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upr000136 19


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1206-A gK iLESTIC CABLE TELEGRAM FULL RATE DAY LETTER * . 1DEFERRED NIGHT m e s s a g e CABLE LETTER NIGHT LETTER WEEK END LETTER Patrons shouldcheck class o f service desired; otherw ise m essage w ill be transm itted as a fu ll-rate / * A _______ com m unication. ( WESTERN U N IO N N E W C O M B C A R L T O N . P R E S ID E N T J , C . W I L L E V E R . F IR S T V IC E -P R E S ID E N T J N O . C A S H O R C H G .V . C H E C K T I M E F I L E D s r Send the follow ing message, subject to the terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed to LAS VEGAS NEVADA S E E ! 2 1 , 1 9 3 0 HON. FRED 1 . BAXEAR CARSOH CITT NEVADA ED CLARK BELIEVES H IS DUTIES TOO NUMEROUS TO ACCEPT T IE APPOINTMENT. EXTENDING TO YOU SINCERE THANES FOR CONSIDERATION* YOU WILL RECEIVE WIRE FROM EESSE,ACTION TAKEN BY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. C rf A / WALTER R . BRACKEN V 6 ?,m c THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND-SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE