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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, January 2005



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    Congregation NerTamid Looking Towards the Future Worship Services January 2005 Vol. XIX No. 1 Tevet/Shevat 5765 Saturday, January 1 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday, January 7 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Shabbat Services (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, January 8 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday, January 14 Open House Shabbat 7:30 pm Shabbat Services (Sanctuary) Baby Naming for Reese Bogart Murray & 50th Wedding Anniversary blessing for Dick and Jill Swiler. Oneg Censored by Jeanne Reis and : Swilers aturday, January 15 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday, January 21 7:30 pm Congregant of the Year and New Member Shabbat (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by the Esbin Family Saturday, January 22 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday, January 28 7:30 pm Shabbat Services (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by the Beresid Family Saturday, January 29 10:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Congratulations Al Esbin 2004 Congregant of the Year Dependable, ethical, kind, scholarly and loving...these are but a few of the descriptors those who know him well, characterize this year?s CNT Congregant of the Year, Al Esbin. Al was raised in an Orthodox family in the Bronx section of New York City. As a youngster, he attended religious school and it was there that he picked up from his rabbi, the idea of handing out Baby Ruth candy bars as rewards to his students. After graduating from college with a degree in business, Al pursued a career in retailing. At one point, he partnered with one of the famous Hollywood Gabor sisters in the manufacturing of women?s wigs. Al?s career took him and his family to New Jersey, Chicago, Los Angeles and finally to Las Vegas. According to his daughter, Hollie, Al can recall the history of all the major retailing chains in our country. He is married to his childhood sweetheart, Esther. They celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year. They have three married children and six grandsons. Hollie notes that two of the most valuable lessons imparted to her and her siblings from their father were how important it is to believe in yourself and to never be a quitter. In his spare time, Al and Esther greatly enjoy visiting their family and grandchildren in Los Angeles, Chicago and Indiana. Their most favorite form of travel is cruising. Al has evolved over the years from Orthodoxy to Reform beliefs and practices. His intellectual pursuits cover a wide range, including, but hardly limited to the subjects of Judaism, politics, history and economics. Al is an avid speed-reader who has collected hundreds of volumes of books over the years. He can often be found carrying a load of books and you are sure to find a stack of them in his car as well. He is a born teacher and now as a retiree, he is realizing his dream. Since joining Congregation Ner Tamid ten years ago, Al has among many areas of volunteering become a fixture in our Saturday morning Bible study class, sharing articles about the subject matter at hand, be it texts such as Ethics of the Fathers or the Talmud. He is also a regular instructor within our Adult Education Program. His course offerings have included such topics as the continued on page 5 Ashley Beresid (Sanctuary) 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Torah 11:00 am Minyan Study (Beit Tefillah) V? Happy and Healthy View Tear? to everyone! Iflflay 2005 bring Kindness, Veace, Joy and Happiness to all, from your entire GVIT staff - Hilary, Karen, Jdngie, Lynette, Laura, Wlaxine, John, (David, Lois, Jackie, Irv, Koberta, IPhilip and Kabbi.From The Rabbi - Second Chances New Year, whether religious or secular, marks a passage of time. For me the secular new year is yet another opportunity to reflect upon my relationships, my work and myself. Where is it that I need to improve? How did I measure up? The High Holydays is like a crucible of time accompanied with prayers and even an entire Congregation and faith tradition that truly motivates us to change. The secular new year, often associated simply with "having a good time?, nevertheless does have at its core the notion of making new year's resolutions. Without pageantry and prayer we are taught simply to look in