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    i^Jitli ens JUL _m_mmm_wr en s PRESS dJPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle Lis Vegas, Nev. Morning Sun (Cir. 8,531) JUN 1 9 1953 f^=Las Vegas j TALK tteTOWN By DICK ODESSKY TOWN TALK?╟÷Ja^l^itratter has just returned from Mghly successful trip to Hollywood where he got not one but two names on the dotted line. Marlene Dietrich has definitely signed to play the S^id^as has Jane Wyman. Marlene will be here in October, unless she's tied up on a picture, or else in December. No date has been disclosed for Miss Wyman's appearance. ?╟≤ * * ALONG 91?╟÷Joe Cohn and Ger- | $y Brooks have signed the Red- !'fcaps to play ;^^r Sky Harbor fct 'Tahoe, following their engage- ' ment at El Rancho. Musical men ! have been packing El Rancho ! lounge nightly, but nobody's go- Ing near the tables. Lenore Miller, the gal who's I been making the- rounds with I Robert Merrill, ended her "cure' [ yesterday, and heads back to New I york; early today. . ,. Renewing I acquaintances with Merrill -has i been Fifi D'Oi^ay, who opens at I the Silver Slipper tonight. Fifi I and Bob have been friends ior a long time. '?√ß'*-.?? ?╟≤ Hotel Last Frontier's Gay 90s Bar livens up with the Art Bar. ! duhn trio tonight The boys have ! jjust wound up four years in Seattle, where they played at The Grove and the Olympic Hotel. 1 K ?╟≤--?√ß,*' * On tpe subject oit combos, don't be too surprised if Ving Merlin and his violins take over a spot in the Sahara's Casbar aiter thejy close in the Congo Room. This would be a real innovation. Who -else has ever used girl Violinists in a bar? 3 COVERING. THE SPQ^-Al Quodbaql?║, of Littl^ Casing fame, as well :mj$avin?· started many famous entertainers on then* way, is nowifffiering $10 for cartoons submift^Tfor his serie^rjSitled "Little, Blafvo My," in de^mhmg. the casmonv w. rmo_f^P'^- -&&fffls_%& * * SandsaJBfiatel served Chinese food in their Garden Room, Hie other nighty possibly starting a new trend. There has been much talk about Chinese food here, but this is the first time anyone has gone-through with a plan. There are at least two new restaurants planned on the Strip, slated to serve Oriental delicacies.. * * * Looking over our town is Murray Weinger, njapagef of Florida's Copa Cit;^|hd Ciro's, ?? . 4 Also in town for an evening were the Edward G. Robinsons. . . . * * # Fifi D'Orsay has calmed down now that it's definite that Kalan- tan will not appear on the same bill at the Silver Slipper. The French comedienne was set to raise the roof when she heard that Kal was booked in at-the same time. Understand they were to play a club in the south together a-while back, and Fifi refused. *e *rajJBn5jg Lynn Shannon, Copa . teutie seen floating on a cloud now that Danny Kessler is in town. ; Kessler, bigshot at Okeh rec. ords, and Lynn have been linked romantically for some time I now. Don't be too surprised if the knot is tied soon, * # * Gizelle Weaver, blond show! girl at Sahara, is a native of Budapest, Hungary, and came to this country two years ago with the French Casino show. After that show-went broke, she journeyed west and is now doing quite well at the Strip spot. * * * . ALL AROIJND THE ?╟÷ Eddie Cohen, graveyard shift bellhop at Sands, excited over his daughter -Sally's return from L. A. Sally (will attend St. Joseph's schooluj here in the fall. .^Hi PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELBS San Francisco Portland - Seattle Los Anqeles, Calif. Times (Cir. D. 399.393 - S. 770,054) k 1953 ,,r.uuA HOPPER 'Miss Baker s Dozen to Star Ry am Greer [While Hedda Hopper is away Hollywood news is being prepared by her staff.] Robert Ryan, although under contract to RKO, is a favorite at Metro. Having done "Act of Violence" and "The Naked Spur" at the latter studio, he's being brought back to costar with Greer Garson in "Miss Baker's Dozen." He'll play the strong- willed headmaster of a Texas Robert Ryan boys' school; and naturally he'll fall for Greer, who teaches there. He'll have a rival in the love affair; and when we asked who gets Garson at the finish, the answer was "Buddy Fogelson." For the picture Helen Rose is whipping up a really glamorous wardrobe, including a gold lame bathing suit for Greer, who's usually, on the conservative side in costumes. Having spent mof-t of the summer in hot New Mexico she cut those golden tresses almost to a poodle length ahd will wear her hair that way in the film. "The Bigamist" cast'is-^cer- tainly loaded with talent. With the addition of Jane Darwell, who'll play a landlady, the pictur<?..JiQlwn.Jia?·., three Academy yv\ ????J??a 'i???╜{?╜ ners, Jane, JoajA &\ ol ??v??a?? Edmund Gv_y^ ?√ß cast and crew were about to pass out from the heat and that her little son, Skippy, darn near got arrested in Las Vegas. Skippy, waiting in the Sands ,Hotel to . be picked up oy a couple who were taking him to summer camp, slipped a dime in a slot machine and hit the jackpot. Seems the management thought Skippy was too young to be gambling?╟÷especially since he was a one- dime jackpotter. Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy, who always work together, got separate' film star role offers. simultaneously. Peter was paged for "The Big Brass Band" I and Mary for "The Professor and thd Co-ed." Incidentally, the latter film got a title change to "Geraldine," and there's not a girl, in the cast called Geraldine. But there is a soiig in the film by that name. In "Mogambo," Ava Gardner is called "Honey Bear." After the picture was fin-1 ished the 8-month-old gorilla that appears with her in thej film was given the same name and donated to the London zoo. Wonder if Ava's flattered at having her screen name perpetuated by the I young beast? Well, that's! show business." Dean Martin and Jerry j Lewis busted Danny Kaye's all-time record at the London -Palladium; and hav Gwf' Lupino, who, j^N^oioipxsa %^ v^Nauaps i?? the film ^\>&jSE?·?· the New Y ^ %^^\ o?╜3 noA for the yL\ $>_Y ^ tmBtpmuf % Joah Fontaine |)rd from Europe that the to comedians could have a ; &-month stint there if they | I wished. Mickey Rooney's off for a reek of summer stock in Sal- I$ury,s Mass., .with his wife pl&ihe. Uppn-his^eturn here immediately marts shoot- ?·t-2i$iot filhj'jfor a televi- i lion series.tJmjjj??s|| The Graha|^^ahns (he's | with Warn^^i^. in New pork), are 't^%r<^l parents I Nivlb' Bpl^MiSfs George I iDowell/ he%jj^^3-the Smith 1 College|s dranf??:|j^partment, f lturning^nis,.j*#64f3ifrhe Hate Merchant,'A^j^g[-&.-^lay for a j Broadwa|f.^|^Mction. 'Cani^p^^Safe^iell, while ; on bis%;'Bii3^d'tafi vacation, l epsueO ui SuiuooiHA-aiteu 9aef gave Pt*wR-'"readings from) T7?nTT iii^m?? .ri,T?