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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, December 21, 1979






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 9 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000226. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    UNIVCEORNSSITOYL IODFA TNEEDV ASDTAU, DLEANS TVSE GAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 AGENDA SENATE MEETING #7 December 21, 1979 12 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #6 IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Faculty Senate Representations, discussion Academic Standards B. Library Addition, Corryn Crosby, presentation C. USUN'S Report, Vice-President Wyman V. Executive Board Nominations A. Judicial Council Members B. Election Board Members VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Elections Board C. Entertainment & Programming D. Organizations Board E. By-Laws Committee 1. Amendment to By-law #10 (vote) F. Energy Committee G. Ad Hoc Committee Reports VII. Old Business A. Resolution, CSUN Appreciation Award, Senator Hulen VIII. New Business A. UNLV RebelMascot Search Committee, Student Representative 1. Dale Hulen 2. Rick Oshinski 3. Claire Dowell H. Dorothy Halpin B. Bowling Team Entry Fee, $1*00.00, Milee Bowers tv Ofjen Discussion X. Adjournment AGENDA SENATE MEETING #7 January 4, 1980 12 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #6 IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Faculty Senate Representation, discussion Academic Standards B. Library Addition, Corryn Crosby, presentation C. USUN'S Report, Vice-President Wyman V. Executive Board Nominations A. Judicial Council Members, Phillip Flaherty, Alison Hartough B. Election Board Member, Mike Taylor, Belinda Malone, Dirk " Ravenholt C. National Student Conference Delegates (4) VI. Committee Reports A. By-Laws Committee A. Amendment to By-Law #10 B. Energy Committee C. Ad Hoc Committee Reports VII. Old Business A. Resolution, CSUN Appreciation Award, Senator Hulen VIII. New Business A. UNLV Rebel Mascot Search Committee, Student Representatives 1. Dale Hulen 2. Rick Oshinski 3. Claire Dowell 4. Dorothy Halpin B. Science, Math & Engineering College Vacancy, Nominations IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment UNIVCEORNSSITOYL IODAF TNEEDV ASDTAU,D LEANST VSE GAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 UNIVCEORNSSITOYL IODFA TNEEDV ASDTAU,D LEANST VSE GAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 AGENDA SENATE MEETING #7 January 8, 1980 4 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order II.. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #6 IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Faculty Senate Representation, discussion Academic Standards B. Library Addition, Corryn Crosby, presentation C. USUN'S Report, Vice-President Wyman V. Executive Board Nominations A. Judicial Council Members, Phillip Flaherty, Alison Hartough B. Election Board Members, Mike Taylor, Belinda Malone, Dirk Ravenholt C. National Student Conference Delegates VI. Committee Reports A. By-Laws Committee B. Energy Committee C. Ad Hoc Committee Reports VII. Old Business A. Resolution, CSUN Appreciation Award, Senator Hulen VIII. New Business A. UNLV Rebel Mascot Search Committee, Student Representatives 1. ^Dale Hulen 2. Rick Oshinski 3. Claire Dowell 4. Dorothy Halpin B. Science, Math & Engineering College Vacancy, Nominations C. Request for funds, $1,000 Black History Week, Alpha Kappa Alpha IX. Open Discussion X. Adj ournment MINUTES SENATE MEETING #7 January 8, 1930 4:00 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order The seventh meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Senate President at 4:00 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Moyer Student Union Building II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Kelly Campbell "Skip" Kelley Cindy Simia Carol Tarpley Dale Hulen Dorothy Halpin Marty Burzinski Robert Stamper Pam Roberts Rick Oshinski David Martinez Susana Pv.eyes Dave Levins Absent Ray Corbctt Sandy Williams Bryan 0'Shields Bill Haldeman Claire Dowell III. Approval of Minutes #6 There were no corrections to the Minutes of Senate Meeting #6, therefore, they stood approved. IV. Executive 3?>oard Announcements Faculty Senate Representation Senate President Alderman introduced MaryJane VanVactor of the Faculty Senate and turned the floor over to her. Ms. VanVactor then explained to the Senate that she and the other members that were present would try and clarify the plus-minus grading system, the Withdrawal policy, and the Suspension policy. Dr. Penney gave a brief presenation on the plus-minus grading system, showing to the Senate that statistically grades would not change dramatically in using the system. Also, a brief presenation was given on the Faculty-Senate Withdrawal policy compared to the Senate proposed resolution and on the Suspension policy. The Senate was able to ex-press to the Faculty-Senate representatives their ideas on each topic, and ask the Faculty-Senate to think about their proposals again. Ms. VanVactor announced to the Senate that the three proposals are scheduled for the Board of R.egents meeting to be held on February 1, 1980. Minutes-Senate Meeting #7 January 8, 1980 Page 2 Library Addition Ms. Corryn Crosby Brown gave a brief presentation on what is going on while the new library addition is going to be built. She reported to the Senate that the old library would be remodeled first before the new building is complete. If you have any suggestions, please let her know. USUN'S Report Vice-President Wyman informed the Senate that there was a meeting December 18, 1979. She reported that a sub-committee