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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, April 1988



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    Congregation Ncr Tatpid Tan *d n5np The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong April 1998 - Vol. XVII No. 7 5 Nisan - 4 Iyar 5758 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President Monty E. Willey Jacqueline Fleekop Jill Ginsburg Executive Director Education Director Program Director Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman April 3 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Kellen Cornett . BarMitzvah 7:30pm ^w3uest Soloist - Frances Klamian Oneg sponsored w by Judy Cornett April 10 Shabbat Service 5:15pm at the Desert Inn Hotel Passover Seder 6:00pm Desert Inn Country Club Guest Soloist - Maxine Molinsky No Shabbat Services at Temple April 11 Passover Morning Service 10:00am April 17 Yiskor Service 10:00am Shabbat Service 7:30pm Guest Soloist - Maxine Molinsky Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood April 18 Second Saturday Torah & Minyon Discussion 10:00am Led by David Stahl & Eileen Kollins April 24 NTTY Shabbat Service 7:30pm Guest Soloist - Maxine Molinsky Oneg sponsored by the Youth Group & their families (3 onyiefAtion Afe* to uttclfmte In (3 ommunitif-YOide yom cHashoah Observance Vfemple Seth Sholom will be the proud host of the community-wide fom (Hashoah Observance commemorating the (Holocaust. C]fhe event will be held on yApril 23 at 7:00pm. YOe are pleased a^ain to have participation from all YRabbis, (Z-antors and soloists from each synagogue. Survivors and their children and grandchildren will participate in a special candle-lifotin$ ceremony. Vfhis year?s speaker will be "7Sr. /Hichael Serenbaum. t7Ar. Serenbaum was named president and helped create the Steven Spielberg Shoah Xhsual eHistory foundation, cHe was formally the 'ZSirector of the YJnited States (Holocaust *7Research institute of the Zf-S. (Holocaust /Hemorial /Huseum in YOashin^ton SsS ? Tfhis program is open to the entire community at no charge. A Shabbat of Community JL Caring On April 17th, Congregation Ner Tamid will join with other syna?gogues across North America in a special service honoring Jewish Family Services. A board member (tom our local Jewish Family Services will participate that evening to educate our congregation about the Jewishness of the human service enterprise and the unique challeng?es of our own Jewish Family Service Agency. In addition, our Congregation will take this opportunity to honor the (continued on page 16) Rabbi?s Message Yiskor Passover 1998 Message from the President Director?s Spotlight B?nai Mitzvah School News All Women?s Seder Auxiliaries & Committees Mitzvah Day 1998 Board Member Profile Purim Carnival 1998 10 Israel?s 50th Anniversary 12 Birthdays & Anniversaries 13 Tributes 14 Yahrzeits & In Memorium 17 cVl S p e c ia l rf ) l a c e T Ja n wMr\tr\'o 00 os?And We Shall Teach Our Children? In the next few days, we will be celebrating Passover. Of all the holidays, Passover is perhaps the most family oriented, and the most didactic. It is a holiday centered around a family meal and a story. Yet, this is no ordinary meal, this Seder is one with ceremony and symbolism. Indeed, the entire reason for the Seder meal is to teach our children the lessons of our Exodus from Egyptian Slavery. Every item on the Seder plate is a reminder of a feeling or event that took place long ago in order to help our children learn the story of our people and help us place ourselves in the mind set of our ancestors. We were strangers, therefore we are taught to welcome the stranger. We were slaves, hence we are taught the preciousness of free?dom. We were in exile, thus the value of home. None of these are simple messages, but neither are they too complex to be taught even to the simplest of children. The message of Passover is that Jewish identity begins while we are young and is a reflection of our family ideals. employee in July. Our school will allow for a variety of options for parents with