╟? the Thomas Wolfe novels jzznn }uaouiA -sjK ptre uW | and $$$& citizens on one I of our greatest writers. 1 -ubui ?ssq sbav izzniq t/Cuoq;uy pue jouoq jo pieiu ei(% sbm o^nzzid UiCfBSOH SSIJf /*BjqraBi|iy J?? izzniq o;ja 'S*W Pub un 9-ib s^ttaaBd s(uiooj; -apuq aaH 'ootjo^y '^M 9^I eq; puB ooipwv pnares 'Sjm jo aa^qgriBp 'oono^v ??P^H ssjH jarajoj aq; st apuq aqj, ?╟≤qojnqo oqoqiBO jisaH P9J3Bg ?b SuippaM jpqi guiAvonoj, ESTABLISHED 1888 I BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New Yorfe LOS ANGELES, GALIF. HERALD EXPRESS Circ. D. 335,375 - S.?╜,552-' JUN 2 9 795J" Rumors Are VWbng; Peggy Lee Just III; Not Expecting J^^ ^^By HARRISON CARROL^ Peggy Lee is not expecting a baby. The illness that caused her to miss shows at Ciro's has not been diagnosed yet (more tests will be heard from today) but husiband Brad Dexter tells me that she definitely has not dated the stork. i'l wish it were true," he says, "but it is flf$. ?·eggy is feeling much better and is returning to Ciro'g^l^t fmi?║J^hlerrs engagement." Meanwhile, H> D. Hover is lucky to havfeJthe Marquis family of chimpanzees?╟÷two adults and two youn?· ones which are hysterically ffeny. I ^Tane Powell, -who worked on the same bill with the chimps in Las Vegas, brought a large party to see them.T^er" date, pf course, Was Gene Nelson (their firsfr: night club appearance here sM|, Jane's separation from <3eary Stef- fen and Gene's from his wife, Miriam). Also in the party we??i& Jane's father,* Paul BurceJ the stair's arranger, fiarl Brent, and Bed Viens, the bell-captain at. the Sands who gave Jane speefaYsej^cfe when, she was doing her act at Las Vegas. ?╟≤ji'i yiwiwiiMiwpwnir * y'$$zM YanHeflin sacrificed $75,- 000 and one of his three Para* mount commitments whejf he bowed but of "Alaska Seas." ( f9^e studio was very nice about it," says Van. "I just didn't think the part /had shaped up for me. However, it still will be a good^role^fbr somebody else." iheuy^^^h^ Van has no d^fi^t^ feting plans at the moment;THe arid Frances probably .'-'will spend most of the J^Kimer here, enjoying the p^l that .they> waited to pu^Spnntil boti^ of their chfl|fe|&n could swi??^^ prances'" :'WB^W-^ -' ^S ?√ß' W&&1 taken .a speCTafeular turn &? ifce 3 better. She doesn't'' e#n;. limp any more/^VT^J^,^f- Ann Gets Pearls J'ff? Ann Blyth's wedding present from Dr. McNulty was a Strand of pearls. She and her groom stood for two hours on the receiving line at their reception. At one time, thej ?√ßj'of guests stretched .; 0oyy'--.$01 Crystal Roomfjatthe i W^VM0 Hills; Hotel/ clear through the lobby and aj&on to\0mset boulevard. Hvs^ni- ?╟≤n&ikhe James Cardirial Mc- ?$jjtWre n??t onty came. Qttt;$8nd: f^mfad with the confer on> the $%isps of the ch^fywhbutMtsd ?√ß sjj&ttended the receptio^fiy-~\ M-G-M wilt^gi^e. charmer Elaine Stewart. ilfipC;full treatment on h^%a\H??uk'^lh'. Dore Schary^^f>ie|ttre;v^^ke\ the High 'jQsfalj&' Elaipe, will have a^ ail-w5*ite ^rd-. robe (shades of c JLana - Turner!) created-^b^^elen Rose. Included wil^^e^^pv^yeiiinV gowns, two suits, fouweo^c- tail dresses, ^Iwfr^atSitng i suits and one %v5ening Wrap. And after the tSi^^hich begins in August, the studio is presenting the* clothes to Elaine as a gift. * * * . On the advice of Kay Gil- -^ THE ORIGINAL t RomeikF ?√ß?√ß PRESS CLIPPINGS ?√ß?