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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes Index 2, 1911-1960: documents, item 366


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    Harper’s Ferry - Public Hearing see for rezoning - 3/28/1951
    Harper Tract-Rezoning - Public Hearing Recessed until April 23 - 4/18/1951
    Harper Tract-Rezoning - Committee report written until [minutes?] -  4/23/1951
    Harper Tract. - Rezoning approved & [become?] mendations committee approved - 4/23/1951
    Harper Tract Rezoning - Emergency Ordinance 457 adopted - 4/25/1951
    Harper Tract - Engineer Dept. to secure R/W on Highway from T Street to Bonanza - 4/25/1951
    ‘H” Street -711 F.E Searway - Public Hearing Set for Rezoning-[not legible] 20 - 5/23/1951
    Hazzard. H.E - appointed to Housing Authority - 6/6/1951
    H Street Searway Property - Public hearing delayed until Planning Committee appointed - 7/5/1951
    H. Street Searway Property Public Hearing - Rt. of way to be checked - 7/18/1951 
    “H” Street Rezoning Searway Property from R-E to R-2 - Held for further study-Public Hearing - 8/22/1951
    “H” St. 711 Rezoning of Searway Property - Public Hearing Approved on condition - 9/5/1951
    Hazard, Mrs. Ruth - appointed chairman of United Nations week Committee - 9/19/1951
    Hassett, Jack appears before Board Bond executed by Well Cargo - Paving bonds for Southridge [not legible] Tract [not legible] 2 [Matter?] held to Nov. 21 - 11/7/1951 
    Hastings [not legible] 1516-Planning & zoning violation by John Stohr - Read & referred to [Peccale?] & Whipple for Investigation - 11/7/1951
    Hastings 1516: John Stohr - Proceedings to be taken [against?] for violation of Planning & zoning - 12/5/1951
    HF M & M Addition-Lot 6 Block 5 allowed to conduct beauty shop in R-4 District - Zone Variance: Resolution #248 adopted-Coy Sparks - 1/2/1952
    Harris, George-Property [not legible] 4th & Ogden - Report from Building Inspector & action deferred to Jan. 16 - 1/2/1952
    Hannaford & Talbot Bid [not legible] assessment Dist. #100-6 - Referred with others to City Manager & [not legible] - 1/16/1952
    H.F. M7M add’n Lot 6: Block 26 Variance application granted Willie [Conway?] - Resolution #250 adopted: allowed to enlarge to 2-family - 1/16/1952
    Harris, George property 4th & Ogden action deferred - Bldg. Inspector to post notice of no trespassing on occupying of building - 1/16/1952
    Hastings 1516 in [not legible] of zoning & planning ordinance - Report on Stohr property ordered filed - 1/16/1951
    Harris, George-Property at 4th & Ogden - Building condemned - 2/6/1952
    Hastings [And?]-Property Rezoning from R-E to R-1 - Public Hearing set March 19 - 2/6/1952
    “H” Street-R/W deed accepted from F.E. and C.H. Searway -  Resolution #256 adopted - 2/6/1952
    “H” Street-R/W deed accepted from G.A and [not legible] Haggard - Resolution #257 adopted - 2/6/1952
    Haggard, G.H. and [not legible] R/W deed for “H” Street property accepted - Resolution #257 adopted - 2/6/1952