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Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Annual Report and Calendar, Welcome To Israel @ 50 Celebration Las Vegas, 1998-1999



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    THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS ^ 1998 Annual Report 1998-1999, 5758-5759 Calendar LAS VEGAS MEGA MISSION TO ISRAEL NOV. 19TH - NOV. 27TH, 1 Briefing with top political leaders and visit to a military base * Jeep Rides in the Desert Kabbalat Shabbat at Western Wall * Ancient Jerusalem Touring "Visit to Old Jaffa * Archeological Dig * Visit to YadVashem Wine & Dine at the Israel Museum * Children's programming 7 & Up * Massada and Dead Sea Spa * Visit Western Wall Underground Tunnel * Shopping in Jaffa and Safed artist colony * Visit with new immigrants from Russia and Ethiopia Visit to Knesset and Supreme Court * Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremonies arranged on request The cost of the mission is $1795 round trip (Las Vegas - Tel Aviv - Las Vegas) per person (based on double occupancy) and requires a minimum gift to the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas/United Jewish Appeal Campaign of $500 per person for two consecutive years. For Further Information Call 732-0556 ^ ^ ^ ^ PRESIDENT'S REPORT l It has been a privilege for me to serve as president of l ^ r ^ * 1 the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas this year. I have had the opportunity to meet so many dedicated people who share a vision of a strong and viable Jewish community here in southern Nevada. It was my vision to work diligent-ly towards creating a sense of unity among all members of the community and I feel that we are on our way to defining our common goals. By meeting with the presi-dents of our Jewish organizations and opening up the lines n n of communication with other supportive community DAVID UAHAN groups, we can address issues of need and concern. One of our first projects will be the development of a web page by the Jewish Feder-ation to showcase the Jewish community. We also increased our Outreach to the community by re-energizing our agenda for the Community Relations Coun-cil and creating an editorial board for the Jewish Reporter with full community involvement. The results of this cooperation began with our outstanding Kallah festival which included the participation of agencies, synagogues and organizations working together to reach the unaffiliated and get them involved in the community. As we began the annual campaign we also saw a great sense of community in-volvement under the leadership of our wonderful campaign co-chairs and Wom-en's Division leadership which resulted in record breaking totals. We continued to create this collaborative process with our partners in the community as we moved forward to begin the development of a very important institution for our senior population, a Jewish Home for the Elderly. The donation of land from the Greenspun family will make this dream a reality. We are also moving ahead to create a "master plan" for the Jewish community and locate a site for the Jewish Community Campus, that will house the Jewish Federation, the Jewish Community Center, the Jewish Family Service Agency, the Holocaust Li-brary and B'nai B'rith. This campus will serve to further unify us and allow us to continue to work more closely together. Our year ended with the greatest of all "community collaborations," the 50th Anniversary celebration of our beloved State of Israel. Every Jewish agency, syn-agogue, and organization was represented at this outstanding event, chaired by Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson. What a great way to end my first year. I want to thank my Board of Directors and Executive Committee for the guid-ance and support they gave me. I also want to thank the hundreds of volunteers who worked on our committees and helped raise the funds needed to move the community forward. Last, but not least I want to thank Ronni Epstein and her dedicated staff for providing the necessary support for us to "get the job done." I look forward to next year as a continuation of the foundation we have built together. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT "To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven...." This year was one of many sea-sons, filled with incredible challenges and opportunities and I am proud to say our community has met them all with determination and positive commitment. With the com-pletion of our demographic study a task force was ap-pointed to review the needs of our Jewish elderly here in southern Nevada. Under the leadership of Dr. Stephen Kollins and Ruth Goldfarb the Task Force on the elderly moved ahead to plan a facility that will help provide a high quality of life for our seniors in an environment that encompasses the best of Jewish traditions. We are now prepared to move for-ward with the development of this institution thanks to the generosity of the Greenspun family, who donated a parcel of land for the project, and Alice and the late Harry Goldberg for establishing a trust to help build the home. Our fall season began with the Kallah festival of Jewish education. It was an opportunity for us to work together with all our synagogues and agencies and reach out to all segments of the community and get them involved in our vibrant Jewish enterprise. This year was also the season for a very successful annual cam-paign. With the help of our three general division co-chairs, Neil Galatz, Deanne Stralser and Ron Worth, and our Women's Division, campaign co-chairs, Janet Kantor and Dee Ober we were able to raise record funds for our Jewish commu-nity in southern Nevada, in Israel and around the world. Another highlight of this year was the opportunity that I had, along with our President David Dahan, to visit Israel and the Former Soviet Union and see first hand how the money we raise actually helps save lives overseas. It was truly an eye-opening experience and one that made the both of us understand why we need to continually support our people around the world. The spring season saw a reemergence of the community planning process that will ultimately result in a strategic plan for our entire family of agencies. As we move forward with the development of our Jewish community facilities it is our hope that we will capture the imagination of the community and encourage others to get involved. Our season ended with a spectacular celebration of Isra-el's 50 Anniversary... a fitting conclusion to a year filled with wonderful promise. I want to personally thank our President David Dahan, who showed extraordi-nary courage this year in moving our community towards better cooperation and creating a vision of unity. I also want to thank the Executive Committee and Board for their wisdom and continuous support for the Jewish Federation. To all of you who have worked so hard this year on behalf of the Jewish people, our agencies and synagogues, thank you for all you have done and will continue to do... and to the hard working Federation staff, none of this would be possible without your assistance. RONNI EPSTEIN NEIL GALATZ CAMPAIGN REPORT Neil Galatz, Deanne Stralser, and Ron Worth, Campaign co-chairs Everyone in our community who mode a contribution to the 1998 Federation/UJA campaign should feel proud to know that their commitment is working to help build a strong and vital Jewish community here in Las Vegas, and is continuing the long tradition of helping Jews in need in Israel and throughout the world. 1998's campaign was the largest and most successful campaign in the history of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. Tremendous credit is due to the solicitors, mem-bers of the Federation board, campaign cabinet, division and event chairs and their committees and the staff of the Jewish Federation. Highlights of 1998's campaign events included the Major Gifts Dinner at the home of Cecil and Hilde Sills who co-chaired the event with Mona and Charles Silverman. Record dollars were raised that evening that set the stage for the rest of the campaign. The Pace-setter Dinner at the Desert Inn was co-chaired by Christi and David Ober and Edythe and Irwin Goldberg. The event featured an evening with Dr. Ruth Westheimer. Thanks to the continued generosity of Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adel-son we were able to hold our Super Sunday phon-a-thon at the Sands Expo. Once again Shevi Lederman and Eric Polis did an outstanding job as co-chairs. As part of our plan to reach out to new donors, we held our first ever Summerlin/Sun City event. This event, co-chaired by Doris Soroky and Ellen Scully brought in record numbers of first time givers from this area. The Le-gal (Brandeis) Division held a Lunch and Learn series with Rabbi Yitzchak Wyne of Young Israel Congregation which helped attract new attorneys to the campaign. Other events included a Healthcare (Maimonides) Division event at the home of Dr. Saul Schreiber with guest speaker Reuvan Hazan and a Finan-cial Division event chaired by Steve Dorinson with guest speaker Pinchas Dror. This year we worked to incorporate the Foundation