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Congressional Record, Volume 132, Number 140-II, October 10, 1986


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No. 140?Part II Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 99th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1986 No. 140?Part 11 Senate Mr. HECHT. Mr. President, the adjournment of the 99th Congress brings to a close the Senate career of Paul Laxalt. I am sorry to say he is leaving this great body, Mr. President, because in the over 20 years of our friendship, Paul Laxalt has been a true friend and adviser and I will miss his presence greatly. As Nevada's favorite son, Mr. President, Paul Laxalt has proven that the spirit of the West is transplantable to this body. He lent that spirit to the Reagan revolution which has brought about a strong and revitalized economy, renewed worldwide respect, and peace and prosperity at home. He has accepted the call of his President in difficult international situations, and has successfully led his party to increased prosperity and stature. While Paul has served his country above and beyond the call, Mr. President, his first and foremost commitment has always been to Nevada. Paul Laxalt has shown the world that Nevada is one of our most beautiful States and has contributed greatly to making Nevada one of America's fastest growing. I attribute these facts to the very presence of Paul Laxalt as a Member of the U.S. Senate, but even more to his stature as a truly American leader in the tradition of our greatest statesmen. We of this body, Mr. President, will miss Paul Laxalt. His record is a legacy for us all to serve by. In the near future, Mr. President, I have an inclination that Paul Laxalt will once again accept the call to leadership of this great Nation. We send him off with all best wishes.