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uac000522. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-31 AUGUST 14, 1986 MSU 201 4:00 pm I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes of Senate Meetings 16-29 & 16-30. IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Steve Evenson to E & P B. Debra Cone to E & P C. Kathy Anderson to E & P D. Pat Ballinger to Student Services E. Mary Thompson to Student Services F. Ron Zayas to Financial Aid Committee G. Marilyn LaMascus to Financial Aid Committee H. Mike Muir to Intercollegiate Athletic Council I. Tim Muir to Intercollegiate Athletic Council J. Rob Mentnech to Intercollegiate Athletic Council K. Kirk Hendrick to Intercollegiate Athletic Council Li. Alfred Gomez to Admissions Committee M. Kirk Hendrick to Parking & Traffic Committee N. Kirk Hendrick to Public Relations Committee 0. Denise Sarnelli to Organizations Board P. Denise Sarnelli to Admissions Committee Q. Mike Muir to Academic Standards Committee R. Jeff Chadwell to Curriculum Committee S. Robert Cherhoniak to Curriculum Committee NOTE: ONLY TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR E&P ONLY THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR LAC UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 AGENDA Senate Meeting 16-31 August 14, 1986 PAGE 2 VI. Board, Committee, Director Reports VII. Old Business A. Approval of $500 Stipend for CSUN President B. Report of Ad Hoc Impeachment Committee C. Discussion/Action of Report of Ad Hoc Impeachment Committee D. Nomiations to Bylaws Committee E. Approval of Nominations to Bylaws Committee F. Approval of formation of Ad Hoc Constitutional Revisions Committee G. Nominations to Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee (One must be from Bylaws Committee) H. Approval of Nominations to Bylaws Committee VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations B. Introduction of Appointment of Ken Jordan to Interim General Manager for the month of August. C. Introduction of 12 credit fee waiver for OPI Director to replace stipend for months of August, September, October, November, and \ stipend for December. D. Discussion/Action on Taylor Publishing Contract for 1986-87 yearbook. IX. Open Discussion X. Adj ournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 16-31 AUGUST 14, 198 6 MSU 201 4:00 pm I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by CSUN Senate Chadwell at 4:10 pm. II. Roll Call PRESENT Senator Anderson Senator Davis Senator Fisher Senator Gottschalk (late) Senator Harrington Senator Leroy Senator Lieberman Senator Menke Senator Miller Senator Mixer Senator Novak Senator Parker Senator Sarnelli Senator Spicer Quorum was not achieved at this time. III. Approval of Minutes from Senate Meetings 16-29 and 16-30 The minutes from these two meetings were not yet completed. Therefore, this item was out of order. IV. Announcements Vice President Muir announced that date for the activities calendar were due on August 18, 198 6. ABSENT Senator Loxton (excused) Senator Popadak (excused) Senator Retke (excused) Senator Susman (excused) Senator Tangredi (excused) Senator Zayas (excused) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Minutes Senate Meeting 16-31 August 14, 1986 Page 2 V. Executive Board Nominations A. Steve Evenson to E&P. B. Debra Cone to E&P. C. Kathy Anderson to E&P. D. Pat Ballinger to Student Services. E. Mari Thompson to Student Services. F. Ron Zayas to Financial Aid Committee. G. Marilyn LaMascus to Financial Aid Committee. H. .Mike Muir to Intercollegiate Athletic Council. I. Tim Muir to Intercolleciate Athletic Council. J. Rob Mentnech to Intercollegiate Athletic Council. K. Kirk Hendrick to Intercollegiate Athletic Council. L. Alfred Gomez to Admissions Committee. M. Kirk Hendrick to Parking and Traffic Committee. N. Kirk Hendrick to Public Relations Committee. 0. Denise Sarnelli to Organizations Board. P. Denise Sarnelli to Admissions Committee. Q. Mike Muir to Academic Standards Committee. R. Jeff Chadwell to Curriculum Committee. S. Robert Cherhoniak to Curriculum Committee. Items I. and P. were withdrawn. VI. Board, Committee, Director Reports The NSA Director reported that there would be a meeting after the Senate meeting at 4:40 pm. The Publications Board Chairman announced that the yearbooks would be here on Monday. He also reported that the Publications Board would be starting the bid process for next year's yearbook. The Organizations Board Chairman reported that there would be a meeting on Tuesday August 19, 1986. The board will be discussing budgeting policies and new rules at this meeting. VII. Old Business A. Approval of $500 stipend for CSUN President. This item was not considered at this time due to lack of quorum Minutes Senate Meeting 16-31 August 14, 1986 Page 3 B. Report of Ad Hoc Impeachment Committee. The chairman of the Ad Hoc Impeachment Committee reported that the charges against Vice President Muir had been dropped. He also reported that the committee made two recommendations to the Senate. The first recommendation was that the Senate dismiss the charges against Vice President Muir. The second recommendation was that the circumstances involved in one of the charges be referred to the UNLV Disciplinarian. Senator Gottschalk arrived at 4:20 pm. C. Discussion/Action of report of Ad Hoc Impeachment Committee. Several members of the Senate discussed what action CSUN should take on this matter. Senator Spicer