was set up to review and revise the Usun's constitution. They would like to send John Purvis to the next meeting so he can get together with Gary Brown business manager at UNR so both schools can work together. Vice-president Wyman also told the Senate the Usun's New letter was out and is going to be printed in the "Yell". Community Service Speech Class Vice-President Wyman announced to the Senate about the speech class, and said that information had been placed in their boxes. If you have any question please contact her. Carpooling Vice-President Wyman informed the Senate that a carpooling form was put in their boxes for Spring 1980. Have any question please contact her. Budget R.eports Vice-President Wvman told the Senate that the General budject and CSUN approved budget sheet was put in each Senator's box. If you have any questions or problems please contact her. Radio Station Manager President Campbell introduced Pat Crawford one of the applicants for Radio Station manager from Southernlllinois. He announced that Mr. Crawford would be around after the Senate meeting if anyone would like to talk to him. Thursday,Stewart Wilbur will be in town and will be available at 3:00 p.m. and on Friday,John Winstrom will be available at 3:00 p.m. A decision will be made sometime next week. Radio Station President Campbell informed the Senate that the call letters for the Radio station will be asigned January 21, 1980. On February 20, 1980 the bid will begin on the first part of the studio package. Burt Teh is looking into redesigning space on the third floor to create some more office space. Traffic Light President Campbell expressed his concern about having a wheel chair ramp at the traffic light on Maryland Parkway. He announced that there is going to be a County Commissioner's meeting concerning the ramp. Minutes-Senate Meeting #7 January 8, 1980 Page 3 Senate Party Fund Senate Pro Tempore Burzinski, announced to the Senate that there is still $4.14 in the account. He is still accepting donations after the meeting. Senate Meeting Procedures Senate President Alderman expressed to the Senate that they need to show more courtesy when someone is speaking to them. They need to lower their voices, and if they are going to leave the room let her know. Also, if a Senator has said what you want to say there is know need to reiterate on the subject. V. Executive Board Nominations Judicial Council Members Senator Roberts moved to approve Phillip Flaherty, and Alison Hartough to the Judicial Council and was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Election Board Members Senator Tarpley moved to approve Mike Taylor, Belinda Malone, and Dirk Ravenholt to the Election Board and was seconded. The motion passed with eleven in favor and one abstention. Nation Student Conference Delegates Senator Tarpley moved to approve the five delegates and was seconded. The motion passed with eleven in favor and one abstention. VI. Committee Reports A. By-Laws Committee No meeting was held. The next meeting will be January 15, 1980 at 2:30 p.m. B. Energy Committee Vice-President Wyman announced that there will be a meeting this month. Please be sure to give her your schedule if you are on the committee. She reported that A1 Cameron talked to Charles Moody about making the appropriate lighting, changes on campus. She talked briefly on the Car pooling system going to be used in the Soring semester, and encouraged the Senate to promote it. C. Rebel Mascot Committee Senate President Alderman reported that Fred Albrecht of the Alumane Association would like to serve on it, and he knows about four other people who would like to serve on it also. D. Physical Plant Committee President Campbell reported to the Senate about this committee which meets once every two years about the capital improvements on campus. A 2.6 million dollar project about building a fraternity row was discussed. Minutes-Senate Meeting #7 January 8, 1980 Page 4 E. Sports Pavillion Senate President Alderman attended the meeting for the development of the new sports pavillion. She reported that there is a problem in the budgeting of the new pavillion. VII. Old Business There was no old business VIII. New Business A. UNLV Rebel Mascot Members, Senators Hulen, Oshinski, Dowell, 6t Halpin Senator Kelley moved to approve the four representatives to the Rebel Mascot Committee and the motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. B. Science, Math & Engineering College Vacancy, Nominations. Senator Tarpley moved to nominate Derrek Yelton and the motion was seconded. Senator Hulen moved to nominate Ron Ommen an'd the motion was seconded. C. Request for funds, $1,000 Black History Weel£, Alpha Kappa Alpha Senator Tarpley moed to approve the $1,000 to Alpha Kappa Aloha Sorority fron the Entertainment and Programming Board account and that all advertising shall read Alpha Kappa Alpha and CSUN sponsored, the Black History Week. Discussion took place on the motion. Senator Roberts called for the question, which passed with ten in favor and two opposed. A vote was taken on the motion which passed unimously. D. National Student Conference Discussion took place on sending the delegates to the Conference in Washing-ton D.C. about limiting the funds. IX. Open Discussion Senate President Alderman and Senate Pro Tempore asked Senator .Tarpley to serve as Senate President Pro Tempore while Senator Burzinski is absent. Senator Simia moved to adjourn the motion was seconded. The motion passed with eleven in favor and three opposed. X. Adjournment The Seventh meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectifully Submitted by Respectifully Prepared by, Lorraine Alderman Senate President Robin Starlin Senate Secretary