√ß j 220 W. 19th St., NEW YORK 11 NY Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 Cir. {D 6,872) This Clipping From HOlltwOOD REPORTER HOLLYWOOD, CAL. 1 ' ?╟≤* " : S The Ames Brothers, opening at the Mocambo on July 7, will be interviewed by KFWB deejay Larry Finley at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas,,, tomorrow night. Finley returns to his chores at his MOP fteYe on Thursday'riight . . . Lynne Carter and his Four Cartiers will tape an interview with Lynn Castile tomorow for KHJ programming later this week. Carter's act is currently headlining at Charley I Foy's Supper Club. mty ooiiony'tzzm'jl ' vJber^^l^fiij'.^jSister minding -her nip8/.rclufe "act, Shelley Winte^^/i&ay. eliminate the song, ?╤Stfe?evtAre So Many Men and So Little Time." ! Too sexy, fears Ray. It would : be graajt for, clubs but might ; not psti^.the censors elsewhere. And- the cost of arrangements, etc., would be very high just'for club use. Lots, ,jM?·- ., confusion on the I script;M,;^The Story of Ulys- I ses." ^ony Quinn's agent, ! Milt Grossmah,ehas flown to \ Rome to look into the matter, j ^?√ß^^ i * * *" '^^p Irving firings Barber Irving Berlin has brought I his favorite barber, Bill Curtis, on the trip to Holly- j wood. Bill has taken care of J Irving's hair for 40 years. Vic Damone has asked ) Kathleen Hughes to be his j date when he opens July 15 at } El Rancho Vegal She'll be there if she has finished "The j Glass Web." As 1 rigure it, Joan Foh- 1 taine will have-only six shooting days to complete her role i in "The Bigamist." She has to report to Paramount July 7 ?╟≤; for the Bob Hope picture, "Mr. Casanova." * * * Jean Peters has had her '?√ß. hair ^cut into one of those ?╟≤ sh&k-^talian bobs for "Three ^Coins' ^fithe Fountain." |v^^pught to punch you in j the nose," ^ threatened. "I like your hair long." "You are not the only one j * Who is going t^ punch me in the 'nose,? she toughed. Now, what did she mean by 1 that? T .'.?╟≤""%?√ß?╟≤ :#z,. ^ e Jessel9s TV Series George 'Jessel has signed With Bob Blyth, of B. B. ball I point pens, to"; star in a ."E^;! s e r ije s over ABC network starting Sept.^13,,.'.If -Paramount d^sn^il; owji the music rights ;|^ *TPRe Vagabond I King," ag^M>%o$v come they | were abf<^-tons6 two: of its top \ songs, '^oir^lp^y^and "Only j a Rose"^fo*^e 's'C^re of "The f Greates^heov^Oiv'Barth"?.??^ | Carl a^St^ieo^ Brissort, with I son Fr^pfte>;;:were applauding I the dy^p^i^ Mary Kaye Trio- i at the ^>cambo. Gafl was out | here ^riell some, property. | He hea^-soon for London and I Paris i./Marguerite Chapman ; with ;^^rge Tat^'.at the Mp.j same night. Also Writer Ncgr man i^eiliy; Raine with a pair ?√ß of :i)$p^ twins,' Elizabeth and | Bevei^ Prudhomme. Medici# are the favorite ! escorts-^!- film beauties but ! it's no?·;4-lways perfect. Dr. | Al Mei^jg.had to leave Ann | Miller MM.e Macayo for more 1 than ati)%our while he went | on an'femergency call..... While ! Lance Fuller is on the location ?√ß of "Son* of Cochise" in Utah, , he may visit the grandparents \ of his ex-wife, Joy Lansing. ] Lance /is not torching any : more. He's dating constantly, j The latest, on his arm was I Lori Nelson at the Encore 1 Room.. ,Mal Boyd, former I Hollywood press agent now studying for the ministry, has I been elected president of hirst; seminary student body for the I next semester. ?√ß., $b.