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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, August 23, 2004






Includes meeting minutes and agenda, along with additional information about the UNLV Yellowcard concert and the contract for production services at UNLV.

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    uac001130. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CSUN SENATE MEETING 34-28 MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 2004 BEH 241, 5:30PM I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI called the mtg to order at 5:38pm II. ROLL CALL The following senators were present: SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI, SENATOR SOLDANO, SENATOR CRAWFORD, SENATOR CAZARES, SENATOR DONNELLY (left early at 8:04pm), SENATOR SUMNER, SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR JIMENEZ, SENATOR ESPINOZA, SENATOR HUERTA, SENATOR MACK, SENATOR TEMPLETON, SENATOR DEARMAS, and SENATOR MAPES. The following senators were late: SENATOR CORPUZ (5:40pm) and SENATOR BOWERS (5:43pm) The following senators were absent: SENATOR MULLINAX, SENATOR MAYER, SENATOR SANTIAGO, SENATOR CONWAY (unexcused), and SENATOR ZANDER Quorum at 13/20 without SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following minutes are submitted for approval: 34-26, 34-27 SENATOR ESPINIOZA moves to approve SENATOR SOLDANO 2nds Minutes from 34-26 and 34-27 are APPROVED unanimously V. INFORMATIONAL ITEM Presentation of the "ASK ME" campaign by Assistant Director of SIA Thomas Studdert. THOMAS STUDDERT: (hands out new campus maps) The biggest change is abbreviations. They're the same as the ones on the buildings. We've put up some temporary banners. SENATOR CORPUZ arrives late at 5:40pm quorum is at 14/20 ASK ME campaign powerpoint presentation SENATOR BOWERS arrives late at 5:43pm 1 VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ, DIRECTOR MADRIGAL, DIRECTOR SUMNER, and DIRECTOR BLOOD arrive at 5:45pm BUSINESS MANAGER HILL arrives at 5:50pm SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA arrives at 5:58pm www. unlv. edu/askme Tom Studdert 895-2051 Kristi Rodriguez 774-8001 Cam Johnson 895-0760 VI. REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports JESSICA ADLER: appointed last year, and just updating, about 30 applicants and narrowed down to 3. Dean Flaherty is great. Two candidates next week Monday/Tuesday, and Thursday/Friday, if you have any questions, I can let you know. RY: UNLV library had a settlement with construction company over some things, but they said that one of the parts of the settlement said the roof would be fixed, does the library advisement board deal with that? MS. ADLER: that's handled externally. I can give you the name of our building manager. C. Business Manager Report DIRECTOR BUDGET PAYEE AMOUNT COMMENTS DISCRETIONARY Hosting Henry Schuck $ 9.77 RHA meeting sodas $ reimbursement for field trips for ART 160 and GER 321 to DISCRETIONARY Hosting Maureen O'Brien 2$7 9.00 Bellagio Gallery of Art, Guggenheim, and Hofbrauhous DISCRETIONARY Discretionary - Senate MSU Operations 112.50 overtime charges for July 12, 2004 Residential Hall $ DISCRETIONARY Campus Events Association 425.00 i cosponsorship of Open Week with the movie "Troy" on 8/26/0' OFFICE Administrative Overhead Admin O/H P 724.16 Admin. O/H Fall I OFFICE Supplies Boise 3> 403.10 invoice 92935723 OFFICE Supplies Boise 32.56 invoice 92578902 OFFICE Supplies Boise 306.14 invoice 92578867 OFFICE Supplies Boise $ 101.11 invoice 92951209 OFFICE Supplies Boise 5> 72.65 invoice 92692616 OFFICE Senate Expenses Henry Schuck 91.49 <r reimbursement for email addresses OFFICE Miscellaneous - Office Motorpool $ 188.82 $ repairs to both golf carts OFFICE Supplies OfficeMax 225.74 invoice 93366090 OFFICE Supplies OfficeMax 493.50 invoice 93725818 2 OFFICE Supplies OfficeMax $ 270.61 £ invoice 93725821 OFFICE Phone Phone 223.36 July OFFICE Phone Phone (3.60) June reimbursement OFFICE Miscellaneous - Office Reprographics 34.40 •K 251X76046 - business cards - Tyler Wistisen OFFICE Miscellaneous - Office Reprographics >6 34.40 251X76046 - business cards - Michelle Bourdet OFFICE Miscellaneous - Office Reprographics $ 34.40 251X76046 - business cards - Michele Muscato OFFICE Miscellaneous - Office Reprographics 36.45 251X76046 - business cards - Michele Muscato OFFICE Miscellaneous - Office Reprographics «P 27.63 251X76046 - budgets for Ways & Means OFFICE Miscellaneous - Office Reprographics 44.00 <K 251X76046 - business cards OFFICE Miscellaneous - Office Reprographics $ 9$.6 0 251X76046 - poster OFFICE Miscellaneous -Office Reprographics VP 34.40 25176046 - business cards - Sabrina Sumner OFFICE PUBLICATIONS VOLUNTARY TRAN Bottled Water Discretionary - Publications Rebel Yell Sierra Springs Michele Muscato Rebel Yell 1$0 .00 4$6 .28 757.26 $ 5,024.73 invoice 877431162 reimburse for books purchased final FY04 fee distribution D. Directors' Reports i. CSUN Services: Ea Madrigal (see attachment) ii. Elections: Sabrina Sumner (see attachment) iii. Entertainment and Programming: Aaron Arneson No report VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: Welcome week is next monday from 10-2 at ampitheatre iv. Nevada Student Affairs: Sherrelle Blood RY: You mentioned four debates in the MSU, what's it for? National, local? DIRECTOR BLOOD: local; we want to do a ??? debate, 2 representatives; hopefully a senate debate. We'll do a meet and greet in districts that house a lot of students. SENATOR TEMPLETON: what are you heading up? DIRECTOR BLOOD: Nevada Student Affairs. v. Office of Student Information: Michelle Bourdet VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ speaks for DIRECTOR BOURDET vi. Publications: Michele Muscato VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: doing resident assistance training, no report. vii. Rebel Radio: Tyler Wistisen VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: His work requiring him to work more. The website is being worked on by DIRECTOR BOURDET. Trying to get two players. He'll have that done by end of week. Got an event on sunday from 7-10. It's karaoke night. PRESIDENT SCHUCK has promised to give a rendition of a song. Red Bull is sponsoring it. 3 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: will there be a video camera present? VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: we can arrange for it. SENATOR DONNELLY: what time and where? 8/29 7-9pm at new dining commons, viii. Marketing: Manuel Cabral VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ reads for DIRECTOR CABRAL E. Liaison Reports i. Greek Advisory SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: Order of Omega Facilitator Training on Friday. Mandy Adams comes from Iowa State University and brings lots of knowledge with her. ii. Multicultural Student Affairs iii. Residence Hall Association SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: Ashley will start to come. Looking forward to getting residents in. RA's came in last Monday and went through training. iv. Student Athletics SENATOR MAPES: The first game is September 18th. We play Tennessee in Tennessee on ABC on the 5t h . Volleyball starts this weekend. v. Student Body President's Advisory Council vi. Student Health Advisory Committee vii. ROTC viii. Leadership Advisory Board SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: I'll be able to meet with these people when shool starts. I sent an e-mail to see when people could meet, but not a lot of people responded. F. Rebel Yell Report BUSINESS MANAGER HILL: we have two new members. John somebody and Greg... we still have some student seats available. Try to get your constituents out there and involved. Ask me or Bradley Mayer. VII. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE ANDERSON: Absent VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: directors' evaluations are done and they were distributed last night. The next meeting we will report their performance over the last two months. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: regents meeting: I gave a presentation on text book costs. Faculty are given buy back requests.. .1 recommended that they put in a request to make the faculty turn in their requests on time. IT, had a meeting with them., will be 30 computers in all. 26 pc's and 3 macs, and 1 lap top. Michele's doing a full inventory and that's why she's not here. Marketing and Publications, are moving into CBC annex this week. We're closing that down for scantrons and bluebooks. IT is 4 willing to hand them out in their computer labs. Peter and I went to meeting with two county commissioners on Monday of last week: County Commissioners Reed and Williams about the crosswalk on the north side of campus... We were able to get 400 signautres and they were more than happy to move forward with that project. I would've like to have seen more senate participation. ??will be up and running by end of this week. The mounts for plasma screens should be up soon. I need members for student .. .committee. They meet once a month and you're fed. Kirk Brown is caddying for ncaa champion, Ryan Moore. Shuttle bids are back, meeting with Transportation and Public Safety to decide. There's an issue with fuel we'll bring back to you guys. We're talking to sports' marketing. Cosponsored movie night for residents. Rode shuttles at UNR. They have a 32 seater bus, but it was really cool to see that it works. Everything got passed at the regents meeting so there will be 2 new senators next semester. Senate passed for apportionment won't happen until first day of school but have to wait 'til then. VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: business has 5, education has 3, engineering 1, hotel 3, fine arts 2, sciences 2, university college has 1, urban affairs has 2, liberal arts 3 PRESIDENT SCHUCK: up for debate. You were here for 15 minutes last meeting. It was a $900 meeting. I'm not saying your work isn't deserving of pay, but I think it's ludicrous. I would hope you waive your pay for the last meeting. I love you guys, but you're not worth 200 an hour. Even if you average your time for this meeting with last meeting, you'll still be making a lot. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: I got name plaques for the directors. For those who are new like Viv and Alex and Jamie, I'll put in an order for you guys. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: next meeting is Rules and Ethics. Seat will be there at next meeting. Business seat will also be on there. On September at the earliest September 6. If you want to postpone until 13th.. .it's up to you. Starting today, for the next meeting on the 30th. If you have anything, tonight. Thirty minutes after the meeting. If it's something excruciating, call me tonight. Tonight, four senators I talked to on e-mail. Tomorrow at 7 for legislation for organization in senate chambers. Starting next monday 6:00 at MSU 201. Building closes at 10. E-board starts at 4. Schuck got up there and just laid into this route. He has gone to administrators and got new computers... He's not institutionalized. I appreciate that he challenges the system and saves us thousands and thousands of dollars. As far as you all: Monday is first day of class. Also first opportunity to introduce yourselves. MICHELE BOURDET ARRIVES AT 6:59PM VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT PATTY WALSH -1 just wanted to know more about the whole money and the 15min thing. SP-As long as they're here for 75% of they meeting the automatically get paid for the meeting unless it's waived. IX. INFORMATIONAL ITEM Presentation of Voter Registration by Jessica Adler and Kristina Miles in conjunction with the NSA Board. 5 X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN member to serve as Assistant Director of Elections for the 2004-2005 term. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the executive board. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to approve SENATOR DONNELLY 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to amend by striking one (1) CSUN member and inserting Kirk Brown. SENATOR DONNELLY 2nds Amendment PASSES unanimously 15-0-1 SENATOR BOWERS abstains Motion PASSES A. Action Item: Approval of Kirk Brown to serve as Assistant Director of Elections for the 2004-2005 term. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the executive board. B. Action Item: Approval of Justin George to serve as the Office of Student Information Assistant Director for a term ending April 30, 2005. As submitted by Senator Cazares. Ruled out of order C. Action Item: Approval of a contract for talent at Rebel Ruckus on October 14, 2004. As submitted by Senator Sumner (see attachment 34.26.03). Ruled out of order D. Action Item: Approval of Senate Bill 34-36, which proposes changes to Bylaw 46. As submitted by Senator Soldano on behalf of the Bylaws committee (see attachment 34.28.01). SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: Move to postpone until 34-29 no second SENATOR SOLDANO: move to postpone indefinitely SENATOR CAZARES 2nds 6 SENATOR SOLDANO: we voted on committee and they wanted more time and no one's approached me and I think it's fine. If anyone has anything, I'd be more than happy to have anoher meeting. 16-0-0 item POSTPONED indefinitely E. Action Item: Nomination/Selection of one (1) student to serve as Senator for the College of Student Development. As submitted by Senate President Amesquita. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: M in new business is out of order. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to open nominations SENATOR CAZARES 2nds 16-0-0 Motion PASSES uaninmously SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: nominates Mike Wong SENATOR HUERTA 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: nominates Kara Donnelly SENATOR HUERTA 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to allow each candidate to speak for no more than 2 minutes followed by q and a followed by roll call vote SENATOR CAZARES 2nds 15-0-1 SENATOR DONNELLY abstains, motion PASSES CANDIDATE DONNELLY speaks CANDIDATE WONG speaks SENATOR BOWERS: it says to be a voice for the student body, how are you going to find out what your college wants you to voice for them? CANDIDATE WONG: talk to them. SENATOR CAZARES: have either one of you contated current senators? 