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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    WSWA FALL MEETING Octet*** 17, IS ?╜M 19, i960 La* Vega*, Nevada Schedule cl Meeting* A Event* Monday, October it ft $#-AM - Noon Noon - li $0 PM PM - ill# PM itit pm Tuesday. October IS ft it AM * Noon 9:30 AM * St00 PM fit?? AM * Noon 9:30 AM - Noon 9:30 AM * Noon Noon * 1:30 PM 1:30 PM ?╟≤ StOO PM it30 PM * StOO PM It30 PM * StOO PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Wednesday. Octehe* 19 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM 9:30 AM ?╟≤ Noon Noon * 1:30 PM 1:30 PM - StOO PM Advisory Council Meeting (2$ people) Cocktail* & Luncheon (2$ people) Advisory Council Meeting (25 people} Cocktails 6 Buffet (40 people} Executive Committee Meeting (10 people) Continuation of Advisory Council Meeting (2S people} Liquor Laws Committee (10 people) insurance Committee (10 people) Association Service* Committee (10 people) Cocktail* It Luncheon (69 people) Convention Committee (10 people) Finance ?╜i Membership Committee (10 people) Industry Affair* Committee (10 people) Cocktail* (80 people) Dinner (80 people) Breakfast (60 people) Board of Directors Meeting (50 people) Cocktails end Luncheon (5S people) Board of Directors Meeting (50 people) Emerald Boom Terrace Boom Emerald Boom Terraee Boom A/B Suite Emerald Room A/ B Suite A/B Suite A/B Suite Emerald 'Room A/B Suite A/B Suit* A/B Suite Copa Lounge Copa Boom Garden Boom Emerald Room Torrace Boom Emerald Boom 1960 Fall Board Mooting