moved that the Senate adopt the report of the Ad Hoc Impeachment Committee and dismiss the charges. The motion was seconded by Tristam Harrington. There was discussion. The motion carried. Since the impeachment was disposed of, the nomination of Denise Sarnelli to Vice President Pro Tempore was removed from the table. There was no further discussion. A roll call vote was reguested. AYE NAY Senator Anderson Senator Mixer Senator Davis Senator Fisher ABSTAIN Senator Gottschalk Senator Harrington Senator Lieberman Senator Leroy Senator Menke Senator Novak Senator Miller Senator Parker Senator Sarnelli Senator Spicer Since the Senate now had quorum, it moved into item A. in Old Business. Minutes Senate Meeting 16-31 August 14, 1986 Page 4 A. Approval of $500 stipend for CSUN President. Senator Miller moved to postpone this item indefinitely. Senator Spicer seconded the motion. There was discussion. The motion carried. The Senate resumed with the regular order of business. D. Nominations to Bylaws Committee. The following Senators were nominated to the Bylaws Committee: Senator Leroy Senator Harrington Senator Spicer Senator Loxton Senate President Chadwell Senator Zayas Senator Menke Senator Anderson Senator Davis E. Approval of Nominations to Bylaws Committee. Senator Harrington moved to approve the nominations. Senator Sarnelli seconded the motion. There was discussion. Senator Anderson was nominated to chair of the Bylaws Committee. The motion passed. Senator Harrington and Senator Leroy withdrew their nominations to the Bylaws Committee. Senator Menke left the meeting at 4:30 pm. This caused the Senate to lose quorum. F. Approval of formation of Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee. This item was not considered due to lack of quorum. G. Nominations to Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee. This item was not considered due to lack of quorum. Minutes Senate Meeting 16-31 August 14, 1986 Page 5 H. Approval of Nominations to Ad Hoc Constitutional Revision Committee. This item was not considered due to lack of quorum. VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. This item was not considered due to lack of quorum. B. Introduction of Appointment of Ken Jordan to Interim General Manager for the month of August. This item was introduced. C. Introduction of 12 credit fee waiver for OPI Director to replace stipend for months of August, September, October, November, and 1/2 stipend for month of December. This item was introduced. D. Discussion/Action on Taylor Publishing Contract for 1986-87 yearbook. This item was not considered due to lack of quorum. IX. Open Discussion Nancy Clark, the CSUN Business Manager, announced that the 1985-8 6 Epilogue Yearbook would arrive at UNLV on Monday August 18, 1986. Senator Harrington reminded everyone about the NSA meeting right after the Senate meeting. X. Adj ournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:39 pm. Jeffrey S. Chadwell CSUN Senate President CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-32 THURSDAY AUGUST 21, 1986 4:00 PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER II'., ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Senate Minutes from 16-29, 16-30, & 16-31. IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Steve Evenson to E&P B. Debra Cone to E&P C. Kathy Anderson to E&P D. D.A. Downey to E&P (1st Consideration) E. Pat Ballinger to Student Services F. Mary Thompson to Student Services G. Ron Zayas to Financial Aid Committee H. Marilyn LaMascus to Financial Aid Committee I. Mike Muir to Intercollegiate Athletic Council J. Tim Muir to Intercollegiate Athletic Council K. Rob Mentnech to Intercollegiate Athletic Council L. Kirk Hendrick to Intercollegiate Athletic Council M. Alfred Gomez to Admissions Committee N. Kirk Hendrick to Parking & Traffic Committee 0. Denise Sarnelli to Organizations Board P. Denise Sarnelli to Admissions Committee Q. Mike Muir to Academic Standards Committee R. Jeff Chadwell to Curriculum Committee UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 AGENDA Senate Meeting 16-32 August 21, 1986 PAGE 2 S. Rober Cherhoniak to Curriculum Committee T. Kirk Hendrick to Public Relations Committee NOTE: ONLY TWO POSITIONS AVAILALBE FOR E&P ONLY THREE POSITIONS AVAILALBE FOR IAC VI. Board, Committee, Director Reports VII. Old Business A. Approval of Appointment of Ken Jordan to Interim General Manager for the month of August. B. Approval of 12 credit fee waiver for OPI Director to replace full stipend for months of August, Sept, Oct, Nov, and % stipend for December. C. Discussion/Action on Taylor Publishing Contract for 1986-87 yearbook. VIII. New Business A. Approval of Executive Board Nominations B. Introduction of Jack Spicer to Radio Board Chairman C. Approval of $7500 to College of Education CSUN Preschoc D. Approval of an amount not to exceed $250 for political forum. E. Approval of sending the following officials to the Board of Regents meeting in October, NSA Director, OPI Director, Kevin Stevens (NSA Assistant, and two CSUN Senators to be chosen by the Senate F. Nomination of two senators to attend Board of Regents meeting. G. Approval of two senators to attend Board of Regents meeting. IX. Open Discussion X. Adj ournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENT AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-32 H. Nominations to vacant SME Senate Seat. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477