7 CANDIDATE DONNELLY: yes. I spoke to SENATOR MACK, SENATOR DEARMAS, SENATOR HUERTA... SENATOR CAZARES: are you familiar with the bylaws and constitution? CANDIDATE WONG and CANDIDATE DONNELLY: yes. SENATOR JIMENEZ: I didn't get your aps, but were you in leadership in high school? CANDIDATE DONNELLY: I participated in some committees. CANDIDATE WONG: just the national art society. SENATOR MACK: you say you're motivated, what can we expect from you? CANDIDATE WONG: like what? yeah, I'll be committed. SENATOR DEARMAS: how would you raise money? CANDIDATE DONNELLY: I did all the usual fundraising like giftwaraps and magazines. I'd be willing to try anything. SENATOR BOWERS: where do you see yourselves after college? CANDIDATE DONNELLY: I want to be a detective of some sort. CANDIDATE WONG: I currently am not enrolled in anything outside of university college. I want to go to med school. SENATOR DEARMAS: what have you done with nursing your certification? CANDIDATE WONG: I wasn't certified at that point. VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: CANDIDATE WONG, I must commend you on what a great job you are doing. I can't elaborate much, but it's an advanced class, it's a great, tries to get students involved on campus community. I think he might be one of your best choices. SENTOR MACK: Thank you SENATOR BOWERS for your questions. Roll call vote: SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: DONNELLY SENATOR CORPUZ: DONNELLY SENATOR SOLDANO: DONNELLY SENATOR CRAWFORD: WONG SENATOR CAZARES: DONNELLY SENATOR DONNELLY: ABSTAIN SENATOR SUMNER: DONNELLY 8 SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: DONNELLY SENATOR JIMENEZ: WONG SENATOR ESPINOZA: DONNELLY SENATOR HUERTA: WONG SENATOR BOWERS: WONG SENATOR MACK: WONG SENATOR TEMPLETON: WONG SENATOR DEARMAS: DONNELLY SENATOR MAPES: WONG 8-7-1 CANDIDATE DONNELLY GETS THE SEAT. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: CANDIDATE DONNELLY, you'll be sworn in at the next meeting. F. Action Item: Approval of one(l) CSUN member to serve as Justice for a term ending two (2) years from date of appointment. As submitted by Senator Cazares. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to postpone until 34-29 SENATOR FRIEDLIEB 2nds 16-0-0 Action item F POSTPONED unanimously SENATOR SUMNER move to reconsider Action item F SENATOR JIMENEZ 2nds SENATOR DEARMAS: I don't know who he is. SENATOR ESPINOZA: SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI? SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: I don't know. SENATOR MAPES yields to PRESIDENT SCHUCK. SENATOR DONNELLY leaves at 8:04pm PRESIDENT SCHUCK: if you could rewind and insert the candidate, he had to leave because he got sick and his mom died. Can you strike and insert Alden Kelly and then postpone until the next meeting, that'd be nice. SENATOR ESPINOZA: I see no reason for putting a name on there. 9 SENATOR CAZARES: Is there that much of a need to have a justice? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: we told him not to come. SENATOR DEARMAS: I just came in the 9th, seeing a face and application is just nice. SENATOR JIMENEZ and SENATOR SUMNER agree to reconsider. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR MAPES, SENATOR CAZARES, SENATOR HUERTA, SENATOR JIMENEZ, SENATOR ESPINOZA, SENATOR CORPUZ, SENATOR DEARMAS, SENATOR CRAWFORD, SENATOR SOLDANO, SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI, and SENATOR TEMPLETON oppose. SENATOR BOWERS abstains. 2-12-1 Item FAILS XI. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Approval of $1,858.25 to be paid to the Clark County Treasurer for overtime charges at the Executive board General Election on April 14 & 15, 2004. Cost to be encumbered from CSUN 2702 FY05 Reserve budget. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: Items c, d, f, g, h, i, j, k, and 1 are out of order. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: m is off, too? SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: yeah, I already ruled that out of order. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to combine and approve a and e. SENATOR CRAWFORD 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to strike entertainment and programming budget and insert discretionary campus events budget in e. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB 2nds SENATOR HUERTA: why were we charged 1800? 10 15-0-0 amendment PASSES unanimously. SENATOR HUERTA: who'd they bring out and what are they doing? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: they're bringing Ellen Cleghorn. It's friday of next week. RHA and SIA are cosponsoring. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: we paid 500, the rest from Dr. Mills to Sigma Gamma Rho. We're using that money for the comedy night. SENATOR HUERTA: why were we charged the 1800? BUSINESS MANAGER HILL: it's overtimecharges because we're paying dark county employees to set up polls and stuff. The reason it took so long is because they sent it to Thomas and Mack, and Thomas and Mack didn't send it to us. 15-0-0 Items a and e are COMBINED and APPROVED unanimously as amended. B. Action Item: Approval of the apportionment of all Senate Seats for the 35t h session in accordance to bylaw 33. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore on behalf of Senate President Amesquita. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to postpone until 34-29 SENATOR CRAWFORD 2nds Action item B POSTPONED unanimously C. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,500.00 to be paid to Crestline for the purchase of table throws with the UNLVCSUN logo placed on them. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Discretionary budget. As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. D. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 for the travel expenses of Henry Schuck, Peter Goatz, and Sherrelle Blood to attend the Board of Regents meeting at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada on August 19 and 20, 2004. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Travel (In-State) budget. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the Executive board. 11 E. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 to be paid to the Residence Halls Association for Comedy Night to be held on August 31, 2004. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY05 Entertainment and Programming (Discretionary) budget. As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. E. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 to be paid to the Residence Halls Association for Comedy Night to be held on August 31, 2004. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY05 Discretionary Campus Events budget. As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. F. Action Item: Approval of $10,000.00 to be paid to Sports Marketing. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY05 Marketing (Sports Marketing) budget. As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. G. Action Item: Approval of Kirk Brown to serve as the Assistant Director of Elections for a term ending April 30, 2005. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the executive board. H. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $3,000 to be paid to Xtreme Radio for the advertisements for Rebel Ruckus. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Marketing Budget. As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. See attachment 34.27.01. I. Action Item: Approval of a contract for Bogus Productions to provide production services at Rebel Ruckus. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Rebel Ruckus) account. As submitted by Senator on behalf of Director Arneson. See attachment 34.27.02. J. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $13,530.00 to be paid to Bogus Production for production services at Rebel Ruckus. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment & Programming (Rebel Ruckus) budget. As submitted by Senator on behalf of Director Arneson. K. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,600 to be paid to The Las Vegas Mercury for advertisements for Rebel Ruckus. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Marketing Budget. As submitted by Senator on behalf of Director Arneson. L. Action Item: Approval of a contract with Ticketmaster for ticket sales for Rebel Ruckus. As submitted by Senator on behalf of Director Arneson. 12 As submitted by Senator on behalf of Director Arneson. See attachment 34.27.03. M. Action Item: Nomination/Selection of one (1) student to serve as Senator for the College of Student Development. As Submitted by Student Senate President Amesquita. XII. EXECUTIVE BOARD SUMMATIONS VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: would you consider waiving bylaw 33? Here's what happened. Board of Regents, constitutional amendments passed and they conflict with bylaws and it'd be best that they weren't there. SENATOR CRAWFORD: if bylaws are in conflict with constitution then the bylaw is void. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: I have a request to have them in by the 30th. My hope is he sends it the day of. SENATOR MACK: move to waive bylaw 33 No 2nd SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA calls recess at 8:23pm back at 8:30pm Meeting reconvened at 8:33pm PRESIDENT SCHUCK: I think you should vote on whether or not you get paid on the last meeting. It's bylaw 59. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: bylaw 33 stipulates elections and how they go about apportionment. We can get our numbers a lot quicker now. The new wording in constitution is based off first day of instruction which is this monday so basically elections director can't get numbers for enrollment until monday. Constitution supercedes bylaws. The board doesn't exist and it can't establish apportionment. Letter c in bylaw 33 section 6 is void. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: can you void a section of a bylaw without waiving? The section that says the board does apportionment is void? SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: no, the whole thing is void. SENATOR SOLDANO and SENATOR CAZARES concur. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: If you want to get in on the legislation organization 8 tomorrow at CSUN senate workroom. Thank you for being patient and listening to Tom and voter registration people. I do appreciate you and this summer. It was more intense than any summer I've had. Some of the things that 13 Henry has done and made us done. We're breaking off of getting comfortable and it's a challenge. Nothing's gonna work unless we show the students the excitement we have about our jobs. Think about when you're running for elections again. It's my last year and I'm gong to New Zealand . This is it for me. Tension between us is good because we've done more work than ever. Who's not on yahoo group? XIII. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR JIMENEZ: have a good week SENATOR HUERTA: disappointed that CANDIDATE WONG didn't get it. I respect that he's still here. He has a lot of potential. SENATOR TEMPLETON: everyone look forward to orientation this thu and fri. I'm on the third floor of first year programs if you want to talk to me. SENATOR MACK: I move to waive bylaw 59 SENATOR DEARMAS 2nds PRESIDENT SCHUCK: when they are called, maybe not get paid, but you should be fed. I'll buy sandwiches or pizza at your next emergency meeting. SENATOR CORPUZ: my deal is, it was an official meeting. That's what we're supposed to get paid for. It's not a disservice to the students to do our jobs. What's to say that other meetings should be more than fifty dollars? SENATOR BOWERS: almost like what we're doing, I don't understand why it was called, but when it's called that fast and that soon, it's just like plane tickets. When you're high enough to have salary positions, we get paid for what we know. SENATOR CAZARES: we allocate for more meetings than we actually have. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: we don't budget to go overtime in the MSU. SENATOR ESPINOZA: just a quick comment. Meetings are being started at 4:30 or 5:00. It's not our fault if we pay overtime. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB in favor SENATOR ESPINOZA, SENATOR BOWERS, SENATOR SUMNER, SENATOR CORPUZ, SENATOR SOLDANO, SENATOR CAZARES, SENATOR JIMENEZ, and SENATOR TEMPLETON oppose SENATOR CIANCI (was not present), SENATOR DEARMAS (was not present), SENATOR MACK (agrees either way), SENATOR MAPES (was not present), SENATOR HUERTA (does not wish to choose) abstain 14 1-8-5 motion FAILS. SENATOR DEARMAS: I want to emphasize Friday's voter registration. It really counts. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: when we're talking on an item please make sure they hold bearing to the item. No random questions or comments. I hope everyone had a good summer because I didn't. I'm done. SENATOR MAPES: if anyone's got spare time, and would like to get me going on this. SENATOR ESPINOZA: have a good week before school starts. SENATOR BOWERS: i missed a couple from Boston but I'm glad to participate. SENATOR SUMNER: no senator did anything wrong. You didn't do anything wrong. You showed up and did what you were supposed to do. Have a good week. SENATOR CORPUZ yields. SENATOR CAZARES: I'm done now after four years and it's gonna be displayed ( next month (engineering final project). Thanks. SENATOR SOLDANO: we'll look into having a meeting. I'll send an e-mail SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: looking forward for school starting. Football season is starting. XIV. ADJOURNMENT SENATOR FRIEDLIEB moves to adjourn SENATOR BOWERS 2nds Motion PASSES unanimously Meeetin is adjourned at 8:57pm ***ALL MINUTES ARE SUBJECT TO SUMMATION*** STUDENT SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE SECRETARY MICHAEL J. AMES QUIT A, JR. SONG KIM 15 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL A. Student Body President Henry L. Schuck B. Student Body Vice President Peter J. Goatz C. Senate President Michael J. Amesquita Jr. D. Vice President Pro-Tempore Eric O. Anderson E. Senate President Pro-Tempore Ryan M. Cianci III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from the August 9, 2004 Executive Board meeting. IV. DIRECTORS REPORTS A. CSUN Services Director- Ea Madrigal B. Entertainment & Programming Director- Aaron Arneson C. Nevada Student Affairs Director- Sherrelle Blood D. Office of Student Information