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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, August 1991



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    Ruth Fite, Executive Director Jeanne Schomaker, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor August 1991 Av - Elul 5751 Sanford D. Akselrod, Rabbi Cal Lewis, President Schedule of Services Remember Services in August are at 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 2nd 7:00 p.m. ?Sundae? Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood ?Ice Cream Social? I*Friday, August 9th (7:00 p.m. Services at Spring Mountain Ranch Picnic Area Services conducted by Bella Schwartz Friday, August 16th 6:00 p.m. Prospective Member Social 7:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by the Shure Family in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ian Shure Saturday, August 17th 10:00 a.m. Services Bar Mitzvah of Ian Shure Services conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by the Shure Family Friday, August 23rd 7:00 p.m. Services Bat Mitzvah of Katie Feldman Services conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by the Feldman Family Friday, August 30th 7:00 p.m. Services Bar Mitzvah of Jason Goldberg Services conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by the Goldberg Family 'Saturday, August 31st 9:00 p.m. Program 10:00 p.m. Selichot *NO sendees held at Congregation NerTamid COME ONE, COME ALL! CELEBRATE WITH USI August is going to be a very special month for Congregation Ner Tamid. We will start the month on August 2nd with one of our ?famous? ice cream socials. Instead of a traditional oneg, we celebrate the Sabbath with ice cream and fun. August 9th finds us picnicking at Spring Mountain Ranch. Entertained by the wonderful play ?Cabaret?, we will enjoy a picnic dinner fol?lowed by services conducted by our soloist Bella Schwartz. Each year around this time we continue with our traditional Open House for prospective mem?bers. This is your chance to meet and greet the Rabbi, the Principal, the Executive Director, the Youth Leaders, Committee Representatives and Preschool Director. This is a wonderful way for all our new members and existing members to become acquainted and reacquainted with everyone who makes our Temple a warm and caring center for Jewish life. August 16th will be an even more eventful evening since we will also hold an Open House for our new Preschool. The prospective member social will begin at 6:00 p.m., followed by services at 7:00 p.m. The Oneg is sponsored by the Shure Family in honor of their son, Ian?s Bar Mitzvah on Saturday. After the Oneg we will hold a special Open House for our exciting new Preschool. On the next two Fridays, August 23rd and 30th, we will celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of Katie Feldman and the Bar Mitzvah of Jason Goldberg. We hope that everyone in our Temple family will join us for these joyous events. On August 31 we will welcome in the New Year with Selichot. Rabbi Sanford Akselrad will be holding a special discussion and Selichot services starting at 9:00 pm. Rabbi Akselrad?s discussion is entitled ?Where is God, When is God - A Personal Search?. Following the discussion over light re?freshments, Bella Schwartz and the Ner Tamid Choir will join Rabbi Akselrad for a beautiful Selichot service. The program is open to the community at no charge. Yahrzeits Oops - July 12 - David Simon & Rose Lipman August 2 Julius Louis Cohen Louis Epstein Lena Epstein Gussie Newman Gerald Sloane David Abrams August 9 Blanche Sturm Max Cohen Eva Miller Louis Schwartz Harry Rostov Harry Eisner Eli Coira August 16 Lilly Kollins Ann Phyllis Wasserman Morris Waters Mary Pearl Sidney Silverman Harry Sendrow David Sendrow Rebecca Benedict John Akana August 23 David Glickman Abraham Gellin Caleb Rakor John Bergher Benjamin Bycel August 30 Solomon Figelski Lidia Hogeg Lena Levy Jean Schnitzer Mildred Wilner Rose Gutman Alan Joseph Martin David Pearl Judith P. TygardCongregation Ner Tamid KOL NIDRE APPEAL Rabbi?s Message The Kol Nidre Committee, chaired" by Michael Cherry, has announced that our traditional Kol Nidre Appeal has been kicked off with a special letter to all our members. We hope, with your help, that this year?s Ap?peal will be even more successful than last year. Our Temple is growing and so are the demands to provide more and more programs. Please give serious thought to your commitment. We appreciate your concern and con?tinued support. In the opening pages of our Siddur, Gates of Prayer, there are a series of inspirational meditations compiled from sources spanning hundreds of years of Jewish thought. The two simple thoughts which