young children includ?ing day care, several day a week education or a full week; halfday or a full day. The choice will be up to parents and what they feel is best for their children. Those wishing to learn more about our Preschool should contact the Temple office and look in our bulletins for information about our open houses. Registration for the fall begins immediately. The preschool is open to the entire community. So what is that I ask of you? To tell our story. To tell your friends of our Temple?s love of children and the warmth of our Congregation. To let those who feel Jewish education begins with a child?s first words that Congregation Ner Tamid has an outstanding program which will service our community. I look forward to the start of our Preschool. I think that you will agree with me that few things are more precious than hearing these words from our children?s lips... ?Baruch ata Adonai...Blessed are You O G-d...? In keeping with the spirit of this message I am proud to announce that we are once again beginning our Preschool program. Thanks to the hard work and leadership of our Preschool committee, led by Scott Stolberg, an outstanding director has been hired?Lois Bergman. Lois has taught preschool children for over two decades and has been a director of a Jewish Preschool for a number of years. We are proud to welcome her aboard our Temple staff. Lois will be working part time through the middle of the summer in order to prepare for school in the fall, and will become a full time CONQREQA TiON N eR TAMid May this Passover season be a Joyous one for you and your families. B?shalom, %a66i Sanford Jrfselrad Yfskor Passover 1998/5758 Samuel Alhabeff Kenneth Altose Charles Benbit Fortune Benhamou Ben Berman Silvia Bilofsky Juluis Bloom Joseph Carroll Milton Chenchinsluj AbeJe Beakin Michael Ebelman William Ehrlich Irving Eichner Melvin Eliasberg Esther Engel Eva Yarchever Faberman Carissa Fertita-Meritr Marvin Frank Robert Franltel Thomas Frankel Al FriebJanber Ruth Friebman Ruth Getrler Esther Genin Darlene Golb Sallie Gorbon Gregoru Helpem Lore Kahn Louis Klene Emma KohJenbrener Philip Levinson Alvin Lev\< Frances Lipshaw Celestine Malchoff Emity Mclnerny Ronalb Ostrow Regina Pierce Kate Pollins Bemarb Rabin Betty Ralcita Avram Roitman Abbott Rubvj Morton Saiger Sara SaJtzman Annette Schwartz Samuel Seltzer Tess Stern Martin Susson Herbert Tiep Estelle V/ngar Davib Wert Matthew Wagner Sibnevj Weibenfelb Thelma Weibenfelb Bavji Zuclt If vjou have the name of a loveb one you woulb lilce to abb to this listplease call Karen at the Temple. Visitor Services will be con^? bucteb on Fribau, April 17 10:00 am in the Beit Tefillah. April 1998 I OUR SCRIP PROGRAM IS BACK!! Back by popular demand, the Temple Scrip Program is up and running again. Actually, the old com?pany we used to use went out of business. BUT, we have another company that is fully capable to handling our demand. As you look over the order sheet, you will see that a couple of new stores have been added. COSTCO is now avail?able. Remember, this program costs you NO MONEY to sup?port. Just mail in your order form and check, and we do all the rest. There will be NO Friday night services at CNT on April 10th. An early Snabbat Service will be conducted at 5:15 at the Desert Inn Hotel. The Temple will be closedf that evening. ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT It always seems that something good always comes from some?thing bad. If you have been following the recent articles written by Rabbi Akselrad and myself, you are well aware of the problems facing our religion regarding plural?ism in Israel. Last month, just when we thought there was a compro?mise solution, that solution van?ished and the split between Orthodox, Conservative, and Re?form is getting worse. The UAHC has gone to the Israeli Supreme Court in its effort to preserve the rights of reform Jews in Israel and the ultra religious right in Israel is digging in and applying tremen?dous pressure on the Knesset. We can only hope for the best and continue to make sure our voices are heard. So