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Sheet 3 LAS VEGAS LAM) AND WATER COMPANY Property embraced in water distribution system at Las Vegas, Nevada A - Additions i ! Late « • : m u . Class and size of pipe : Size » Kind : Units 1558 593 6" Cast iron pipe 1558 595 If ff ff tf Lin.Ft. tt 1558 595 ft ft It ft ft 1558 597 tf tf tt ft ft 1558 599 t | ft ft ft tf 1558 606 f! ft ft ft tt 1558 612 ft ft tf ft tt 1555 568 ff t! ft tf tt 1555 608 it Tf ft ft ft 1555 615 ti tf tt ft It 1555 616 It tf tt It tf 155 9 617 ft t! 11 tf tt 155 5 622 ft tf ff ft ff 1555 625 « ft tt t t tt 1559 628 ft tt ft ft ft 1950 550 ft ft ft ft ff 1950 608 ft I ! ff ft ? ft 1950 618 ff I I 11 11 tt 1950 629 11 I I ff ft tf 1950 630 | If ft ft ft 1950 631 * Tt tt t r If tt 1950 635 ft ft i t M tt 1950 639 ff ft tt tt ft 1950 650 tf f t tt tt ft 1950 655 ft It tt ff tf 1950 655 ff tt tt ft ff 1950 656 ft I t ft ft ft 1950 657 I! tt tt tf tf 1950 659 ft ft tt ft tt (3) 1950 653 ft ft it ft tt 1950 656 tf ft n *t tf Total 6" Cast Iron (3) Work Order 653 not complete to be adjusted upon final completion. B - Betterments No. of Units : Investment : Cost Original cost to date 0/ property • in place as of December 31* 1950 1 Recorded Amounts : Estimated :.Unit Price: Amounts : Total s : Original cost : 2,680 $ $ $ 8,158.60 A 8,158.60 8,158.60 2,682 8,727.33 A 8,727.33 8,727.33 622 2,002.12 A 2,002.12 2,002.12 705 2,288.81 A 2,288.81 2,288.81 2,200 6,093.60 A 6,093.60 6,093.60 860 2,557.55 A 2,557.55 2,557.55 720 2,292.98 A 2,292.98 2,292.98 1,756 6,390.86 A 6,390.86 6,390.86 2,650 7,889.20 A 7,889.20 7,889.20 12,625 25,086.57 A 25,086.57 25,086.57 905 2,827.11 A 2,827.11 2,827.11 630 1 ,763.50 A 1,763.50 1,763.50 1,073 3,660.00 A 3,660.00 3,660.00 952 2,925.97 A 2,925.97 2,925.97 952 3,111.08 A 3,111.08 3,111.08 5oo 1,558.51 A 1,558.51 1,558.51 5,732 15,136.25 A 15,136.25 15,136.25 1,070 2,720.07 A 2,720.07 2,720.07 258 821.61 A 821.61 821.61 1,692 5,682.52 A 5,682.52 5,682.52 1,927 5,888.51 A 5,888.51 5,888.51 1,760 5,993.83 A 5,993.83 5,993.83 1,585 5,600.55 A 5,600.55 5,600.55 5,oi5 13,821.56 A 13,821.56 13,821.56 1,056 2,917.50 A 2,917.50 2,917.50 1,520 5,501.71 A 5,501.71 5,501.71 612 1,585.02 A 1,585.02 1,585.02 685 1,716.92 A 1 ,716.92 1 ,716.92 1,055 2,903.67 A 2,903.67 2,903.67 1,980 5,663.22 A 5,663.22 5,663.22 575 783.58 B 2.97 1,510.75 1,510.75 79,610 500,581.76 377,123.13 57,193.63 525,316.76