begin this section are my favorite. They also take on special meaning as we prepare to greet the New Year: The pious ones of old used to wait a whole hour before praying, the better to concentrate their minds on God. The Rebbe of Tsanz was asked by a Chasid: What does the Rabbi do before praying? I pray, was the reply, that I may be able to pray properly. These two thoughts remind us that prayer is often not a spontaneous action. We must prepare ourselves mentally, spiritually and emotionally for prayer to have an impact upon our lives. Indeed, for many of us prayer is often an awkward and unfamiliar task. One has only to compare attendance at Holiday Services to that of the rest of the year to realize that more and more our people are becoming ?once a year? Jews. How can we hope to gain spiritual incite and fulfillment if we are out of touch with our prayerful selves? Let me suggest these analogies: Would you think of strenuous exercise without warming up first? Would you attend a marathon race without first having built up stamina and toned your body? Of course not. Nor would you attempt to understand calculus without having mastered algebra and basic mathematics. In short, everything in life that is to have lasting value requires a lasting investment of time and emotional energy. The same is true with prayer. And it is especially true for the High Holidays when we come to services with even greater expectations of ?spiritual reward? than normal. (cont. on page 4) Attention 1992 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Parents: If your child is a candidate for a 1992 Bar/Bat Mitzvah and you have not con?tacted the Rabbi to select a date, please do so by calling the Temple office at your earliest convenience and asking for the Rabbi?s secretary, Sheryl, at 733-6292. Gates of Repentance High Holiday Prayer Book HIGH HOLIDAY fLOWERS High Holiday Choir Now Forming Order Form Every member should purchase their own prayer books The year has just flown by and before you know it, the High Holidays will be upon us! Our choir which graces our pulpit throughout the year will be beginning rehearsals for the High Holidays starting this June. If you would like to be a part of our High Holiday Choir here is your chance! Rehearsals are on Monday nights from 7-9 p.m.. For more information call Shirley or Art Gellin at 467-6320. We will see you in the choir! It is tradi?tional that Sowers for the bema are do?nated to the Temple during High Holidays. If you would like to share in this honor, please contact the Temple office at 733-6292. Name:_ Address: Ci ty/State/Zip:___ Number of copies: Price per prayer book is $20 Please enclose names if you wish the book to be inscribed. HIGH HOLIDAY TICKETS My check for $ is enclosed, Please mail to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89121 High Holiday tickets will be avail?able mid August and can be picked up from the Temple office. If you have any questions, please contact the Temple of?fice. h h b m m m m Page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid Bar Mitzvah My name is Ian Alexander Shure. I am from Sparks, Maryland. I will be having my Bar Mitzvah at Congregation Ner Tamid on August 17th. Becoming a Bar Mitzvah means hard work, commit?ment, and dedication. I am a sports fan and enjoy playing tennis, soccer, and la?crosse. Everyone is welcome to join me and my family in this joyous occasion. Bat Mitzvah My name is Katie Feldman and I will become a Bat Mitzvah on August 23rd. In the fall I will start the eighth grade at Woodbury Junior High. My favorite subject in school is math. When I am not in school or studying for my Bat Mitzvah, I enjoy playing tennis, baby?sitting, and reading. President?s Message It is already August, and summer is almost over. Our thoughts are ahead to school, High Holidays, and beginning the New Year. Fd like to remind you of a few things than need attention this month. Preschool starts on September 4th... just around the corner! We have hired an experienced preschool director, Julie Gruber, who will supervise a program of wonderful activities geared to our 3 - 5 year old children. Our director will insure that the children have their days filled with meaningful experiences. Be sure to call the office if you have a child who would benefit from the preschool exposure. High Holidays begin with Rosh Hashana on September 8th this year. The Yiskor Memorial book is being completed. If you wish the names of your loved ones included, you must return the form by August 30th. The form is printed in this bulletin, please do not procrastinate. Kol Nidre is a very important financial supplement for our Temple. The letters for the Kol Nidre appeal went