into our overall campaign. We had several programs in Sun City to discuss Planned Giving in addition to a Foundation luncheon for Major Donors which was hosted by Michael Novick, Foundation chair and featured Geoffrey Gee, director of Planned Giving for the United Jewish Appeal. We again wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to the great num-ber of committed individuals who shared in the success of the 1998 campaign. DEANNE STRALSER RON WORTH WOMEN'S DIVISION REPORT Carole Turk, president Janet Kantor and Dee Ober, Campaign co-chairs Women's Division illustrated tremendous growth and strength in 1998. This year the campaign grew to $630,000 reflecting a 17% card for card increase. The Women's Divi-sion worked diligently in helping to bring the campaign to this record breaking figure. An enormous number of new women were connected to Women's Division through the strong efforts of our committed WD Board members but greatly through the Outreach co-vice presidents Debra Cohen and Gloria Sherwood. From gallery exhibits to doll houses and many phone calls, many lives were touched and women made new friends and became connected to Women's Division. We had many exciting and successful luncheons throughout the year under the fine guidance of Susan Smith, vice president of events, which enabled us to acquire 11 new Lions, 10 new Pomegranates, 55 new Main Eventers, and 40 new Genesis women. The Lion of Judah luncheon chaired by Dr. Miriam Adelson, Sonja Saltman and Betsi Steinberg was a huge success with Shula Legum, first woman Brigadier General as the guest speaker. The Pome-granate luncheon chaired by Bonnie Berkowitz and Hyla Worth attracted many new Pomegranates and featured Arna Poupko, contemporary Jewish scholar. Over 200 wom-en attended the Main Event luncheon at Chinois in the Forum Shops at Caesars. The women enjoyed a scrumptious lunch and heard best selling author Faye Keller-man. It was co-chaired by Arlene Blut, Bonnie Pomerantz, and Carol Spiegel and was definitely the talk of the town. A new addition to Women's Division this year was the Genesis Chai Tea. Over 100 women attended. Forty women gave a minimum $ 100 first time gift. This event helped to get new women involved with Women's Division. Education programs were offered for the entire community including "Chick-en Soup for the Soul," and "From Bugsy to Buffets," CLAL study sessions and much more led by Carole Pockey, education vice president and her fine committee. Women's Division had another incredible year. We look forward to an out-standing year with Susan Smith as the new Women's Division president and her new Executive Board and Board of Directors. CAROLE TURK JANET KANTOR AND DEE OBER THE FOUNDATION The Endowment of the Jewish Federation of Los Vegas jssM i s c ? i Jewish Federation's endowment prograr Leave a Legacy .as my fathers planted for me before I was born, so do I plant for those who will come after me." ?TALMUD TAANIT 23A The Foundation is the Jewish Federation's endowment program. Its mission is to accumulate enduring assets which will assure the continuity and stability of Jewish life in the greater Las Vegas area. The Foundation accepts gifts during lifetime and testamentary bequests. With these assets, it establishes endowments, trusts and foundations to carry out the charitable wishes of the donors. r The Foundation offers community members "planned giving" programs and services that allow them to take maximum advantage of the substantial charitable deductions from federal taxation that are provided by U.S. tax policy. The Foundation offers these ways to help you achieve your philanthropic goals: ? ENDOWMENT FUNDS?give donors an opportunity to help meet long-term goals of the Jewish community. ? PHILANTHROPIC FUNDS?provide families and individuals with cvtax-wise way to give to the community ? RESTRICTED FUNDS?enable donors to fulfill their unique philanthropic goals ? CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUSTS?guarantees donors an income for life while ensuring future support of the community. PERPETUAL ANNUAL CAMPAIGN ENDOWMENT ? PACE PACE was established for people who recognize that the building of Israel must go forward, that the tragedy of the Holocaust must never be forgotten, and that the strengthening of our local community must continue. The Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas can meet with you to discuss ways for you to endow your cam-paign gift. It could be as simple as a codicil to your will or living trust...or you may consider a life insurance policy or a gift of appreciated property. HH. As part of