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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, November 4, 1996






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, along with additional information about senate rules and bills.

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    uac000878. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President STUDENT SENATE MEETING 27-01 Monday, November 4,1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:30p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Director reports 1. Entertainment and Programming Director Castillo; 2. O.S.I. Director Hamilton; 3. Organizations Board Director Bonghi; 4. Nevada Student Affairs Director Valera; 5. Student Services Director Tolbert; 6. Elections Board Director Reed; B. Senate Committee Reports C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports D. Business Manager Report E. CSUN-Residence Hall Liaison Report VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS c—?I CO ' 5 - m it; "• o XJ <""' •^rr, A. Actin Item: Discussion/Nomination/Appointment of a CSUN Representative to the Library Dean Search Committee (tabled at 26-34); VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Nomination/Election of a Senate President Pro-Tempore, nominees will speak before the Senate for a time not to exceed five (5) minutes each, with a roll call vote taken to decide the top two nominees. The top two nominees will engage in a question and answer session with the Senate. A second roll call vote will decide the Pro -Tempore from the two finalists; B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of revisions to the CSUN Statutes, as submitted by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN (see attachment 1); C. Action Item: Discussion/Commitment of Senate Bylaw 27-01, as submitted by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN (see attachment 2); :: i L CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX (702) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 SENATE MEETING 27-01 / NOVEMBER 4, 1996 E. Action Item: Discussion/Commitment of Senate Bylaw 27-03, as submitted by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN (see attachment 4); F. Action Item: Introduction/Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $500.00 for travel expenses for CSUN President Aaron Rosenthal and NSA Director Luis Valera to attend the Nevada Student Alliance Meeting on November 13, 1996; and the Board of Regents Meeting on November 14-15, 1996; at the University of Nevada, Reno to be encumbered out of CSUN 2702 (GenAcct) (see attachment 5); G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Maryum Ali to the CSUN Student Services Board; IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank and Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex, and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. * Items marked as such have been passed by the CSUN Executive Board, on Monday October 28, 1996. OFFICIAL NOTICE: When applicable, any formal Executive Board/Senate approval for all heretofore and hereafter appointed nominee(s) are to be contingent upon necessary receipt of required grade point average verification(s). c£j3 r-o CO Pi-cnv ATTACHMENT 1 / 27-01 CCNSOLI DATED gtuosmtGOVERN REQUEST FOR STUDENT SENATE"uL' VECL... AGENDA ITEM SUBMISSION FORM OCT 21 I O ^ P H ' S S To: Student Senate President Laxague From: Senator Leia Fleischman Date: 11-4-96 Meeting: 27-01 THIS FORM MUST BE TYPED Item to be submitted: (Must include account number to be charged) VbOtA Dicussion/Approval of revising the Statutes to read as follows • 156.00 "Chair(man)" 156.02 "Chair(man)", for any purposes not otherwise defined, shall be construed as: A. The chair(man) of a CSUN Committee, board, or other entity which has budget authority of a CSUN account; 158.00 " Vice Chair(man)", for any purpose not otherwise defined shall be construed as: 201.02 The standing boards, committees and departments of CSUN shall be as follows: A. Entertainment and Programing Board B. Student Services Board C. (Publications Board) Campus Safety and Awareness Committee D. (Radio Board) Ways and Means Committee E. (Approriations Board) Rules and Ethics Committee F. Elections Board G. Organizations Board H. Nevada Student Affairs Board I. Office of Student Information J. (Food and Beverage Department) ***Remember, you are responsible for turning in all supplemental information to the agenda item, at least three working days prior to the meeting time. * * * The deadline for item submission is 12:00 p.m. on Tuesdays preceding a Monday Senate meeting (except holidays, in which it must be in earlier). JJL/dnb sntrqst o —t rC~Oo jpr to ATTACHMENT 2 / 27-01 Senate Bill No. _1_ of the 27th session INTRODUCED BY: Senator Fleischman Summary: This bill will make revisions to Bylaw 44, Senate Stipend Bylaw We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: SENATE BYLAW 44 SENATE STIPEND I. PURPOSE A. To provide Senators with a reasonable consideration for their effort; B. To more firmly emphasize the accountability of Senators C. To fully encourage direct involvement in the ongoing business of the CSUN Student Government ( II. DEFINITION A. The CSUN Senate Stipend (herein referred to as "stipend") shall be a gift to Senators for their continued commitment to public service. As such, all or any part of the stipend can be declined by a Senator; B. The stipend shall [also] consist of a credit fee