out last month. I know you will be as generous as possible because you realize that dues do not begin to cover the expenses of our Temple. Healthy Temples create and maintain Jews and Judaism and your support is vital to our survival. Please dig deep for our Kol Nidre appeal so that we can fill the 40% deficit left after dues are paid. Religious School starts on September 15th. Jeanne Schomaker tells me that we have the largest preschool enrollment ever. Be sure your children are registered so they can get all the proper books, etc. Again, my thanks for your confidence. I am depending on you to join and participate in our activities. You have received committee descriptions and I encourage you to join a committee and be involved. Let the office know where your interests and talents lie. We will all benefit from your involvement. It is going to be a great year! Cal Bar Mitzvah Hello, my name is Jason Goldberg. I am in the eighth grade at Woodbury Junior High. My parents have been mem?bers of Congregation Ner Tamid since before I was born. I was born on Septem?ber 1st, 1978 (Labor Day). My mother said my timing was very appropriate. I like all kinds of sports, but baseball and football are my favorites. I also collect baseball cards and autographs of ball play?ers. I have attended Ner Tamid Sunday school since kindergarten, and after my bar mitzvah I will start confirmation classes. I hope to see all my friends at my bar mitzvah. Reciprocity Available For High Holiday Seating For Temple members who may be traveling during the High Holidays, there is a provision under the auspices of the Union of American Hebrew Congrega?tions and World Union for Progressive Judaism for worship in temples through?out the country and abroad. There are courtesy request forms available for this purpose. To obtain these request forms, call Ruth Fite at the Temple office. It is suggested that if any of our members will be expecting out-of-town visitors who wish to worship with us dur?ing the High Holidays, that they ask their guests to make arrangements with their respective Temples for the courtesy re?quest seating form to be sent to us. It is only through these request forms that we will be able to accommodate out-of-town visitors for the High Holidays this year. Page 3 Congregation Ner Tamid YISKOR MEMORIAL BOOK As in the years past, we will remember our beloved deceased with a special Memorial Booklet to be distributed on Yom Kippur. At the same time, we will be supporting the religious, educational, and cultural programs of Congregation Ner Tamid. Please print each name as you wish it to appear in the booklet and return to us before August 30th. Line basis 1/8 Page 1/4 Page Half Page Full Page $5.00 per name $18.00, with three names maximum $35.00, with six names maximum $50.00, with inscription of your choice $100.00, with inscription of your choice Print inscription as desired for half or full pages: Mail to:Yiskor Memorial Book Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 From:______________________________________ Amount Enclosed:. Break The Fast J Congregation Ner Tamid Cordially Invites You to Our Fourth Annual ?Break The Fast? following Yom Kippur Services Make your reservations early - seating is limited. Adults - $12 Children 5 to 13 - $6 Children under 5 - No Charge Please mail check to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89121 Attn: Break The Fast Name- ______________________________________Address:____________________________________________________________ I No. of Adults:_________ No. of Children 5-13:_________ Children under 5:_________ I__________________________________________________________________________________I Page 4 Rabbi's Message (cont. from page 2) My message to you is simply this Prepare yourselves for the High Holidays as you would for any significant experi?ence in your life. The month of Elul which precedes Rosh Hashana has traditionally served this purpose. Use this time to reflect upon your life. Reassess your goals and ambitions. Take a personal account?ing of what you have hoped to accomplish thus far and where you have missed the mark. Look at your family and decide what you might do to strengthen family ties. Sit around the table one evening and have each member of the family share with each other their hopes for the New Year. And finally: take out your High Holi?day prayer book, listen to recordings of High Holiday music so that you will have refamiliarized yourself with the message and meaning of these important days. B?shalom, Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad (r \ Membership News Congregation Ner Tamid?s Membership Committee is now forming. Anyone interested in getting