Director- Michelle Bourdet- E. Elections Director- Sabrina Sumner F. Publications Director- Michele Muscato G. Rebel Radio Director- Tyler Wistisen H. Marketing Director- Manuel Cabral Consolidated Students • University of Nevada-Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • Fax (702) 895-4606 H e n r y L . S c h u c k CSUN Executive Board Meeting Agenda Monday, August 23, 2004 3:00 P.M. Moyer Student Union, Room 203 V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. PUBLIC COMMENT VII. BUSINESS MANAGER'S REPORT VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: DiscussifinA^pproval of Justin George to serve as the Office of Studsn^4fffbTTnaUon Assistant Director for a term ending April 30, 2005. B. Action 'on October 14, 2004. IX. NEW BUSINESS of a contract for talent at Rebel Ruckus to be A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Korie Brust to serve as the Assistant Director of CSUN Services for the term ending April 30, 2005. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $3,000.00 to be paid to Xtreme Radio for radio advertisements for Rebel Ruckus to be held on October 14, 2004 (see attachment 1). Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Marketing budget. As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of a contract for Bogus Productions to provide services at Rebel Ruckus (see attachment 2). Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment and Programming (Rebel Ruckus) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $13,530.00 to be paid to Bogus Productions for services at Rebel Ruckus. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Entertainment and Programming (Rebel Ruckus) account. As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. 2 Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,600.00 to be paid to The Las Vegas Mercury for advertisements for Rebel Ruckus. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Marketing budget. As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Adrian Huerta and Heather Hollett to serve on the Entertainment and Programming Board for a term ending April 30, 2005. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of a contract with Ticketmaster for ticket sales for Rebel Ruckus (see attachment 3). As submitted by Senator Sumner on behalf of Director Arneson. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of Jessica Adler, Michael Bertetto, Adriel Espinoza, Tim Frinillfb, and Justin George to serve on the Nevada Student Affairs board for a term ending April 30, 2005. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,500.00 to be paid to Crestline for the purchase of table throws with the UNLVCSUN logo placed on them. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY 05 Discretionary budget. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 to be paid to the Residence Halls Association for Comedy Night to be held on August 31, 2004. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY05 Entertainment and Programming (Discretionary) budget. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of $10,000.00 to be paid to Sports Marketing. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY05 Marketing (Sports Marketing) budget. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Kirk Brown to serve as the Assistant Director of Elections for a term ending April 30, 2005. 3 Action Item: Discussion/Approval of $1,858.25 to be paid to the Clark County Treasurer for overtime charges at the Executive Board General Election on April 14 & 15, 2004. Cost to be encumbered from CSUN 2702 FY05 Reserves budget. fy Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Marketing Operating Policy. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Elections Operating Policy. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the CSUN Senate Elections packet. X. OPEN DISCUSSION XI. ADJOURNMENT This agenda is posted in accordance to the Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S.241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank and Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, and Classroom Building Complex. During the summer months and Spring Break no posting will be done in the Classroom Building Complex because the building is locked; the SORCE room located in MSU room 130 will serve as the alternative posting site of the Classroom Building Complex. 4 Personal Notes: CSUN Executive Board Meeting for Monday, August 23, 2004 July 14, 2004 TO: Brian Saliba & Aaron Arneson FROM: Stacie Schmidt, 107.5 Xtreme Radio RE: Yellowcard @ UNLV Intramural Fields: Thursday, October 14th 107.5 Xtreme Radio will provide the following promotional support as an EXCLUSIVE RADIO SPONSOR of the YELLOWCARD concert at UNLV Intramural Fields on Thursday, October 14, 2004: Phase 1: > Recorded Promos: August 16 - October 14 o Minim