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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, August 11, 1942 to December 30, 1946, lvc000005-273


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    TABULATION OF MOTOR OIL BIDS Received & Opened at a Regular Meeting of the Board of City Commissioners February 21, 1945 FIRST CRAPS SAE 20 SAE 30 SAE 40 _____VENDOR_____________Trade Name 150 gal. Total 500 gal. Total 500 gal. Total General Petroleum SOVAC .405 60.75 .405 202.50 .405 202.50 (Drum Dep.$10.00 Refundable) Cardinal & Pisetta - .525 73.75 .525 262.50 .525 262.50 Associated Oil VEEDOL .62 93.00 .62 310.00 .62 310.00 (Drum Dep. $4.00 Refundable) Shell Oil Co. SHELL X 100 .62 93.00 .62 310.00 .62 310.00 SHELL PENN. .62 93.00 .62 310.00 .62 310.00 SHELL HI-DUTY .52 88.00 .52 260.00 .52 260.00 (Drums Loaned 90 days, Drum Dep. $4.00 thereafter Returnable) Richfield Oil — .72 108.00 .72 360.00 .72 360.00 Standard Oil RPM 20 gal. or more .49 73.50 .49 245.00 .49 245.00 Less than 20 gal. .54 81.00 .54 270.00 .54 270.00 (Drum Dep. $10.00 Heavy Dr. Drum Dep. $ 4.00 Light Dr. Return in 90 days. ) Texas Company HAVOLINE .567 85.05 .567 283.50 .567 233.50 (Drum Dep. $4.00 Returnable) SECOND GRADE GRAND TOTAL SAE 20 SAE 30 SAE 40 1st & 2nd. VENDOR Trade Name 150 gal. Total 500 gal. Total 500 gal. Total Grades. General Petroleum GREENSPOT .225 33.75 .225 112.50 .225 112.50 724.50 (Drum Dep. $10.00 Refundable) Cardinal & Pisetta — .265 39.75 .265 132.50 .265 132.50 908.50 Associated Oil TYDOL .44 66.00 .44 220.00 .44 220.00 1219.00 (Drum Dep. $4.00 Refundable) Shell Oil Co. GOLDEN SHELL .42 63.00 .42 210.00 .42 210.00 1196.00 SILVER SHELL .25 37.50 .25 125.00 .25 125.00 1000.50 (Drums Loaned 90 days Drum Dep. $4.00 thereafter Returnable) Richfield Oil — .44 66.00 .44 220.00 .44 220.00 1334.00 Standard Oil (20 gal. ZEROLENE .25 37.50 .25 125.00 .25 125.00 851.00 or More) (Less than " .30 45.00 .30 150.00 .30 150.00 966.00 20 gal.) (Drum Dep. $10.00 Heavy Dr. Drum Dep. $ 4.00 Light Dr. Return in 90 days. ) Texas Company TEXACO .396 59.40 .396 198.00 .396 198.00 1107.45 (Drum Dep. $4.00 Returnable) Contractors 2-4-5-6-7 Did not furnish specifications. #1 - General Petroleum - Low on price basis, but below specifications slightly. #6 - Standard Oil of Cal. Second low - specifications not furnished but ones used in invitation picked from comparative tabulation as best for each grade were Standard Oil of Calif. STANDARD OIL COMPANY of CALIFORNIA Low Bidder on basis of Specifications.