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Correspondence, P.L. Williams to H.E. George


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This folder is from the "Correspondence" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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man000225. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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O R E G O N S H O R T L IN E R A IL R O A D C O M P A N Y . LAW D E PA R TM E N T. WILL IAMS, G E N E R A L A T T O R N E Y . Salt Lake City, J u l y 2 2 , 1 9 0 1 Mr.Hampton E. George, Las Vegas, Lincoln Go., Nev^ Dear S i r : - On the 19th i n s t . , F.R. MeNamee telegraphed me from Searchlight, as fo llo w s : "Deed K ie l ranch in my possession, and you are safe in making f i n a l payment. Mr. George requests that payment be made in f i v e checks, namely, four f o r one thousand each and one f o r f i f t e e n hundred. I have arranged to defer payment of four hundred d o lla r s u n til f i n a l d is trib u tio n to h eirs i s completed next court term." $1000.each I a c c o rd in g ly . enclose herewith four checks, o f the Oregon A Short Line Railroad Company, drawn on McCornick & Co.,Bankers, o f th is c i t y , and c e r t i f i e d by the bank th is date, each pay­able to your order as attorney in f a c t p a l s o li k e check fo r f i f t e e n hundred d o lla r s payable to your order as administrator. I saw your request that checks fo r one thousand d o lla r s be made, one fo r each o f the p a rtie s fo r whom you are acting as attorney in fa c t , but i t occurred to me that i t were b e tte r to make them in the s ize s requested, one thousand d o lla r s , to you as attorney in fa c t ; and one fo r f i f t e e n hundred d o lla r s to you as administrator. Then o f course you can endorse them f o r d e liv e r y as you choose. The four hundred d o lla r s remain­ing w i l l be subject to your order, to be paid as you d ir e c t . I a lso enclose voucher which I would thank you to date and sign at the bottom, and return to me by f i r s t mail. General Attorney' Enel Yours t r u l y ,