what is the good news coming from this mess? On a local level, the issue has made it clear to our local synagogues and the Federation that cooperation and participation are more important that ever before. As a result, the Federation has formed two new groups, which gives a voice to each congregation and agency in an unprecedented manner. The Federation has committed itself to the preservation of religious pluralism in Las Vegas and these groups are a very positive step in proving that the Federation is serious. Perhaps, if many other Federations throughout the United States follow the Las Vegas model, Jews in the United States may, through example, show our Israeli counterparts that pluralism works. The first of these groups is a new Council of Presidents of all Jewish organizations in the Las Vegas Valley. These informal meetings are intended to promote better communication between all syna?gogues and agencies and to establish positions of the Las Vegas Jewish Community on matters of importance. After our first meeting, all involved clearly realized the significant role this group can play in helping our Jewish community grow and involve many more ?unaffiliated? Jews. The second group formed this past month is a new Editorial Board for the Jewish Reporter. Once again, each congregation is participating in the direction and content of this important newspaper. The editorial board will identify issues to be written about and generally review what should, or should not be included in the Reporter. It will also look for new monthly features designed to involve a larger number of Jews of Las Vegas in our synagogues. At a time when many in the reform movement around the United States have questioned whether continued support of Federations is appropriate, the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas is taking a leadership role in showing the rest of the country how to respond. We should applaud and support their efforts with all our strength. On a different note, I am extremely pleased with the recent hiring of Lois Bergman as our new Pre?school director. Lois is the wife of Rabbi Simon Bergman of Temple Beth Sholom and has been involved in the pre-schools of both Temple Beth Sholom and Midbar Kodesh. We are lucky to have her join our staff and look forward to a wonderful new program for our membership beginning this coming fall. Aydie and I wish all of you a healthy and happy Passover. !Bo6 April 1998 c& S p e c ia l rp la e e ^Bel&ng, ^ 3 Executive E)i reefer?s Spotlight Think of the rewards you gain from your involvement with the congregation. How might you show these rewards to others so that they, too, might choose to work with the congregation and merit such rewards? This statement represents a closing thought in the D?Var Torah portion lead by Bob Unger at the March Board Meeting. The purpose is not to GUILT members into involvement, but to present a self- realization into the fulfillment and pleasure, what reward you can get out of involvement in contributing your time to being an active member. What can you do in the Religious School to help make your daughter or son shine from your presence in helping out in the classroom, or getting involved in one of the many committees we have formed to develop programs for the over 600 families we have. Just think, that by the end of 1998, we will be over 700 families. Your involvement is the key to our successful growth, both as an individual synagogue and as a community wide leader and house of Jewish learning and prayer. As we grow, so have the requirements on the staff. The ladies in the office and the custodial staff have been pushed to new levels. The custodians are working almost a full 7 day week. Your participation in the development and leading of a committee or sub-committee will not only strengthen the program but will strengthen your reward, your sense of Jewishness. There are a lot of ways you can help. If you find that you have some time and don?t know what there is to do or where to get involved, please call me and 1 am sure we can get you as involved as you would