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uac000429. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 14-28 June 5, 19 84 I. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 4:09. II. Roll Call - The roll call was taken by sight. Present Absent Senator Ashley Senator Cohen - excused Senator Bellon Senator Nellis - excused Senator Colquitt Senator Doubrava Senator Hawlev Senator Hughes - Late at 4:35 Senator Ohriner Senator Samuelson Senator Souris Senator Varona The chair announced the resignations of Senators Fazi and Black. He also announced that Senator Ashley is leaving at the end of June and will be withdrawn from any committee nominations. There were 9 senators in attendance. III. Approval of Minutes #27 - The chair recorded i the nomination of a fee waiver for Senator Ohriner to the minutes from Senate meeting #27. The minutes were approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements - The chair spoke on behalf of President Anderson. The President would like to see Dr. Troutman receive a grant, but not in the full amount. ^' Executive Board Nominations - The Executive Board nominated John Fazi as fntramuraTs~DTTrector. The vote was 2-1-0. VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports - Kai Fischer reported on the Shuttle Cart Service. VII. Old Business - A. Senator Ohriner moved to reonen nominations for the third vacancy in the college of Business & Economics. Senator- Colquitt seconded the motion. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MINUTES - Pacfe 2 The chair announced that there are currently 3 vacancies in the college of Business & Economics. The chair also announced that there are no applications on hand for the vacant'senate seats. The vacant senate seats are: Academic Advisement - 3 Hotel Administration - 2 Business & Economics - 3 • li Senator Samuelson nominated Andv Nichols to the Senate for Eotel Administration. Senator Colquitt nominated August Corrales for Business1 and Economics. VIII. New Business - A. There was no action taken on the appointment of a senator for Business and Economics. B. Senator Samuelson moved to suspend the rules (Item I, Bylaw 15), to permit items C,D,E, and F. Senator Bellon seconded this motion. A vote was taken and this passed with 3 in favor, none opposed, and Senator Hawley abstaining. Item G was next considered. G. The following nominations were deleted by the chair: John Fazi Senate member - Appropriations Jose DeJesus At Large Member - Appropriations Robert Ashley - Curriculum ^ x Financial Aid Library Tom Hawley Senate Member - Radio Board Randv Tidwell - Intramurals Director (Correction to the Minutes - Jack McClarv At Large member for Appropriations was out of order.) Bob Briare for Radio Board Chairman was withheld until the next meeting. The following nominations were approved as g whole by a vote of 9-0-0. 1., Pub11cations Board a. Chairman - John Fazi b. Senate Member - Gary Samuelson c. At Large Members - r. Linda Ferris ii. George Lorenzo iii. Mike Loewy d. Communications Dept. Rep. Dr. Cloud e. Information Office Rep. - Tom Flagg f. Professional Rep. - Linda Lufjman SENATE MINUTES - Pacfe 2 2. Entertainment & Programming a. Chairman - James Rathner b. Senate Member - Tom Hawlev c. At Larcre Members - Ed Miller Chris Hamilton Rick Jimenez 3. Appropriations a. Chairman - Kai Fischer b. Senate Member - Gary Samuelson c. At Large Member - 4. Nevada Student Affairs Director - Michelle DeTillio 5. Academic Standards - Mark Doubrava 6. Curriculum - Mark Doubrava 7. Financial Aid - ®• Grievance Committee - Karen Cohen 9. IAC - John Fazi 10. Library - 11. Appropriations Member - Randy Colauitt 12. aS.t udeCnhta irSmearnv ic-e sG us Varona b. Member - Mike Loewv 13. Intercollegiate Athletic Council Member - Vicki Huahes 14. Radio Board a. Chairman - b. Senate Member - c. At Large - Mike Loewy 15. Intramurals Director - The meeting now resumed at Item C under New Business. C. Approval of $350 to the Water Skiing Club from 900 as amended from the table. Senator Colquitt moved to remove this from the table with a second from Kai Fischer. A vote was taken with 4 in favor, Senators Hawlev and Ashley opposed and Senators Samuelson, Souris and Ohriner abstaining. The motion carried. There was discussion. The chair requested the motion be withdrawn. Senator Varona withdrew his motion and the second, Senator Huahes; concurred. SENATE MINUTES - Pacfe 2 D. Senator Bellon withdrew the item \ to approve $5.00 per participant at Water Skiinq event, to Water Skiinq Club in an amount not to exceed $400.00 to be oaid upon evidence of participation. . . . ' c r E. Senator Samuelson moved to approve $7 50 to be paid to Dr. Porter Troutman from 900 to defray the costs of "A Tribute to Black Women." Senator Ohriner seconded. Discussion took place. Senator Samuelson withdrew his motion, But his second did not concur. Senator Ohriner discussed why. The chair recoanized Dr. Troutman to speak on behalf of the request. Senator Bellon moved to amend the amount to $1326.23 pending verification by receipts. Senator Hughes seconded. Senator Hawlev left at 4:57 excused. The amendment was approved 9-0-0. The main motion Dassed with a vote of 9-0-0. F. Senator Ohriner moved to approve an amount not to exceed $300 to be paid to Maryann Mesday upon presentation fo receipts in sponsorship of Miss Wheelchair Nevada who won the contest. Discussion took place. (Colquitt seconded) There was a vote taken and this motion was approved 9-0-0. H. Senator Ohriner moved to approve the cash transfers in item H and Senator Doubrava seconded this. The chair then recognized Business Manager, Pam Levins. Discussion took place. Senator Ohriner moved to amend bv substitution to anprove Items H,I,J as a whole. Senator Doubrava seconded. Discussion took olace. There was a vote taken and this motion passed with 9 in favor. IX. Open Discussion Pam Levins announced the Executive Board Election costs. The total Election cost was $9082.23. There was a donation of ballots and the tabulation of the ballots by Clark County which came to $3510. This made the total to $5572.23. MSU agreed to pay 25% of this amount or a total of $1300. They did pay the $1300 and this left the CSUN Government with an ending bill of $4272.23. Pam Levins also announced that the Mav 15 issue of the Yell cost only $1283.52 as of today, June 6, 1984. James Ohriner announced that the bylaw is almost finished and will be in about 10 days to two weeks. Senate President Haldeman announced that everyone should review all the packages they have. SENATE MINUTES - Pacfe 2 X. Adjournment- The meeting was adjourned at 5:27 pm. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MEMORANDUM TO: All Senator's and Executive Board FROM: Bill Haldeman, Senate President DATE: June 6, 19 84 RE: Appointment Appointment of Jack McClary was out of order as he is not an admitted student. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 14-2^| June 12, 19 84 MSU Ballroom ~ 4:00 P.M. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #28 IV. Announcement1s V. Reports VI. Old Business A. Nomination's for Vacant Senate Seat's 1. Academic Advisement (3) — 2. Hotel (2) Andy Nichols 3. Business and Economics (3) August Corrales, Ray Tuntland B., A motion to suspend the rules (Item I, Bylaw 15) to consider item C. C. Discussion / Action, a grant not to exceed 350.00, from 900r to the -Water Skiing Club. VIII. New Business A. Senate Appointment's to fill vacant seat's. B. Appointment of Intramurals Director — John Fazi C. Approval of Fee Waiver for James Ohriner for SSII and Fall, 1984. D. Approval of a motion to postphone compensation'for June appointee's until after July 1, 1984. - Cohen E. Approval of 500.00 to be paid to renew membership in the National Student Exchange, from 900.00 IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477