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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Section 4* The provi clone of this ordinance shell be effective oaiy during the souths of Jons, July and August of each year. Section 5. The tors "public utility* as herein used shall saa» sod embrace all corporations, companies, individuals, associations, thsir lessees, trustees or receivers, that now or may hereafter own, operate or control any plant or equipment or any part of a plant or equipment elthin the City of Las Vegas for the production, delivery or furnishing for or to other persons, firms, associations or cor­porations, partly or wholly fro® an artaaian well or walls, water for business, manufacturing, agricultural or household use# Section % Any violation of this ordinance or any of the pro­visions thereof shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed fifty (#80*00) Dollar# or by Imprisonment in the City Jail of las Vegas for a period of not to exceed twenty-five (2b) days, or by both such fin® and imprisonment* Section 7* All ordinances and parte of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance arc hereby repealed* Section 8* This ordinance is declared and passed a# an emergency ordinance, and shall take effect immediately after it# passage and publication* Station 9* The City Clark is hereby authorised and directed to have this ordinance published in the 3ks Vegas Evening Review Journal, a dally newspaper published in the City of Ins Vegas for a period of two weeks, that la to say: ones each week, I hereby certify that the foregoicf ordinance wac read for the first time at a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Comi® of the City of Ins Vegas held on the — day of July, 1934» wa® paaccd as an emergency ordinance upon the second reading on said last mentioned date, on the following vote: Commissioners ^rnett. Marble, Carman and Down and His Honor, the Mayor, voting Aye* Hoes, none* Approved this day of July, 1934. s a f e r ATTEST: Siiy t w e (S8AU publish M