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I agree.Los Angeles - December 2, 1952 80-11 Mr. Wm. Reinhardt: (cc - Mr, W. H. Johnson) Supplementing my letter of November 24th I enclose herewith redraft of proposal in line with my discussion with you. I expect to be in Vegas Thursday morning and have sent this to Mr. McNamee for his consideration and possible discussion. If you or Mr. Johnson have any suggestions with respect to the enclosed draft, I would appreciate If you would get In touch with me Thursday morning in Las Vegas, I will be at the Frontier arriving Wednesday night, and generally check In at Mr. Bybee office in the Station Thursday morning. I also enclose copy of letter I wrote Mr. McNamee revising that of November 24th, copy which was sent you. Ends: 2 EEBiJL E« E. Bennett