wavier of no less then 12 credits, evenly split between fall and Spring semesters, and a per meeting attended cash amount of [fifty dollars ($50.00)] twenty five dollars($25): C. Any raise or decrease in the stipend for the Senate as a whole shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the senate in the session proceeding the increase or decrease . No Senate shall be empowered to give themselves a stipend increase or decrease. D. When quorum is not met, a per meeting stipend will not be paid. If an emergency meeting is called due to lack of quorum, all Senators in attendance at both meetings will receive a stipend; CCOtD E. All other emergency meetings will be treated as ordinary meeting for r-o stipend purposes. t~ <— o _ rn r•orr o cCrO: o O s F. For the fee waiver portion of the stipend, any Senator not completing an entire term shall be given a prorated fee wavier based on the percentage of the term completed. The Senate will vote by a majority to define the amount of fee wavier to be returned to CSUN on a case by case basis. Audited, dropped, or failed courses will not be covered by the fee wavier. If any of these occur the senator will be charged for the amount owed to CSUN, as fee waivers are processed before the semester begins. If these moines are not returned to CSUN, then by the definition in the regent's handbook (refer to handbook for appropriate article) a registration hold and/or a hold on graduation will be placed on the above mentioned student; G. The Senate President Pro-Tempore is exempt from this, as he/she already receives a stipend and a fee wavier; H. the amount decleared by the senate shall be budgeted in the CSUN budget each year; I. Senators are bound by senate Bylaw 27; J. No part of this bylaw may be waived; it must be waived as a whole; K. Senators will be held accountable to the rules established by the Rules and Ethics Committee of each session; L. The Rules and Ethics committee shall be empowered to bring charges against Senators who fail to meet the above mentioned obligations; M. Penalties for specific Senators, including reduction of stipend and/or credit fee waiver shall only be enforced by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the senate. Co" 3 rvj CO 'Z -!• oo 5?-e ••ucr —Q CCOr- j ''mil- o-> o -„r»r ATTACHMENT 3 / Senate Bill No. 02 of the 27th session INTRODUCED BY: Senator Fleischman Summary: This bill will make revisions to Bylaw 5, CONSTITUTION REVISION COMMITTEE We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: Senate Bylaw 5 CONSTITUTION REVISION COMMITTEE (I. Proposed Constitutional amendments presented to the Senate shall be referred to an Ad Hoc Constitution Revision Committee appointed by the Senate) L Purpose The purpose of the Constitutional Revision Committee is to update and revise the CSUN Constitution as needed. (II. Membership of the committee shall include at least two (2) members of the Bylaws Committee) II. Structure The structure shall consist of the following: A, The Chair, who must be a Senator. £L At least three (3) but no more then seven (71 CSUN members, at least two of whom must be members of the Bylaws Committee. £L One justice, appointed bv the Judicial Council, and one Executive Board Member, appointed bv the Executive Board, shall be ex-officio members of the board (III. The Ad Hoc Constitution Revision Committee shall present its findings and recommendations to the Senate on a date specified by the Senate) <C-=3> c-< c: ^ o r - o C O :r < -> -j? '11o n - C - •tr Tn 2 o -- .. •—• ^ = s r cr-> •e 2 o > ^ m o o zr fpret r, ATTACHMENT 4 / 27-01 Senate Bill No. 03 of the 27th session INTRODUCED BY: Senator Fleischman Summary: This bill will make revisions to Bylaw 11, "FORTY-EIGHT HOURS" DEFINITION" We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: r Senate Bylaw 11 "FORTY-EIGHT HOURS" DEFINITION I. APPLICATION OF "WORKING HOURS" [This bylaw shall apply specifically to the CSUN Constitution, Article V, Section C, subsection 3.] "Working Hours" shall be defined as 8:00 am to 8:00pm Pacific Standard Time. Monday through Friday, with the exception of days that CSUN is closed for a holiday. II. "FORTY-EIGHT HOURS" DEFINED The term "forty-eight hours" as used within (Article V of )the CSUN Constitution its bylaws and statutes shall be considered two working (2) working days. CCDTD c o • r « m2E * * i." , •• "V,. ^ 3J- "CO?' CCrO-o o ITT. DUTIES. POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. The Chair 1. Shall be nominated and appointed by the Senate. 2. Shall preside over all the official meetings, he/she, or the chair's designee will maintain all agendas and minutes, and be responsible for the attendance records of the committee. 3. Shall vote only to break a tie. 4 . Shall undertake all charges deemed necessary by the full committee. 5 . Shall have the power to remove any member with three or more unexcused absences. B. The Vice Chair 1. Shall assume permeate abs etnhcee r oolfl tohfe tCheh aCirh a[mir a[nm],a na]n din w thilel atesmsupmoera aryll or responsibilities of the position therein. 2. Shall retain full voting privileges. 3 . cSohmalml uitntedee.r take all charges as deemed appropriate by the full C. All members of this committee will be nominated through the Senate with the exception of the ex-officio members D. The Committee shall represent its findings to the Senate. 20 working days before the next general election. E. The Senate shall by a two thirds (2/3) vote be empowered to place the purposed revision on the ballot for student approval by the next general election. oC Z) r-o CO o ^ — rn • .rr ro i -IC " r! -Oir vTr . o o a—: i M m University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President STUDENT SENATE MEETING 27-01 MINUTES Monday, November 4,1996 Moyer Student Unlaw Room 201 6:30 p.w I. CALL TO ORDER CJ SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE called the Senate Meeting 27-01 to order at 6:40 p.m.. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Jeremy Aguero Steven Amend Heather Anderson Michelle Lee Briggs Ben Campbell Leia Fleischman Stephanie Gonzales Alesia Hayes Nicole Lehman Frank Lideros Kyle Lopez Terry Moore Veronica Perez Margaret Persch William Price Michelle Quincy Jonathan Sciff Robert Solomon Joey Song Matt Stark Joaquin Trujillo Laura Zurek in. APPROVAL OF MINUTES SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that the Approval of Minutes is out of order and the Senate Secretary is not present. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE gave the State of the Senate Address because in the Bylaws he is supposed to give a State of the Senate speech at the beginning of each session. "Let me begin by congratulating everyone on being elected to the most important and the most demanding student group on the UNLV campus. Through the UNLV Student Senate the voice is over 20,000 students to be heard on a weekly basis. As Student Senators, we are directly responsible for over $700,000.00 in student fees. Because of expenditures made by the Student Senate, UNLV students can enjoy speakers, bands, parties, debates, and all sorts of events to promote student pride and student unity. In addition, the Student Senate promotes student involvement and betters campus life by providing up to $500.00 for CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 - 2 0 0 9 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 8 9 5 4 6 0 6 SENATE MEETING 27-01 / NOVEMBER 4, 1996 every recognizable student organization. Most importantly, however, the Senate can provide a loud and articulate voice for the concerns of every UNLV student. As Senators, we belong in the Student Government. In the coming weeks, you should become familiar with our constitution, our Bylaws, and our procedures. For those of you who turn into the Senate (2-3 g). Our next meeting we will be electing the members and the chairs for all of our Senate committees. Although Senate committees may play the secondary role in the past, elected mainly to the forefront of the Senate and the Student Government. In a body as large and as complex as ours, our community should become the wellspring of new ideas, new innovations, and new legislative activity. In the next few weeks, learn as much that you can about the Senate committees and then run for those that really strike an interest. Tonight, all of you will be making your first important decision in the Senate by electing a Senate President Pro-Tempore to the 27th Session. The Pro-Tempore has been described as the Vice President of the Senate, a Executive Assistance, or as the Senate Majority Leader, but in my opinion, all of these descriptions miss the mark. In a recent decision, our Judicial council defined Senate President Pro-Tempore as a legislative, not an executive position. I think this is a very important distinction. In my eyes, the Pro-Tempore is not an assistant to the Vice President or some type of junior executive. Instead, the Senate President Pro-Tempore is a Senator who intimately knows the minds and the hearts of the Senators, is able to confidently speak before them to the Executive Board. Tonight, listen carefully to the candidates and vote for the Senator that you feel can honestly and with integrity speak for you. Another issue that I think is important is the uncontrolled growth of salaries and stipends within the student government. In my two years in student government, I've seen us pay ourselves more and more every year. This administration, however, is committed to reduce the huge chunks that stipends take out of our budget. We have learned that we have cut the salaries that we need to the Director positions, although I realize that your time is invaluable and many of you might be able to earn more than $50.00 during an evening's employment., I move that the Senate stipend isn't an area that right for pay. Every student would be appalled to know what we are getting each Senate meeting. As a Senator, I opposed and then declined the Senate stipend and ask you to consider lowering it to a reasonable amount. Remember, every dollar that we don't spend on ourselves is a dollar that goes straight to the students. Looking down our own regulations and our own offices, my vision of the Student Senate stands at a crossroads in its roles of voicing the students. Currently, UNLV has been doing tremendous change. We have an university president that's determined to help UNLV fulfill its potential by growing to the big-time state university and standing for the same academic point field position as ASU or UCLA. A new library and new law school improved academic organization and is going to help us grow and prosper in the coming years. At the same time, however, it is apparent that the goals of the administrators, conserve of our fine president, may not always be similar or compatible to those of the student body. In recent years the plethora of new fees have been forced upon students. In addition to the much hated parking fee, students and dozens of programs and academic departments face increased fees or new fees. Having provided for the slow and responsible tuition growth of 4% every year, the administration now seems to (lg) or fee us to death. How can the Senate speak for students on vital campus issues? One way is through something called Senate Resolutions. Through a resolution a Senate, over half of the students represent, get to speak in favor of a possible idea that the law school or get to the unpopular one about the parking fee. These resolutions can be important tools for use by us, your Executive Board, when we deal with the administration and with the Board of Regents. As Senate President, I'm asking you, the 27th Session, for a series of resolutions that addresses such campus issues. To ensure that such bills have really been passed, I ask for each of you to introduce at least two each semester. Above all, bylaws, revisions, and similar things are welcome. I prefer that your bills be resolutions, that plaintively address a campus-wide issue. Since there are only six weeks left in the fall semester, you should probably start on your first bill tomorrow. As a Senator, your mind, your patience, and, above all, your conscious will be tested. In your every action as a Senator, search your conscious and think deeper of the students who elected you. The path to be righteous can be steep and difficult. Many times you will be called on by your conscious to say or vote what is unpopular. Please, never ever hesitate! No one here will be offended by your views because we are friends and behold it to one another to the students who elected us. Together we can make the 27th Session the best every. Thanks." //Applause.// SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE passed out the Constitution and Senate Handbook to new members of the Senate. He also passed out new inserts to the Senators and stated that as 2 SENATE MEETING 27-01 / NOVEMBER 4, 1996 far as the constitutional revisions that just passed, he made a note that those are effective upon Board of Regents approval. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Director reports 1. Entertainment and Programming-DIRECTOR CASTILLO congratulated the new Senators. He stated that events for the semester have been going well with great response from the students and some faculty. He announced a Noon scene on November 13, Collegiate Advantage Sports on November 21, and November 24 is the final movie, Independence Day, for the semester. In response to a question, SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that the election to the open spot on the E&P committee will be at the next meeting. 2. O.S.I.-DIRECTOR HAMILTON welcomed the new Senators and stated that she is the KUNV liaison; she stated that they sold all the shirts; they had a KUNV Executive Board committee meeting last week; they discussed new areas and plan for the station, a new direction and the future of the station. She stated she is also working on having KUNV at the Tailgate on Saturday. 3. Organizations Board—DIRECTOR BONGHI welcomed the new Senators; he stated that there is no meeting this week, there will be one next week at 5:00 p.m. in the ballroom. He announced that basketball ticket distribution will be starting next Monday. He stated that if there are any more requests from constituents regarding handicap tickets, please let him know and he'll make sure to reserve more. In response to questions, he stated that it is his obligation to inform (the O-Board) about what goes on in the Senate meetings that pertains to them; there are 115 organizations that are recognized right now. 4. Nevada Student Affairs—DIRECTOR VALERA addressed the math lab situation that was brought up to him and he subsequently brought to the Senate last week. He stated that Marc Kuro has contacted him for any progress and he would like the Senate to help this student. In response to questions, he stated that he thinks the tutoring should be free to the students. He also mentioned that he'd like having a meeting (open forum) for the newly elected officials soon. 5. Student Services—DIRECTOR TOLBERT stated that they are currently working on their survey for students and would like feedback from the Senate for Career Day. In response to a question, he added that computer in the office is still being worked; and he will ask his board about purchasing a copy machine, etc.. 6. Elections Board-STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT MILLS spoke on behalf of DIRECTOR REED and stated that he is still working on getting more quotes from companies for the upcoming elections in the Spring. B. Senate Committee Reports SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that they don't have any Senate committee reports. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN formally objected to the Senate waiting a two-week period to form the Senate committees; there is stuff on the agenda tonight that needs to go to a committee. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE replied that the reason we're forming them in two weeks is so people can talk to the core members of the committees that's one of the chairman and find out what kind of stuff each one handles and pick one they want to be on. He stated that not everybody came to the new Senate orientation. In response to a question, he will place the old committee list in everybody's box; it has the chairmen and the members along with the phone list; he stated as far as Faculty Senate committees and other campus committees, those can held by any student, so that when the new session starts all of the 3 SENATE MEETING 27-01 / NOVEMBER 4, 1996 old people are still on them unless the decide to resign; the four standing Senate committees and an Ad Hoc committee, if you have it, completely start over with each new session; so for each committee at the next meeting, we'll be electing the members and then from among those members, we'll be electing a chairman. C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports SENATOR ANDERSON announced that she is on the Dean Search Committee for the Business College; they're going to narrow it down at the meeting on Thursday; she also stated that there is an Admissions Committee meeting this Friday at 2:30 in EH 518, she needs a proxy. SENATOR HAYES volunteered to be the proxy. SENATOR TRUJILLO stated that the Library Committee is having a meeting November 8, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.; he needs a proxy. SENATOR BRIGGS volunteered to be the proxy. SENATOR SOLOMON stated that he is on the College of Education Dean Search Committee. He stated that the General Education Committee is having their last meeting of the semester, he needs a proxy for the meeting on Thursday, November 7 at 1:30 p.m.. SENATOR PRICE volunteered to be the proxy. SENATOR PERSCH stated that the UNLV-Student Health Center Committee sent around a survey at the beginning of the semester and got the results back; they will be discussing it tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. in the Health Sciences building, room 605. SENATOR LIDEROS resigned from the Curriculum Committee. In response to a question, they are going to meet again right before Thanksgiving. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE explained that, regarding the Faculty Senate Committees, the Faculty Senate has a Senate just like our Senate, and they have all their committees, too. He added that usually there are 1 to 2 students, sometimes 3, on each of their committees within their Senate; most committees meet every 2 weeks or maybe once a month or semester; he stated that if you volunteer for those, get elected, or volunteer to proxy, the key is to show up; if you miss a couple meetings in row, the people start talking about kicking students off the committee and that's not what we want to happen. He stated that the Faculty Senate committees are like our pipeline to what's going on with professors and where they are going. SENATOR MOORE stated that he attended the last Faculty Senate Committee meeting and spoke with most of the chairs and explained to them that they are going through a transition period right now. D. Business Manager Report SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE stated that they have no business manager at this. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL stated that the committee is still in search for a replacement. He added that if any one is interested in the expenditures, they can contact him, and he has the copy codes for the copier. E. CSUN-Residence Hall Liaison Report The Residence Hall liaison was no present. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that she called him regarding the parking situation and has not received a response; she asked that if anybody runs into him, to ask him to get in touch with her. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] 4 SENATE MEETING 27-01 / NOVEMBER 4, 1996 DIRECTOR TOLBERT addressed the Senate regarding student complaints about the parking situation on campus; he announced that the Ethnic Student Council is having a Day of Dedication on November 14. He stated that it was interesting to see the pictures of the Senators in the Health Science building with a contact number and thought he'd pass it on to the Senate. In response to a question, he stated that the March from in front of the Student Services Complex over to the Alumni Amphitheater that begins at 11:30 a.m. and will go until about 1:00 p.m., and there will a panel discussion of community leaders at about 1:30 -2:30 p.m.. He stated that he'd make sure that each of the Senators will get flyers in their boxes. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that there will probably be a senate resolution about the closing an area up for a track because it is dangerous; she stated that the race took place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; and that, apparently, we'd forgotten that we now have a race track in Las Vegas. DOM RICCIARDI addressed the Senate regarding the funding for the Association of Pre Health Professionals; he answered questions and engaged in discussion with the Senate and members of CSUN. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE halted the above discussion because the Senate "debated it for 64 minutes when it was an original item, it's a future agenda item, all of the Senators have a time called Good of the Senate and can say whatever they want, so it was kind of running away from us." He stated that the purpose of public comment is more aimed for people in the gallery, not Senators. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Nomination/Appointment of a CSUN Representative to the Library Dean Search Committee (Tabled at Senate Meeting 26-34); Motion to Remove from the Table made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR LOPEZ. Move into a vote on removal. Motion passes 23-0-0. SENATOR TRUJILLO provided a brief history and description of the committee and its purpose. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE added that every time the Dean quits or is fired, there is one student democratically elected by the Senate who can be put on the Dean Search Committee; it's usually a Senator, but can be any student; the committees tend to be really hectic for a short period of time where you sit through dozens of applications, but it's a fun process. Motion to nominate SENATOR SCHIFF made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Motion to close nominations made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR SOLOMON. Move into a vote on closing nominations. Motion passes 23-0-0. Move into a vote on the original motion. Motion passes 22-0-1. (SENATOR SCHIFF abstained.) VIII. NEW BUSINESS Motion to Move Out of the Order of the Day to New Business, Item G made by SENATOR LOPEZ, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. 5 SENATE MEETING 27-01 / NOVEMBER 4, 1996 Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Maryum Ali to the CSUN Student Services Board; Motion to Approve made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR PEREZ. MARYUM ALI introduced herself to the Senate and addressed the Senate regarding her application. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. Motion to Move Back into the Order of the Day made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. A. Action Item: Nomination/Election of a Senate President Pro-Tempore, nominees will speak before the Senate for a time not to exceed five (5) minutes each, with a roll call vote taken to decide the top two nominees. The top two nominees will engage in a question and answer session with the Senate. A second roll call vote will decide the Pro-Tempore from the two finalists; Motion to amend the item to read " two nominees, the rest of the action will be tabled per Bylaw 4..." made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR PERSCH. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE passed the gavel to one of the senior Senators, SENATOR TRUJILLO. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE addressed the item, and the waiving of Bylaw 4; he feels that it is not necessary to waive the Bylaw. Discussion ensued regarding waiving Bylaw 4. Motion for a friendly amendment to remove "second" made by SENATOR PRICE, the first and second concurred. Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion to amend fails 10:13:0. (SENATORS SCHIFF, SOLOMON, LOPEZ, BRIGGS, PERSCH, AMEND, LEHMAN, STARK, QUINCY, HAYES, ZUREK, MOORE, and PRICE.) SENATOR PERSCH moved to nominate SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR STARK. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN moved to nominate SENATOR PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR SONG. SENATOR BRIGGS moved to nominate SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Motion to closed nominations made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded SENATOR AMEND. Motion to close nominations passes 23:0:0. SENATOR ANDERSON spoke first before the Senate. In response to questions, she supported the idea of making the Senate President Pro-Tempore position a semester only position., she would rearrange her schedule to make it like a part-time job, she stated that it is the responsibility of the Executive Officers to represent the entire Senate to the Executive Board; she believes that she is a pretty logical person and believes that the Pro-Tempore really needs to think a lot before acting in a situation; she thinks 6 SENATE MEETING 27-01 / NOVEMBER 4, 1996 that one of her best qualities is that when things are important, she is very patient and committed, but not pushy. //The tape is very weak, so the first part of SENATOR ANDERSON'S and SENATOR MOORE's speeches are inaudible.// SENATOR MOORE spoke second before the Senate. In response to questions, he believes that he will be able to manage the time schedule as Senate President Pro-Tempore very well; he thinks that the idea of making the Pro-Tempore a semester only position is perfectly fair because it is the whole issue of democracy; his goals are to focus on the content of the meeting agendas, get everyone to start working at the bottom, and start doing some community service; he thinks the Pro-Tempore should be open and unbiased; he doesn't believe that the Pro-Tempore position should be a 9:00 - 5:00 position; he doesn't believe that the Executive Board would influence his decisions as the Pro-Tempore; he stated that his obligation and privilege is representing the voice of the students; as Pro-Tempore he could use experience to provide leadership and guidance to new Senators. SENATOR PEREZ spoke third before the Senate. Her number one goal is Senate Cohesiveness In response to questions, she stated that she has no constraints or major obligations in her life right now; she wholeheartedly approve the of the semesterly limits to the Pro-Tempore position; she stated that the training (Retreat/Workshop) she plans would not only be geared to the new Senators; she feels it would be beneficial to the Senate and it is absolutely vital to get to laugh at eachother, know eachother, work with eachother, and respecting eachother; she believes that she has been a good Senator, has the experience needed, feels that she is very prepared and