involved and participat?ing in this area of our Temple should contact Dyane Kohnen, V.P. of Membership at 870- 2204. Our first event of the year will be a ?Prospective and New Member Shabbot?, on August 16th. We will be introducing those interested in C.N.T. to our activities, organizations, as well as having an informal ses?sion to get to know our Rabbi. This event begins at 6:00 p.m. with services to follow at 7:00 p.m. If you know anyone look?ing for a Temple, please let us know so we can welcome them to the Las Vegas Jewish Com?munity! New Members Andrew & Roberta Wisnosky Michael & Toby Edelman ^ ----------------------^Congregation Ner Tamid 4 "Good As New Sale" Start Saving You Saleable Items Garage Sale Coming! w October 6th Used (or new): Appliances, Funiture, Art objects, Kitchenware, Clothing, etc. If you have a truck or van, piease volunteer to help us for a day or two this summer. Contact the temple office 733-6292 TEMPLE WISH LIST 1. Books for our Library. 2. Incidental kitchen items or $100. 3. Floor scrubber or $150. 4. Commercial stove with grill top. 5. Fire-proof Filing Cabi?nets 6. Vacuum Cleaner. 7. Dot Matrix Printer. 8. Fax Machine. 9. File Cabinet for Choir. ^ J L to R: Senator Richard Bryan, Dana Pretner, & Senator Harry Reid Tell & Kvell f THANK YOU 1 To Alfie for his continued landscaping! Vs .........^ r At most Friday night serv?ices, congregants can partici?pate in a special way by accept?ing honors such as: lighting the Shabbat candles, dressing and undressing the Torah or saying the blessing before and after the Torah reading. The Temple gives any of these honors to syna?gogue members who enjoy par?ticipating in the Shabbat serv?ice in this special way. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, please call the Temple office at 733-6292 so we can schedule your honors on a con?venient day for you. Dana Pretner, daughter of Jerry and Mary Fox, was chosen to represent Chap?arral High School at the National Student Council Conference in Conway, South Carolina. Approximately 1,700 newly elected Student Body Presidents from around the country attended this annual convention. There, students from differ?ent schools exchanged ideas and memora?bilia from each state, listened and learned from motivational speakers and, of course, had plenty of fun. Before attending the National Association of Student Councils (NASC) Convention, students were fortu?nate enough to go on a ?pre-trip?. About 18 delegates from the Las Vegas and Reno area toured Washington D.C. They were lucky enough to meet with our State Sena?tors Harry Reid and Richard Bryan. These young adults are very con?cerned with the issues of today, for they are the ?Leaders of Tomorrow?. Reminder... It is Temple policy that dues he paid three quarters before High Holiday tickets can be distributed. Please pay your dues. NEED TO GET INTO THE TEMPLE? In case of an emergency, call our custodian, Richard, at 434-8547.Congregation Ner Tamid L to R: Rabbi Akselrad, Rita Moses Malkin (sisterhood president), Dyane Kohnen (past sisterhood president), Mike Cherry(installed new board), Cal Lewis (Temple president), and Eileen Kollins(past Temple president). Dear Mike, Last Friday night you conducted the most pleasurable installation of officers I have ever attended. It was humorous and never boring. You created an atmosphere of ?family?. I have been going to conversion classes since December. Many things have convinced me that I am making the right decision. Friday night was another. You are indeed an asset to the Temple. Sincerely, Roe Brantley Dyane Kohnen installing the new sisterhood board. NEW PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR We are pleased to introduce to the Congre?gation our new preschool director, Julie Levy Graber. When asked about herself, Julie gave this reply. ?I was born in Chicago, but I lived in Gary, Indiana until the ripe old age of eight years old. My family (mom & dad to be exact) picked up and moved to good old sunny south?ern California. From there I spent 3 1/2 years at Arizona State University studying special, education and psychology. At this time I needec^ a change of scenery and moved back to Califor?nia. There I completed my Bachelor?s Degree in Child Development. Then in 1990 I was married and moved to Las Vegas.? When speaking with Julie the Rabbi asked what her experience was and what type of preschool she would like to have. ?I taught in California for 2 1/2 years. I started out as a teacher in a classroom for 2-3 year old children. I was then moved to a class that was having some trouble (something about needing new blood). These children were 4-5 years old. I was able to help the teacher in need and things returned to normal. At the same time I was teaching preschool, I also worked with teens ages 13-16. These children were severely emo?tionally disturbed. I found this to be very rewarding. Someday I hope to go back to school for my masters in counseling. As for what type of preschool I would like to run, well that?s easy! First and foremost I want my kids to feel LOVED and SAFE. School should be a place for fun as well as a place to feel at home. I also love the help and input from parents, as this is as much their school as the child?s. I love doing art and hope to make it a big part of our program. It is great for a child?s self esteem. All in all I want a school where the children and parents are happy.? Julie was introduced to the new Temple Board on July 9th, and they received her en?thusiastically. Congregation Ner Tamid looks forward to the start of our preschool program.Congregation Ner Tamid UPRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSE!! On Friday, August 16th we will hold an Open House to celebrate the opening of our Preschool. This is your opportunity to meet our new Director, Julie Gruber. A graduate of California State University with a degree in Child Development, Julie has been a Preschool teacher for over 6 years. We know that she will bring her expertise and enthusiasm to make this a very successful program. Opening September 4th, the Preschool is open to the community. Children ages 3 to 5 will enjoy science and nature, music, rhythm and arts, supervised outdoor activities, field trips, computer training and the celebration of the Jewish experience. For information on how to register, please contact the Temple office at 733-6292 for a brochure. Murals grace our Preschool Rooms Joey Skilbred, a talented illustrator, designer, and cre?ator of artistic works in many mediums, is known in Las Ve?gas as the Artist of the Stars. He has assembled quite a col?lection, each personally autographed by the performer. Joey?s artistic range is vast in scope and at times explosive, whether expressed in acrylic, oil, watercolor, or grease pen?cil. Born in Silverton, Or?egon, Joey exhibited talent early. After graduating from Ad Art School of Commercial Art in Portland, he came to Las Vegas in 1969. He has done promotional art for television, produced coloring books, designed costumes for various shows on the strip, painted natives on ostrich eggs while in Africa, and has won awards for celebrity portraits done in underglazes on ceramic for which he has been commissioned by many celebrities. Ever expanding his horizons as a successful artist, the question that comes to mind is, what will Joey do next? Thanks to he and Joni Akselrad, our new preschool is now an exciting place for the children to play. Together they have painted numerous murals, much like the ones shown below. The whole congregation gives our thanks to his very talented efforts.Congregation Ner Tamid fr V BIRTHDAYS Lindsay Allazetta Leslie Ames Jody Berger Amy Boruszak Lou Buff man Stephen Chenin David Chenin Suzy Chenin Hilean Angela Cleveland Benjamin Cohen Hope Cummins Suzann Denton-Pratt Sherree Dolginoff Stanley Dreyfuss Bruce Dunn Eugene Eisenman Roger Ewan Jill Ewan Joel Feldman Justin Finkelstein Richard Fitoussi Kelly Fleetwood Dana Fox Shirley Gellin Marla Gerecht Shira Giles Patricia Gittelson Harold Glasser Andrew Glyman Adam Godorov Debra Gold Gerald Gordon Yvonne Gordon Dorothy Grant Edward Hoffman Sheriff Hogeg fr Remember A Loved One With High Holidays quickly approaching it is tradi?tional to honor our loved ones by placing a plaque on the Temple?s Memorial Candle. Since our space is becoming very limited and it takes 6 - 9 weeks to receive the plaque after it is ordered, we suggest that you consider this remembrance now. This is an everlasting tribute to our dearly departed. Please contact Ruth at the Temple office, 733-6292, for fur?ther information. fr fr ANNIVERSARIES Sanford & Joni Akselrad Richard & Jody Berger Clifford & Bobbie Bernay Joel & Linda Davidson Donald & Lillian Eisner Lee & Randi Friedman Aubrey & Joanne Goldberg Nikos & Elayne Gousdavas Kenneth & Hazel Herman Jay & Terri Herman Albert & Ruth Kallett Jeffrey & Lisa Kern Michael & Carolyn Kessler BIRTHDAYS cont. Tony Joseph Stephanie Joseph Michael Kamer Erica Dawn Katz Carol Kirshman Stephen Kollins Jeffrey Lewis Elinore Livenston Ronald Mann Adam Mann Marc Marcuse Wendy Meoz Ricky Mintz Brittany Naiman Aaron Nitzkin LLoyd Reiser Michael Robbins Paul Rogers Doris Roth Jessica Schnitzer Lee Schreiber Brian Schuchmann Carole Shapiro Michael Shure Ian Shure Melissa Simon Dee Smith David Steinberg Gerd Sternberg Kevin Targon-Collins William Tiep Dustin Tiep John Vinnik Dorothy