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uac000460. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA; Senate Meeting 15-13 February 14,1985 MSU Lounge 201 4:30 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes 15-12 IV. Announcement s V. Executive Board Nominations 1. Dismiss Nicole Peterson from Elections Board Chairman 2. Appoint Robert Ashley to Elections Board Chairman VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports VII. Old Business May not be considered before 5:00 p.m. A. Approval of $50.00 to Robert Ashley for conducting Senate Elections B. Approval of Senate Bill 15-9 —Varona i C. Establish date: .and time of Senate Retreat VIII. New Business A. Transfer to the 902 account an amount not to exceed $20,000.00 B. Wave Bylaw 15/ A motion to suspend the rules to consider Items C,D,E and F. C. Approval of a donation/grant to the Emergency Loan account of an amount not to exceed $5,000.00. D. Approval of a donation to the Graduate Scholarship Endowment: an amount not to exceed $500100 E. Approval of a donation for Graduate Scholarships in the name of CSUN to two UNLV Graduates in an amount not to exceed $500.00 each. ($1,000.00) F. Approval of a donation not to exceed $1,500.00 to the Debate Squad. G. Wave Bylaw 6/ A motion to suspend the rules to consider items H and I. H. Dismiss Nicole Peterson from Elections Board Chair. I. Appointment of Robert Ashley Elections Board Chair. J. Approval of Resolution 15-if.—Haldeman,Hendrick,Holm,Varona "J.VERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND ?A <IC.VAY."_*S VEGAS, KV 89154/(702) 739-2477 ^enda 15-13 -2- K. Approval of use of vehicle for Yellin' Rebel L. Approval of an amount not to exceed $700.00 for the purchase of desks from the 900 account. M. Approval of appointments to CRI 1. Michael Ashleman 2. John Fazi N. Approval of Radio Board Operating Policy Amendment 0. Directive to the Publications Board: to nominate stipend amounts for Yell Staff. P. Approval of Contract with DJ Franfeie for E&P. t IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment sjd I CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS 0 Senate Bill No. 9. . of the 15th session INTRODUCED BY: Senate President Pro Tempore Varona Summary: AN ACT relating to appointment of candidates to fill vacant Senate seats; defining "unani-mous acclamation," providing for interpreta-tion; and providing for other matters proper-ly relating thereto. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRESENTED IN THE CSUN SENATE, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: Amend CSUNRS No. 100 by creating a new statute therein to be numbered 112, and create subsections thereto to read as follows: 112.00 "Unanimous acclamation" .112.02 "Unanimous acclamation," as used with reference to the appointment of persons to fill vacant Senate seats, shall be interpreted as an absolute, unanimous acceptance of a single candidate for an opening on the Seante; an instance by which the Seriate closes nominations for a position where only one candidate is nominated for a single seat. 112.04 In a situation where one candidate is nominated for one seat and the Senate closes nominations for that seat, the candidate shall be seated at the meeting following the meeting in which such nom-inations were closed barring an objection. If a member of the body objects to the seating of the candidate, the -Senate shall either conduct an election for that seat or reopen nominations for that seat. 112.06 In an election where only one candidate is named, member of the Senate shall cast a ballot in one of the following manners: A. YES: approval of the candidate; seating the candidate; or B. NO: disapproval of the candidate; reopening nominations for that seat; or C. ABSTAIN: no opinion, refusal to participate in the vote for personal, ethical, or other reasons; does not count in the vote total as "Yes" or "No." 112.08 A candidate seated by unanimous acclamation shall be considered appointed to that seat at such time as the candidate affirms the oath of office. / jeo UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS BYLAW #24 "48 HOURS" Introduced by Pi'esident Kent D. Anderson I. APPLICATION OF "WORKING HOURS": This by lav/ shall apply speci-fically to the CSUN Constitution, Article V. , Section C.,.sub-section 4, and in general where not otherwise defined within another law, statute, ruling, resolution, or bylaw specifically. II. "FORTY-EIGHT HOURS" DEFINED: The term "forty-eight hours" as