like. fMbnty DttltPRE8CH00L 0PEN house On April 19, from l:00pm-3:00pm, we will have our second Preschool Open House. Come meet the Director and teachers, see the classrooms and meet the other parents. This is a wonderful occasion as once again are able to provide a Jewish preschool at our synagogue. CLASSES ARE STARTING IN FALL 98. C onqreqa rioN N er Ta m id April 1998 r i K4azei Toy to ow April Bar %MHzvAh Stubent, Kellen Cornett Kellen Cornett Hi, my name is Kellen Cornett, and I am in seventh grade at Faith Lutheran Jr./Sr. High school. I was born on Feb. 17, 1985 in Las Vegas, NV. I like to play almost any sport, especially basketball, listen to music, and watch movies. 1 am really looking forward to the evening that I become a Bar Mitzvah. I would be glad if you could join me, my family, and my friends at this very special time in my life on April 3, 1998. CNT SISTERHOOD PRESENTS ANNUAL ALL WOMENS SEDER WHEN: Thursday, April 16 at 6:00pm WHERE: Congregation NerTamid Social Hall You are cordially invited to join us and bring your grandmother, moth?er, sister, daughter, granddaughter, aunts, nieces, friends and favorite women as we take you through a wonderful journey, retelling the story of Passover, and our search for the Promised Land. Here you will discover the important role of women in biblical as well as modern times in our interactive Seder conducted by: chool News The most familiar ceremony in Jewish life is the Passover Seder. For many grandparents, it bridges the gap between generations. For some it?s just a way to gather with family and friends. Our temple family will have a Seder at the Desert inn Country Club on April 10, 1998 and we will also hold a Women?s Seder in our Social Hall April 16, 1998 at 6:00 PM. Our school will prepare students to ask the four questions, and to better understand the story of the Exodus. Throughout the Torah, we are frequently reminded of the responsibility of parents to teach their children. Passover may be one way we can bond the chain from generation to generation. Education is the most important way we can prepare our children to be respectful and functioning Jewish adults. Eileen Kollins and Maxine Molinsky You will also enjoy a fabulous traditional Seder Meal catered by CNT Sisterhood Party Shop. SPACE IS LIMITED YOUR RSVP MUST BE RECEIVED BY APRIL 2, 1998 COST: $ 15.00 per Sisterhood member or relative $20.00 per non-member $10.00 children under 12 (Please mail this portion with your check. Your check is your reservation). NAME___________________________ I would like to thank the parents that take religious school attendance seriously. Parents who encourage their child to participate in temple activities like the Purim Carnival (which helps support our school), attend services, parents who help their child at home with their studies, or ask someone who will help if they are unable, I thank you ail from the bottom of my heart. PHONE__________________________ Number at member rate__________ x $15.00 = $_____________ Number at non-member rate ________x $20.00 = $____________ The legacy of the observance of Passover can only be perpetuated if we educate our children; that is why the telling of the Exodus is more important than the Matzo Balls and Macaroons. Thank you to all who support our children and our school. % Shalom, JadtyztFleeligp, Director of Education TOTAL Enclosed = $_ Make your check out to CNT Sisterhood Ik mail to: Dotty Henkin, 1516 Elizabeth, Las Vegas, NV, 89119 is your reservation. Ques?tions call Janis Rounds at 896-0013. April 1998 c/L S p e c ia l b e lo n g . AUXILIARIES & You have probably received your Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle for the 1998 campaign. It is our hope that each of our members will light this candle, at home, in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Light your Yellow Candle on the evening of: Wednesday, April 22 Please recite the prayer that came with the Yellow Candle. We encourage you to make the lighting of a Yahrzeit candle on Yom Hashoah an annual event in your home, as it is in so many Las Vegas