been meeting with Assistant Director Fueston a lot and they are hoping to get the Rules and Ethics Committee for next session to make a rule that each college has to go to a certain amount of classes rather than just the two required in the hopes of getting the word out; Director Lucchese- A member from another organization approached him about helping with a Walk-a-thon to raise money for Cancer research in the hopes to make it more festive. He is going to utilize the resources they have and try to help out the students instead of focusing solely on entertainment. Once again, Real World is next Monday; Kelly Martinez- CSUN Services All the organization packets have been approved and her last board meeting was last Wednesday. She wants to thank everyone on her board for helping her out, especially Senators Stewart and Gonzales and VPPT Hale for attending everything. The deadline for the Fall 2001 funding requests is November 1, 2001. SOURCE boxes are done and thanks to Senators Gonzales and MacDonald for helping out. Other than that she is just working on the Spring 2002 packet. Again, if you can't find her in the office she is probably downstairs in the SOURCE room; E. Liaison Reports Greek Advisory- None; Multicultural Student Affairs- None; Residence Hall Association- President Jason Chan- He wants to reiterate the fact that RHA is more than open to working with CSUN. This year they are working on changing the image of RHA. CSUN flyers and posters have been distributed and put up throughout the halls and they will definitely be promoting the Real World event. RHA received 1s t place in the Silver Division in Homecoming and 1s t place for their move-in program over all Universities throughout the nation. Following Thanksgiving they will be bringing in exercise and dance instructors to teach a few classes for the students; Student Athletics- None; Student Health Advisory Committee- None; VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of changes to Bylaw 21 (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR POWELL; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- Moves to remove the item off the table; Seconded by SENAROR POWELL; SENATOR POWELL- Moves to approve; Seconded by SENATOR DUNNING; SENATOR POWELL- Yields the floor to Director Lucchese to tell us why he requested the change in the bylaw; Director Lucchese- The original bylaw stated no more than ten students plus three senators and that included also CSUN employees which would include his assistants and that would only leave room for about five other people to be on the board. He currently has a management system in place where he has about nine or ten managers that help out with the events that he can trust. He also has anywhere from five to ten other students that work under them to help coordinate the events. We have the students that are very interested to participate and get involved in UNLV. It also limits the amount for no less than ten so if a director comes in next year and can't get as much help they won't be hurt by the bylaw; SENATOR POWELL- So you would have no trouble filling the ten spots?; Director Lucchese- He already has a list of over forty people; SENATOR POWELL- Do you think there would be any problems with having as many as thirty-five people involved in the decision making process?; Director Lucchese- He hasn't had any problems so far; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- Do you think you would have a problem with quorum for your board meetings?; Director Lucchese- He doesn't think it will be a problem because they always have more than enough students there; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- Do you think the next director will have a problem filling those spots?; Director Lucchese- He hopes they won't have problems filling it due to the amount of interest shown so far; SENATOR STEWART- How do the meetings usually go as far as voting?; Director Lucchese- He wouldn't necessarily call them meetings because no voting really takes place. The students already signed up are used as a volunteer pool and he just e-mails or calls them to tell them about the meetings. They usually fill the room and are eager to help out; SENATOR POWELL- Moves to amend Section 2 subsection C of the bylaw striking "five" and inserting "ten" and striking "ten" and inserting "thirty-five"; Seconded by SENATOR HUGHES; SENATOR BOWLAND- He thinks it should stay at five incase future directors work best with a more close-knit group He doesn't think the amendment would be a good addition; Director Lucchese- It states no less than ten and to go beyond ten is good, but no less than ten. There are already five paid employees of CSUN on the board and five more students shouldn't be hard to get; SENATOR BOWLAND- He believes it should stay at five so future E&P Directors have that choice; SENATOR REDDICK enters at 6:40pm and therefore she cannot vote; SENATOR DUNNING- The last few years that he has been on the board they haven't had any problems getting people involved. There are people that are interested even if they don't follow through with it. Last year's director didn't really try that hard to find people and he got a lot of people on their own. Everyone is worried about how it will effect the voting and making decisions when you don't have do it that way; SENATOR MACDONLAD- If the next E&P Director sees it fit to change it they can change it just like Joe did. She yields the floor to Director Lucchese; Director Lucchese- He started voting in organizations and got ideas to make it more well rounded to get the focus off one individual or a small group and operate more like a body. He wants them to be active members in the board and it can't be done unless they know they have an official position on the board; SENATOR CHASIN- Why do you need it to be at ten if you are still going to cap it at thirty-five?; Director Lucchese- That idea wasn't his. It actually came from one of the senators on the board just in case they can't get thirty-five and they can only get ten. If you want to keep it at a minimum of two and up to thirty-five that's fine. He just likes having that number to have room to have that many people to help out with the events; SENATOR POWELL- If the next E&P director can't get ten people given what they do that they really aren't doing their job. We need to raise the bar and increase the output of CSUN and to make it a minimum often people is a good thing. Move into a vote on the amendment; Motion carries 15-3-0; (SENATORS BOWLAND, DAYANI, and AOKI oppose); Move into a vote on the item as amended; Motion carries unanimously; VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of Senator Izzolo serving on the Ways & Means Committee. As submitted by SENATOR LING; SENATOR DAYANI- Moves to approve; Seconded by SENATOR GONZALES; Move into a vote; Motion carries 19-0-2; (SENATORS IZZOLO and LING abstain); B. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $500.00 to A.C.D. A. for the Choral Department's Fall Concert at Artemus Ham Concert Hall (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; SENATOR POWELL- Moves to combine and approve items B-H; Seconded by SENATOR LING; SENATOR DAYANI- There are a couple of items she would like to discuss individually. For example The Financial Management Association had $200.00 in fees for using the MSU and also t-shirts for The Young Democrats. The criteria for organizations to receive the $500.00 in funding is that they have to be benefiting UNLV or the community as a whole and she doesn't think some of these organizations are doing that so she would like to discuss them; SENATOR POWELL- He withdraws; SENATOR STEWART- Moves to approve; Seconded by SENATOR CHASIN; SENATOR FLEMING enters at 6:45pm and therefore she cannot vote; SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY- She has a question for Director Martinez. She wants to know if it is an actual club because it says department on the application. Director Martinez- It is a club within the department. They are under the Choral Department. They are a group of students that want to be future choral directors. She used to be a part of it. They don't get funding from the actual department; SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY- Wants to know if it is for the club or for the Choral Department's Concert because that would make a difference in if we give them funding or not; Director Martinez- They are an actual organization, but it looks like they are trying to use the money for the department; SENATOR DAYANI- Moves to table; Seconded by SENATOR STEWART; Move into a vote; Motion carries unanimously; Action Item: Discussion/Approval of $300.00 to the Chinese Students & Scholar Association for a traditional moon-cake festival for the UNLV Community (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- Moves to approve; Seconded by SENATOR SALSAA; Move into a vote; Motion carries unanimously; Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $500.00 to the College Republicans for start-up costs for their club (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; SENATOR CHASIN- Moves to approve; Seconded by SENATOR DAYANI; Move into a vote; c. D. Motion carries 19-0-1; (SENATOR AOKI abstains); Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $300.00 to the Financial Management Association for organizational, community service, employer functions, social events, and guest speaker events (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; SENATOR CHASIN- Moves to approve; Seconded by SENATOR DUNNING; SENATOR DAYANI- Wants to know why they included fees for the MSU. She yields the floor to Director Martinez; Director Martinez- They bring in guest speakers and they use the MSU; SENATOR DAYANI- Wants to know if this is something the Las Vegas Community can attend and benefit from; SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY- Wants to know if their meetings are open to the public like ours because then the Las Vegas Community can come anyway; SENATOR REDDICK- She is a member of the organization. Everyone is free to attend when they have guest speakers and if they have a meeting in MSU it doesn't have to be open to the public; SENATOR STEWART- Wants to know how many members are in the organization because it has member certificates for $100.00; SENATOR REDDICK- There was around twenty-five this summer; SENATOR STEWART- It also includes gifts for the guest speakers. What kind of gifts were they giving?; SENATOR REDDICK- Thank you cards; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- Yields the floor to President Moradkhan; PRESIDENT MORADKHAN- He has the policies upstairs for why the union charges for certain events; SENATOR POWELL- The union does charge to use their facilities; E. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- Yields the floor for VPPT Hale; VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE HALE- Just a reminder that anything we approve they have to turn in receipts for; SENATOR CHASIN- They are only asking for $300.00 rather than $500.00. Is there a reason for that?; Director Martinez- Some chose not to use this year's form and last years said $300.00; SENATOR DAYANI- Moves to table until a representative can come in a explain gifts for guest speakers; Seconded by SENATOR STEWART; Move into a vote; Motion fails 2-18-0; (SENATORS STEWART and DAYANI are for tabling and everyone else opposes); SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- Yields the floor to VPPT Hale; VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE HALE- It is customary that when you have a guest speaker that volunteers to come speak that you give them a tiny gift; Move into a vote; Motion carries unanimously; Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $500.00 to the Student Sports Marketing Association for the purchase of sweatshirts and shorts to identify members of the organization at the UNLV athletic events (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; SENATOR BOWLAND- Moves to approve; Seconded by SENATOR GONZALEZ; SENATOR DAYANI- Wants to know how this would benefit the UNLV Community; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- It says that all of the revenue collected will go to benefit student athletes and programs. That is a big concern because we can't fund organizations that are affiliated with the NCAA; F. SENATOR DAYANI- Moves to table until a representative can speak; Seconded by SENATOR REDDICK; Move into a vote; Motion carries unanimously; G. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $500.00 to the UNLV Tennis Club for T-shirts, tennis balls, and a social event (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; SENATOR CHASIN- Moves to approve; Seconded by SENATOR DUNNING; SENATOR DAYANI- Why are we going to pay $200.00 so they can actually have supplies to have a club with. They are the tennis club why are we paying for tennis balls?; SENATOR ZARNDT- The tennis balls are a fundamental part of the game; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- She thinks it is a good idea because it is open to the community and anyone can go play with the equipment; SENATOR MACDONALD- Is anyone concerned with social events? She has less of a problem with tennis balls than social events; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- That's a good point, but if you look at the breakdown of costs they are just trying to show that spend more than $500.00; SENATOR STEWART- When she sees social event she thinks more along the lines of having an activity; SENATOR MACDONALD- When she sees social event she thinks of the tennis club having some beers; Move into a vote; Motion carries unanimously; H. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of $500.00 to the UNLV Young Democrats for T-shirts, a banner, and printing costs (See Attachment). As submitted by SENATOR LING; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- Moves to approve; Seconded by SENATOR SALSAA; Move into a vote; Motion carries unanimously; VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT None; IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE HALE- Just a reminder about family weekend on November 2n d at the Hard Rock. She would like as many people as possible to attend; VICE PRESIDENT FAUSKE- Some people complained that they didn't know about Rebel Ruckus. For those of us around here that sounds pretty ridiculous. The best way to promote things is by word if mouth. Speaking to your classes is just one of the small duties of being in Student Government. You don't have to do it, but the better attendance we have at these events the more we will all benefit; PRESIDENT MORADKHAN- We are working with Campus Community Development on redefining our partnership with them. One of the things that came out of this are weekly meetings with them. Phil has been extremely helpful and he looks forward to attending those meetings. He has been sitting a steering committee that is working on the expansion of the MSU and the McDermott Complex and the addition of extra housing. He was told he could release the information so let him know if you want a copy of the report. He is working with Elections Director. They will be sending out surveys to classes. Costs will be included in Student Fees; SENATOR CHASIN- Wants to know if graduate students will be able to vote without a hassle; PRESIDENT MORADKHAN- He is sure we can work something out between both bodies; SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY- She would love to see the PE Complex and in the Union in one building, but she doesn't think it will ever happen. She wants to thank the senators that attended the workshop. Thanks also to Paul for showing up. If you missed it you missed out on a lot of good information. We will determine the banquet later. If you have any suggestions e-mail her or put them in her box; GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR IZZOLO- Have a good week; SENATOR MACDONALD- Pass; SENATOR FAUSKE- Pass; SENATOR BOWLAND- Pass; SENATOR FLEMING- Pass; SENATOR GONZALES- Pass; SENATOR STEWART- Thanks to everyone that helped her with her research project; SENATOR DAYANI- Thanks for discussing the organization funding items individually. She still has a problem with the tennis balls. If we have to pay for their tennis balls then what are they doing; SENATOR FARREY- Pass; SENATOR ZARNDT- She thinks they are playing tennis. There was a quote in the Rebel Yell that everyone supported the GPA raise and she believes both parties poorly researched it. She doesn't support this and it is a point of view that should be represented. She believes Nevada school systems are here to support Nevada students and she anything being accomplished by turning them away; SENATOR HUGHES- Have a good week; SENATOR MILLER- Pass; SENATOR AOKI- Pass; SENATOR CHASIN- Pass; SENATOR DUNNING- Pass; SENATOR POWELL- He does support referendum and wants to see UNLV taken more seriously; SENATOR SALSAA- He is also against raising the GPA requirements and wants to attend the Real World event; SENATOR REDDICK- Remember that Warren Buffett will be speaking at our campus on Wednesday from 2:15- 3:30pm and they won't be checking Ids. She agrees with Senator Zarndt that people needs to be given a change; SENATOR LING- She agrees with Senator Zarndt and thinks it is much too high of a jump. She agrees we do need to raise the bar, but that is asking too much too soon. Ways and Means will meet next week at 5pm. Agendas will be in your boxes; SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- She disagrees and thinks we do need to raise the academic requirements. Parents were laughing on her tour on Friday when she told them the requirements for UNLV. She met with Mike and the Chair of the Department of Curriculum instruction to bring back Delta Kappa Epsilon which is the honor society for the College of Education. They are also working on a pre-teaching advisory board. Thank you to VPPT Hale for getting the teaching scholarships out. She will talk to her classes again about the Real World event. Thanks to Director Heck for attending the Board of X. Regents meeting in Fallon and all the directors for all their hard work. She hopes everyone has a good week; ADJOURNMENT SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE MORADKHAN- Moves to adjourn the meeting; Seconded by SENATOR SALSAA; Move into a vote; Motion carries 19-1-0; (SENATOR DAYANI opposes); SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY adjourns Meeting 31-33 at 7:13pm; SENATE SECRETARY STEPH DAVY STEPHANIE FILSON XL