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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    PUBLIC SEOFR VNIECVEA DCAOMMISSION August 2, 19^9 LLaass VVeeggaass Land & Water Company Nevada Attention: Mr. A1 Folger Gentlemen: Williams'A ttraepcohretd, hedraetweidt Jhu lisy 2a3 ,c opofy hoifs Cionmvmeissstiiognaetri on ooff wsaetveerr als hroerstiadgeen tisn Loafs LaVse gaVse gacso.nducted at request states tIhna t tyheo ufr ifcotmhp paanrya gerxappehc toefd htios irnesptoalrlt Marn. aWdidliltiiaomnsa l aStnrde eltasr.g er main near Mr,I Hobart's home at 15th and Stewart on east PCrheasrsluerset ovna lsvoe sa. s hatvo e mabienetna ionr dperreesds ufroer iinn sKtuanltlraitdigoen wseulbldsi viisni otnh.e sYeocuorn dc oamrptaensyi ana lszoo npel abnesf oroen dtrhei ll1i95n0g ptewoa k season. Williams*C omrpelpaoirntt sw ourlecde iinvdeidc astueb seaq useenrti outso wCaotmemri sssihoonretra ge meexnitsitoend edin b mya nyyo u siecnt iyoonusr otfa lLka ws itVehg aosu,r roetphreers etnhtaant itvheo,s e atnhed pntof essueghgte sstiitouna twiaosn miand et hboyse yoduisrt rciocmtpsa nye xctoe ptc ortro ecdtr ill two additional wells. recommendWaet iwoinssh otou tclailnle dy oinu,r thaet telanstti opna rtoa gMrra.p hW iolfl ihaimss * rteepnotrito.n s Wfer owmo uyloudr apcpormepcainayt ea s hatov initgs ap lsatnast emteo ntc ororfe citn ­ttoh e> tphre esreesnitd esnittsu atofi oLna sa nVde gtaos prdouvriidneg athdee q1u9a5t0e wsautmemre r supply months.