homes. In addition, we invite you to the Community-Wide Yom Hashoah Service being held at: Temple Beth Sholom on Thursday, April 23 at 7PM As a Congregation, we have the opportunity to make a very powerful impression on the entire Las Vegas community. As is the tradition, Rabbis and representa?tives from many houses of worship will be in attendance to share this memorial day with us. The Brotherhood of Congregation Ner Tamid is making these candles available to our entire Congrega?tional family. In anticipation of your continued support we enclosed a return envelope for your donation, in the Yellow Candle box. All proceeds will be used to support various Temple Programs. There?fore, we ask for your generous contributions. These can be in multiples of $ 18 to symbolize Chai (life) and the future of the Jewish people. Of course, a donation in any amount will be greatly appreciated. Please join us on April 23 at 7:00pm in support of our Jewish Community and the continuity of Jewish life at Temple Beth Sholom. Thank you for your support, JeffTmS.MorKguncfi Brotherhood Preside' Sister fiood Xcws Dear CNT FAMily ANd SisTERhood MemI)ers, Wow! SpRiNq is fiNAlly Lere, ANd I am sure tIiat we aLI weIcome it's ARRIVAL WIien I ThiNk of SpRiNq, Passover iMMEdlATEly COMES TO My MiNd, ANd wiTh tIiat tIie excitement of tIie AnnuaL All Women's SEdER. To me, This event is TRuly The hiqhliqhT of SisTERhood's yEAR. This yEAR iT will bE hEld on ThuRsdAy EVENiNq, ApRil 1 6tIi at 6:00PM. EUeen KoIUns will AqAiN bE coNducTiNq iT AloNq whh tIie hslp of our REliqious AcdvidEs ChAiR MAxiNE MoliNsky. We will bE TREATEd to quiTAR Music by ClORiA RosENbERqER. BRiNq youR FavorIte UdiES (youNq ANd old) ANd joiN us as we taIee you ThROuqh a woNdERful jouRNEy, discovERiNq tIie Importance of women iN JudAisM, boTh iN biblicAl ANd ModERN TiMES. In AddidoN to Passover, SpRiNq bRiNqs wiTh iT anotIier Important EVENT foR SisTERhood. ThE NOMiNA' TiONS foR The NEW BoARd of DIRECTORS of SisTERhood. This yEAR Max'ine CrATZ WAS choSEN TO ChAiR This VERy iMpORTANT pOSmON. ShE ANd hER coMMiTTEE did an ouTSTANdiNq job iN SElECTiNq NOMiNEES foR ThE UpCOMiNq posidoNS. Our nomInees foR This yEAR are: PREsidENT: SANdy STolbERq VP AdMiNisTRATioN: Frances KIamSan VP MEMbERship: Nanette Spector, AydiE Unqer VP WAys & Means: DsbbiE LEvy, CaroI Treat VP PRoqRAMMiNq: DEbbiE HaIIerman, Judy HopsoN RECORdiNq SECRETARy: Fern PERchEski CORRESpONdiNq SECRETARy: Loretta HollANdER Treasurer: ArIene Farrow PARliMENTARiAN: jANis RoUNds MazeI Tov UdiEs! If youR wish to plACE yOUR NAME AS A NOMiNEE, OR NOMiNATE SOMEONE foR A pOsidoN, yOU MUST CONTACT MAxiNE GrATZ AT 898' J592 PRIOR TO ThE ElECTioN dATE of MAy 20rh whEN our annuaI eIectIon of officERS ANd poT luck will bE hEld. We wish to weIcome ThE followiNq new MEMbERs to SisTERhood: Deeann Emmer, DsbRA Gold ANd Sue GoldsTEiN. We Iiave qRowN to 208 MEMbERs! RSVP TodAy, if you hAVE not AlREAdy doNE SO foR ThE WOMEN' S SsdER. HAppy Passover! Jams^ptmds^ /?x>6 CoNqREQArioN Ner T\Mid ApRil 1998 ? i Golden Chni GREETiNqs aqaIn From GoIcSen CkAi. We Iiave bEEN sAiliNq AloNq This PAST MONTh WiTh lovEly ThiNqs ItAppENiNq. At OUR FiRST MEETiNq WE WERE hoNOREd TO hAVE AS OUR SpEAkER tNe Former Governor oF NsvAdA, Miks O'CaIIaFian. As you MAy I<now, he is an annuaI visiTOR TO Israel whERE hE VOLUNTEERS his SERviCES. NEEd' Less to sAy, hE hAd Much FIrst- hANd kNOwUdqE to shARE. At OUR SECONd MEETiNq WE WERE ENTERTAiNEd by A siftCjER ANd iNSTRUMENTAlisT who is kNOWN AROuNd Las VEqAs as LukE. He WAS VERy ENjoyAbU. As AN Addsd ATTRACTioN, WE hAd ANOThER ThEATER pARTy. A qROUp oF US WENT TO SEE "BeAU Jest." This is a dElichTFul coMEdy AbouT a Jewish qial who WANTS TO MARRy A NON'JEWish man. We lovEd iT! ApRil will Also bE A TERRiFic MONTh. At OUR FiRST MEETiNq WE will viEW A TAPE oF SOME oF ThE FuNNiEST moments oF TV coMEdy shows. ThESE ARE NOSTAlqic clips ThAT MANy oF US hAVE UuqhEd AT ThE FiRST TiME AROuNd. ThE ThiRd ThuRsdAy JOUR SECONd MEETiNq j FaIIs URiNG Passover. We will hAVE a holiaAy luNch aFter which our ENTERTAINMENT will bE pROVidsd by JiM Le BoeuF, an