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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 eonneetion with water lines at tlm place t was previously, we had quite a Mt of trouble with that water system there and, of course, it took study m that. Bare yea ever been employed by a water company supply* lag water to the public? A, l», sir. %* Have you ever been employed by a Oity Oovcrnmant which itself' supplied water to the public? A* lbs, sirf the City of Seats Cruz, California. %* For what period of timet A. that was from January 1, 1944, to around the 10th of March, 1944, at which time I returned to San Francisco, Q. Did you do eagineorlng in connection with the water syatm at that time? A. Only routine plant eheetetag, distribution cheeking. %> *hnt has been, in brief words, the type of your eivtl engineering experience prior to the time you ease to las Vegas? A, Prior to the time I mm to las Vegas, I was connected with the Federal Sovaraaent at the Depot, e&lAfortoia, which lies ©O miles northwest of Hen©. I first started with then fl» August i| 1944, and I was principal engineer or principal civilian engineer at that Post for the Post Engineer, end that work covered all types of m&ntmmm, railway, highway, water system, electrical distribution, and there was a ©csanmaity attached to the Base Of about 4,000 people, and we had charge of all the ee«H&iby maintenance there which covered the streets, buildings, etc. I wa* there until October of 1945, at which tlse