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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. Al Freeman April 16, 1959 m 2 The usage we would like to get is as follows: four ?╟? times on the 1959 World Series, and then once a month on "tSj^yfd~daj^lgSt"fights beginning 0otober~i5,195<) tint 11 October four times oh the World Series of I960 and ??n "any spec!al programs suoh as the Hose Bowl oetween the two series. We have in our budget $15,000?╟≤00 for each star. Though we have rarely paid thistopdbllarfor any star, we feel that the stars which appear at the Sands merit such a fee. At present Frank Sinatra is with you. Realising what an incredibly busy schedule Mr. Sinatra has, we would like to film him immediately at the Sands. If he is willing to work out an arrangement with us, we would be happy to shoot at any time which is convenient for him. I understand that Danny Thomas follows Mr. Sinatra, and then Dean Martin. We would certainly like to have both of them as stars"In similar commercials featuring the Sands, though we realize thaOIrTl^biias may have Td~be?Σ≤ruled outf because of his weekly television show. Please call me as soon as you have any decision because I had planned to leave for Hew York on Monday. You can reach me over the weekend at Crestvlew 1-9982. I sincerely hope we can work out a deal. I feel that it would be very beneficial, mutually. Sincerely yours,