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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, August 2003



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Tan -u n'rp The Reform Jewish Congregation of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong August 2003 Vol. XVII No. 14 3AV- 3 ELUL 5763 Sanford D. Akselrad Jennifer C. Weiner Philip Goldstein Scott Stolberg Rabbi Associate Rabbi Cantorial Soloist President Irv Duchowny Jacqueline Fleekop Lois Bergman Maxine Bennett Executive Director Education Director Preschool Director Bulletin Editor Congresswoman Shelley Berkley Crisis in the Middle East We are pleased to announce Congresswoman, Shelley Berkley as our guest speaker, Friday, August 15. Congresswoman Berkley will speak during our Shabbat I Service which begins at 7:30 PM. She will share her experiences 'during her recent trip to the Middle East. Her topic for that evening is Crisis in the Middle East. Congresswoman Berkley has lived in the Las Vegas Valley for almost 40 years. She is a graduate of UNLV. After graduating San Diego School of Law, she returned to Las Vegas, to begin her career. Congresswoman Berkley is a former Vice Chair of the Nevada University and Community College System Board of Regents. Appointed to the Board in 1990 by the Governor, she was then twice elected as a Regent by Las Vegas-area voters. She completed her second term on the Board in 1998. Throughout her tenure, Shelley worked to keep higher education in Nevada affordable and accessible to all qualified students. Elected to the Nevada State Assembly in 1982 and serving through 1984, Shelley championed consumer protection for car buyers and mobile home owners, fought for tougher drunk driving laws, and founded the Senior Law Project. Shelley Berkley has been recognized for her community service and commitment. Of the many awards she has received, some of the most notable are: Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce "Woman of Achievement." Las Vegas Business and Professional Woman fWoman of the Year." Clark County Mother of the Year, 1994. Anti-Defamation League Public Service Award. Las Vegas Review Journal's Outstanding Women in Clark County. UNLV Distinguished Alumnus of the Year. She has been active and supportive to our Jewish Community as well as serving our secular community for many years She is married to Dr. Larry Lehrner and is the mother of two sons, Max and Sam. You will not want to miss Congresswoman Berkley's insight to the Crisis in the Middle East, Friday, August 15 at 7:30 p.m. In This Issue... Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 2 Message from our President 3 Cantorial Soloist Message 4 Executive Director Message 5 Religious School/Preschool 9,6 Auxiliaries 7 Anniversaries 10 Birthdays 10 Tributes 14-16 In Memoriam 15 Yahrzeits 17 The Bulletin is published monthlyWorship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Rabbi Jennifer Weiner, & Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Friday August 1 7:30 P.M. Shabbat Services (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by Debra Peck in honor of her son Jacob becoming a Bar Mitzvah Saturday August 2. Saturday Aug 2 10 A.M. Bar Mitzvah Jacob Peck Kiddush sponsored by Debra Peck in honor of her son Jacob becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov to all! 9:00-10:00 A.M.. Bible Study (Beit Tefillah) 10:00-11:00 A.M. Minyan and Torah Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday August 8 7:30 P.M.. Shabbat Services (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by the Plotkin/Goldstein Families in honor of their anniversaries. Saturday Aug 9 10 A.M. Bar Mitzvah of Mitchell Weinstein (Sanctuary) Kiddush sponsored by the Weinstein Family in honor of their son, Mitchell becoming a Bar Mitzvah 9:00-10:00 A.M.. Bible Study (Beit Tefillah) 10:00-11:00 A.M. Minyan and Torah Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday August 15 7:30 P.M. Shabbat Service (Sanctuary) New Member Shabbat Oneg sponsored by Bernice Diwald and the Sternhill Family in honor of Alex becoming a Bar Mitzvah Saturday August 16 10 A.M. Bar Mitzvah of Alexander Sternhill (Sanctuary) Kiddush sponsored by Bernice Diwald and The Sternhill Family in honor of Alex becoming a Bar Mitzvah 9:00-10:00 A.M. Bible Study (Beit Tefillah) 10:00-11:00 A.M. Minyan and Torah Study (Belt Tefillah) Friday August 22 7:30 P.M. Shabbat Service (Sanctuary) Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Simon Oneg sponsored by The Simon family in honor of Danielle and Aaron becoming Bat/Bar Mitzvahs. Saturday August 23 10 A.M. Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Simon (Sanctuary) Kiddush sponsored by the Simon Family in honor of Aaron becoming a Bar Mitzvah 9:00-10:00 a.m. Bible Study (Beit Tefillah) 10:00-11:00 a.m Minyan and Torah Study (Beit Tefillah) Friday August 29 7:30 P.M.. Shabbat Services (Sanctuary) Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood Saturday August 30 9:00-10:00 A.M. Bible Study (Beit Tefillah) 10:00-11:00 A.M. Minyan and Torah Study (Beit Tefillah) i4w Congregation Ner Tamid Rabbi's Message ?Middle East: Prospects for Peace? Events in the Middle East have dominated the headlines an^B our prayers, both as Americans and as Jews, particularly thi^^ year. With anxiety we watched the build up to war, the war in Iraq itself, and then the attempts to reshape the order of the middle east in the aftermath of the war itself. As with past administrations, President Bush has found that verbally crafting a road map to peace is easier than implementing it. In many respects, the timing of the middle east peace plan couldn?t be better. With Iraq no longer a strategic threat to Israel and Syria also isolated, Israel?s security concerns have greatly diminished. And with the isolation of Arafat and the desire by both the U.S. and Israel to prop up and support the new Palestinian Prime Minister, compromises have come early on by both sides. Yet, as I write this message at the end of June, violence continues to plague Israel. Hamas, as before, has been the great spoiler. Attacking both soldiers and civilians, this terrorist organization has steadfastly refused to recognize Israel's right to exist and seems bent on destroying any chance that the region will ever be at peace. With events constantly in flux, and constantly on all of our minds, I thought it important for us to learn even more about what is unfolding and how it affects prospects for peace. I have invited two important perspectives on the Middle East to address our Congregation in the next two months. Congresswoman Shelley Berkely will be speaking on August 15 during Shabbat services.. She will have just returned from an important visit to the regior^^ having met with high level officials on both sides. Never one t^^ hold back her opinions, Congresswoman Berkely will surely provide us with some interesting insights as to what is really going on in the diplomatic arena. In September, I have invited a noted speaker on the Middle East (most recently he visited Las Vegas on behalf of the ADL). Professor Jonathan Adelman. He will be speaking on September 19th during Shabbat services. Dr. Adelman is a much sought after speaker, lecturing frequently for AIPAC. He has taught at both Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the University of Haifa. Currently he is a full professor at the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver. As an academic who has studied the region for years, and as one who has devoted his career to understanding the intricacies of the Middle East, he has become known as an excellent speaker who can provide clear and thought provoking analysis. i ask your support for both of these special programs. Please, bring your friends, and bring your children so that they too can learn about the events that are shaping our lives as Americans, and especially as Jews. So often what we hear in the media is only ?a part of the story?. It is important to hear a variety of points of views and to make ourselves as informed as possible. As Jews we are often called upon to explain Israel to our non Jewish friends. At times, we feel we need more information ourselves. These are two such opportunities that you will not want to miss. 'B?shalom Rabbi Sanford Akselrad AUGUST 2003 Temple Boar] Members Scott Stolberg Alan Mann Hillary Torchin Maxine Molinsky David Shapin Jordie Primack David Stahl Debbie Levy Yvonne Gordon Cecilia Schafler Michael Unger Marla Letizia Stacey Yahraus Cindy Fox Beth Bromberg Beth Falk Fern Percheski Howard Layfer Kelly Chenin Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger, Esq Jerry Gordon, Esq Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow IiEugene Kirshbaum * bavid Goldwater * Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer Weiner * Deceased President VP Administration VP Education and Youth VP Ritual VP Membership Recruitment VP Membership Retention VP Social Action Treasurer Corporate Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Sisterhood Men's Club NTTY Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio Ex Officio X members of our past board of trustees that are not continuing Jacky Rosen, Ira Spector, Mindy Unger Wadkins, Ira Miller, Leon Marco, Lynn Sasso, Doug Un?ger, Aimee Knox, Samantha Willey, Cookie Oleshein, Gina Polovina, and Ruth Urban. Then there are those that are returning, Hillary Torchin, Stacey Yahraus, Beth Bromberg, Yvonne Gordon, Jordie