used within Article V. of the CSUN Constitution shall be consid-ered two (2) working days as used within Nevada Revised Statutes. In general, where not otherwise defined, similar terms stated hours divisible by twenty-four (24), such as "24 hours," "72 hours," or."96 hours," shall be considered working days where applicable. III. "WORKING DAYS" DEFINED: Unless superseded by U. S. or Nevada law, or CSUN Constitution, "working days" shall include every day of the week except Saturday, Sunday and holidays declared by lav; or proclamation of the Governor. UNLV Debate and Forensics Squad Robert J. Glenn, III Jim RePPert Director of Forensics Associate Director of Forensics 198/1-85 ROSTER OF AWARD WINNERS UNIVERSITY OF UTAH INDIVIDUAL EVENTS: Lewis Clemmens, Seraifinalist, Open Impromptu Speaking Semi finalist,. Open Extemporaneous Speaking DEBATE: Clemmens/Lybarger, 5th place, Junior CEDA GAL POLY POMONA INDIVIDUAL EVENTS: Lewis Clemmens, 1st place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking 2nd place,. Novice Impromptu Speaking Steve Creason, 2nd place, Junior Extemporaneous Speaking th place, Junior Impromptu Speaking Joe Bunin, 3rd place, Junior Extemporaneous Speaking Bill McCoy, l±th place, Novice Persuasive Speaking Paul Perkins, Zfth place, Novice Extempornnoous Speaking DEBATE: Bunin/Creason, 2nd place, Junior CEDA Clemmens/Lybarger, 3rd place, Junior CEDA DEBATE SPEAKER AWARDS: Joe Bunin, 1st speaker, Junior CEDA (2) SAN JOAQUIN DELTA COLLEGE INDIVIDUAL EVENTS: Bill McCoy, 1st place, Novice Communication Analysis 2nd place, Novice Pentathlon, i+th place, Novice Persuasive Speaking Sonja Finley, 2nd place, Novice Poetry Interpretation 3rd place, Novice Pentathlon McCoy/ELnley, 1st place, Novice Duo Interpretation Charles Lybarger, 1st place, Novice Argument Analysis 3rd place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking Paul Perkins, 2nd place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking 3rd place, Novice Communication Analysis th place, Novice Argument Analysis Lisa Smith, 2nd place, novice Communication Analysis DEBATE: Perkins/Estes,- missed breaking to Novice CEDA semifinals on points SWEEPSTAKES: UNLV, 3nd place, university sweepstakes SOUTHERN UTAH STATE COLLEGE INDIVIDUAL EVENTS: Steve Creason, 1st place, Junior Communication Analysis 2nd place, Junior Extemporaneous Speaking Joe Bunin, 2nd place, Junior communication Analysis 5th place, Junior Impromptu Speaking Charles Lybarger, 3nd place,. Junior Poetry Interpretation Zfth place, Junior extemporaneous Speaking Lev/is Clemmens, 3nd place, Junior Extemporaneous opeaking DEBATE: Bunin/Creason, oetafinalists, Open CEDA Clemrnens/Lyharger, o eta finalists, Open CEDA ( 3 ) PSCFA FALL CHAMPIONSHIPS INDIVIDUAL EVENTS: Paul Perkins, 2nd place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking ifth place, Novice Impromptu Speaking Lewis Clemmens, 1+th place, Junior Extemporaneous Speaking Semifinalist, Junior Impromptu Speaking Joe Bunin, Semifinalist, Junior Impromptu Speaking Bill McCoy, Semifinalist, Novice Persuasive Speaking Charles Lybarger, Semi finalist, Novice Impromptu Speaking DjB_TE: Perkins/Sstes, 2nd place, Novice CEDA Bunin/McCoy, 3rd place, Open CEDA CAL ST^TS LONG BEA CH DEBATE: McCoy/Pinley, 1st place, Beginner CEDA Perkins/Smith, 3rd place,. Novice CEDA DEBATE SPEAKER AY/ARDS: Paul Perkins, 1st speaker, Novice CEDA Lisa Smith, 3rd speaker, Novice CEDA Bill McCoy, 1st speaker, Beginner CEDA Sonja Finley, 2nd speaker, Beginner CEDA. EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE INDIVIDUAL EVENTS: Paul Perkins, l+th place, Open Persuasive Speaking U ) SL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE (CONTINUED) DEBATE: Perkins/Estes, missed breaking to Junior CEDA quarterfinals on points DEBATE SPEAKER AWARDS: Paul Perkins, 5th speaker, Junior CEDA UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO INDIVIDUAL EVENTS: Paul Perkins, ktb. place, Open Impromptu Speaking DEBATE:' Perkins/Estes, 3rd place, junior CEDA DEBATE SPEAKER AWARDS: Paul Perkins, 5th. speaker, Junior CEDA SACRAMENTO CITY COLLEGE IN PIVIDUA L EVENTS: Paul Perkins,. 