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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF NEVADA \OIFN ATNH EA GMRAETETMEERN TO F BTETHWEE CENO MMLIASSS IVOENG'ASS LAPAPNRDO V&A LW ATER CO. )) AFNODR LMCA S NEVIELG AHSO LUASNIDNG &C WOAMPTAENRY C OMPANY TO CONSTRUCT )) File No. 621 WDIAVTIESRI OMNA,I NST RAANCTD LONIEN,E TEOX TETNHSEI COINST YI NO F HLUANST RIVDEGGAES SUB- )) ----------- AND SUPPLY WATER TO HUNTRIDGE ADDITION. ) PRESENT: Chairman C. B. Sexton At a general eeealon of Commiesioner Alfred Merritt Smith the Commiesion held in CSoemormeitsasriyo nLeere ChS.a s.S ooV.t t Williams Ciittsy ,o ffNelvo.e s Jaant. CSaOr,s on19 42 O R D E R IT APPEARING That there has been filed with the Commission for Commission's approval, an agreement between LAS VEGAS LAND & WATER CO. and MC NEIL HOUSING COMPANY for Lae Vegas Land & Water Com­pany to oonetruot water mains and line extensions in Huntridge Subdivision, Traot One, to the City of Las Vegas and supply water to Huntridge Addition; IT FURTHER APPEARING That the Commission is oompletely advised in the premises and by approving the agreement would be in the publlo interests; IT IS ORDERED That the agreement referred to above be and the same is hereby approved, effeotive January SO, 1942. BY THE COMMISSION (SEAL) Dated: Carson City, Nev. January SI, 1942 (s) Lee 8. Soott Lee 3. Soott, Seoretary copy