the PACE program, women who give $5,000 or i pre to the Women's Division campaign can endow their gifts through the LION OF JUDAH ENDOWMENT (LOJE) prograr WHAT YOU CAN DO Please take a moment to consider how you or your family might leave a legacy to Jewish life. You are invited to call Phyllis Friedman, Foundation director, 732-0556, to discuss how the Foundation can help you achieve your philanthropic goals. MW* Michael J. Novick, chairman FEDERATION PROGRAMS "We" in this case means Federation, agencies, congregations, grassroots organizations... No test is required to join the team, only a true desire to enrich Jewish life in the greater Las Vegas and surrounding areas, and around the world BRANDEIS SOCIETY Max Spilka, chair The Brandeis Society is a group of legal professionals within the Legal Division of the Federation who are committed to the pursuit of tzedakah (justice), and the teachings of Justice Brandeis. The society continued for the second year a "lunch-and-learn-series for the members of the legal division. These lunches give members of the legal profession time to sit together and study Torah. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIVISION Debra Cohen, chair The Business and Professional Division continues to be a valuable networking opportunity as well as a means of demonstrating the Federations commit-ment to addressing important social and political issues important to our community. Prominent individuals who made presentations this season included Bill Bayno, UNLV Rebels head coach, and Jon Ralston, political columnist for the Las Vegas Review Journal. Other presenters included Kenny Guinn, past president of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and Somer Hollingsworth, president and CEO of the Nevada Development Authority. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Jessica Aries Dushoff, chair The Community Relations Committee (CRC) is the public affairs and social action arm of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. The CRC is responsible for addressing social, cultural, political and humanitarian issues in our community. The CRC works with the Council of Jewish Organizations (COJO) which consists of public relations representatives from each of the local Jewish organizations, agencies, schools and synagogues. This past year, the CRC has been very active in it's efforts to establish better interfaith and interethnic relations in our community. In October 1997, the CRC and The Las Vegas Clark County Library District are presenting a program entitled "Poets Cross Culture". The purpose of the program was to initiate a series of cultural outreach programs between the African American and Jewish communities; enabling greater communication between the two groups in areas of mutual interest and concern. In January 1998, in conjunction with Martin Luther King Day, a documentary film entitled Blacks and Jews was screened at the West Las Vegas Library. The program was moderated by Dr. Linda Young, a multicultural outreach specialist from the Clark County School District. Another new initiative of the CRC is helping to establish an Interfaith Coalition on the Environment consisting of representatives from numerous faith groups in southern Nevada. These representatives meet to become better informed about important issues relating to the environment and to determine if positions can be formed about these issues. Janet Belcove Shalin, CRC Steering Committee member along with Father Ilia Katre of St. John the Divine are working together to help form the coalition. HILLEL AT UNLV Mike Cherry, chair Jewish campus life is alive, well and flourishing in Las Vegas for UNLV and CCSN students who participate in Hillel. Students have shared an exciting year highlighted by the annual Wine and Cheese Havdalah, a fabulous and fun mock traditional Jewish wedding, stimulating weekly Renaissance Lunch Series, fun bi-monthly Hillel Happenings, monthly Shabbat ShaBang, Mega Shabbat, a Chocolate Seder, a Purim Bash, another great Yom HaShoah event, and lots of opportunities for fun and friends. The Hillel mailing list is over 300, plus the GAP program (for graduate students and professionals) also mails to over 300 young Jews who plan their own programs. Hillel has a web page at [] or e-mail at [] or call 736-0887. HOLOCAUST EDUCATION Edythe Katz Yarchever, chair The Clark County School District, the Governor's Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust, the Holocaust Education Committee of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Nate Mack Greater Western Region B'nai B'rith, and