1st place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking /fth place, Novice Argument Analysis Mike Alman, 3rd place* Novice Dramatic Interpretation ifth. place, Open Original Poetry 7th place, Open Individual Events Sweepstakes Nickie Bredsguard, 3rd place,. Novice Impromptu Speaking Alman/Bredsguard, 1st place, Novice Duo Interpretation. Sonja Finley, 3rd place, Novice Communication Analysis McCoy/RLniey, 2nd place, Novice Duo Interpretation DEBATE: Perkins/Estes, 1st place, Novic-e CEDA McCoy/Navarro, 3rd place, Novice CEDA Bunin/Creason, 5th place, Junior CEDA ( 5 ) SACRAMENTO CITY COLLEGE (CONTINUED) DEBATE SPEAKER AWARDS: Joe Burma, 2nd speaker, Junior OEDA Steve Creason, 8th speaker, Junior CEDA Paul Perkins, 2nd speaker, Novice ^EDA Bill McCoy, 6th speaker, Novice CEDA Tom. Estes,. ?th speaker, Novice CEDA Charles Navarro, 10th speaker, Novice C " "fi7T?TD cmr. Tr rpc . UNLY, 2nd place, university sweepstakes EXFECTED FEES FOR THE TWO TPUPHAMIT:; PSCFA SPRING C HA MP IONS III P S: February ?J\ ENTRY FEES: It 100 L+ debate teams x ItlU, '?/+0 30 individual events entries x 'it2, itGO HOTEL: $360 if rooms x $50 x 3 days, ii360 FOOD STIPEND: it288 12 people x 1 meal x it8 x 3 d.-jyn, It28 TOTAL FOR PSCFA TRIP: It?48.00 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IR'/IHE: March 8, 9, 1-0 ENTRY FEES: ILL';0 3 debate teams x 1130, V-jO 12 individual events entries x it 3, it Go HOTEL: it270 3 rooms x It30 x 3 days, it270 FOOD STIPEND: 'it2UP 10 people x 1 meal, x it8 x 3 dnyr;, TOTAL FOR IRVINE TRIP: it660.00 TOTAL FEES TOR BOTH TRIPS: ftU03.00 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES Senate Meeting 15-13 February 14, 1985 MSU Lounge 201 4:30 p.m. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:36p.m. II. Roll Call Present Absent Senator Adams Senator Acker (excused) Senator Chadwell Senator Kim (unexcused) Senator Champagne Senator Davis (excused late) Senator DiBenedetto Senator Harrington Senator Hendrick Senator Holm Senator Kelleher Senator Kowalczyk Senator Larson Senator Maestas Senator Muir Senator Nellis Senator Nichols Senator Sattler Senator Smith Senator Varona There being quorum, the meeting continued. III. Approval of Minutes 15-12 The minutes were approved with no corrections. IV. Announcement s -Senate President Haldeman asked the Senate to correct their agenda item P. to contract with Romney Smith. -Vice President Fischer discussed the meeting with Keystone Insurance. Senator Davis arrived at the meeting at 4:40p.m. Fischer also received a card from Evelyn Ludman, who thanked the Senate for their support. He also announced that we will no longer retain Chris Beeclroft as our lawyer and that Shelley Berkley will take his place. -Senate President Haldeman announced that Sean Kelleher and he had attended the Course Fee Review Committee. "J.VERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND ?A <IC.VAY."_*S VEGAS, KV 89154/(702) 739-2477 S.M/15-13 2 V. Executive Board Nominations 1. Dismiss Nicole Peterson as Elections Board Chairman 2. Appoint Robert Ashley to Elections Board Chairman. VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports John Fazi, Intramurals Director addressed the Senate and gave an update on the Sports. Bill Bacon, Organizations Board Chairman addressed the Senate, he requested that the Senate take no action on item A, under New Business until next week. Jim Rathner, Entertainment & Programming Director announced the parties and all the new events. Senate President Haldeman asked the Senate if there were any objections to suspend with the order of the day and move directly into New Business item B. There were no objections. VIII. New Business B. Wave Bylaw 15/ A motion to suspend the rules to consider Items C,D,E,andF. Senator Nichols moved to approve. Vice Preisent Fischer seconded. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. C. Approval of a donation/grant to the Emergency Loan account of an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 Senator Harrington moved to approve $5,000.00. Senator Holm seconded. Vice President Fischer offered a friendly amendment to let the Appropriations Board determine which account to take the monies from. The amendment was accepted. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. D. Approval of a donation to the Graduate Scholarship Endowment: an amount not to exceed $500.00. E. Approval of a donation for Graduate Scholarships in the name of CSUN to two UNLV Graduates in an amount not to exceed $500.00 each. ($1,000.00). Senator DiBenedetto moved to approve Item D for $500.00 and Item E for $1,000.00. Vice-President Fischer seconded. Dr. Adams addressed the Senate and answered questions. Senator DiBenedetto offered to specify the 900 account. The second concurred. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. F. Approval of a donation not to exceed $1,500.00 for the Debate Squad. Senator Smith moved to approve $1,408.00 from account 912. Senator Holm seconded. Bob Glenn addressed the Senate. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. G. Wave Bylaw 6/ a motion to suspend the rules to consider items H and L. Vice President Fischer moved to approve. Senator Harrington seconded. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. S.M./15-13 3 H. Dismiss Nicole Peterson from Elections Board Chair. I. Appoint Robert Ashley to Elections Board Chair Vice President Fischer moved to approve H and I as a whole. Senator Nichols seconded. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. J. Approval of Resolution 15-5 Haldeman,Hendrick,Holm,Varona. No action was taken. Senator Smith left the meeting at 5:40 p.m. K. Approval of use of vehicle for Yellin' Rebel Senator Nichols moved to approve. Senator Harrington seconded, Ron Zayas addressed the Senate and explained the need for the vehicle. The motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. L. Approval of an amount not to exceed $700.00 for the purchase of desks from the account 900. Vice President Fischer moved to approve $700.00 from account 900. Senator Harrington seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. M. Approval of appointments to CRI 1. Michael Ashleman 2. John Fazi Senator Harrington moved to approve. Senator Champagne seconded. Senator Holm objected to the consideration of the question. Senator Sattler accepted. The objected was not sustained with 5 in favor (Holm,Sattler, Kowalczyk,Kelleher,Varona) and 10 opposed, and 2 abstaining (Hendrick, Nichols). Senator Holm also CRI Chairman asked for no action to be taken. The maker of the motion withdrew his motion. The second concurred. N. Approval of Radio Board Operating Policy Amendment No action was taken. 0. Directive to the Publications Board: to nominate stipend amounts for Yell Staff. -Senator Harrington moved to approve. Senator Hendrick seconded. Ron Zayas addressed the Senate . -Senator Maestas offered a friendly amendment to change Yell Staff to Publications The maker of the motion accepted, with the second concurring. Senator Hendrick called for the question. Withdrawn. -Senator Nellis offered a friendly amendment to say CSUN Publications. The maker of the motion accepted, with the second concurring. -The motion to approve the directive to the Publications Board: to nominate stipend amounts for CSUN Publications passed with 10 in favor, 5 opposed (Nichols,Nellis,Varona,Champagne,DiBenedetto) and 2 abstaining (Maestas, Holm). P. Approval of Contract with DJ Romney Smith. Senator Harrington moved to approve. Sehator Sattler seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. S.M./15-13 4 Senate President Haldeman passed the gavel to Senate President Pro Tempore Varona at 6:00 p.m. Q. Approval to establish an Ad Hoc Committee Refferenda Bill Haldeman discussed why he wanted to start the committee. Senate President Haldeman moved to approve. Senator Harrington seconded. Nominations were: Kent Larson,Bill Haldeman,James Ohriner, Tristam Harrington. With Bill Haldeman presiding as Chairman. The motion passed with 13 in favor, 0 opposed, and 4 abstaining (Holm,DiBenedetto, Sattler,Nellis). Old Business A. Approval of $50.00 to Robert Ashley for conducting Senate Elections. Senator Nichols moved to approve. Senator DiBenedetto. Senator Holm spoke on behalf of Robert Ashley. The motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. B. Approval of Senate Bill 15-9 Varona. No action was taken. C. Establish date and time of Senate Retreat Senator Harrington moved to approve discussion. Senator Nellis seconded J There was discussion on what day and time were available. A question of funding a ski trip came up. The meeting was recessed by Senate President Pro Tempore Varona at 6:10p.m. The meeting was called back to order by Senate President Pro Tempore Varona at 6:13 p.m. The question was out of order. Open Discussion Senator Harrington wished everyone a Happy Valentines, and also discussed that CSUN and the University of Wisconsin, Madison are in a State of War. Senator Nellis asked the Senate for volunteers for the Health Fair, and he also commended the admirable efforts of Gary Longfellow, CSUN Secretarial Receptionist for breaking up a fight. Senator Harrington was nominated Secretary of War. Senator Sattler made a statement about the rude comments of nepotism. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.