Elvis iMpERSONATOR who hAS A qREAT voicE. AqAiN, we iNviTE you to joiN us For ThESE SOCiAl qET'TOqETllERS wiTh OUR PEERS. We ARE A FRiENdly qRoup whosE purpose is TO kEEp iN Touch wiTh EAch OThER, TO WATch OUT For EAch OThER ANd TO ENj'oy OURSElvES ToqEThER. We will weIcome you AT OUR MEETiNqS ThE 1 ST ANd ?Rd ThuRsdAy oF EAch montIi. Love & SFiaIom, iHeknlHerzog PREsidENT Havurafi Dessert Pot Luck Our havurafi program at Congrega?tion Ner Tamid remains very active and proves to be one of our most rewarding programs. Havurafi is a group of fellow congregants who get together monthly for the purpose of establishing aruC maintaining Jewish, friendships. Our Jewish, friendships seem to transcend our fives and are often the source of a tremendous sense of belonging andidentity. Our Havurafi Dessert Pot Luck on May 3, 1998 wifi bring together all of the existing havurotfrom our synagogue as well as help formulate new havurot from members who are not yet involved in this marvelous program. Please plan to attend on Sunday, May 3,1998 at 7:oop.m.for fun, friends, food, kibitzing, and meeting wonderful people. Oneq Sponsored By Sisterhood The Sisterhood will sponsor an Oneg on May 8, 1998 to honor the Executive Staff of the Party Shop. Without all their hard work we would not be able to provide such wonderful Onegs, Parties, Wed?dings, Bar and Bat Mitevafr Parties, andmany more special occaisions. It is with great pleasure and pride that we honor: Mary Zone Shirley Gettin Lorelei Wojnicz Dotty Henkin Bonnie Bergman GIFT SHOP HOURS SuNdAys 9:00am-12:15pm (DuRiNq Reliqious School) TuEsdAys 10:00AM'6:00pM ThuRsdAys 1:00'4:00pM FRidAys 6:T0'7:15pM Springtime New Member Brunch Well it's awonderful time oftheyear and one in which we acknowledge and welcome all of our new members to Congregation Ner Tamid As part of our continuing passion to be a ?special place to belong,? we invite afi of our new congregants from November 1997 forward, to attend and participate in our Springtime New Member Brunch. Besides having fabulous goodies to eat, new members will have an opportunity to meet their board members hear from the Ra66i, meet one another, and ask questions concerning their new synagogue. This new member?s brunch is a new program that has been added as another opportunity to bring the members of Congregation Ner Tamid together to share in the joys of Jewish life. We invite all new members to attend on Sunday, April 26th at 10:30 a.m. on the patio outside of the social halL We hope to see all of our you there! S halom ImSpector V.P. - Membership Appropriate Bimah Attire Guidelines When catted upon to participate in a Religious Service or Ceremony, the temple asks that clothing appropri?ate for the bimah (pulpit) be worn. For male participants, this means either a suit or sports jacket and slacks. It is requested that a tie be worn. For female participants, this means either a dress or shirt and blouse in modest taste. Shoulders and backs must be covered Our custom is to wear kippah, and tallit when appropriate to the service. No handbags or purses are allowed on the 6imah. Please share this information with your family and friends who will be receiving honors. ?A* c l S p e c ia l rftla ApRil 1998 e e rJo- (B elong. NEWS RASH! Qar-Q-Qae and Cjanneworks April 26,1998 12:30 PM -4:00 PM The event begins at 12:30 Pm in Room 6. All 5th Graders and TKjT 6th, 7tb, 6th grade students may attend. We will have a Qar-R-Q in the court?yard followed by an election for next years' officers, THEM, WE ARE OFF TO: GAMEWOPKS 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Cost $10.00 each Students need to be picked up at the Showcase. Post BWi MiTzvAh This year, in ThE Po5T-B'NAi MiTzvAh cLass at REliqiow school we hAVE Been LearnInq AbouT cUFFerent REliqioNs. We suidisd CATholicisM ANd ThEN ATTENdEd SuNdAy Mass at St. VIator's ChuRch. ThE next weeIe we hAd a discussioN AbouT The SERvicEs ANd ThEN pUyEd AN iNTEllECTUAlly sTiMulvriNq (hA!) qAME oF bAskETbAll. So as you can see, we kids REAlly do Learn (buT iT's Fun ANywAy). ThE next wEEk ^e wiFE oF a Bishop oF