the mirror, reflect and improve our lot. Reflecting on change in January is perhaps even more powerful because we have had several months since Rosh Hashanah to start making changes. So what have we done with this time? Have we made personal changes? Have we continued taking relationships for granted? If the answer is "yes", we must ask ourselves, "why?" Not only "why is change so difficult?" But perhaps more to the point, "What am I gaining by not changing? And what am I losing?" For too many, they lack the motivation to change because they feel relationships will continue to coast on "neutral speed". We know viscerally that things aren't perfect, but months, perhaps even years have gone by and nothing really "bad" has happened. Except what we have lost. For some, they have lost a piece of themselves. A piece that could have been happier and more fulfilled if they had been honest with themselves and others. For some, they have lost the opportunity to have deeper more fulfilling relationships with those they love. They accept the relationship as it "is" while longing for something much more fulfilling. And for still others, they lose the ability to grow as a person. Are you the same at 30 as you were at 20? Are you the same at 40 as you were at 30? At 70 as you were at 50? In looking at people who have aged gracefully, they all seem to share a simple secret. The^ continue to grow as human beings. They find happiness in learning new things and in doing ne^ things. They find joy in helping others and in giving of themselves. And they find meaning in life not by sitting at home but by venturing outside. This new year provides us with a wonderful opportunity to change. For those who celebrate both secular and religious new years, it is a first chance at a "second" chance. And remember, second chances only come around but once. May you and yours have a wonderful new year. And may it be filled with the wonder of relationships enriched, personal growth and good health. Rabbi Akselrad Save the bate! Saturday, February 5th - Nationally Saturday, February 26th -Family syndicated columnist Marnie Winston- Same Night at CNT! Come share your Macauley, a.k.a. "Ask Sadie". Join us for family's favorite game, with our family, dessert and a celebration of yiddishkeit. Fun Everyone is welcome; best of all it's FREE! and FREE for everyone! Sponsored by Sponsored by the Temple, Sisterhood, and Sisterhood; details in the Newsletter. Men's Club. Watch your bulletin, temple happenings and e-mail for more details! 2 w w w . l v n e r t a m i d . Committees & Auxiliaries Adult Learning i IRST MONDAYS VP to Temple Office 733-6292 "First Mondays" continues Jan 3. These classes cover a broad range of Jewish life - Jewish Contributions to Sports 8 Entertainment in 20th Century, American-Jew? Or Jewish- American? A Jew Living in America, and The Educated Jew: Survey of Jewish History, Ideas and Peoplehood. There is no charge for these classes but pre?registration is required. Rabbi's Lunch and Learn NOTE DATE CHANGE! MONDAY, January 10? Please note the date change for January. We will be meeting on the second Monday. Bring your tpeh and join Rabbi for an open scussion on Midrash. Committees/Auxillaries Shema Necklaces Information contact Sheryl Chenin- Webb at Sisterhood is selling sterling silver Shema Pendants with chain for $18. They are now available in the gift shop so stop by and check them out. Men's Club Breakfast SUNDAY, January 16th, 9:30 am Come have breakfast and root for your favorite Steelers....l mean team. We're meeting at The Inn Zone, located on Desert Inn and ?|paz, near Von's. Watch your Pmail or contact the temple office. Annual Men's Club Golf Tournament SUNDAY, April 10th SAVE THE DATE! Questions? Contact Mike Milano at or Howard Layfer at Once again it will be held at the Las Vegas National Golf Club. Registration begins at 7:00 am, followed by Breakfast and Prac?tice Range, with a Shotgun Start at 8:00 am. Lunch to follow golf. Hole Sponsors, Silent Auction Items and Raffle Prizes Needed, contact Mike or Howard. Mah Jongg Card Time! DEADLINE - February 10? Mail checks payable to - Sandy Stolberg, 1904 Plantea Ct, LV 89117 Questions? Call her at 228- 6863 Flowers, cracks, bams, east, jokers and other words that mean something if you're a player. Take action - the new cards will be here soon! Regular size is $6.00, Large size is $7.00. Make checks payable to Sandy Stolberg. Sisterhood earned $200 last year from all the cards sold! BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY - March 13th During the Purim Carnival Contact Allan Nathanson at 796-8391 or email SAVE THE DATE! The Men's Club has teamed up with United Blood Services to hold a blood drive. Please mark your calendars and plan to donate. RSVP to Allan Nathanson. Annual Health Fair SUNDAY, February 13th Sponsored by Men?s Club For details contact Fred Toffel, MD 736-2021 or email This year's Health Fair will be held at the Galleria Mall, with health related exhibits and lectures throughout the mall. We are still looking for exhibitors in health related field. Please contact Fred Toffel for details. KosherMart Gift Certificates Available Information contact Sheryl Chenin- Webb at Haven't found a real Deli yet? Missing your favorite kosher foods? Sisterhood can help! Check out the meats and fine foods at KosherMart on Eastern STropicana. Gift Certificates can be purchased in the temple office on Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 12:30, during religious school. Sisterhood earns 10% from the proceeds! Rabbi's Book Review Luncheon THURSDAY- March 3rd, 11:00 am RSVP Linda Goldstein at 260-8747 Questions? Contact Linda This year we will be reviewing "The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism". You can pick your copy up in our Gift Shop for only $10.40. Join us for an afternoon of food and fun! Watch for more details in Sisterhood's Newsletter. For more information on any of these events, contact the temple office at 733"6292. January 200^ 5 Philip?s Message Just a i Happy New Year (again) - 2005 is going to be a very exciting time at the Templer Happy New Year! I am so pleased with our Jr. Choir. Our kids outdid themselves at each of their "performances" and brought much "nachas" to their parents and to all who heard them sing. A special thank you to Lori Frankl for all of her help and to Lola Rivera for joining us in this yearly event. The Jr. Choir visited retirement homes and sang songs for all to enjoy. The Adult Choir performed a wonderful mitzvah by participating in a special candlelight vigil service for World Aid's Day at the Second Baptist Church. The service touched the hearts of all who attended and was a nice addition to our schedule. A special thank you to all who participated. We are starting off the new year with many exciting events at the Temple, which will include New Member Sabbath in January, and Cantor Lisa Levine will be with us for a special Shabbatone service February 11th. Keep your eyes and ears open for special announcements on this one... it will be very exciting!! I am very much looking forward to attending the Reform movements' mid-winter Cantor's Convention at the beginning of January, I always come back with a renewed sense of spirit and many new ideas. B'shalom, Philip SAVE THE DATE - FEBRUARY 11, 2005 Special Shabbatone Service with special guest Cantor Lisa Levine. Watch your email and Temple Happenings for more information! Annual Jewish Film Festival January 15-16 at the SunCoast Century Theaters CNT is once again sponsoring a film in the Annual Jewish Film Festival, a community-wide celebration of award-winning contemporary films with a Jewish connection. Our film, entitled ?Bonjour, Monsieur Shlomi?, was chosen from among several reviewed possibilities. It is an Israeli film (in Hebrew, with English subtitles) about a teenager growing up in a single-parent family that puts too much responsibility on him. His mother and brother ask much and give little, though this is not a Cinderella story. Only Shlomi?s grandfather, who lives with them, recognizes that deep inside Shlomi there is the making of an exceptional human being. Eventually, a teacher discovers that this boy has an intellect bordering on genius, as well as a talent for writing that touches all who read his work. In the end, we see Shlomi fall in love and, aided by his grandfather and encouraged by his girlfriend, finally become his own man. This film has many lighter moments and, in the end, leaves the viewer with a good feeling. As in previous years, after the movie there will be an opportunity to discuss the film with the festival organizers, a professional film critic, and fellow attendees. The temple, our Men?s Club, and our Sisterhood sponsor our entry jointly. Our film will be shown at 4 pm on Sunday, January 16th. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased in advance at the temple or at the theater on the day of showing. All ticket proceeds from our film help the temple, Sisterhood, and Men?s Club defray the cost of our participation. The other films^B the Festival will be shown on Saturday afternoon and evening and on Sunday evening. For more information contact the temple office at 733-6292. w w w . lv n e r tam id .org B?nai M itzvah & Youth N ews Ashley Beresid January 29, 2005 Hi, my name is Ashley Beresid and I am a seventh grader at Victoria Fertitta Middle School. My Bat Mitzvah is on January 29, 2005. I?m so excited! My favorite things to do are cheerleading, spending time with my friends and family, going to school, and making people happy. I was born in Chicago, but I love Las Vegas too. I hope that you can join me on my special day. C \ ATTENTION PARENTS OF 2006 BAR/BAT MITZVAH We are beginning to schedule Bar/Bat Mitzvahs forthe calendar year 2006. Letters were mailed on December 15th. If you are planning or expect to have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 2006 and have not received a packet from the office, please call Karen Levine immediately at 733-6292. If you have any questions about the process of selecting dates please contact Rabbi Akselrad. Mitzvah Day Sunday, January 30th Collecting Clothing for Men, Women, Children Toiletries and Gently used Toys Infant Wear for the Neonatal Unit at UMC Watch for Religious School Flyer For More Information Congregan t of Year cont.... history of the Jewish people in general, and more specifically, their political influences in our country. A1 is the epitome of a person who believes in life long learning. Besides teaching in the program, A1 can often be found stuffing program mailers in the temple office. In addition to being a ?dream" congregant (Al?s somim law, a rabbi in Chicago, is extremely jealous of us), A1 is an instructor on Jewish related subjects in the Excel program for senior adults at UNLV. We are extremely honored and proud to have Al Esbin K; a member of our Ner Tamid family. Please help us to ? blicly recognize both his temple and community achievements by celebrating together with his family and friends at Shabbat services Friday, January 21st. NTTY EVENTS Attention all 9th - 12th Graders! Looking for an awesome teen experience? NTTY (Ner Tamid Temple Youth) is for you! January 2 - Senior Dance January 8 - Cosmic Bowling/Sleepover at Yvonne?s house January 13-16 - SAW in Tempe, AZ January 23 - PJ?s Game Day/Hang out in Youth Lounge after Confirmation January 30 - Mitzvah Day TBA Avery special ?Thank You?? to Dr. Miriam & Sheldon Adelson for their generosity and love for the Jewish teens of Las Vegas. Their donation of a hall to hold the first All City Teen Chanukah Dance was truly a mitzvah. The dance was a huge success and everyone had a wonderful time. If you would like to attend an event, or have questions, contact Yvonne Weiss at 304-0605 or or NTTY President Jen Zuckerman at Preschool News December - We all worked very hard preparing for Chanukah. It was delightful to hear our little ones say the blessings and sing the traditional Chanukah melodies. They also enjoyed cooking and eating Latkes and Sufganot, and presented parents with a hand made gift in handmade wrapping paper with our own great cards. January - We're planning many new projects for this month. We will be celebrating Martin Luther King's Birthday and preparing for our spring planting forTu B' Shevat. Of course we continue to learn our numbers, letters, colors, shapes, prereading and math skills, along with music, science, computer and history. TOT SHABBAT Join us for our next service January 7 at 6:30 pm. The theme will be Tu B'Shevat. We start in the Beit Tefillah and then have craft and a snack in room 12. Everyone is welcome, ages 2-6. For more information, contact Jana Pleggenkuhle at 733-7252 (evenings). J a n u a r y 2 0 0 ^ 5 Your Executive D irector What Do I Get For My Dues? Sometimes a prospective member (sometimes a long-standing member) will ask me this blunt question. For those of you who like to turn to the back of the book and read dunnit", let me say that first and foremost, you get a sense of belonging to our local JevJ^ community known as Congregation Ner Tamid, of the Jewish community of Las Vegas, of the United States, of the world. ANSWER: You "get" something that should start with the head, or the heart of a person's soul, and not with the wallet. That said, let me go further. For your dues, you "get" membership: an investment in a nurturing home for Judaism; an investment in a truly magnificent Sanctuary, a Flouse of Worship, of Study and Community, with an incredible array of enlightening, uplifting Services, educational programs, cultural events and friendship. You "get" to count yourself among the 600 (and growing) diverse CNT member households - the young married couples, the senior citizens, the singles (of all ages)-who have made a finite as well as spiritual commitment to sustain this synagogue as a vibrant center for Jewish living in Las Vegas. You "get" to be a part of a Flavurah, of an extended family to grow with, and to share with, under the temple's "umbrella". You "get" the opportunity to make well-directed contributions, a particularly important Jewish obligation. Contributions are not only welcome but a necessity, beyond dues, of members in any synagogue in order to sustain the place, programs and people, to meet the challenges of the present, to realize our dreams for the future, and to assist those in need in our own community and in the world around us. You "get" to have direct contact with our Religious and Spiritual leaders, our Program Director, our Religious School and Pre-School Directors, with our Office Staff and with your Executive Director, all of whom are here specifically to answer your questions, your calls and your needs, no matter what each person's needs might be in this stressful world. You "get" a haven to call your second home, and to help you make it through life. And who doesn't need some help sometimes along the path? Whether you come to learn or laugh, remember or forget, connect to your past, your fellow Jews or your children or grandchildren; to fill a need for spirituality or divulge a need for healing, to explore your faith or discover it, or frankly, even if you rarely come at all, you "get" the comfort of knowing that through your membership ensure the strength of this institution as it perpetuates the values of our heritage that guide us towards our high^K aspirations. So, those of you that received this Bulletin as a CNT member, who are in good standing, you "get" a hearty, "Mazel Tov, and thanks fellow member!" And those of you who received this Bulletin as a friend but not yet as a member, you "get" an opportunity now, as we launch our most exciting year ever, to formalize a mutually supportive relationship with your Jewish community in Las Vegas. Just "get" me on the phone, 733-6292 extension 101, to discuss any aspect of membership at CNT. We welcome you here and invite you into our membership, and our CNT family. Oh, and one more thing: Members continue to "get" the monthly Bulletin. (Hey, we know how to make a deal!) Thank you for your membership. to be continued. Irv IT'S NOT TOO LATE! URJ Pacific Southwest Biennial Convention Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel Costa Mesa, California "Filling Our Hearts with Wisdom: Living as Reform Jews Every Day" February 18-20, President's Day Weekend GUEST SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President URJ; Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism; Dale Glasser, Director of URJ's Dept, of Synagogue Management; Rabbi Sergio Bergman, from Argentina conducting Kabbalat Shabbat; Dr. Gary Zola, Director of the Jacob Rader Marcus American Jewish Archives; Dr. Ethan Fishbane, Assistant Professor of Jewish thought and noted expert on kabbalah and mysticism; Joel Chasnoff, Comedian for Friday Onega PLUS: Inspiring, cutting-edge services, dozens of informative and thought-provoking workshops, and affinity groups for presidents, social action chairs, education chairs and more! Registration brochures are available now. For more information, contact ^ the temple office at 733-6292._________________________________________________________________________ 6 w w w . lv n e r ta rm d .org P resident?s M essage Temple Board Scott Stolberg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Hillary Torchin, VP Education and Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual David Shapin, VP Membership Recruitment Andrea Harris, VP Membership Retention David Stahl, VP Social Action Debbie Levy, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Nanette Spector, Trustee Jordie Primack, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Fern Percheski, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trusteed Bernie Matusow, Trustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Beth Falk, Trustee Cindy Jensen, Trustee Sheryl Chenin-Webb, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men's Club President Jen Zuckerman, NTTY President Why is Congregation Ner Tamid "A Special Place to Belong"? We have it on our letterhead, I have said it in this column, but what makes us think we are so special? Why is it important for us to be a special place to belong? First I will address the why, and then I will tell you why / think we are a special place to belong. Being special, or different, is a necessity when you are not an essential. Let's be honest, being a temple member is not as important as food, shelter or clothing. If any of our situations changed and we had to cut back, certainly temple membership might be one of the things we would look at. So if we were not warm, welcoming, spiritual, and fun people, would you spend the time and money to be members of the temple? In addition, our mission is to make and keep Jews, so we must give people a reason to be a member. Why are we different than others? To begin with, if your situation changed and temple membership became a financial burden we would not turn you away. It has always been our policy to encourage people to exercise their Judaism. That makes us different than other congregations in town and throughout the country that are not as liberal in this area. Perhaps some may take advantage of us because our policy is so liberal. The board of trustees feels it is more important to allow those who want to be members and cannot afford it to be members than to worry about the few who will need to answer to someone higher than us. Another reason we are a special place to belong is our board of trustees. I have been involved in many other organizations and it seems everyone has their own agehda. Our board is not like that; we are all serving you with the common good of everyone in mind. I would like to thank every member of our board for that commitment. Our board works diligently every day to put on programs that enrich our lives and meet our spiritual needs, while at the same time being fiscally responsible and forward thinking. I said we are warm, welcoming and fun. I believe that starts with our staff, which is second to none; the way they greet and interact with people every day. It has to do with people greeting you every Friday night when you arrive for Shabbat services; with our havurah program, which is growing all the time; with the friendships you form by being involved in temple activities; the programs the religious school kids participate in, the youth groups our teens enjoy and the music that we all enjoy as part of our worship. There is one other reason we are "A Special Place to Belong" - our clergy. Rabbi Akselrad is the best. He is compassionate, funny (some times), and just a real mensch. All of that would describe our Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein but for him you have to add a voice that just does not quit. Our monthly Shabbatone Family Service is not only unique but also a fun time for all and it took the Rabbi's willingness to try something new and Philip's music to make it what it has become. So as we begin 2005 we can be proud of ourselves. We have created an institution that takes care of all of us during the best of times and the worst of times. We have truly created "A Special Place". Sandy, Megan, Ben and I would like to wish you and yours a happy, health, and prosperous New Year. B'Shalom h)COtt J a n u a r y 2 0 0 ^ 7 Ongoing Monthly Programs Community/ Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm, Room 6 Are You A Jewish Alcoholic Or Chemically Dependent Person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent, and Significant Others, is a self-help/support group. Tell someone you love. New Alzheimer's Support Group MONDAY, January 10th, 6:30 pm In the Library This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to Alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430. Alcoholics Anonymous THURSDAYS, 7-9:00 pm, Social Hall Now meeting at CNT weekly. For more information, contact the temple office at 733-6292. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentially laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office at 733- 6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. UNLV Home-Away-From- Home Program Participants are out-of-town and international students attending UNLV next fall. FHAFFH friends get together with their students throughout the year. There is no financial obligation. If you would like to "adopt a student" please call Program Coordinator, Sharlene Flushman at 794-2888. Committees/Auxillaries IHN Needs Your Help! To donate, contact Bette Stahl Email her at IHN is in need of TV sets, as well as VCR's for when we host families. We're trying to add a little touch of home forthem. Our goal is to have a TV setA/CR in each room. We are also looking for VHS movies as well. They must be G or PG rated. So, when you replace that old VHS movie with a DVD, why not donate it to us. Volunteer - Take a Class! ROSH CHODESH TUESDAY, January 11th 7:00 pm, Rm 12 Every month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Social Action News | Now that we are into the new year, we can say the High Holidays Food Drive went great, as did Mitzvah Menorah. My thanks to the Committee members who distributed food bags following services, to Gloria Fenster, Chairperson for Mitzvah Menorah and to those who assisted in the project. This year we provided gifts to 17 families and approximately 36 individuals. We thank the congregation for your support. But our work is not done. January 30th is Mitzvah Day and will again involve the Sunday School students and NTTY. Please help us by bringing clothing for men, women and children to the Temple on or before that date. We also will be distributing toiletries and ?softly? used toys to Safe Haven and others. As part of Mitzvah Day, Janet Schlesinger is collecting infant wear to take to the Neonatal Unit at UM3^ Hospital. Please help our efforflf and support Mitzvah day. One note of an up-coming event...March 6th will be the Teen Passover Seder. Last year we had four other religions represented and advisors from two stated they would like to attend this year. So, save that date and come if you want to see young people intent on learning and sharing ideals. Michael Reissen Social Action Chair NEW GIFT SHOP HOURS! THURSDAY 11:00 AM?2:00 PM FRIDAY 6:30 PM?7:15 PM SUNDAY 9:00 AM?12:30 PM Cash & Checks only A For all other days, or to volunteer, contact Bessie Levy at 413-5171 or Phyllis Mark @ 369-3536. 8 w w w . l v n e r tam id .org JANUARY 2005 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday W 1 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NO R/S NO Confirmation First Mondays Class 6:00 - 6:50 pm 7:00 - 7:50 pm 8:00-8:50 PM JACS 7:00 pm R/S East 4:30-6 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Shabbat Services 7:30 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am Hockey Night - Orleans 7:00 pm NTTY Cosmic Bowling / Sleepover 9 io 1 1 12 13 14 15 R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm Rabbi?s Lunch & Learn Noon Alzheimer?s Support Group 6:30 pm JACS 7:00 pm R/S East 4:30-6 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm Rosh Chodesh 7:00 pm AA Meeting 6:30 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 6:30 pm Open House Shabbat Shabbatone Family Service 7:30 pm Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 i W R/S Confirmation Him Festival 4pm SunCoast OFFICE CLOSED Martin Luther King, Jr. Day JACS 7:00 pm R/S East 4:30-6 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm AA Meeting 7:00 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm Congregant of Year New Members Shabbat Shabbat Service 7:30 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm NTTY Pj Game Day 1:30 pm JACS 7:00 pm R/S East 4:30-6 pm AA Meeting 6:30 pm R/S West 4:30-6 pm Shabbat Services 7:30 Bible Study 9:00 am Minyan 10:00 am Torah Study 11:00am 30 31 R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm Mitavah Day Upcoming February Events February 5 - Guest Speaker Marnie Winston-Macauley February 6 - NTTY Superbowl Pot-Luck February 11 - Cantor Lisa Levine and Special Shabbatone Service February 18-20 - URJ Southwest Biennial ^ February 21 - Officed Closed for President?s Day February 26 - Game Night February 27 - Hamantashen Baking for Purim Carnival SAVE THE DATE! CNT Passover Seder April 23,2005 Watch for more details! J a n u a r y 2 0 0 ^ 9 Special Announcements Sisterhood & Men's C lub January Birthdays Mr. Wolf Adler Mrs. Sari Aizley Dr. Kevin Balsam Ashley Beresid Mrs. Meredith Berger Avidan Berk Mrs. Shelley Berkley Allison Berman Melissa Berman Maia Bernick Mr. Alvin Birnbaum John Black Sarah Blank Emily Bossak Douglas Brill Mrs. Marilyn Bulavsky Dr. Stanley Canter Paul Chenin David Cherry Mr. Sheldon Colen Mr. T.J. Coon Mrs. Eunice Cooper Shaina Corpodian Mr. Greg Corpodian Mrs. Jennifer Curran Mrs. Rea Dantzig Mrs. Linda Davidson Sarah del Valle Mrs. Lois Doctors Matthew Dreiman Mrs. Mirta Dreiman Mr. Leslie Dunn Mrs. Anne Einsohn Mr. Jerry Engel Mrs. Marilyn Etcoff Mrs. Sandy Ewan Joey Falk Mrs.Teruah Ferris Mr. David Field Mrs. Stephanie Finkelstein Mrs. Sylvia Franks Mrs. Meaghan Freiburger Ms. Shawna Freid Robert Friedman Mrs. Jean Friedman Ryan Frockt Mr. Michael Gee