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Jewish Federation of Las Vegas program brochure, 2012



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    / T f W l c w i s h Federation THE STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE ' - - - 'J OF L A S V E G A S THE POWER OF COMMUNITY DO EXTRAORDINARY THIN WE BELIEVE IN EACH OTHER We believe that no child should go to bed hungry. That every senior has the right to live with dignity. And that all Jews should be able to live?anywhere in the world?without fear of persecution. That's why the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas' annual fund-raising campaign is focused on help-ing people in need, rescuing people in danger, and keeping Jewish life strong. We believe in the power of community. We believe that together we can make the world a better place. And we have the track record to prove it. WE FUND AND SUPPORT ABROAD NETWORK OF ORGANIZATIONS THAT ON TWO CRITICAL THINGS Caring for people in need here at home, in Israel and around the world. I Nurturing and sustaining the Jewish community today and for future generations. EACH OTHER VEN THOUGH WE'VE NEVER MET. .Every day, the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Supports programs that feed, clothe, shelter, counsel and rescue thousands of people here at home, in Israel and around the world. It's our responsibility. It's our privilege. It's who we are. This year, with unemployment levels at historic highs, and families and seniors struggling to meet their most basic needs, more people are turning to us for help than ever before. And together, we have the power to make an impact. IF YOU NEED HELP, WE CAN HELP YOU. IF YOU CAN HELP, PLEASE DO. GROCERIES FOR A FAMILY IN CRISIS HISTORY HOT KOSHER MEAL FOR A POOR FAMILY OF FOUR But emergency programs are struggling to meet growing needs. In Israel, more than 200,000 families don't have enough to eat. In Russia and Eastern Europe, home to the poorest Jews in the world, we don't have the resources to feed all who are hungry. We believe we can do more to fight hunger. And we need your help. We believe everyone should have enough to eat, so we are reinvigorating food banks and delivering more meals than ever. In Israel, where the price of cottage cheese sparked a social justice movement, we're serving lunch to children who don't get much breakfast or dinner. Around the world, we're expanding an innovative food card program that offers freedom of choice. WE RESPECT OUR ELDERS... AND TAKE We believe every Jewish senior deserves to be healthy, independent and active. And when they need more hands-on care, we will be there for them. Federation funds programs here and in Israel that bring services to the elderly right in their homes and neigh-borhoods, so they can stay connected to community while getting the help they need. In Russia and Eastern Europe, we fund more than 160 Hesed centers that provide life-saving medical care, home c ^ a n d winter relief to 168,100 impover-ished elderl^TJews. Seniors everywhere are among the most vulner-able during an economit crisis. More than 60,000 elderly Jews in Eastern Europe have been cut from Federation-funded pro-grams due to lack of funds. In Israel, 100,000 Holocaust survivors live below the poverty line. How can we turn away? k OF THEM k* I i SOUTH & MIDWEST TORNADOES 2011 + 2012 We helped get medical care to victims and are providing ongoing recovery assistance. HAITI EARTHQUAKE $4.8 m i l l i o n / 2 0 1 0 Donations from Federation donors were sent to Haiti through J DC, American Jewish World Service, and IsraAid, and used to fund critical supplies used by the Israeli army field hospital. CARMEL FOREST FIRES $2.7 m i l l i o n / 2 0 1 0 Our dollars were allocated for respite camps, trauma relief and direct assistance to victims' families. IN TIMES OF CRISIS, WE RESPOND We believe we have a responsibility to one another and to all mankind. And we believe in our power to make a difference. During natural disasters and humanitarian crises, we're often the first on the ground providing aid, comfort and support. JAPAN EARTHQUAKE $1 million/2011 Donors turned to Federa-tion as soon as they heard about the devastation. Our overseas partner J D C joined forces with the Israeli army to open a field hospital. And we continue to provide counseling to victims. WE ENRICHl AND CELEBRATE W * SUSTAINING JEWISH COMMUNITY In difficult times, our values and traditions keep us going. At Federation, even as we focus on increased needs for humanitarian services, we know that Jews around the world are feeling renewed excitement about being part of the Jewish people. Together we can help fulfill their dreams?and yours?whether that means traveling to Israel to visit, volunteer or study; becoming a Jewish leader on campus; learning Hebrew or sending a child to a Jewish preschool or camp. I ; . flj STRENGTHENING JEWISH LIFE i ?? ^ i STARTS HERE AT No family should have to choose between paying the rent and paying for a child's Jewish education, or between summer camp and a family trip to Israel. That's why we're investing in the strength of our people by making experiences that build Jewish identity available to everyone. Federation funds preschools, day schools, synagogues and JCCs that are centers for Jewish life and learning in our community. We help send young people to