ThE ChuRch oF Jesus ChRisT oF Latter-Day SaInts came ANd TAlksd to us AbouT ThE Mormon REliqioN (iT was ACTUAlly pRErry iNTEREsriNq) Atrhouqh ThE discussioN ApTERWARds was even more ExmNq. We hAVE pIans to visiT ThE BAhA'l Center next WEEk (For ThoSE oF you who doNfT kNOW whAT ThAT is, AS SOON AS WE FiNd out we'U Let you kNow). IF you hAVE not yET joiNEd REliqious school (lEARNiNq, chAiriNq, bAskETbAll), you should. TAkE iT From me, Post B'NAi MiTzvAh is a Fun pIace to Learn. SamantBaSatzman CONQREQATION N eR TAMl'd April 1998 Drivers are needed - HELP !!!! You must R.S.V.P.!! Call Jackie Fleekop at 733-6292. MiTzvAh DAy 1998Board Profile Da vid Mendel fon VP, WAYS & MEANS MY NAME It DAVID MENDELSON AND I am Vke President of Ways and Means* My wife Rona and I are from New York. I was born in the Bronx and raised in queens* we WERE MARRIED IN 1968 AND LIVED IN UPSTATE NEW YORK FOR FIVE YEARS BEFORE MOVING TO LAS VEGAS* WE ROLLED IN TO LAS VEGAS ON 7-11-73 WITH OUR YEAR OLD SON/ JARRID* OUR DAUGHTER JENNIFER WAS BORN A YEAR AND A HALF LATER* BOTH RONA AND ARE IN EDUCATION AND WORK FOR THE CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT* I AM PRESENTLY PRINCIPAL OF AN ELEMENTA?RY SCHOOL IN HENDERSON AND RONA TEACHES THIRD GRADE AT AN ELEMENTA?RY SCHOOL IN GREEN VALLEY RANCH* During our first year in Las Vegas, TWENTY-FOUR AND AND A HALF YEARS AGO, NER TAMID WAS FORMED* IN THAT FIRST YEAR WE JOINED AND HAVE BEEN MEMBERS EVER SINCE. BOTH RONA AND 1 HAVE SERVED IN PRIOR YEARS AS VICE PRESIDENT OF EDUCATION* OVER THE YEARS, I HAVE SERVED ON SEARCH COMMITTEES WHICH HAVE HIRED OUR LAST THREE RABBIS* THIRD TIME WAS A charm! After being absent from the BOARD FOR MANY YEARS, I DECIDED IT WAS TIME TO BE ACTIVE AGAIN AND TOOK A BOARD POSITION* Our daughter, Jennifer, had her BABY NAMING AT NER TAMID* BOTH JENNIFER AND JARRID HAVE HAD THEIR Bar and Bat Mitzvahs at the temple* FOUR years ago my wife EXPERIENCED HER B'NAI MITZVAH AND TWO YEARS AGO OUR SON JARRID AND HIS WIFE TRISHA WERE MARRIED BY RABBI Akselrad. It is hard to remember WHEN CONGREGATION NER TAMID WAS NOT PART OF OUR LIVES* IT HAS BEEN THERE FOR US IN GOOD TIMES AND SAD TIMES* MANY TREASURED FRIENDSHIPS HAVE DEVELOPED THROUGH OUR AFFILI?ATION WITH THE TEMPLE* IT IS A GREAT PLACE TO BELONG* OUR LIVES HAVE BEEN ENRICHED AS MEMBERS FOR OVER TWENTY-FOUR YEARS* The board of directors is pleased to announce that we have hired Lois Bergman to head up our new preschool. Lois (ms many years of providing Jewish education in Las Vegas. The preschool will open this fall. So please help us welcome Lois and help her feel at home here at CNT. Infant Clothing Drive Continues... Many thanks to Sisterhood, Hebrew School children, and congregants for their energy and time toward making the infant clothing drive such a success on Mitzvah Day. Twenty six packages containing beautiful clothes and blankets have already been brought to the UICU(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) at UMC. The Mitzvah playpen is once again in the lobby waiting to be filled with: ? Small soft toys ? Hats ? Socks ? Receiving blankets ? Clothes (sizes to 3 months & 6 months) (The items donated must be new, tike new and dean) With your continued contributions to this needy cause, the feeling of Mitzvah day remains with us throughout the year. JanetScJtfesinger Sisterhood Social Action d. Sfipcial r()lii(je TTa Belong. April 1998| g j C o w q A T iO 'K 'T A M id April 1998 The parents committee would like to thank the following volunteers who once again mode this years Purim carnival o Major Success. Gaine Gross Paul Levine Lisa Roe Suzie Serno Plotkin Brad & Hillary Torch in flimee Knox Rian & Jackie Chenin Rian Nothonson Katherine Scott Jon & Debbie Goldner Keith Si Sandro Rlterman Denise UJolson The Ladies From The Party Shop Religious School Staff, Students and Parents that worked the booth The Janitorial StaffUUe would also we would like to thank oil of these sponsors who donated prizes or funds for the carnival. PURIM CRRNIVRl SPONSORS 1998 RSiR Midwest & Cnginequest Rrt Gasses for Kids Blair House Bob