Nevada Humanities sponsored the 1998 Holocaust Educational Art Exhibition: Understanding the Holocaust through the Artist's Eyes, at the Las Vegas Fine Arts Museum/Sahara West Library from April 22 through June 1,1998. Over 1500 students and teachers attended special programs relating to this event. The Gertrude Sperling Library for Holocaust Studies and the Kronberg Family Media Center have continued to expand their collection of books and audio visual materials. Educators from throughout Nevada have been sent to summer study programs in Poland and Israel. A delegate from the National Judicial College was sent to Washington, DC to attend a special seminar on World War II crimes. We continue our ongoing educational seminars for Clark County Schools at the Gertrude Sperling Library. The Holocaust Survivors Group continues to grow. Their Survivor Speakers Bureau provides speakers for Clark County schools. Holocaust Education teacher training programs have been implemented in cooperation with Clark County School District, and a new Holocaust Education curriculum is currently being developed. ISRAEL @ 50 COMMUNITY CELEBRATION Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, co-chairs On Sunday April 19, 1998 the biggest and most successful celebration of Israel's independence in the history of the Southern Nevada Jewish commu-nity took place. Over 4000 people attended the various events of the day which included a major community event at the Sands Expo and Convention Center, a dinner with a satellite broadcast from Israel featuring Natan Sharansky and a concert with Israeli superstar Noa at New York, New York Hotel and Casino. Co-produced with the Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada the event's sponsors included the Sands Expo and Convention Center, the Venetian Resort Hotel and Casino, The Jewelers, Michael J. Novick, Dean Witter Reynolds Inc., DRGM Advertising and Public Relations, Lionel Sawyer and Collins, KVBC Channel 3 News, Las Vegas, Carmel Wines, Creel Printing, AlphaGraphics, Santa Fe Hotel and Casino, Circus Circus Enterprises Inc., MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, Mirage Resorts, Blatteis Realty, New York, New York Hotel and Casino, Photo Finish, Ventura Enterprises Development and Invest-ment and the Culinary Workers Union Local 226. JEAN WEINBERGER MUSEUM OF JEWISH CULTURE Phyllis Darling and Dr. Vern Matson, co-chairs The Jean Weinberger Museum of Jewish Culture, created from and endowment in honor of Jean Weinberger is a innovative cultural institution operat-ed by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. The museum had it's inaugural dedication exhibit in April 1996 at the Marjorie Barrick Museum located on the UNLV campus and has had numerous exhibits since then at its permanent home in the Sigesmund Center. This year the museum presented "Let There be Light, the Art of the Chanukah Menorah" where chanukkiot from the community were displayed along original chanukkiot created by students for the exhibit. The exhibition had organized visits from students from a variety of local schools both secular and Jewish. JEWISH REPORTER Beth Miller, chair The Jewish Reporter is a non-profit bi-monthly tabloid size newspaper. It is an effective and cost-efficient way to reach quality conscious families in the Jewish community and greater Las Vegas valley. Published since March 1976 by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, the Reporter has continually covered news and events of the Federation as well as the Jewish community locally and statewide. It keeps readers abreast with national and international Jewish related news. Sections of interest also include arts, sports, and entertainment; health news; business, finance and real estate; a Jewish travel section; and kosher recipes. The Reporter also lists local synagogues and with each publication, features an article from resident rabbis. The Reporter is mailed free of charge to subscriber's homes and delivered to synagogues and various businesses throughout southern Nevada. Look for the Jewish Reporter at our web site: []. LAS VEGAS HEBREW HIGH Shelley Kutliroff, director Las Vegas Hebrew High is an educational, cultural and social program for Jewish Las Vegas teens, from 8th grade through 12th grade. Classes are held on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m.. No synagogue or institutional affiliation is required. We served teens from many community synagogues, as well as those who were unaffiliated. Our program included classes on Jewish values, Bible commentaries, Jewish and American law and a hands-on approach