Israel on Birthright trips and other programs. And we offer scholarships and subsidies to ease the high cost of Jewish life. Whether you connect to the power of community through love of Israel or love of learning, through social action or social events, you are a valued member of our Jewish family. A YEAR OF ABSORPTION SERVICES FOR ONE NEW ISRAELI In Russia and other Eastern European countries, where Jewish life was nearly wiped out, we are nurturing an exciting resurgence of Jewish identity, rebuilding institutions, and preparing the next generation of leaders. Over 10,000 children now attend Jewish day school. Summer camps and Hillels are inspiring a life-long love for Israel and the Jewish people. And community centers through-out the region are filled with people learning their first words of Hebrew. Even in Israel, where Jewish life might seem to be a given, we're helping to ensure that the next genera-tion and the generations beyond stay committed to their Jewish identity. We fund innovative programs that help young Israelis connect with the global Jewish People, and we help new immigrants from all over the world succeed as Israeli citizens. A SPECIAL CHANUKAH GIFT FOR A NEEDY CHILD AYEAF OFPJ LIBRAR> BOOKS FOR A :aMILY AN HOUR OF RESUME ASSISTANCE AND VOCATIONAL COUNSELING m i * AN ENRI;hMENT PROGRAM AN AT-RISK KINDEfGARTNER IN IS^EL ONE MONTH OF MEDICATION FOR A POOR JEWISH SENIOR THE VALUE OF DIGNITY AND HOPE Your donation to Federation reaches into every corner of the global Jewish community in more than 70 countries around the world, inspiring lifelong Jewish connections, break-ing the cycle of poverty, and responding to emergencies. To us, that's invaluable. AN EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR A GIFTED STUDENT FROM ISRAEL'S PERIPHERY 10.000 AN EMERGENCY IMMIGRATION GRANT FOR A FAMILY LIVING AT RISK A LOAN TO HELP A YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR LAUNCH A SMALL BUSINESS Partner A gencies of The Jewish Federations OF NORTH AMERICA Our Community of Partners We are a part of the Jewish Federations, the leading Jewish philanthropy in North America. Our extensive network of partners and agen-cies enable us to save, care for and reach out to so many people at home, in Israel and around the world. The American Jewish | ' | Joint Distribution Committee The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee The American Jew-ish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) is the world's leading Jewish humanitarian assistance organization. Since 1914, JDC has exemplified glob-ally the principle that all Jews are responsible for one another. On behalf of North America's Jewish communities and others, today JDC works in more than 70 countries and in Israel to alleviate hunger and hardship, rescue Jews in danger, create lasting connections to Jewish life, and provide immedi-ate relief and long-term development support for victims of natural and man-made disasters. w the m i r v n m?ion JEWISH AGENCY YIN"? W FOR ISRAEL VNIVy1 The Jewish Agency Founded in 1929, The Jewish Agency for Israel was instrumental in found-ing and building the State of Israel. Today, the Jewish Agency continues to serve as the official link between the Jewish State and world Jewish communities, bringing Jews to Israel and Israel to Jews. Its mission is to secure the Jewish future by ad-dressing the critical chal-lenges of our time: grow-ing detachment of young Jews from Israel and the global Jewish family; increasing social gaps in Israel; and Jews at risk in the Diaspora and Israel. The Jewish Agency ad-dresses these challenges by building meaningful connections with Israel through local community activities and Israel experi-ences, advancing pluralism and Jewish unity, promot-ing social activism in Israel and beyond, and keeping Israel's promise as a safe haven. In over 500 Jewish communities around the world for over 80 years, The Jewish Agency has worked with its partners to create Jewish history. Together, we have always been there for the Jewish People. With the unparalleled global reach to get things done, and the flexibility to address new in every era, The Jew-ish Agency will continue to secure the Jewish future for generations. World ORT World ORT World ORT works for the advancement of the Jewish People through education and training for employment; to provide individuals worldwide with the skills and knowledge necessary to cope with the challenges of their environment; to foster economic self-sufficiency, mobility and a sense of identity through the use of state-of-the-art technology. The Jewish Federation Annual Campaign supports: Jewish Family Services Jewish Home for the Aged Jewish Day Schools Synagogue Programs Hillel WE BELIEVE IN EACH OTHER We believe that helping people in need, and nurturing and supporting our Jewish community is both our privilege and our responsibility. But we need your help. Please make a generous donation to the Jewish Federation's Annual Campaign today. And make a stand for what you believe. Kosher Food Banks Meals on Wheels And much more... Taglit-Birthright Israel Israel Experiences Jewish Summer Camps Community Centers Employment Counseling The Jewish Federation u OF L A S V E G A S THE STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE. THE POWER OF COMMUNITY. (] JewishFedLV l?j @JewishFedLV 702.732.0556