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Kol Badmidbar, newsletter from Midbar Kodesh Temple, March 2000



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    KOL BAMIDBAR THE VOICE OF MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE VOL. VI ISSUE 3 ADAR/ADAR II 5760 MARCH 2000 Midbar Kodesh Temple Welcomes Rabbi Jeremy and Riki Wiederhorn! In July 2000, Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn will begin rabbinical duties at Midbar Kodesh Temple. He and his wife Riki were in Las Vegas to interview with the Rabbinic Search Committee. During their visit, they met with the congregation, and spent time geting acquainted with their new community. During their visit, they found a home near the Temple in Green Valley Ranch and plan to make an offer. The Wiederhorns, who are expecting their first child in May, look forward to a long and mutually beneficial association with Midbar Kodesh Temple. While official interviews could not take place until February, Jeremy and Riki have been frequent visitors to Midbar Kodesh. Last August, they spent a weekend as Scholars In Residence, treating our congregation to a wonderful Shabbat weekend. Over 150 people shared Friday evening services; Saturday morning was devoted to Torah and education. On Saturday evening the Wiederhorns met with USYers for Havdalah and dinner. On Sunday the Rabbi led morning minyan and hosted a study session that 40 people attended. continued on pg 3. The President 2 New Rabbi! 3 Education/Youth 4 Events 5,6 Purim 7,8 Business Ads 9 Birthdays, Anniversaries 10 Yahrzeits 8, 10 Tributes 11 Shabbat Services 12 MARCH MADNESS IS HERE! JOIN IN THE FUN BY HELPING WITH THE MOVE, TORAH WALK, AND PURIM CARNIVAL! KOL BAMIDBAR . PAGE 2 March 2000 FROM THE PRESIDENT: Wc must have been a humorus sight standing with suitcases on the steps of Barry and Amy Fieldman's home earlier this month. Marcy and I rang the doorbell and announced that we were moving just having been elected President. (Well, everyone knows that our nation's President has to leave the house after his term ends!) Barry and Amy have been used to having us ring the door bell at all hours of the day and night during the last year. Usually the late night buzzing indicted that we had a decision that needed to be reached, but this time, while Amy and Marcy laughed, Barry stood there speechless...then broke into a smile. Only Tuesday and we had both had long days of trying to run our own businesses while putting the final touches to the day's synagogue business. That is pretty much how it has been for the last 6 years with Mark and Gail, Barry and Amy and now us. Aided by professional staff, clergy, committees and the board of directors, every day has been, and will continue to be, dedicated to the synagogue. Ed Goldman and Janet Stein will serve as Vice Presidents. Neal Lewis will continue as Treasurer and Dr. Howard Baron will be the Secretary. Dr. Andrew Eisen and Dr. Stanley Ames will both begin new terms. Returning to the board of directors to finish their existing terms will be Gail Alcalay, Barry Eisen, Steven Doctors, Amy Fieldman, Barry Fieldman, Maria Hollander-Polott and Jo Laurens. Karen Simon was appointed to fill the spot vacated by Terri Baskin. Mark stays as a non-voting past President. Midbar Kodesh Temple by-laws also provide for congregational representatives as non-voting members of the board. They serve on committees and bring an additional voice to the table. This year Shel Sbarra, Bernie Kaufman, Alan Roselinsky, and Isaac Farrell will serve as the new representatives joining Wendy Roselinsky and Fred Ehrlich who also served last year. Several other congregants will serve the synagogue in important chair positions. This is an exciting time for Midbar Kodesh Temple. Wc will open the doors to the new synagogue and bring in a Rabbi in the immediate months ahead. We will experience rapid growth and some growing pains as well. While Barry and Mark con-tinue to oversee the construction of the building, my personal agenda will include the move and