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I agree.IfcgyS 1 W 26 r « g M - dus® M # 195% Hr* 1« Hm Litton - a®5&ha ooi Mr* HU* KetsharAt Mr. I. :,. Bennett Hr. L. V. peart ; Ur. C. M. Bates ^ P lease re fe r to the la s t paragraph o f ajjp le t t e r of June 22, 193b» r e la tiv e to o rig in a l documents to be tam ed over to the Water D is t r ic t on the S a le D ate. 1 have In v e stig a te d a l l o f my cu rre n t a c tiv e f ile s w ith resp e ct to m Q m m ts w hich should he turned over to the D is t r ic t on the Sale Date and m subm itting herew ith « one page statem ent showing referen ce to se v e ra l Bute 9 C on tracts as v e il as to s e v e re C o n stru etl cm C o n ta c ts which should be turned over to the D is t r ic t under p ro v isio n s of I ten 1(b) of E x h ib it *#*• io n s of th e doeunm ts re fe rre d to i s the attached sta te - n o t vere included i s the l i s t of documents furnished me w ith pour le t t e r of May 21, or I s the Express package sen t ©e on th at date* X X , U H. 1 1 1 1 Att&eh&sst i m i a y p .f iS!G£jvpi3 JUN 2 3 ?954 1^. tOS ANGELES CALIF.