Wanderer Harris Waters Michael Waters Sponsor an Oneg Shabbat J Do you have a special occasion you wish to celebrate by sharing it with others, ie.: birthday, anniversary, etc.? You can sponsor a Friday night Oneg Shabbat. What a nice way to honor your loved ones. You can also donate one or two cakes for any oneg. Donor credit is given in the amount of $5 per cake. This credit goes toward your Donor Luncheon' hosted every year by Sisterhood. Please bring your cake or cakes to the Temple office and leave your name so you can be credited for your donation. Also, put your name, occasion, and the date you wish the cake to be served onto your cake box. Please call Alma Bernay, Oneg Shabbat Chairman at 645-4124 for further information and thank you for your participation and cooperation Page 8 Congregation Ner Tamid f Teachers Needed Our Religious School is looking for third and fourth grade teachers. Don?t you want to spend your Sun?days with our wonderful ?kinder?, make great pay and just have a wonderful time??? JOIN US! Con?tact Jeanne Schomaker in the Temple office. fr Remember the 7th grade will be meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. starting inSeptember. Cc ? ?? - ? ^ School Reminder Don?t let your child be the only one without textbooks!! We have almost 100 students registered already. Classes are being assigned, and books are being ordered. If you have not registered, please do so now. This will enable your child to begin class with the others. Send your completed forms to the Temple office to?day. Remember Sunday School classes begin September yv. 15th. J) f?~ ^ Religious School Wish List 1. Two Record Players. 2. I.B.M. Compatible Printer. 3. Electric Clocks for classrooms. 4. AnAutoharp. 5. Mini-blinds for five classrooms. ^ ...J ((-....... ?? Golden Chai The month of July has been a relatively quiet one for Golden Chai. Our first meeting date happened to fall on July 4th and was therefore canceled. At our second meeting our intended speaker was unable to come, and we decided to show a film in the library for those who chose not to play cards. All?s well that ends well! The Lake Mead ?Moon in June? cruise was most enjoyable. The weather was perfect for a boat ride on the lake, and the full moon rising over the water was the main attraction. We hope more of our members will take advantage of the reasonable prices offered for such outings in the future. We will have our regular meetings on August 1st and 15th with programs at each. Though many people are vacationing, we are still having excellent turn?outs, for which we are grateful. Our rummage sale is now being called the ?Good as New Sale? and is being co-sponsored with the Temple. We hope to have a super sale in the social hall on October 6th. Please start bringing your donations now, as we have storage space. If you have very large items that you can?t transport, call the Temple office regarding a pick-up date. Let?s make this a very profitable venture, so we can keep improving our Golden Chai programs and offer more ?goodies?! It would be wonderful to have the annual senior?s luncheon at the Sahara become available to our members. Keep that goal in mind, and help us with this major fund raiser. Many thanks and Shalom! Helen Zliser V-- - - ........... ff------------------------ ^ Talent Show Auditions Now is the opportunity for you to showcase your particular talent (whether it be singing, dancing, comedy routines, etc.) Our director, Randy Spoor, is holding auditions on Wednes?day August 7th, 14th, and 21st at 7:30 p.m. in Congregation Ner Tamid?s Social Hall. The gen?eral public (and Temple mem?bers) are all invited to partake of this event, which should be an awful lot of fun! The only pre?requisite is talent! It would be extremely helpful if you bring background music on tape (if you intend to perform a specific piece of material). ----------------Jj Page 9 Congregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood Board Members 1991-1992 President: ............................. V.P. Ways & Means: ........... V.P. Ways & Means: ........... V.P. Membership:................. V.P. Membership:................. V.P. Programming:.............. V.P. Programming:.............. Corresponding Secretary: ... Recording Secretary:........... Publicity: .............................. Tributes:................................ Tributes:................................ Sunshine:............................... Donor:.................................... Gift Shop:............................... Gift Shop:............................... Oneg Shabbat:...................... Party Shop:........................... Hospitality:........................... Historian: ............................. Camperships:....................... Telephone:............................ Treasurer:............................. Union Grams:....................... Parliamentarian:................. School Liaison:..................... Youth Groups Liaison:........ Inter Religious Activities: ... Chesed (Memorial) Liaison: .Rita Moses Malkin..........451-9412 .Maxine Gratz..................898-3592 . Marcy Samoiloff..............254-4202 .Sandy Ewan....................458-1031 .Audrey Mishalow............458-7303 .Phyllis Mark...................893-0528 .Gail Godorov....................361-5394 .Frances Klamian............454-0990 .Helen Zliser......................254-6678 . Rosalie Lipton.................733-6805 ? Betty Schloss...................876-2678 .Marni Diamond...............456-8524 . Barbara Rosen................454-5060 . Sandy Greenblatt ...........735-1508 Phyllis Lewis...................458-8110 . Mary Fox..........................456-4452 .Alma Bemay....................654-4124 . Sophie Pisetsky...............362-6588 NinaTiep.........................458-1431 Lois Doctors....................456-0915 ? Dyane Kohnen................870-2204 Janis Rounds...................896-0013 .Marlene Sherman...........873-7246 Bernice May....................871-9155 Dyane Kohnen................870-2204 Jeanne Schomaker..........362-4384 Dottie Gross.....................456-4147 Hortense Alper................732-1311 Rose Dunn........................458-3168 If we can be of assistance to you please do not hesitate to call the proper chairperson. Under the very capable leadership of it?s new president, Rita Moses Malkin, Sisterhood will do it?s best to make this the most successful year that it has ever had! General Fund From Sam & Hortense Alper to Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Spechler, in memory of your brother. From Dr. Lewis Eteoff & Faith O?Kelly to Dr. Scott Gladstone, in memory of your mother. From Joseph & Jennie Levine to Ida & Max Blumenfeld, happy 60th wedding anniversary and Max?s 80th birthday. From Mildred Marks to Ida & Max Blumenfeld, happy 60th wedding anniver?sary and Max?s 80th birthday. From the Barton grandchildren to Ida & Max Blumenfeld, happy 60th wedding anniversary and Max?s 80th birthday. From La Nett & Maggie Clark to Mike Sommers, in memory of mother Eva with love. In honor of Dr. Jeffery Katz & Rhonda Akgok birthdays. From David & Annette Weinstein to Mrs Rose Weinstein & family, in memory of Nate Weinstein. From Betty & David Gross to Alan Stone & family, in memory of Ruth Stone. Sisterhood Tributes From Eileen Kollins to Simona Kaminsky, our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved husband Sol. From Rose Dunn to Dr. & Mrs. Frederic Siegel, mazel tov on the upcoming marriage of your son. From Frances & Richard Klamian to Ida & Max Blumenfeld, congratulations and best wishes on your 60th anniversary. From Frances & Richard Klamian and family to Roger Ewan, congratula?tions on becoming Dean of Students at Cimmaron Memorial High School. From Frances & Richard Klamian to Marni Diamond & family, our sincere sym?pathy on the loss of your mother. From Lil Eisner to Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Kreisler, mazel tov on your son Kevin?s marriage. From Lil Eisner to Mrs. Elaine Lewis, mazel tov on the birth of your new grand?daughter. DESERT VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 6767 West Charleston, Suite E Las Vegas, NV 89102 DENNIS ZA CHA R Y, President (702) 870-0711 STEVE & DELLY THE SINGING DtfB MAKE YOUR PARTY FABULOUS!" OUR BAR/BAT MITZVAH PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1. DINNER SHOW. 2. SPECIAL DANCES, GAMES, CONTESTS, & $75 IN PRIZES. 3. PERSONALIZED CANDLELIGHTING, POEMS, & MUSIC. 4. OCCASIONAL "LIVE" SONG STYLINGS. 456-5452 "the? REMJUM 6275 Harrison. Suite #1 ? Las Vegas, Nevada 89120 702.739*6900 FAX 702.739.7885 ? PREMIUMS ? GIFTS ? INCENTIVES WHOLESALE Hyla and Ron Worth ? Carbonless Forms, one of our Specialities Full Service Printing 734-7788 Fax 734-2011 ? Business Cards ? Booklets / Newsletters ? Letterheads / Envelopes ? Flyers / Brochures MIKE & TOBY EDELMAN 3139 Industrial Road ? Las Vegas, NV 89109 (one block oft Strip, behind the Frontier Hotel) (7021 737-7275 (8001 648-0677 ALANS. MANN Associate Vice President, Investments DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS INC. First Interstate Tower, Suite 800 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV 89109 Page 10 Congregation Ner Tamid ? QJ & [P I? ? K ? i ? 7T \ 0HBmnm,/w Harold Gerecht, GRI Susan Gerecht, GRI, CRS Broker Owners Park 2000 (702) 798-8600 6380 S. Eastern Ave. #8 Home: 435-1966 Las Vegas. NV 89 1 1