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    BOSTON, MASS. ptiOBE (Ettej&iig) Cipc3:;?·&l,503 SEP 2 31953 pimple Wedding for Rita Means Neite^els, TV M LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 23 I happily that she and Haymes [wSfeffeali of. their hej pLAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 23 (UP)?╟÷Film star Rita Hayworth and crooner Dick Haymes today l^tjanned a "simple "w^toing" I wit)> television and newsreel caf^gas grinding awaj^t \j 'They .?√ß they'll settle down to. - what they hope will be a sedate? life :as.Suburbanites in- ^jreen-.. l.wich, Corfti, The ceremony tomoiTo\y*>'ill be held in the GolddR4f|rW I tlje S^jj4s*^*W*iB4ttWonly nine guests Edited," but hews 'af^ camera^^Pen vrertffy'told they could attepd. '-^Kl 'The re^iaired beauty sighed ??*?√ß A ?╟?, ' ?╟≤ -'?╟≤ happily that she and Haymes |^^:|ee;gals of, their headaches "are finally getting married S^^#5" after SO many difficulties." ' | ..ki63.Haywnj.tij, Yasmin. and her Among their recent troubles |btiVei?·ktMi?║hter;- .\Reb<- wa,' 8,- stiL ?╟≤have,:been (ap..attempt by the are-;.j*nd&p.,jpB^iective ..guar(fc:??ancl -goverhmfe'iit' to deport Haymes, |Haymes' ^difficulties with the im- pa'ftk&ittzil^'' of Argentina and |niigra^on Department, remain to ;death.-,! threats against Miss e?·jASvfe?╟?>??,j-i, a:'-i'iijj-; iii,?╜'- ??T?╜,,^,?╜x^+ I una win wear a simple: su-aigm *&M-\^ hf" J??Ungest blue iinen afternoon dress with .daughter, .j-y ear-old Yasmm. l YT^J^twaht a simple wedding;,*1! pafe^o''Hayworth said firmly. r"This one is too important toj [me to clutter up with a lot 6r [ unnecessary frills^ ,Jt's,. eiipugfe^ that eaeh'-other."''?√ß*. - -.. But 5 the wadding, unlike thel final clinch-'in th^fHSs^ie thrillers. beige hat arid gloves and orebidSJ'#ay, their-nurse, and. JackJEntrat^her children during their stay here The bridegroom will wear a da||J blue svd 'for the civil'.ce^S^HI before State District Judge Frank- McNamee. The couple will ejjfo change gold wedding band&|gj?*& Quests at Rita's fourth" wfefft|kj: and Hayme?║' third will bcCi^p attorney, Baftley Crum, and his wife; Haymes' attorney^ David Marcus and Mr^MarcusT" Miss Hayworth's child^eto; Genie Bar ter, ad *fake Friedmann, two of the $*riid*j(|^^ said ih-ot'el :a fuards who" haV?· been watching over Miss Hawo:i% and will be on duty pust outside the door. The couple plans to honeMtepi at the Sandg over the weekend sm Ithen travel to Philadelph^, wherl Haymes opens a night club en gagement. The star said she and Haymes will forsake Hollywood and live in Greenwich, "because, it's nearer Dick's TV work am better for the children." sen { SA1 ATLANTA, GA. JOURNAL flfc^jrSgiL 249,596 WmmBBEUEVED FANATICS WORK #EAfRICBL-N12L dSUN :tt:agg Circ. D. 7,242 - S'. 7,293 SEP 24 ill !4EXCITED'RITA, HAYMES LEAVE LAS VEGAS RESORT U&j/egas, Nev., Sept. 26 (AP) Honeymoo'ners Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes left by plane for New York early today, along with her .^p daugh^g^nd hisgifeoxer dog, Brutus. The actress and crooner, ^feied at the Sfodg pntrT here in a three- minute ceremony Thursday, appeared to Ybe excited as they left ?