all the activities sur-rounding it. Next will come the ratification of a contract for our new Rabbi, moving his family into their new home and en-suring that they make a successful transition to our Jewish community. Establishing guidelines and procedures for the of-fice administrator and empowering her so that she may set and meet her ow n goals and agenda will come next. Working with the board to establish individual portfolios that w ill stand as we pass the duties on to the next board is another priority. Help-ing the Rabbi, Cantor and Administrator to implement additional programming is also on my list, as is increasing member-ship by 100 families. Jn between , I hope to keep my own business running, welcome a new daughter-in-law, greet a new grandchild, have dinner with my w ife, keep a sense of humor, and pray for the health of my family and each of you. If we have that, wc can accomplish all the rest. Thank you for entrusting the future of our congregation to me. It is a task I do not take lightly and I hope that I meet your expectations as we work together in the coming months. Gerald Welt, President E-MAIL IS A GREAT TOOL TO HELP OUR SYNAGOGUE STAY IN TOUCH WITH THE MEMBERSHIP KOL BAMIDBAR Interim Editor: Hal Rothman President: GET WEEKLY UPDATES ON THE BUILDING. Gerald Welt AND ON COMMITTEE PROJECTS E-MAIL TO MIDBARKODESH@JUNO.COM TO BE PLACED ON OUR LIST Office Administrator: Rabbi: Jeremy Wiederhom Robert D. Fisher Maria Scher Cantor: I OTN J WtTJ T1 - P PUBLISHED MONTHLY KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 3 March 2000 Rabbi and Riki Wiederhorn j O i n M K T continued from pg 1 When the Wiederhoms traveled to California last Thanksgiving they stopped at Midbar to help Cantor Bob Fisher with Barbara Kaminsky's Bat Mitzvah. During that visit, they met with 20 families with young children to hear what our members want for the future of their children and the future of Midbar Kodesh Temple. Rabbi Wiederhorn grew up in Southern California at Congregation Beth Kodesh (now Shomrei Torah in West Hills) and is a former Regional President of United Synagogue Youth's (USY) Far West Region. He served as Interim Director of Far West Region and co-group leader on USYs Israel Pilgrimage/Poland Seminar. Rabbi Wiederhorn will graduate from New York's Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) in May 2000. He studied for two years at the University of Judaism and one year in Israel. He earned a bachelors' degree from the University of California, San Diego. Rabbi Wiederhorn served as Rabbinic Intern at Congregation Ner Tamid in Palos Verdes, California and during the past two years, has served as Rabbinic Intern and Torah reader at Shelter Rock Jewish Center in Roslyn, New York. This year, he added the directorship of a new Jewish community high school program on Long Island to his responsibilities at Shelter Rock Riki, a native Califomian, was raised in Cupertino, just north of San Jose. Her family has been active in Congregation Beth David in Saratoga, California. She earned her Bachelors' degree at the University of California at Santa Barbara and her Masters' degree in Jewish Education at the University of Judaism. She was a co-group leader with Jeremy on the USY Israel/Poland trip. Riki served as Assistant Principal of Leo Baeck Temple in Los Angeles and studied at MaTaN, a women's yeshiva in Jerusalem. Last year, Riki taught Bible and Rabbinics for the 9th and 11th grades at Solomon Schecter High School of Long Island. She currently serves as the Director of Education at Shelter Rock Jewish Center, overseeing the Religious School, Adult Education, B'nei Mitzvah program and the Youth Department. Midbar Kodesh Temple welcomes the Wiederhorns! We look forward to having you here for many, many years! HOLOCAUST ERA INSURANCE CLAIMS TO BE PROCESSED The Jewish Family Services Agency is available to assist any Holocaust survivor or heir who wants information about possible reparation monies from this insurance claim or from Germany, Austria, or France. This includes help with filling