Primack, Howard Layfer, Marla Letizia, Cecilia Schafler and Maxine Molinsky. And of course the people who are serving on the board of trustees for the first time or returning after a long vacation Debbie Levy, Alan Mann, David Shapin, David Stahl, Beth Falk, Cindy Fox, Fern Percheski, Louisa Sanders, Mike Unger, and Bernie Matusow. Of course I would like to thank my predecessor Stewart Blumenfeld. These last two years came with their challenges. Stewart's leadership allowed the board to navigate through them, and continue to serve our members with the highest quality programs and activities. Lastly I would like to thank each of you for the privilege and honor you bestowed upon me. The most important thing I will have done during my two-year term is to have sat on the nominating committee. By making sure our board has a variety of skills and backgrounds we can be sure of a good balance and mix of programming and services. Your board of trustees is a very dedicated and determined group. All of these people help make Congregation Ner Tamid a "SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONG". This is a very exciting and pivotal time for our congregation. We are embarking on a journey that will eventually lead us to a new campus for Jewish life and learning. This campus will be like no other in Las Vegas and like very few others in North America. We will have facilities and programs to serve the needs of the entire reform Jewish community in southern Nevada. Most of you have been hearing about this plan for a couple of years but now that the board has accepted a gift of land at 1-215 and Valley Verde we are on our way to completion. Yahrzeit ?Memoriaf ?Tiacjue What hotter way to- honor and/ recognise' a loved/ one/ thanvtapurchate/aYdhr- %e?t M emorLat Plague/. A ypeelad dedlcatlon/hy Pcdybi/ Akselrad/ with he/ held/ October 3, 2003 tcr honor did the/ new namey added/ to the/ Memorial/ Candle/. The/coytfor they pirogue/Ly $4-00 per name/. If you/ order hy August 15, your plague/ wild he/ here/ On tone/ forthe/ ceremony. Please'cold the/Temple/at 733-6292, to make/the/ arramgementy today. The real work now begins. We have raised half of the funds and we need to begin construction and will have the balance raised by June of 2004. During this time the committee will begin the design phase, so that when we have completed the fund-raising we will enter the permitting process and then of course the construction. Our timeline has us celebrating High Holy Days of 2006 in our new home. During this process you will have many opportunities to give your input. The committee is now forming and those people will reach out through our community for feedback. There will be several coffees and meetings at various points where you will be able to see the progress and provide your comments. When this is all done we will have even more reasons to be called "A Special Place to Belong" Our congregation has faced many challenges over the last several years and we faced them together. We have dealt with the post 9/11 world we now live in, and the security measures that are now common place. We have weathered the financial storms of our recent economy. In addition we have planned for the future needs of our congregation and community. Las Vegas and Congregation Ner Tamid have changed a lot since my family and I moved here and joined almost eleven years ago. I hope to lead our board and community through those challenges that remain and set us on a course to serve the next generation. Again thank you for the honor and trust you have given me. B' Shalom Scott Stolberg A Special AUGUST 2003 Place To Belong JUST A Shalom, Calling all singers who want to sing in our beautiful choir. Do people compare you to Pavarotti or Sills? Do you wish you could express your vocal abilities and be able to sing outside the shower for a good cause? Well, the adult choir has a place for you. Starting July 8th, 2003, (and every Tuesday night after that, in the Beit Tefillah from 7pm - 9pm) High Holydays rehearsals begin. This could be your chance to be discovered! Just think of all that awaits you. Skip the humiliation of American Idol, and zoom straight to the top (at Con?gregation Ner Tamid) of the liturgy charts. Be a part of our adult choir and sing such great liturgical pieces as.-.Bar'chu, Sh'ma, Mi Chamocha, Sim Shalom...and many other great pieces! Call the Temple office now at 733-6292 and be a part of this wonderful event! Don't wait call now! The Temple office is standing by. Actually they're sitting... but who's watching! B'Shalom Tfiilvp OJofcfstem Cantorial Soloist BULLETIN DEADLINE Deadline for October 2003 Bulletin The deadline for the October Bulletin will be Monday August 18th at 5PM Please email articles to Congregation Ner Tamid The IHN Needs You The Interfaith Hospitality Network * Can you imagine being without a safe, warm place to sleep, eat, and care for children? Being homeless is being without all those things as well as the security of familiar people and belongings. The loss of a home is a crisis for anyone, but especially for families. Parents must endure the heartache of being unable to provide a secure environment for their children. Without a home, children are deprived of one of the most basic resources required for healthy development. This is the saddest statistic of all?one out of every four homeless people is a child. Congregation Ner Tamid, along with many non-Jewish organizations, is participating in a program called Interfaith Hospitality Network, which helps families that have found themselves in this terrible situation. We are a host sight four times a year. We will again be housing families at ourj Temple starting August 24. The families sleep in the classrooms. We need volunteers to provide a hot meal for dinner. The menu can be as simple as pizza and cookies or spaghetti, salad, and fruit. Several families can get together and provide one meal. We need 2 people to sleep at the Temple each night. It would be wonderful if you could just come and play with the children. Please call or e- mail Jennifer Cohen (898-4973, or Bette Stahl (735-8104, and let us know how you can help. I promise you, you will find this a wonderful experience visiting with these people. We are looking forward to working with you to make this final week this year as successful as all of our previous weeks. Bette Stahl, Jennifer Cohen AUGUST 2003 Executive Director's Message OPPORTUNITIES There are many ?Opportunities? here at Congregation Ner Tamid. The opportunity to pray with and for those who are close to you, the opportunity to study Torah with those who you may (or may not) know, the opportunity to attend classes, to attend services here on Friday nights with friends and loved ones, and many other golden opportunities too numerous to mention. We also have many opportunities to help others. This can take various forms, such as extending a smile to someone you don?t know, holding a door open for someone coming into temple behind you, by explaining a religious ritual that we honor here to someone who?s new, or by saying ?Shabbat Shalom? on a Friday evening to those around you, helping to create a Jewish community we all enjoy. There are also financial opportunities that we all have here at CNT. It might be: In purchasing a High Flolidavs Parking space in the back, or By contributing to our annual Kol Nidre appeal, or By making a donation for dinner tickets, or space in the Commemorative Journal for our annual Mensch of the Year fund?raiser. It might be by taking advantage of the opportunity to join our Menorah Level Donors, who have all committed to a higher level of annual dues, helping to offset the Mitzvah we offer to those who cannot pay full membership dues, or to use a credit card, ACFI (bank authorization transfer), or check to pay your annual dues in full. In addition, we have opportunities all year long to contribute to CNT?s financial well being. Some examples are, when you feel it, to Contribute to our Interfaith Hospitality Network?s hosting of families down on their luck, which we do 4 weeks a year, or to sponsor an Oneg in honor of an anniversary, a birthday, a B?nai Mitzvah, or any wonderful occasion. To contribute to any of our specific programs that we do, such as our Adult Education Fund, our Choir Fund, our Perpetual Trust Fund, our Pre-School or Religious School Funds, or any of our clergy?s Discretionary Funds, to allow them to contribute where they feel it?s best served in the service that our Rabbis and Cantorial Soloist perform. There are many opportunities that we can take advantage of here at Congregation Ner Tamid - educational, religious and financial. We ask that you take advantage of all of these opportunities, to make CNT truly a wonderful place to belong. to be continued.........Irv HIGH HOLLIDAY PARKING SPACES As part of an annual fundraiser, CNT is providing RESERVED parking spaces for the High Holidays in the rear parking lot. The spaces are $400 each. Your check to CNT is your reservation. Please note: General parking will be available at no charge for all High Holiday guests in the front CNT parking lot and on Emerson Avenue. CNT staff's new email addresses: Rabbi Akselrad, Sr. Rabbi Rabbi Weiner, Assoc. Rabbi Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist Jackie Fleekop,Ed. Director Lois Bergman. Preschool Diretor Karen Levine, Rabbi A's Admin.Asst. Roberta Unger,Admin. Asst Mary Zone,Receptionist Irv Duchowny, Exec. Director Angie Coleman,Bookeeper A Special AUGUST 2003 Place To Belong % kindergarten preschool getting ready to go By Lois Bergman- Early Childhood Director The lilting sounds of little voices will once again fill the halls of CNT. The 6th year of our Preschool is about to begin. August 25th will be the first day of class. We are looking forward to another year of excitement and fun with our students ages 2 1\2- 5. The children will be studying Hebrew, Judaic, Prayers, Holidays, as well as secular subjects: numbers, letters, colors, shapes, science, social studies, and pre-reading and math skills. Our students study computer, in our own computer lab, and music, all as part of our innovate curriculum. We have a dynamic well-trained staff of educators with many years of teaching experience. We have several classes and each class will have a teacher and teaching assistant. We have beautifully decorated classrooms and a well-rounded curriculum, in a center based classes with a low student\teacher ratio and an excellent staff of professionals. We are looking forward to a banner year here at the preschool. If you have any questions about the school or would like more information call me here at the preschool office (733-6292). Space is very limited and one of our classes is already full. We want to save a space for your child or grandchild. The summer will be over, and it will be time to make plans for your child?s educational needs for the school year. This is the time in their lives when they can absorb a great deal of material and their personalities are formed, Let them learn and play in our safe warm, loving environment WANTED Substitute kindergarten teachers needed. Must be li?censed in the State of Nevada. Call Lois Bergman733-6292 for further details. Kindergarten With pride and joy our CNT full day Kindergarten program, announces the beginning of our 4th year. We are licensed by the State of Nevada to operate as a private school.Our Program will run from 9-4 and we will have before and after care available. Our curriculum will include: Spanish,, Computers, Hebrew, Judaica, Music, Art, Library, PE and Health as well as core curriculum subjects such as Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts and Read?ing. Space is very limited in this innovative program, and we are filling these spots quickly. If you are interested in knowing more about our program, please call the Temple office at 733-6292 and ask for Lois, our Early Education Director. It?s that time of year again! Time to reserve your booth for Sisterhood?s annual Chanukah Bazaar. This year?s bazaar will be held Sunday, November 16, 2003, from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the Social Hall.There will be fun for the entire family: home cooked food, games for the kids, raffles & door prizes, and unique venders like yourself. The perfect holiday shopping experience! To reserve your space or for more information, please contact Arlene Kagan @ 307-8982 or Darlene Vaturi @ 869-3989 Congregation Ner Tamid AUGUST 2003 Sisi&iAaad Cyiecus/ I?m standing on your shoulders, Phyllis, Rose, Sophie, Mary. I?m standing on your shoulders Hortense, Dyane, Rita, Helen. I?m standing on your shoulders Maxine, Janis, Sandy, Ruth. You are the Sisterhood leaders that came before me, and I am standing on all of your shoulders. You are my teachers, my mentors. You have left me a legacy, and I hope I can continue the trend. As I start my term as Sisterhood President, I reflect on what has been accomplished over the last year and the last 29 years. Imagine that, 29 years!! The early years were spent meeting in a Baptist church, until CNT was able to build its own space. Those days focused on helping CNT grow. A few women got together and planted the seed that would blossom into 190+ members strong. Imagine what these wonderful, strong and wise women can teach us all. I?m hoping we won?t have to imagine for very long. During the next year, I plan to begin a series of leadership workshops to help cultivate leaders within our Sisterhood. The programs aren?t yet solidified, but will be developed over the summer and publicized in the Fall. One of these workshops will be a Past Presidents Forum, a panel of past presidents who will share their insight, and answer questions about their greatest triumphs and challenges. They say that an organization can only be as strong and effective as their Board and their members. If that?s the case, I know that this year will bring many good things to our Temple community. Look at what was accomplished over the last year alone...Under the leadership of Ruth Urban and the Board, several memorable programs and fundraisers were performed with outstanding results. We were able to Pbontribute more funds than ever toward camp scholarships and Temple needs. We re-defined the way we do Onegs. We restructured our leadership positions, replacing the Administrative VP position with President Elect. Ruth?s special legacy is her leadership development. She began the annual Board Orientation and Retreat, where the Board meets and strategically plans activities for the upcoming year. I have just learned that this program has won a coveted Or Ami Commendation Award from the Women of Reform Judaism. Our sisterhood will be honored for developing this program at the national biennial in Minneapolis this November. Mazel Tov Ruth! I will be so proud to accept this award in your honor. There are several who have recently retired from the Board. Thank you for your dedication and service to Sisterhood. I know that this year we can count on your service in other ways. The new Board will be doing strategic planning over the summer. If you, as a Sisterhood member, or as a congregant, have some ideas you?d like to share, please call me at home or drop me a note. I'd love to hear your innovative thoughts. If you are not a sisterhood member yet, please consider joining. The membership campaign is in full swing. Other programs starting early are FunD 4 Youth raffle prize solicitation and Chanukah Bazaar vendor reservations. Please help us score some great raffle prizes to benefit the youth programs. Contact Cyndee Bailin with your offer or donation. Contact Darlene Vaturi or Arlene Kagan if you?d like information on a vendor table. Remember, we can do wonderful things together. Shalom, Fern Percheski 566-0078 Hal Savar's CD Release Concert Congregation Ner Tamid's own Hal Savar, will be putting on a free concert in honor of the release of his first CD. The concert is scheduled for Saturday, August 23, 2003, @ 7:30PM in the social hall of CNT. CD's will cost $10.00 at the show. For those of you who cannot attend the concert,but would still like to purchase a CD, please contact Hal's management group via e-mail LET'S SO TO THE HOP Saturday Night September 6 Sock Hop 7:30-11:30 p.m. at CNT BE THERE OR BE AUGUST 2003 A Special Place To Belong ^ 7 ^ SEE WHAT YOU'VE MISSED THESE PAST FEW MONTHS As you can see lots of wonderful events have been happening at our temple over the last few months. At a very special Sisterhood Shabbat, Frances Klamian and her family were honored for their dedication and help with Sisterhood's Party Shop. Frances catered many of the onegs and kiddush. At the annual Temple Meeting and BBQ our new Temple Board was installed by Past President Bob Unger and the torch was passed from Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld to Scott Stolberg as our new Temple President. The new Sisterhood Board was installed as well by Bob Unger. Sisterhood's Immediate Past President, Ruth Urban, left her position with honor as Fern Percheski succeeded her with grace. The Men's Club BBQ'd up a storm at the Temple's annual meeting and Bob Unger installed their board of directors too. Stuart Solomon was honored with the Wilner Award for all of his great service to the Mens Club. MaKenzie Coon won the Shomer Torah award. Megan Stolberg, Rebecca Weiss, Zack, Josh and Jessica Popowcer won the honor of a day at Splash Mountain for the most attendance at religious school. As you can see, there is always something happening at Congregation Ner Tamid. In order to secure your tickets for the High Holiday Services your Temple dues must be 75% paid for 2003. If you have any questions please call Irv at the Temple office 733-6292 W Congregation Ner Tamid Photos by: Philip Goldstein Friends are needed for the UNLV Home Away From Home Program. Participants are out-of town and international students attending UNLV next fall. HAFH friends get together with their students throughout the year. There is no financial obligation. If you would like to "adopt a student"please call Program Coordinator, Sharlene Flushman at 794-2888 AUGUST 2003 Religious School News Don?t Let the Light Go Out As we look toward the new school year we can see the light of Ner Tamid guiding us. Light and its glow come in many forms. From the birthday candle of a child (or anyone) to the memorial candle remembering the blessings of a life, the Chanukah menorah and of course the Shabbat candles that bring us hope and joy. The most precious gift I receive as an educator is when someone says to me ?I got it, I understand now.? They see the light and want more of the learning experience. We hope to educate your children in the richness of their past by learning Torah text, values and traditions. Students will also learn of the diverse world we live in. We hope that by teaching skills that will help them become lifetime learners, we will keep the light aglow. At Congregation Ner Tamid we want your child to be proud of their heritage and to find a comfortable place to socialize and learn. Please make sure you have registered before the first day of school, Sunday September 7, 2003. We are the candles and you are the match. Help us to spark the love of Jewish learning for your child. Shalom Jackie Tfeekap Director of Education TILL AhJV KVELL WOW! A new grandchild has been born in Denver, Colorado to give Marilyn and David Cohen a record number of 24 grandchildren! Uri, Rifka and Zev have a baby sister, Laya Dvorah born Monday May 26 to Marla and Albert. Mazel Tov to all! Congratulations to Jill and Kevin Patruznick on the birth of their first child, a daughter, Samara Michol born May 26. Samara weighed 7 pounds and 14 ozs. We wish them much happi?ness. Congratulations to David Lieberman, he is the Valedictorian of Advanced Technology Academy this year.. Gary and Mara are the proud par?ents! Mazel Tov to Sharon and Paul Cohen on the marriage of their son Aaron to Karrie Harris on June 28th. Suitcases For Kids Continues CNT?s Social Action Committee is sponsoring this campaign to get suitcases for the children in the foster care system in Clark County. Hard and soft luggage are both okay .Large backpacks are acceptable if you do not have any suitcases to donate. The children will get to keep the suitcases. We would love to have a suitcase for eachchild in the system. You can bring your donations to the T emple where they will be delivered to the county Social Service system to be distributed to the children. Please help a child who is less fortunate than you. AUGUST 2003 A Special Place To Belong 9 August 5 Mr & Mrs Stephen Plotkin August 6 Mr. & Mrs. George Moore August 7 Mr & Mrs Neil Miller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zuckerman August 10 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bass Mr. & Mrs. David Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frockt Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Herman Mr. & Mrs. Marc Schorr August 11 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Alter Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Curran Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Dunn Mr. & Mrs. David Mendelson Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Sherman August 12 Mr. & Mrs. David Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Einsohn Mr.& Mrs. Jay Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Sandell August 13 Mr. & Mrs. Howard Esbin August 14 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oshins August 15 Dr. & Mrs. Stewart Blumenfeld Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Lardent August 16 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Epstein Mr. & Mrs. David Morag August 17 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fink August 18 Mr. & Mrs. Howard Altshuler Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Herman August 19 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Cooper August 20 Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Browne Dr. & Mrs. Jack Hirsh August 21 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Perla August 24 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Benedict August 25 Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey Goldberg August 26 Mr. & Mrs. Jerald M. Cohen August 27 Dr. & Mrs. Lynn Greene August 28 Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Berman August 29 Rabbi & Mrs. Sanford Akselrad Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Marco Dr. and Mrs. Larry Rosen August 30 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ewan Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lieberman August 31 Mr. & Mrs. Ira Miller Congregation August 1 Diana Emptage Mrs. Sheila Grossman Ms. Marilynn Mack Ms. Cari Marshall August 2 Mrs. Yvonne Gordon Jordan Greenberg Mrs. Jacky Rosen Mrs. Dorothy Wanderer August 3 Barry Benedict Zachary Capp Stefan Crighton August 4 Mr. Neil Beller Melissa Blank Katie Fine Ross Fremer Marcie Goldberg Mr. Gerald Gordon Austin Jasienski Cheyenne Jasienski August 5 Stephan Ferris Mr. Jeffrey Markewich Adam Weiss August 6 Mr. Arthur Berger Mr. Lou Buffman Azriella Colen Mrs. Helen Mack August 7 Mrs. Amy Christensen Mrs. Toby Edelman Aaron Simon Mitchell Weinstein August 8 Stephanie Friedman Mr. Harold Glasser Madisan Greenberg Mrs. Susan Rodin Mrs. Frances Sheldon August 9 Dr. William Denton-Pratt Joel Feldman Mrs. Lois Donna Peterson Dustin Tiep Aaron Volpone August 10 Mrs. Muriel Adler Mr. David Cadish Tamar Diaz Mr. Marvin Price Mrs. Pamela Rapoport Mr. Brett Shorenstein Mrs. Mindy Wadkins August 11 Mrs. Lexy Capp Sarah Lieberman Mr. David Polis Mrs. Jeri Savran Rachael Watman Augus