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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - February 19, 1952 W 2>6 Mr. I. S. Dennett - Los Angeles eel Mr. Us. Reinhardt Mr. W« H, Sfdslser Mr. ft. M.' Sutton Referring to- your letter of February 8, File L7G5-H-.22, concerning I & 8 Docket iio« 127: . During the p&et two months we have received requests to furnish layouts and estimate® of cost of Installation of water Maine to serve & number of substantial housing develop­ment projects, several of which are now In initial construction stage, while the ban on space heating has had the effect of delaying construction work on son® projects due to the increased cost of providing substitute heating facilities, I anticipate that regardless of the Public Service So?smiaaion#s decision on the space heating ban, there will be an early resumption of . active construction. Forecast of Capital iiScpen&ltures for the year 1952 1® as follows s A. Work authorised out not completed Subject to Refund WO 658 - Westleigh Tract ho. 1 #13820 * 660 - Ream Tract 970 * 680 - Weetlelgh Tract No.. 2 5090 * 682 - Industrial Tract - Utah street 55?® * 68b - Hcnrath Tract 1660 “ 685 - Scuthridge Tract - He* k 720 * 688 - Paradise Village Tract No. 3 6210. $3^040