out forms. JFSA has a grant from the Jewish Material Claims Against Germany to help Holocaust survivors To inquire about any of the services for which Holocaust Survivors are eligible, please call Adrienne Rosenberg at 723-0304. MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE 33 Cactus Garden Dr. Henderson, NV 89014 (Mountain Vista and Sunset Behind Ethel M Chocolates) phone: 454-4848 fax: 454-4847 school: 454-5257 e-mail: JFSA NOW OFFERS ADOPTION SERVICES The Jewish Family Service Agency is pleased to announce that the agency has been licensed by the State of Nevada as a child-placing agency to provide adoption services. Lisa Burpee, LSW, has been hired as the part-time adoption coordinator. She comes to JFSA with over nine years of experience in the adoption field. The purpose of this program is to strengthen Jewish family life and is an extension of the agency's child and adolescent services. "We are pleased to be able to add this program to the agency's list of available services to meet the number of requests we receive from Jewish families," said Eli Schwartz, JFSA Board President. Monthly adoption inquiry/initial application meetings will begin March 1,2000. Persons interested in adoption services should contact Lisa Burpee at JFSA by calling 732-0307. KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 4 March 2000 EDUCATION/YOUTH Religious School Mira Slobody, Director The Hebrew School of Midbar Kodesh is always very busy. Our students are improving in their Hebrew and Judaic studies. We are looking forward to our move to the new building on March 19th. Please note that there will be no Hebrew school classes on March 19th, 21st, 23rd and 26th as a result of the move to the new facility and the Torah Walk. Please read the flyers that come home so that you are up to date on our move. Remember to join us on Friday, March 3rd for our 5th grade Shabbat service. U S Y has been very busy so far this year. In January, USYers met at the Temple for a few games and a round of "Run that Tune", called congregants to inform them about the Purim Carnival, made personalized tallitot, attended a regional dance in Arcadia, CA, and goofed around at Mountasia and Baskin Robbins. February was also full of excitement. On Saturday, Feb. 5, USYers helped lead Shabbat services and participated in a special "Israeli Shabbat" program complete with Israeli dancing, war history trivia, army drills, and an evaluation of prominent figures in Israel's history. We met again on the 10th, for Coffee House night featuring skits, monologues, piano performances, and a special appearance by *NSYNC! On the 13th, USYers joined up with Kadima for some getting-to-know-you games and ending with a sing down competition between Kadimaniks and USYers. The 24th was Kindergarten night where USYers got "back to basics" and the following weekend, we sent Josh Kramer, Justin Levinsky, Matt Levinsky, Charlene Naft, Mike Naft, Brad Simon, Michael Stein, and Eric Weiss to the Temple Beth Am Kinnus in Los Angeles. Watchout for March!!! March 5th is Midbar Kodesh's first Purim carnival sponsored by USY. There are a lot of people who are working very hard on this, and we would all love to see you there! If you would like information on any future USY event, please see the calendar or call the synagogue at 454-4848. Searching for the Rabbi President Jerry Welt first convened the Rabbinic Search Committee in September 1998. More than one dozen candidates were interviewed, three of whom visited the congregation. "When the Rabbinic Search Committee convened we held several focus groups to determine the needs of the congregation," said Welt. In training sessions, the committee was told to seek its best match. "We wanted our Rabbi to be compassionate and passionate about Conservative Judaism. We wanted a leader who could see the future and an educator with respect for our history. We wanted a family that would become part of the Midbar family, and grow with us. Both Rabbi and Riki are that match. We're thrilled that they've decided to join us." FIRST NOTICE: Midbar Kodesh Temple will be hosting the Community Holocaust Service on Tuesday evening, May 2,2000. We will need many, many volunteers to make the evening a success. If you would like to help please contact Cantor Bob at 361-8087. Part of the impact of the evening will be the creation of a Yad VaShem out near Jessica's Garden, where each person in attendance will have the opportunity to light a Yizkor candle. From the Garden, each person will then be guided into the Religious School wing where different children's Shoah art projects will be on display. There will also be a special display set-up in our Rotunda, as each person then enters the Main Sanctuary for the Service. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion. For information on how you can help, please speak with the Cantor. Yeladim Academy With the extra classroom space available in the new facility the Yeladim Academy at Midbar Kodesh Temple is able to increase enrollment in March. Plans are also underway for a full day Kindergarten program to be available in September 2000. Yeladim Academy currently offers a full pre-school program that includes a reading readiness curriculum. An after-Kindergarten enrichment program is also offered in the afternoons as well as full childcare. Judaica, Karate, Boxing, Dance, Spanish Language and Computers are also offered. For more information contact Denise Schnitzer at 458-3555.. KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 5 March 2000 ACADEMY AWARDS PARTY PLANNED FOR MARCH 26 Celebrate a Night at the Movies With Midbar Kodesh Temple on Sunday night, March 26, at the home of Amy and Barry Fieldman. Two large screen TVs will be available for viewing during the Champagne Buffet Dinner (pareve/dairy) as well as outside patio screenings. Thirty-Six Dollars per person will be the charge for this annual Midbar social function. Tickets will be available to synagogue members and their guests and will not be available to the public. Eight plush red velvet oversized chairs, in a private screening room will be available at $180.00 each to serious viewers who would like to make this donation to Midbar Kodesh Temple. The seats can be purchased on a "first come, first serve" basis (by postmark) as soon as the invitations are received. Last year's "Serious Viewing Room" was a popular spot for dedicated movie goers, who rarely surfaced during the long broadcast. While they will be expected to que up for the buffet line, drinks and snacks will be available in the private theater room. A silent auction is also planned for the evening with minimum bid gift items available from $25 - $350. A Beach Front San Diego Condo Weekend has been a popular item in the past Look for your invitation in the next two weeks and come Celebrate a Night at the Movies With Midbar Kodesh. TORAH WALK COMMEMORATIVE BOOKLET ALL ADS FOR THE TORAH WALK COMMEMORATIVE BOOKLET AR DUE TO THE SYNAGOGUE BY M a r c h 5 t h ADS WIL BE $18.00 THE BOOKLET WILL FEATURE MIDBAR KODESH "ARCHIVAL INFORMATION" AND BE GIVEN TO THE MEMBERSHIP ON THE DAY OF THE WALK CONTACT THE SYNAGOGUE AT 4 5 4 - 4 8 4 8 TORAH WALKED BEING PLANNED As soon as Midbar Kodesh Temple is given the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) for the social hall and offices, Shel Sbarra and team will be moving the synagogue to our new location at 1940 Paseo Verde Drive. The move itself should be an easy one, and particularly uneventful, but the moving of the Torahs will give the congregation cause to celebrate. Alan Roselinsky will be orchestrating the Torah Walk from Cactus Garden to Paseo Verde. He will make the final decision on the safety of the walk and on the appropriate route. Alan will be contacting the membership to see how many people would like to participate in this special honor. The City of Henderson, the police department and Rabbinical input will also help Alan make this decision! Women's Social Club Mah Jongg Every Monday Night For More Information Call Jil Glyman 897-5697 KOL BAMIDBAR . PAGE 6 March 2000 BULLETIN NEWS YOU CAN USE With