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Audio recording clip of interview with Mozella Sheds Scott by Claytee D. White, November 30, 2010

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Part of an interview with Mozella Sheds Scott conducted by Claytee D. White on November 30, 2010. Scott describes working in a commercial kitchen and leaving her job to attend Nevada Southern University (UNLV).

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Mozella Sheds Scott oral history interview, 2010 November 30. OH-01661. [Audio recording] Oral History Research Center, Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vega


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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries



So did you actually wash all the dishes by hand? No, we didn't wash by hand. These were big machines that we had. They put dishes in the machine. Men would set the dishes in the machine after they had been cleaned by the guys who were in the kitchen. They would rinse them and then we would run them through those sterilizer machines and take them out at the end and stack them the way they were supposed to be stacked. The kitchen was right across the way. We could see the cooks. So were black men in the kitchen? Yes, there were black men, mostly. There were a couple of white guys and different nationalities, too, back there. But they had different shifts. Were the main chefs black or white? They were white, of course. Well, our boss over the dishes and getting all the material in the kitchen was black. Sonny? Sonny; right. He was over the runners, the guys who would go to certain places and get the material they needed and come back. He was real fast. Anyway, we would have fun back there in the kitchen. We would talk. I talked about school all the time. Sonny used to say that I was going to be a professor because I couldn't wait to get back to school. And I told him why I was saving my monies. And the second semester, sure enough, I started to school. That was in the summer months and up until December. At UNLV? 16 At UNLV. At that time it was called NSU, Nevada Southern University. We called it NSU. So I got to get ready for school. And Sonny said, well, you know we're going to pray and wish you good luck and all this stuff. If you need to ever come back—well, I needed to go, but I had saved up, what, $250. That was a lot of money.