Si Rudie Unger Si Family Burger King of las Vegas Circus/Circus Hotel & Casino CNT Sisterhood Dansey's Indoor R/C Si Hobbies Scott Dockswell, Bnai Brith Charles Cisenberg Fleekop Family GameUUorks Gold Coast Theaters Michael Si Susie Goldstein Guinness UUorld of Records Museum Las Vegas Mini Grand Prix Drew & Debbie Levy Si Family Liberace Museum Gary Si Mara Lieberman Lied's Discovery Museum Jeff Markewich McDonalds of Greater Las Veqas MGM Grand Tneme Park Mountasia Family Fun Center My Paint Box Rllan Nathanson Joel Si Csther Saltzman Si Family Sante Fe Bowling Center Sante Fe Ice Rrena Scandia Family Fun Center Showboat Hotel Casino Si Bowling Center Scott Si Sandy Stolberg Si Family Sunset Stations Cinema - Ret III Tower Records Si Video Ultra Zone UUendy's of Las Vegas UUipper Snappers Michael Si Mary Zone <Jl S p e April 1998 c ia l rP la c e (Belong. Basic Judaism & Hebrew Classes To Begin This Summer In June, the Temple will be offering Introduction to Judaism and Beginning Hebrew. The courses will be taught by Melissa Rotn. Classes will be one evening a week. Day and time will be announced in the Mau bulletin. The cost is $30.00 per class for members ana $40.00 for non members. Please call the Temple office at 733-6292 if you would be interested in attending either of these programs. 76toyea*. 9vuie1 cuiiC 6e cMkattoy 50 yeand ad cut cndejimcie*tt nation. On Sunday, Apod 19f 199%. to ceiefaiate t&to ovoncOioub occasion, t&e jktvtob 0?edenatton o?da& 4/eyad and tyeevtok &Mt*nuuity (Zenten o? Southern Ttevada to ftne&eutiny a contnucnity-udde ceie&nation to &e &eid at the Saneto (Zente* fyiout 11:00a*n to 4:00pm cutth evenfo to include: ante and cna^te, utu&ic, yantee and a u&iy ?eetioe atntoephene ?on ait to enjoy. "PCeaee join ueaecue ceCe&nate thto cuondenfrd nti?eotone. CONQREQA TION Ner TAMld OUTREACH NEWS The Outreach Passover event will be April 5 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. We are planning a fun filled evening for all ages that you do not want to miss. Eileen Rollins will lead an informative abbreviat?ed Seder and Maxine Mo Husky is going to teach us Passover songs. We will have a craft table set up for the children?s amusement. So, please RSVP andwe would also appreciate it if you would bring a dessert to share. We will once again give all participants a booklet containing Passover information to further enhance your holiday enjoyment including lyrics to Passover songs, recipes and more. This Outreach event is free and open to the whole community. On May 3rd at 7:00 p.m. please join Outreachfor an informal evening with Rabbi Akselrod at his home for " All You Ever Wanted To Know About Judaism But Didn't Know To Ask." Are Jews a race or a religion? What does ?keeping kosher" mean? Why do some Jews say ?Shabbas? and others "Shabbat"? Tallis or tallit? What is the role of nonjewsinthe Synagogue? Can interfaith couples be buried in ajewish cemetery? If you ever wondered about these or any number of questions ah out Judaism, this is a wonderful opportunity to clarify common questions and misconceptions about Judaism This program is open to members of our Temple Community amf Outreach members at no charge, but ^ou must RSVP. Please contact the Temple Program Director Jill Gins6urg at 733.6292 by April 27th to make reservations and receive directions to the rabbi?s home. Light refreshments will be served Outreach is a national program designed to welcome interfaith families and newly converted Jews into the Synagogue. If you would like more information about these programs or CNT's Outreach program call Mary Ales at 872.0036 or Sandi Sickle at 566.1717 or email to ales@wizardcom or Looking forward to seeing you, iMarySlIes andSandiSictife April 1998April 1 Sheila Kaufman Gillian Wells April 2 Peter McIlroy Karen Moseman Ronna Nitzkin Jennabea Sturman Roberta Wisnosky April 13 Stanley Barbanell Stephen Joseph Evelyn Pillischer April 14 Lilyan Goldberg Sheryl Kogan Ilicia Sylver Abby Wikler April 3 Brtttan Greenberg Judith Pollins Danny Wine April 4 Katie Epstein Suriva Fischer Michayel Lerman Gary