the move to the new Temple, the office may be behind in producing the April bulletin. To avoid any problems with Yahartzeits, please note that Yahartzeit dates for March appear on page 8 and Yahartzeit dates for April are listed on page 10. March Birthday's and Anniversaries are listed on page 10 as usual. We are planning on a special April/May issue of the bulletin and apologize for any inconvience this change may cause. During the move please consider that Maria will continue to run the office to the best of her abilities but there may be delays. Your patience is greatly appreciated. Office Update by Maria Scher, Office Administrator Over the five months that I have worked for the Temple, I have heard about the new building. I heard how big it was, how beautiful it will be, how soon we would move into it. Then a few weeks ago I walked through the new building for the first time. It's everything you expect, and more. It is beautiful, blending in with the community around it. It is spacious, giving us room for services, events, and even storage. Most important, we are moving on March 19th and for those of you who haven't yet visited the building, this will be your chance to take it all in. The office is a bit busy these days (when is it not?). We're preparing for the move, boxing up files and making back-up disks. Thank you to those who have already volunteered to help with the move. If you haven't signed up, please do, but more important, be at 33 Cactus Garden Drive at 8:00 AM on Sunday, March 19th, we'll put you to work. MIDBAR MAVENS ARE FORMING A CHESED COMMITTEE TO MAKE HOSPITAL CALLS AND VISITS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING PART OF THIS COMMITTEE PLEASE LEAVE YOUR NAME FOR TOBY ROSENBUSH AT THE OFFICE OR E-MAIL TO HER AT Meet New People Join one of the Midbar Kodesh Temple Chavurot! Contact Susan Cane (312-6250) for placement or to start a new one! JEWISH WAR VETERANS POST 65 Breakfast meeting 10:00 A.M. 1st Sunday of every month Country Inn Restaurant Sunset Rd & Valle Verde Henderson CaU Joe Fink 454-8929 Family Shabbat will be held on March 24th at 7:30 PM with singing and fun for the whole family call 454-4848 toRSVP KOL BAMIDBAR . PAGE 7 March 2000 PURIM's Here! Once again, it's Purim, when we retell the story of Mordechai, Esther, and the saving of Jews from the decree of death by Haman, the chief assistant to Persian King Ahasuerus. At Midhar Kodesh, we celebrate by the reading of the Megillah (The Biblical Book of Esther). The Megillah tells the story of how Queen Esther and Mordecai managed to end Haman's threat. During the reading of the Megillah, every time the name "Haman" is said, noise is made to drown out his name. The reading is of course loud and joyous, made even more special by the costumes of the children and some adults. Since the founding of Midbar Kodesh Temple, Purim has been one of our most special holidays. Come and join in the noise and fun! Purim services will be held Monday, March 20th at 7:00 PM. All children and parents are encouraged to dress up for this festive occasion. Ritual Committee to Meet Tuesday March 7,2000 Midbar Kodesh's ritual committee will meet at the Temple, 33 Cactus Garden, on Tuesday March 7,2000 at 7:30 P.M. Topics to be discussed include planning the Purim and Passover services. Congregants who are interested are invited to attend. 20'something Jewish Graduate Students & Professionals now have a place to meet, party and network... at any G . A . P . event Add yourself to the GAP. listserv with hundreds of other friends for weekly event updates AND get a newsletter of future events. HOW??? Call 661-4GAP or email with your name, address and phone number. GET ONLINE WITH THE UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM Access info on services, programs & resources Brush up on the weekly Torah reading Learn more about youth activities www. GIVE YOUR LUNGS A RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE THIS SHABBAT LIGHT CANDLES, NOT CIGARETTES. KOL BAMIDBAR . PAGE 8 March 2000 WE REMEMBER 25 Adar 1-March 2 27 Adar 1-March 4 28 Adar 1-March 5 2 Adar II-March 9 10 Adar II-March 17 Mrs. Esther Herron Mr. Max Baron Mr. Theodore Burnick Mrs. Rose Kaufman Mrs. Cecilia Feldman Mr. Robert Klein mother, Mrs.Caryl Kahn father, Dr. Howard Baron father, Ms. Maura Robinson mother, Mr. Bernie Kaufman mother, Mr. Jerrold Feldman brother, Mrs. Audrey Cohen DUE TO THE MOVE, THE APRIL BULLETIN MAY BE DELAYED. YAHARTZEITS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL ARE LISTED ON PAGE 10. Irene Rugeti, mother of Carol Alcaly and grandmother of Gail Alcalay and great-grandmother of Rena, Alix, Ruben and Silvi Goldstein died February 14, 2000 in Los Angeles. Mrs. Rugeti was one of the first members of Midbar Kodesh and the donor of the first Torah used at Midbar Kodesh. At the time of her death at 91 years of age, she was the oldest member of Midbar Kodesh Temple. Irene Rugeti was born in El Paso Texas and lived in Los Angeles where she was a leader of the California Sefardic community. She and her husband helped found Temple Tefereth Israel, the Wilshire Boulevard synagogue for Sefardic Jews from the Balkans, the Middle East, North Africa, Greece, and Turkey. Ms. Rugeti was past president of the Sefardic Sisterhood of Los Angeles and was a contributor to the Torah fund of the Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Up until the time of her death she worked in the gift shop of Temple Tefereth Israel. We also extend our condolences to Gail's sister on the loss of her mother-in-law. Mazel Tov: to Members Alan and Wendy Roselinsky on the Engagement of Rina Roselinsky to Ryan Sterling, both also members of Midbar Kodesh Temple to Members Jackie and Alan Schwartz on the Engagement of Darren Schwartz to Jennifer Goldman, both also members of Midbar Kodesh Temple Refua Sheleima: to Elana Silberstein to Amanda, Terri Baskin's daughter Thank You! Lois and Ron Husney and Family for the donation of a large Israeli flag for the new building Toby Rosenbush for your hard work and dedication to the Midbar Mavens and Adult Education programs which are great successes. Lynn Gallen, Terri Paige and George and Silvia Gitnacht for their help each month with the bulletin. We couldn't do it without you. KOL BAMIDBAR . PAGE 9 March 2000 Financial Strategies, Inc. A Registered Investment Advisory Firm Steven A. Budin, J.D., CFP Certified Financial Planner 3737 Pecos-Mcleod, Suite 102, Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702)454-8744 ? Fax (702) 454-8864 Securities Sold Through Linsco / Private Ledger A Registered Investment Advisor Member NASD/ SIPC Present tins card for 20% savings WOMBNONLY By Appointment Only CaORoctaefle (702) 270-8851 $50.00 Per Hour Stress & Pain Relief Deep Tissue Swedish Certified & Affordable Your Logo Or Message On Over One-Half Million Promotional Products? Even Clothing! Promote Your Image and Support Midbar Kodesh! With Every Order, A Donation Is Made To Our Synagogue Adventures i i Advertising^ Promotional Items For Corporate Campaigns, Product Introductions. Special Evens, B'naiMazvot Trade Shows And Morel JQl l&a sN VBse gFalasn zraidi Ph: 436-0867 Fax: 436-0905 E-mail: jC&tdviKaxtvxom i Washington Mutual Gary Banner Residential Loan Consultant 2625 South Rainbow Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89102 phone 702.889.7047 fax 702.889.7020 cellular 702.524.6002 m NEAL E. LEWIS CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT S U I T E 2 0 2 A C E N T U R Y PARK 1771 E A S T F L A M I N G O ROAD LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89116 ( 7 0 2 > 3 6 9 - 2 3 3 3 FAX I 7 0 2 I 3 6 9 - 6 0 9 9 N E A L E. LEWIS, C.P.A. MAURA ROBINSON Marble & Granite Sales & Fabrication 5395 S. Polaris Las Vegas, NV 89118 Tel. (702) 795-7210 Lie. #38957 Kitchen Counter Tops Fire Places Flooring (fte/ssl Corporation R e s i d e n t i a l L a n d C o m m e r c i a l LINDA C. WILNER Multi Million Dollar Club 4485 South Pecos Road THE RIGHT CHOICE" Las Vegas. NV 89121 Office: (702) 384-3904,Fax: (702) 454-4254 Direct (702) 456-8727 ? Toll Free: 1-800-935-SOLD (7653) E-Mail: ? Pager (702) 877-5883 1 === For information on advertising in the Midbar Kodesh Temple bulletin please call Maria at 454-4848. KOL BAMIDBAR PAGE 10 March 2000 BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES 1 Marc Simon Kevin Vinik 2 David Owens 3 Nils Flanzraich 4 Harry Hoffman, Jr. Donald Kudler 5 Ruben Goldstein Silvi Goldstein 7 Tara Chariton Jennifer Doering Evan Kaufman 8 Alix Goldstein Adrienne Krashin Adam Schwartz 10 Toby Ehrlich Phyllis Singer 11 Arnold Wax 12 RossDubin 14 Lori Lipman 15 Isaac Farrell Katie Silberstein Leram Silberstein Anthony Tabach 18 Susan Cane Minna Ogintz 19 Edward Goldman 20 Jonathan Bernstein Behzad Kermani Jackie Schwartz 23 Ira Scher Elliott Silverstein 25 Steven Eisen 26 Michelle Brown-Riaz 27 Alayna Baron 29 Richard Crighton 10 Emil & Janet Stein 18 Lee & Abbe Mattson 26 Bemie & Barbara Kaufman A Midbar Kodesh Temple, its staff and board of directors wants to acknowledge the celebrations of life and joy with our congregants, as well as the illnesses and sadness that complete life's circle. Please call, or have someone call for you, immediately, so that we may serve your needs: Maria Scher (454-4848) Cantor Bob Fisher (794-4994) President Gerald Welt GMWESQ@AOL.COM For the month of April: 26 Adar II-April 2 Mr. Scott Goldstein brother, Mrs. Julie Goldstein 2 Nisan-April 7 Mr. Morris Reich uncle, Mrs. Roslyn Sbarra Mr. Joseph Taigman father, Mrs. Myra Farrell 3 Nisan-April 8 Mrs. Suzanne Bukantz Mrs. Evedlyn Kaufman mother, Mrs. Jo Laurens 6 Nisan-April 11 Mr. Raymond Avery Mrs. Debbie Silverstein wife, Mr. Michael Silverstein; mother, Daniella Silverstein 8 Nisan-April 13 Mr. Hubert Binowitz father, Mrs. Lianne Perlmutter Mrs. Salome Green 11 Nisan-April 16 Mr. Benjamin Haar grandfather, Mr. Paul Goldensohn 12 Nisan-April 17 Mrs. Minne Galperin mother, Mrs. Rose Galperin 13 Nisan-April 18 Mrs. Rosalyn Goldstein-Kirby sister, Mr. Robert Goldstein Mrs. Helen Reich aunt, Mrs. Roslyn Sbarra 14 Nisan-April 19 Mrs. Jean Ames mother, Mr. Stanley Ames Mr. Charles Rosenbush father, Mr. Herman Rosenbush 16 Nisan-April 21 Dr. Bert Levin brother, Mr. Charles Levin Mr. Henry Steinberg father, Mr. Ivan Steinberg 17 Nisan-April 22 Mr. Leslie Brown husband, Mrs. Dolores Brown 18 Nisan-April 23 Mrs. Pearl Horowitz mother, Mrs. Marcy Welt; wife, Mr. Leon Horowitz Mrs. Elec Renov grandmother, Mrs. Barbara Davis 21 Nisan-April 26 Mr. Joseph Zola father, Mr. Herbert Zola 22 Nisan-April 27 Mr. Louis Carr father, Mrs. Sara-Ann Lipson 23 Nisan-April 28 Mr. Charles Weisberg father, Mr. Bernard Weisberg 25 Nisan-April 30 Mr. Martin Cohen son, Mrs. Audrey Cohen PLEASE LET THE OFFICE KNOW IMMEDIATELY IF THERE IS AN ERROR IN THE YAHRZEIT DATE OR IF YOU NEED TO ADD ADDITIONAL NAMES THE 24-HOUR YAHRZEIT CANDLE IS LIT THE EVENING BEFORE THE YAHRZEIT DATE. YOU MAY RECITE KADDISH AT MIDBAR THE SHABBAT PRIOR TO THE DATE KOL BAMIDBAR . PAGE 11 March 2000 WE RECORD WITH GRATITUDE THE NAMES OF TRIBUTES In honor of Rina Roselinsky and Ryan Sterling, Mazel Tov on your engagement from Hal and Lauralee Rothman and family Cynthia Crighton, We wish you all the best with your new business, from Hal and Lauralee Rothman and family Brother of Rinat and Jesse Stephon. A speedy recovery from Lauralee and Hal Rothman and family In Memory of Ethel Lewine, our condolances to the Lewine and Lieberman Families from Lauralee and Hal Rothman and Family TEMPLE GENERAL FUND Yahartzeit Ada Myers, Beloved Mother & Mother-in-law, by Edcward and Georgina Baker Lenora Newman, Beloved Sister, by Roz and Shel Sbarra Martin N. Goldstein, by Julie and Philip Goldstein Charlotte Popowcer, by Arlene and Robert Popowcer Edith Segal, Beloved Aunt, by Marlene and Ivan Segal Harry Jaroslow, Beloved Husband, by Min Jaroslow Isador Nagel, Beloved Father, by Min Jaroslow Martin Ogintz, Beloved Father, by Amy and Barry Fieldman Lazar Rosenstein. Beloved Father, Miriam Karabel Pappa Bubby and Papa Bug, by Ileen, Randy, Abbie, Kevin, and Brian Spoor E. Jay Fieldman, Beloved Father, by Amy and Barry Fieldman Rose Lee Levin, Beloved