to Jewish art and history. One month's programming was dedicated to investigating the problems of contemporary society through the eyes of the Jewish community. We have had guest speakers representing many aspects of Jewish and American life. Special programs have included a trip to Los Angeles, appropriate holiday celebrations, featuring parties and picnics, and movies which trigger Jewish consciousness. MAIMONIDES SOCIETY Dr. Gary Kantor, co-chair The Maimonides Society is part of the medical division of the Jewish Federation and is affiliated with the national Maimonides Society organization through the United Jewish Appeal. A dinner was held for members and guests with Dr. Reuvan Hazan as the guest speaker. Dr. Hazan gave an update on the peace process. He is a political analyst for the Israeli Defense Forces. YOUNG LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Debbie and Robert Strimling, Shevi Lederman, and Donna Dubowsky, co-chairs This year's Young Leadership Development Program participants took part in a series of programs designed to teach them about the critical issues facing today's Jewish world and give them an understanding of what it means to be a leader in the community. The seven month program covered topics which included tzedakah, social action, Israeli politics, local needs and the challenge of being a Jewish leader. The participants also took part in Super Sunday and will now become actively involved in various committees and programs of the Jewish community. Brandeis Legal "Lunch and Learn" series with Rabbi Yitzchak Wyne Young Leadership with Rabbi David Nelson (center) from CLAL 1 9 9 8 - 1 9 9 9 ALLOCATIONS Jewish Federation of Las Vegas/United Jewish Appeal Campaign Less Allowance for Bad Debts TOTAL TO BE DISTRIBUTED 1998- 1999 ALLOCATIONS UJA/ISRAEL NATIONAL AGENCIES: Anti-Defamation League American Jewish Congress American Society for ALYN Hospital Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies National Hillel CAJE (Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education) Camera CLAL (National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership) CJF (Council of Jewish Federations) Hebrew Union College Jewish Braille Institute JESNA (Jewish Education Service of North America) JCCA (Jewish Community Center Association) Jewish Theological Seminary of America National Conference on Soviet Jewry National Tay-Sachs NJCRAC (National Jewish Community Relations Committee) Project Star Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Yeshiva University $1,350,000 -27,000 $1,323,000 $324,594 43,000 LOCAL AGENCIES AND SERVICES: Interfaith Student Center Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada Jewish Community Day School Jewish Family Service Agency Local Synagogues Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy 604,559* JEWISH FEDERATION PROGRAMS: Business & Professional Group Community Relations Council Holocaust Education Israel Independence Day Jewish Reporter Hillel at UNLV Las Vegas Hebrew High Task Force on the Elderly Yom HaShoah Young Leadership Development JEWISH FEDERATION: Administration Fundraising & Collections Building Fund TOTAL 131,236 209,321 40,400 $1,401,627 "Includes monies from Restricted Program Funds and Reserve Funds Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Israel @ 50 Chairs Jewish War Veterans volunteer on Super Sunday Ground-breaking at Congregation Or-Bamidbar /estical E L U L ? T I S H R I 5 7 5 8 S e p t e m b e r 998 SUNDAY AUGUST S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 "so 2S, 25 26 27 28 29 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 10 ELUL 11 ELUL 12 ELUL 13 ELUL 14 ELUL r Ki Tetze 15 ELUL 16 ELUL 8 17 ELUL 18 ELUL 10 19 ELUL 11 20 ELUL 12 21 ELUL LABOR DAY Ki Tavo SELICHOT 13 22 ELUL 14 23 ELUL 15 24 ELUL 16 25 ELUL 17 26 ELUL 18 27 ELUL 19 28 ELUL V Nitzavim 20 29 ELUL 21 1 TISHRI 22 2 TISHRI 23 3 TISHRI 24 4 TISHRI 25 5 TISHRI 26 6 TISHRI EREV ROSH HASHANAH ROSH HASHANAH FALL BEGINS ROSH HASHANAH FAST OF GEOALIAH Vayelech f~ SHABBAT SHUVAH 27 7 TISHRI 28 8 TISHRI 29 9 TISHRI 30 10 TISHRI OCTOBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 30 31 THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS I B I B KB a mr T I S H R I ? C H E S H V A N 5759 o c t o b e r 1998 SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 5 M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY NOVEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 11 TISHRI 12 TISHRI 13TISHRI r Ha'azinu 14 TISHRI 15 TISHRI 16 TISHRI 17TISHRI 8 18 TISHRI 19 TISHRI 10 20 TISHRI EREV SUKKOT SUKKOT SUKKOT INTERMEDIATE DAYS OF SUKKOT CHOL HAMOED SUKKOT 11 21 TISHRI 12 22 TISHRI 13 23 TISHRI 14 24 TISHRI 15 25 TISHRI 16 26 TISHRI 17 27 TISHRI HOSHANAH RABAH COLUMBUS DAY CANADIAN kA THANKSGIVING YIZKOR SHEMINI ATZERET Vezot Habrachah SIMCHATTORAH V Bereshit 18 28 TISHRI 19 29 TISHRI 20 30 TISHRI 21 1 CHESHVAN 22 2 CHESHVAN 23 3 CHESHVAN 24 4 CHESHVAN ROSH CHODESH V Noach 25 5 CHESHVAN 26 6 CHESHVAN 27 7 CHESHVAN 28 8 CHESHVAN 29 9 CHESHVAN 30 10 CHESHVAN 31" CHESHVAN Members of the Task Force on the Elderly visited Jewish homes for the aged around the country r Lech Lecha THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS C H E S H V A N ? K I S L E V 5759 n o v e m b e r 1998 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 12CHESHVAN 13CHESHVAN 14 CHESHVAN ELECTION DAY 15CHESHVAN 16CHESHVAN 17 CHESHVAN 18CHESHVAN V Vayera 8 19 CHESHVAN 20 CHESHVAN 10 21 CHESHVAN 11 22 CHESHVAN 12 23 CHESHVAN 13 24 CHESHVAN 14 25 CHESHVAN CANADIAN REMEMBRANCE DAY VETERANS DAY V Chaye Sarah 15 26 CHESHVAN 16 27 CHESHVAN 17 28 CHESHVAN 18 29 CHESHVAN 19 30 CHESHVAN 20 ' KISLEV 21 ROSH CHODESH 2 KISLEV i, f Toldot 22 3 KISLEV 23 4 KISLEV 24 5 KISLEV 25 6 KISLEV 26 7 KISLEV 27 8 KISLEV 28 9 KISLEV THANKSGIVING V Vayetze 29 10 KISLEV 30 11 KISLEV OCTOBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 30 31 DECEMBER 5 M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Women's Division create chanukkiot at their board retreat THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS K I S L E V * T E V E T 5759 d e c e m b e r 1998 SUNDAY NOVEMBER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 12 K I S L E V 13 K I S L E V 14 K I S L E V 15 K I S L E V 16 K I S L E V r Vayishlach 17 K I S L E V 18 K I S L E V 8 19 K I S L E V 20 K I S L E V 10 21 K I S L E V 11 22 K I S L E V 12 23 K I S L E V V Vayeshev 13 24 K I S L E V 14 25 K I S L E V 15 26 K I S L E V 16 27 K I S L E V 17 28 K I S L E V 18 29 K I S L E V 19 30 K I S L E V w EREVCHANUKAH CHANUKAH CHANUKAH CHANUKAH CHANUKAH CHANUKAH Miketz CHANUKAH ROSH CHODESH 20 1 T E V E T 21 2 T E V E T 22 3 T E V E T 23 4 T E V E T 24 5 T E V E T 25 6 T E V E T 26 7 T E V E T CHANUKAH ROSH CHODESH WINTER BEGINS CHANUKAH CHRISTMAS r Vayigash 27 8 T E V E T 28 9 T E V E T 29 1 0 T E V E T 30 11 T E V E T 31 1 2 T E V E T FAST DAY Chanukkiah exhibit at the Jean Weinberger Museum JANUARY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 243, 25 26 27 28 29 30 THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS T E V E T ? S H E V A T 5759 J a n u a r y 1999 SUNDAY DECEMBER 5 M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY FEBRUARY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 1 3 T E V E T NEW YEAR'S DAY 1 4 T E V E T V Vayechi 1 5 T E V E T 1 6 T E V E T 1 7 T E V E T 1 8 T E V E T 1 9 T E V E T 8 2 0 T E V E T 21 T E V E T V Shemot 10 22 T E V E T 11 2 3 T E V E T 12 24 T E V E T 13 25 T E V E T 14 26 T E V E T 15 27 T E V E T 16 28 T E V E T V Va'era 17 29 T E V E T 18 ' "SHEVAT 19 2 SHEVAT 20 3 SHEVAT 21 4 SHEVAT 22 5 SHEVAT 23 MARTIN LUTHER KING'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED ROSH CHODESH 6 SHEVAT Bo 24 31 7 SHEVAT 25 8 SHEVAT 26 9 SHEVAT 27 10 SHEVAT 28 11 SHEVAT 29 12 SHEVAT 30 14 SHEVAT 13 SHEVAT David Dahan and Ronni Epstein participated in the Jewish Agency for Israel Mission to Israel and the former Soviet Union Beshallach SHABBAT SHIRAH THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS c ? \V< S H E V A T ? A D A R 5759 f e b r u a r y 1999 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 15 SHEVAT TU B'SHEVAT 16 SHEVAT 17 SHEVAT 18 SHEVAT 19 SHEVAT 20 SHEVAT Yitro 21 SHEVAT 8 22 SHEVAT 23 SHEVAT 10 24 SHEVAT 11 25 SHEVAT 12 26 SHEVAT 13 27 S H E V E T Mishpatim |i SHABBAT SHEKALIM 14 28 SHEVAT 15 29 SHEVAT 16 30 SHEVAT 17 1 ADAR 18 2 ADAR 19 3 ADAR 20 4 ADAR PRESIDENTS' DAY ROSH CHODESH V Terumah 21 5 ADAR 22 6 ADAR 23 7 ADAR 24 8 ADAR 25 9 ADAR 26 10ADAR 27 11 ADAR Tetzaveh SHABBAT ZACHOR 28 12ADAR JANUARY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 "A, 25 26 27 28 28 30 MARCH S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Southern Nevada community rabbis meet with Jewish Federation leaders to discuss pluralism THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS A D A R N I S A N 5 7 5 9 m a r c h 1999 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY FEBRUARY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 13ADAR MEGILLAH READING 14ADAR PURIM 15ADAR SHUSHAN PURIM 16 ADAR 17ADAR 18ADAR KiTisa SHABBAT PARAH 19ADAR 8 20 ADAR 21 ADAR 10 22 ADAR 11 23 ADAR 12 24 ADAR 13 25 ADAR Vayakhel/Pekude y SHABBAT HACHODESH 14 26 ADAR 15 27 AD