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I agree.HANG PLOT 1/29/08 GRID HEIGHT=56?╟╓-0" STAGE WIDTH=81?╟╓-0?╟Ñ STAGE DEPTH=50?╟╓-6 Approximate MAIN CURTAIN 2-2" +/- 6?╟Ñ 1-2 #1 ELECT. 3?╟╓-4" +/- 6?╟Ñ 3 SWINGS 1?╟╓-1 1/2" Ballroom Swags 4-6 1/2" m OFFSTAGE STORAGE - 6 MAGIC PIPE 5-3 1/2" 7 #1 LEG 5-9" +/- 3?╟Ñ 8 ELECT. LADDER 9 LIGHT SCREEN 6-10" +/-1?╟Ñ 10 RED TRAV. 7-5 1/2"+/- 4?╟Ñ 11 GOLD 8'-4 1/2" +/- 2?╟Ñ 12 Blue Scrim 9-2 1/2" Dl RK?╟╓S CHAIN MOTORS 13 4 WINTER LEG 9-10 1/2" 14 BORDER 10-3 1/2" 15-16 #CHEVRON 10'-11" +1-2?╟Ñ 17 ELECT. LADDER 18 * D.S. Palms . 12-2" 19 ?╟? #2 ELECT. 13-8" +/- 6?╟Ñ 20 BLACK TRAV. 14'-9" +/- 4?╟Ñ 21 ORANGE SCRIM 15'-5" +/- 5?╟Ñ 22 DIAMOND DROP 16' +/-1?╟Ñ 23 ?╟≤ U.S. Palms 16'-6" 24 BLACK MAGIC 17-1/2" 25 Useless 26 Blocked By Catwalk Support Useable (Blocked By #28) 18?╟╓-5 1/2" CHANDELIERS 18'-10" +/-11?╟Ñ 29 No Pipe (Blocked By #28) 19'-6 1/2" 30 #3 LEG 20-2" +/-3?╟Ñ * (y?║ DRESSING ROOM 21?╟╓-3?╟Ñ +/- 5?╟Ñ Ippf RAIN & BLUE RIBBON 22'-1 1/2" V33:^??ii #3 ELECT. 23'-2 1/2" +/- 6?╟Ñ 34 ?╟≤ Club Tropicana Sign 23'-9" 35 Blocked By Catwalk Support - ?╟÷?╟÷ 36 FOLIES SIGN 24?╟╓-7 1/2"+/-2" 37 WINTER LEG 25-5?╟Ñ . 38 No Arbor (Track Clear) ?√ß ' 39 STARBURST 26?╟╓-6 1/2"+/-8?╟Ñ 40 No Arbor (Track Blocked) 41 TILT MIRROR 28-1?╟Ñ+/-4?╟Ñ