Wife, by Chuck Levin Bernard Levin, Beloved Brother, by Chuck Levin Philip Salzinger, Beloved Father, by Mildred Klein Nettie Feldstein, Beloved Sister-in-law, by Mildred Klein Max M. Alpert, Beloved Father, By Mildred and Robert Alpert BUILDING FUND In honor of Jesse Stokes, Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah, from Maria and Steve Polott Cantor Bob Fisher, Thank you for helping Jocelyn achieve her Bat Mitzvah goals, from Maria and Steve Polott Joel Ostrovsky, Thank you for helping Jocelyn achieve her Bat Mitzvah goals, from Maria and Steve Polott Silvy Alcalay, A speedy recovery, from Gail and Mark Goldstein Joel and Julie Ostrovsky, Mazel Tov on the birth of your daughter, from Mira Slobody and Family Amy and Barry Fieldman, Mazel Tov on your new home, and for being such a wonderful President of Midbar Kodesh, from Mira Slobody and Family In memory of Lou Goddes, Beloved Grandfather of Joel Ostrovsky, from Chuck Levin, Maria and Steve Polott, Amy and Barry Fieldman Ceal Shapiro, Beloved Mother of Glanz Family, from Chuck Levin Zeffer Gary, from Gail Alcalay and Mark Goldstein Maxine Pomerantz, from Amy and Barry Fieldman Father of Sherry Lasky, from Carmela Mandler, Mira Slobody and family Scott Brener, from Carmela Mandler and Mira Slobody Father of Elyse Voris, from Mira Slobody and family Fred Stern, Beloved Husband and Father, from Mira Slobody and Family Grandmother of Katie Goldberg, from Mira Slobody Maxine Pomerantz, from Karen and Marc Simon CHUMASH/SIDDUR FUND In honor of Barry Fieldman, from the Gitnacht Family YOUTH FUND Rina Roselinsky and Ryan Sterling, Mazel Tov on your engagement, from Maria Scher Jennifer Goldman and Darren Schwartz, Mazel Tov on your engagement, from Maria Scher Life is Precious. MORTUARIES ? CEMETERIES CREMATORIES Murray Airman Memorial Counselor 7600 S. Eastern Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89123 (702)464-8520 Res: (702) 456-9043 Murray Artman of Palm Mortuary Will Donate A Percentage Of Each Pre-Arrangement He Personally Makes With A _ Midbar Kodesh Temple Member. ACKNOWLEDGE FRIENDS & FAMILY WITH A TRIBUTE OR DONATION. Call Roz Sbarra 896-2598 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Invitations Business Cards Letterhead and Envelopes Where can you go for all your printing needs? MARLA'S QUICK PRINT Serving Las Vegas for 17 years. Call Elaine for an appointment 435-6503 As a Temple member you will receive a 10% discount and the Temple will receive a donation on each order. KOL BAMIDBAR . PAGE 12 March 2000 Shabbat and Holiday Services FRIDAY, MARCH 3 - 7:30 PM CANDELIGHTING 5:19 PM Birthday/Anniversary Shabbat SATURDAY, MARCH 4 - 9:00 AM PARSHA: VAYAKHEL Shabbat ends 6:18 PM TUESDAY, MARCH 7 ROSH CHODESH ADARII WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 ROSH CHODESH ADAR II FRIDAY, MARCH 10 - 7:30 PM CANDELIGHTING 5:25 PM SATURDAY, MARCH 11 - 9:00 AM PARSHA: PEKUDEI Shabbat ends 6:24 PM FRIDAY, MARCH 17 - 7:30 PM CANDELIGHTING 5:31PM SATURDAY, MARCH 18 - 9:00 AM PARSHA: VAYIKRAH Shabbat ends 6:30 PM MONDAY, MARCH 20 - 7:00 PM FEAST OF ESTHER READING OF THE MEGILAH FRIDAY, MARCH 24 - 7:30 PM CANDELIGHTING 5:37 PM Family Shabbat Service SATURDAY, MARCH 25 - 9:00 AM PARSHA: TZAV Shabbat ends 6:36 PM JOIN US FOR AN ONEG OR KIDDUSH FOLLOWING EACH SERVICE. SPONSOR A KIDDUSH OR ONEG SHARE A SIMCHAH WITH YOUR CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY MEMORIAL MENORAH PLAQUES Memorial plaques are $350 for members and $550 for non-members. For more information or to order a plaque, call Judie Lewis 458-1805 or 369-2333 YAHRZEIT Call the office, 454-4848, to give yahrzeits for loved ones, so their names may be read at the appropriate Friday and Saturday services S1DDURIM ? MACHZi To Purchase or Dedicate a Siddur, M 3RIM ? CHUMASHIM achzor or Chumash, Call the Office. MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE 33 Cactus Garden Drive Henderson, Nevada 89014 (702) 454-4848 Nonprofit US. POSTAGE PAD) Permit No. 1373 MRS. MARY BARKAN 2 3 0 0 S . TENAYA LAS VEGAS NV 8 9 1 1 7 FUTURE HOME: