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/'? il feus Vogas, Jfeyada February 20, 1929 th is a Mr. C. B* Gray, B residost Hr. y. H* KnicksrbOGkQr, VIoe-Bresidont M i TIOAS IAMD AMD 0ATSB OOIK'MT (kmtlemenJ Tlx© erdtosed newspaper firm s, in rstbreas* to land |.§ T ourist Hotel constructors ploased to know th a t Is© as. I f os o f land to proposed Hot©! same stand sow taken tr both ©w, oimtod to ry , 1 am unuito land to e ith e r Oify e mediate and marked which I cannot mm lib e ra l fo r the o the County Court A gricultural acres w ill scsw/r^oTt to should be suffij^ioHo, in my grfe. We m m y © onsi&cr th a t through p m tio iis o f^E iph Hunt oon-fa r asa dmona- This is the County Commissioners. m fu rth er donation of 1 esbsltsohemM be for im- .BailhQim Company - something tio n s have been yery fp l as en tire block fo r (30) acres donated fo r . I 'Bos* This th ir ty (30) as per Agreement, and i t Hb&i for a very b eautiful — maintenance o f the park w ill we pay oyer six ty por-cont (60$). — ,ib\not bo/feadl for us to subdivide the sixty (60) acres whlsh^is>abutti|*§ Claris*® las Vegas fomxsito, or at least flat part jjm ttm mesa lest of the crook and fronting on the 0edo^umgh.way? Subdivisions are selling fast here and at I f # prices. I recall that in May, 1905. .wo sold oyer Two Hundred Thousand Dollars {0200,000.00} worth of property in one day, and at prices per lot about one-third (l/ol of what outlying subdiyidors aso now getting.* ®b* C ity Qmmimt oners are now planning to move “fee Bed Light D is tric t oyer back o f CM Town, o r West Side, and When th is !§ done, the acreage we could subdivide would be id e a l fo r a re s tric te d re sid e n tia l d is tr ic t, and would d ire c tly face the Bailroad and Federal Highway, which would be a pleasing sig h t fo r a l l passenger tra in s . - 1 p i