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Las Vegas — February 18, 19^8 W 18-6-2 Mr* Frank Strong! Mr. D. F. Wengert: In connection with compilation of information fo r annual report to the Public Service Commission: I have reviewed Mr. Mack*s f i l e showing the consumption by months fo r the year 19^7; stud photostat sent me by Mr. Strong showing the production fo r the same period. From these we have compiled a statement by months showing the difference chargeable to over^. flow at the reservoir and a copy of this statement is attached fo r your ready reference. Please note that the consumption exceeded the production fo r each of the months July - December, inclusive. This is , of course, impossible and in order to reconcile them we must adjust either the consumption figures as reflected by master meter readings or the production figures as reflected by Weir measurements. Inasmuch as the meter readings are used by the Auditor fo r allocation of costs between the respective companies, I suggest the adjustment be made in the production figu res. This can be done by re -statin g the consumption figures fo r the la s t 6 months as being also the production figu res, and showing the overflow fo r only the f i r s t 6 months. I t has been my observation that the Creek was dry p ractic a lly a l l the time since July. Went over this carefully with General Water Service Foreman Snorf today and he concurs. I f you know of any other method we can use to reconcile the figu res, w ill be glad to have your advice. Otherwise, we w ill proceed with our report to the Auditor on the above basis, Mr. Mack* s f i l e 20-33^*1 is returned herewith.