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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 24, 1995






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 25 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000824. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President $E? 3 O ^ Ail MINUTES SENATE MEETING 25-23 MONDAY, JULY 24, 1995 FLORA DUNGAN HUMANITIES 1ST FLOOR AUDITORIUM 6:30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH called the meeting to order at 6:44 p.m. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Shawna Campbell Carl Tolbert(unexcused) Terence Carroll Dan Fendell Leia Fleischman , Jamie Fox Joe Laxague Keith McLain Tern,' Morrow Edward Rivera Scott Schwartz Sandra Shelling Joaquin Trajillo Jason Williams Laura Zurek III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 25-17, 15-18. 25-19, 25-22 Motion to approve made by SENATOR MCLAIN. seconded by SENATOR WILLIAMS. Corrections to above mentioned minutes: 25-22—SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. under BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS, also nominated SENATORS FENDELL AND TRUJILLO to the committee for Campus Safety and Awareness and both w ere approved by unanimous acclimation. 25-21—SENATOR FLIESCHMAN. under SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS. VICE PRESIDENT MILLS questioned whether she had seen the lighting report, and SENATOR FLIESCHMAN replied that yes, she had seen it. 25-19—SENATOR CARROLL, amendment to page 3 —SENATOR CARROLL stated to approve the amount if President Pida was accountable for all the hours that he puts in. 25-17—SENATOR MCLAIN. under BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS, item B-DIRECTOR REPORTS, sub-item b-Office of Student Information. DIRECTOR WALLACE - report given by SENATOR SMITH - she will be putting a report in the Senate boxes tomorrow. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PASKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 25-23 / JULY 24, 1995 and KLUC will not be coming to campus tomorrow because they got an off-site that was paying them. 25-19—SENATOR CAMPBELL, under OPEN DISCUSSION, I have a prepared statement that I would like to read for the record: First, I'd like to congratulate you, Terry, on your appointment as Senate President Pro Tempore. I hope everything you said, you'll take to heart and keep up the good work! Next, I'd like to direct this toward Senate President Smith: It has come to my recent attention that an "anti-Shawna. for Pro-Tempore" campaign had been launched. Mr. Smith has been heard saying such things as. "I can't work with should vote for Tern": and in reference to Tern- Moore upon entering the CSUN offices. "There's my next Senate President Pro-Tempore.". If these statement are true...I find them disappointing coming from someone that I though was my friend and extremely unethical from our elected Senate President. Move into a vote for approval pending amendments. Motion passes 14-0-0. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PIDA-no announcements. STUDENT BODY VICE-PRESIDENT MILLS-Thank you. I would like to say a few words right now. First off. in regard to SENATOR TERENCE CARROLL, a Senate Directive you did not have a right as a single Senator to give a direct order to the Executive Board or any of its officers. If the Senate as a whole would like to in a majority fashion, place a directive on my office, I will gladly fulfill the request. But this pseudo resolution is a joke. And frankly, I w ould like you to show me w here it shows that you as a single Senator can direct anyone on the Executive Board to do something. My next point. I would like to say at today's Executive Board meeting, President Pida took it upon himself not to recognize me regarding the appointment of directors in what seemed to be. or appeared to be a pre-deterniined collusive manner between President Pida and Senate President Smith. The very Directors that are supposed to have the closest association with myself as the Vice President w ere selected without barely any input from myself. It is at this time that I wish to share with you. the Senate, my selections for the various Directorships. For NSA Director, David Turner. I feel that he has the experience having been NSA Assistant Director and the ability and hard work ethic to do the job. For E &P. I feel Brian Saliba, while not my first selection, I had a tough choice there, it was neck and neck, my first selection had been Nicole Dircks because of her good presentation at the inteniews. I do support Brian after speaking with former Executive Board members and CSUN Directors, I'm sure that he'll do a great job. For Elections. I agree 100% with the selection of Stephanie Araiza. considering her accomplishments in such a short time, I'm sure that with proper presentation, preparation, and support from all of us, she would do a phenomenal job. For OSI, just for the record. I see some downsides to Steve Hagen's nomination. However, there is not one person who was a candidate who was truly outstanding, although there were several good choices. 0 Board. I cannot and I will not support Toby Cole for this position. His failure to complete the aforementioned project concerning SENATOR CARROL'S memorandum sets the stage for future failure. His refusal to resign from his positions in Ski Club and IFC bring into question both potential conflict of interest as well as whether or not he will make this position a priority in his extra-curricular actnity time. In getting back to the S 1200.00 approved by the Senate for Mr. Cole to complete the project that is now being dumped on my lap. it's wrong. We're rewarding him with a monthly stipend and a fee waiver for letting the students of CSUN dow n, for letting the whole student body down. I find it impossible to trust him with any project on behalf of CSUN or the student body. For Student Services, with regard to the nomination for Ted Greenhalgh as Director for Student Senices. I find this one to be the worst nomination of all be President Pida and Senate President Smith. As a director, Mr. Greenhalgh has performed poorly at best. He has SENATE MINUTES 25-23 / JULY 24, 1995 chosen to blame those working for him, with him as well as past Executive Boards for his shortcomings. CSUN has on numerous occasions run out of scar.trms. fclucbccks.'.s. c.c. Cue c;" iltc prinurv responsibilities of this position is in fact it is probably one of the only things this position is responsible for. Mr. Greenhalgh's new agenda consists of removing the typewriters to the library, and giving them control of them and joining CSUN with the umbrella control of the new MSU student light division. Two things that I vehemently disagree with. Further, the misconception that career day, being a successful undertaking by CSUN or any of its Directors is just that, a misconception. The true credit for the success in career day belongs to Alima Garretv not CSUN. CSUN involvement includes funding and assisting with the volunteer staff, period, and that's all. Mr. Greenhalgh's lone claim to fame as a Student Services Director for the past two years is being at the center of contemptible rumors and endeavors of that nature. Regarding various members of CSUN, these innuendoes have to stop, and to continue with this format is wrong. While I agree with the concept of term limits for elected positions. I also find some of the benefits in term limits for appointed positions. Currently, the Executive Board is limited to two terms, in speaking with various members of the Senate, I find that they too are considenng legislation to limit their own terms to two years. The primary' reason for this being to afford other students the opportunity to serve them and serve their constituents. The same should hold true for directorships. Besides, if you can't get it done in two years, you're not going to get it done. On numerous occasions. I've heard pompous remarks from Mr. Greenhalgh. such as, I don't need the money, and that he would never put this on his resume because this is just a bunch of kids playing around. Frankly, this insults me as well as the entire student body. If I were hiring someone for this position, let's hire someone who thinks enthusiasm and positive outlook, not someone who is cynical and negative towards the very students he is serving. There were qualified persons for these positions, for 0 Board and for the Student Services Director. They are Veronica Perez for Organizations Board Director, and Amanda Marienau for Student Services Director. I'd be glad to introduce you to them and I guarantee you when you leave them you'll think they're better selections too. My final item in announcements today is pertaining to the inability of the Executive Board to function as a team. Contraiy to President Pida's views, my position as Smdent Body Vice-President is not to be his flunky or yes man, but to look out for the best interest of the student body. When I question a contract or a purchase, it has become the "norm" for Mr. Pida to become verbally abusive, thereafter threaten to have me impeached from my office. Since being sworn into office. I personally witnessed flagrant disregard for proper protocol by all three of my Executive Board colleges, including aiding to the delinquency of a minor, paying for the ev ents with CSUN funds that contribute to the aforementioned misfeasance, abuse of power through privileges granted through you. the Senate, and many other instances that I will not go into at this time. My responsibilities as a duly elected Student Body Vice- President is to serve the student body to the best of my abilities. For your information. I have proposed a temporary remedy for some of those miscommunication problems within CSUN. Basically, what happens is Joint says he wants something done. I go do it to the best of my ability, later on he changes his mind. Basically, I've asked him in memo form that he could ask me to do something, so when he changes his mind. I can show what he asked me to do and I can say I've done this if you change your mind later to that fact, I've done what 1 was asked to do. I'm tired of fighting with and being threatened by President Pida. Terry Moore and Pat Smith. If they could just get past their egos for a minute and not worry about Mount Blanc pens, creating a crest for CSUN, printing pornographic pictures on CSUN equipment from the Internet and taking sidetrips at CSUN's expense we could get a lot more accomplished for the students of UNLV. And I've said what I have to say. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH requested a copy be submitted for the minutes. STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT MILLS complied. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH - no announcements. Reply from SENATOR CARROLL - In Section 5 of the CSL~N Constitution, it says that members of the Senate can issue a directive. Section 5, Item D. subsection 4—The Vice President shall perform all duties delegated by the Senate. Then in Section 6 tpage 10). Paragraph C. Subsection 5a states that the SENATE MINUTES 25-23 / JULY 24, 1995 Senate by majority vote shall be empowered to issue directives to CSUN officials and officers. By that oower. SENATOR CARROLL is able to issue n directive. Bv a reajoritv • ?'e, which is what the Senate is voting on today. He is not acting a single person, they will be voting on that. He lias taken the initiative on this because of the fact that it affects Student Development constituents. It is something that they need, as freshman, to come in and become acclimated to college life. If VICE PRESIDENT MILLS has a problem with that. SENATOR CARROLL prefers that be addressed to him beforehand, instead of bringing it out during the meeting. V. BOARD & COMMITTEE REPORTS A. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Rules and Ethics, CHAIR SCHWARTZ-got the notes given to him. if there are any constitutional or legal violations, he'll call a meeting to look into them. Reply from SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH-did that just for CYA b. Campus Safety and Awareness. CHAIR FLIESCHMAN-had an informal meeting today regarding changing the Senate Campus Safety and Awareness committee's bylaw. Will be having a meeting on August 7, 1995 at 6:00 p.m. in the Flora Dungan Humanities Auditorium, agenda will be posted next week as such. c. Bylaw s. CHAIR MCLAIN-pending the items on the agenda, bylaws committee will be having a meeting and will have a copy of the agenda posted in chambers. d. Constitution. CHAIR CAMPBELL-still waiting for those revisions, this is very-important that they get in. Considering we have only two more meetings until school starts, would like no farther delay, otherwise they will be written by the chair. Reply from STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PID A for SENATOR CAMPBELL to possibly talk with him about some of the revisions, being that he was on the committee he may be able to offer some help. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT Recognition of Stephanie Araiza. nominated for Elections Board Director. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN questioned if she could attend the Senate meeting on August 7. 1995. Stephanie Araiza replied the she could. SENATOR WILLIAMS questioned regarding the previous problems with bylaws. Stephanie Araiza replied that she could supply new ideas and changes. SENATOR WILLIAMS replied he would like to see them. Recognition of Brian Saliba. nominated for Entertainment and Programming Director. SENATOR FLIESCHMAN questioned if he could attend the Senate meeting on August 7. 1995. Brian Saliba replied that he could. SENATOR RIVERA entered the meeting at ":02 p.m. Recognition of David Turner, nominated for Student .Affairs Director. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH questioned if he could attend the Senate meeting on August 7. 1995. PRESIDENT PIDA stated that he is starting at ground zero, he had nothing in his office when he moved in and he has not received any help from President Boixo. SENATOR CAMPBELL stated that she had spoken to President Boixo and was told by her that President Pida had not tried contacted her at all. PRESIDENT PIDA stated that when he asked President Boixo if they could talk she preferred to talk to her friends. SENATOR MOORE stated that he was in the office when President Pida tried to contact President Boixo. Motion made to strike $1,000.00 and amend the amount to $850 by SENATOR LAXAGUE, seconded by SENATOR FOX. Move into a vote. Motion fails 7-6-0. PRESIDENT PIDA stated that he would be willing to lower his stipend himself if he wasn't doing a good job. Personal Privilege by SENATOR FOX at 7:05p.m. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated that in any job a person starts at the bottom and works their way up. SENATOR MOORE yields the floor to Mr. Kostman who stated that he started as President with a monthly stipend of $500.00 in 1992, and although you don't get rich at this job you're not here to make money, but you do need enough money to live. SENATOR CARROLL stated that to approve the amount if he was accountable for all the hours that he puts in. SENATOR FOX returns to the meeting. PRESIDENT PIDA stated that many of the hours he puts in and will be putting in are not always in the office, they are in meetings. Motion made to amend the amount to $900 by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR FOX. Motion to Call the item to Question made by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR MCLAIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 12-0-1. SENATOR SCHIFF abstained. Move into vote on amendment. Motion fails 4-9-0. Move into a vote on original item. Motion fails 7-6-0. SENATORS WONG, FOX, CAMPBELL, LAXAGUE, FLEISCHMAN, and RIVERA opposed. Motion to move into a committee of the whole for discussion of item B of Unfinished Business made by SENATOR SCHWARTZ, seconded by SENATOR RIVERA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. The Senate and the members of the gallery proceeded to discuss the item and argue their points for and against the amount of the item (for specific discussion refer to audio tapes). Motion made to move out of the committee by SENATOR MCLAIN, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. Motion made to reconsider item B of Unfinished Business by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR MCLAIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. Motion to amend the amount to $950.00 made by SENATOR MCLAIN, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. . . >. Move into a vote. Motion passes 7-2-4. SENATORS MOORE, and SCHWARTZ opposed. SENATORS LAXAGUE, RIVERA, SCHWARTZ, and SHELLING abstained. Motion to Call the item to Question made by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR MCLAIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. Move into a vote on amended item. Motion fails 8-1-4. SENATOR LAXAGUE opposed. SENATORS RIVERA MOORE, FOX, and SCHIFF abstained. Motion to waive Bylaw 8 until the end of the meeting made by SENATOR MCLAIN, seconded by SENATOR SCHWARTZ. Move into a vote. Motion fails 7-6-0. SENATORS FOX, CAMPBELL, LAXAGUE, MOORE, SCHIFF, and RIVERA opposed. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH called a recess at 8:21p.m. Personal Privilege by SENATOR RIVERA SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH called the meeting back to order at 8:25p.m. Motion made to reconsider item B of Unfinished Business made by SENATOR MCLAIN, seconded by SENATOR FOX. Move into a vote. Motion passes 12-0-0. Motion to amend the amount to $950 made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR FOX. Move into vote. Motion passes 9-1-2. SENATOR SCHIFF opposed. SENATORS LAXAGUE and SCHWARTZ abstained. Motion made to Call the item to Question by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 12-0-0. Move into a vote on amended item. Motion passes 10-1-1. SENATOR LAXAGUE opposed. SENATOR SCHIFF abstained. SENATOR RIVERA returns to the meeting. Motion to remove Unfinished Business items C,D, and E from the table made by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR FOX. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. Motion to approve Unfinished Business items C and D as a whole made by SENATOR FOX, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 8-2-2. SENATORS WONG and CAMPBELL opposed. SENATORS MOORE and SCHIFF abstained. C. Approval of a monthly stipend of $750.00 and a 42 credit fee waiver for the 1995-96 Student Body Vice President, Joe Mills, to be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen) account (combined with tabled items D & E and tabled per Bylaw 4 at Senate Meeting 25-18), .. . ... . ,,s D. Approval of a monthly stipend of $750.00 and a 42 credit fee waiver for the 1995-96 Student Senate President, Patrick T.C. Smith, to be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen) account (combined with tabled items C & E and tabled per Bylaw 4 at Senate Meeting 25-18); Motion to Call the item to Question made by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 11-1-1. SENATOR CAMPBELL opposed. SENATOR LAXAGUE abstained. Move into vote. Motion passes 9-3-1. SENATORS CAMPBELL, LAXAGUE, and RIVERA opposed. Motion to move out of the order of the day to Unfinished Business item F made by SENATOR FOX, seconded by SENATOR MCLAIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 9-4-0. SENATORS SCHWARTZ, LAXAGUE, RIVERA and FLEISCHMAN opposed. F. Election of a Student Senate President Pro Tempore for the remainder of the 25th Senate Session (candidates tabled at Senate Meeting 25-18 to be voted on at the next Senate Meeting were SENATOR CAMPBELL and SENATOR MOORE); Motion made to remove item from the tabled by SENATOR FOX, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. Motion made to allow each of the candidates to speak for no more than two minutes followed by a question and answer session and a roll call vote by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR MCLAIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. SENATOR CAMPBELL spoke and listed her qualifications and reasons for desiring the position. SENATOR MOORE spoke and listed his qualifications and reasons for desiring the position. Move into a roll call vote with the vote yielding the following results: SENATOR CAMPBELL 3 votes, SENATOR MOORE 7 votes, and 3 abstentions. SENATOR MOORE receives the Senate President Pro Tempore position. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH called a recess to swear in SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE MOORE. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH called the meeting back to order at 8:42p.m. Motion to move back into the order of the day made by SENATOR FOX, seconded by SENATOR MCLAIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. Item E was removed from the table in conjunction with items C and D. E. Approval of a monthly stipend of $300.00 and a 24 credit fee waiver for the remainder of the 25th Senate Session for the Student Senate President Pro Tempore to be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen) account (combined with tabled items C & D and tabled per Bylaw 4 at Senate Meeting 25-18); SENATOR MOORE stated that he will only be taking 17 credits and would ask the Senate to amend the item to 17 credits if they want to amend it down. Motion made to amend the credits down to 17 by SENATOR FOX, seconded by SENATOR SCHIFF. Move into a vote. Motion passes 12-1-0. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN opposed. Move into a vote on amended item. Motion passes 12-0-1. SENATOR MOORE abstained. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,200.00 for Organizations Board Newsletter/Campus Guide to be encumbered from the 2708 (OSI) account; Motion to approve made by SENATOR FOX, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Motion to allow the former Assistant Organizations Board Director Toby Cole to speak for no more than two minutes followed by question and answer session made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR FOX. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. ASSISTANT ORGANIZATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR COLE stated that these would be passed out at the orientations to familiarize new students with the Organizations on campus and they would be available for students that come into the office looking for Organizations. Motion to Call the item to Question made by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. B. Approval of an amount not to exceed $847.00 for expenses associated with the travel of President Pida, Vice President Mills, and Senate President Smith to the Chancellor/Board of Regents Meeting from May 17-19, 1995, to be encumbered from the 2702 (Gen) account; Motion to approve made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR WONG. Motion made to amend the amount to $950.00 by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR RIVERA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 11-0-2. SENATORS FOX and SCHWARTZ. Move into a vote on amended item. Motion passes 13-0-0. C. Approval of the re-issuance of Organizations Board Funding Request check for Rebel Christian Fellowship with the organizations full name 'Inter Varsity Rebel Christian Fellowship'; Motion to approve made by SENATOR FOX, seconded by SENATOR MCLAIN. VICE PRESIDENT MILLS stated that he read the letter that was submitted asking for the check to be made out to their national office and that cannot be done. SENATOR CAMPBELL yielded the floor to the former ORGANIZATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR PHILLIPS who stated that they will have the receipt for the event but that because of the time that it takes to get funding the national office issues them a check until the funding is granted so that the event can still occur if the funding request doesn't go through. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. Item D is ruled out of order. E. Approval of allowing the Executive Board to make expenditures up to $50,000.00 until the first Senate Meeting of the Fall semester; Motion to approve made by SENATOR SCHWARTZ, seconded by SENATOR SCHIFF. Motion to amend the item to also include 'Emergency and Administrative' before expenditures and '1995' after Fall made by SENATOR SCHWARTZ, seconded by SENATOR RIVERA. Move into a vote. Motion passes 12-0-1. SENATOR WONG abstained. Move into a vote on the amended item. Motion passes 12-0-1. SENATOR CAMPBELL abstained. F. Approval of waiving Bylaw 43 until the first Senate Meeting of the Fall semester; Motion to approve made by SENATOR SCHWARTZ, seconded by SENATOR SCHIFF. SENATOR CAMPBELL asked why this was necessary? PRESIDENT PIDA stated that it was just in case the Senate is unable to make quorum during the summer, and it what the previous Executive Boards have always done. Move into a vote. Motion passes 11-1-1. SENATOR FOX opposed. SENATOR CAMPBELL abstained. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION SENATOR WONG - no comment. SENATOR FOX - she is tired of meetings where everyone feels they need to express their opinion, she is tired of hearing it. SENATOR ZUREK - no comment. SENATOR SCHWARTZ - he agrees with Senator Fox; he questioned why the Senate spent so long arguing over and questioning President Pida's increase yet gave Vice President Mills and Senate President Smith each a $150.00 increase without questions. SENATOR CARROLL - (read a passage from Robert's Rules of Order) and told the Senate that it would be in their benefit to have Senate Caucuses. SENATOR CAMPBELL - there were comments made to the gallery that were rude and belittling; SENATOR SCHIFF - yielded the floorto Joel Kostman who stated that he would like the Senate to set up a committee to award a scholarship he is funding to an outstanding member of the Senate. SENATOR SCHIFF stated that everyone should have had then-decision and stuck to it, two hours of debate on one item is ridiculous. SENATOR LAXAGUE - the opposition wasn't personal. SENATOR MCLAIN - this meeting was extremely embarrassing. SENATOR SHELLING - congratulations to Senator Moore; the Senate needs to have more team work. SENATOR MOORE - thanked the Senate, and stated that he is more than willing to talk with everyone and get input on what they would like to do. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN - she didn't question the other increases because she felt that if President Pida was getting $950.00 that $750.00 was in accordance; she would like to see the Senate have caucuses; she was hoping that with the new administration the personal attacks would stop; she thought that it was extremely insulting that Vice President Mills felt that he needed to point out that Director Phillips and Assistant Director Cole were no longer employed by CSUN. SENATOR RIVERA - no comment. PRESIDENT PIDA - he is working on getting CSUN off the black list for performers so that we can get some good act on campus again; he was surprised that no one amended the Organizations item to that the Executive Board could approve the item before it goes to print; from now on please consult with Vice President Mills on any of the Directors work; attacks are made in all types of political arenas. VICE PRESIDENT MILLS - thanks for approving his stipend, he was prepared to address the Senate on what he was doing to earn it if they had required it; he can't just let things slide and assume that everyone has all the information; he is looking forward to working with everyone. SENATE PRESIDENT SMITH - thanked everyone that was at the meeting and encouraged the Senate to test out the business/friendship thing. X. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn made by SENATOR CARROLL, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 13-0-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:25p.m. SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE SECRETARY