Σ≤s W%g resort. THey took 16 pieces of.luggfcge with them. Daughters Fly to Riffs Spde Under Eyes of Bodyguards LAS VEGAS, Nov., Sept. 15 ?╟÷ (UP}?╟÷Ritp. Hayworth and he?· two daughters dw^re guarded as heavily as a president oh tour Tuesday as I the * FBI investigated I threats that 3-year-old princess Yasmin-would be killed if she. is not returned to her Moslem fa- ji^fifP, Prince Aiy Khan. ! Yasmin and Rebecca, 8, the ; actress' childly her former hus- ?√ß band, Orson IWelles, were gflown here -under g^rpt Monday* night to be with .theirlaiother, who is Waiting to marry crooner Dick Haymes. Five husky bodyguards from a i privatejpetective * agency put; the children--on an airlines plane in Los Angeles Monday night and three 'accompanied them on the flight here. '". MQ|pgBOB|| GUARDS, accompanied by Haymes, met the' plane lapdcd here, and,when the children ;<( reived at the Sands Hotel, where-then.' mother is staying, shifts of-" ..Clark' county sheriff's deputies- itoOk up a close watch (outside the star;s rooms. The children ! haGJYbeen guarded at-/ Miss Hayworth's* "Wesl Losl j home since Hbe' threat?' "were ceived. '?╟≤ r M&Sfc'- unless the child is-; ^turned to her father in EuropeftM,.* She also was *:wli,rned not to marry Haymes "'ll get yoigp self into a lot of trouble." It was believed the letters could have been sent by a fanatic Moslem. Dick, Rita To Takfjfo is Dice Click In ' ..'^NEW ROCHELLE Is strictly I a high-income area, so we think! the'letters may have come from! a Moslem exchange student,"! Miss Hayworth's business agent,! Jackson Leighter, said. Miss f&yvjprth's ^attorneyJ Bartley Crupi^^id .ipwas hid "personal ^G^usion^^tttat thd letters miay nSSpgB.'coni^^from a] religious. ...fanatic," wired Aiy, Khan's fame^' the Aga^ahn, to .cation his followers., as--spiritual leader "of the Mosle^Tsmailit sect, "to make sui|3 harm comes to Rita and paEan.'' However, Crum said h'e^did not belie|e the letters ?╟?could, have wirephoto originated withaAl_yrdrdiiis'"''father I EHfA GUARDED - The . fp^p5|pSi recently! Bev Pejkins as Escorted-, turned d^^g^r'^vorced hus- * ??,' ''^^f^^Pr band's oftfiffo set up a $1,000,000 Angeles ferf ^om New Rochelle, N. Y.,j trust fund for Yasmin because hoHlfTng taS ******** an<* W> had asked that the child be bodily harm to the sultry film stari "exposed" to Moslem teachings ated Press ,H^y JAMES BA^ON Lm$pJGAlt. Nev.%?╟÷Wlifle nearly crapshooters trie^iSJ^mafe^ seveflpgnd elevens. Rita Hayworth and B^K>Haymes today" ga'mb^d"' onc^^ore with matrimony. T^ J$4-year-old actress and her crconer^ <35, will recite vpws_ each has sspt^j-ee times betori, gljtt a simj^fc ^eremoiwjnjhe. .^Maj8^m ?╟≤''"?√ßIm Sands Ilote]*.^^k^|^^^^- ??i??5|'il?║odge t'rank Ma^^iee will officiate, at^-^V^^Jftifititite ceremony, "Jack Entrs^ergfeBeral manager of the Sands, will be the only-S^dant.-Photographers and repOrtg$|??,w wilj outnumber the in- vited>?imB5ts three to one. Th^^Psferetentious affair will be quite^* eontrast Jj&Jhe screen star,j)^?╜Vifi^ ?╜<Treflwr .wedding to .Pstfn^&ly ^fean in 1949. Ontf guests fi^vited are business and legal asspCia'tes of the couple. The only r^^i$wes; on hand will be the bride's^'two daughters. They are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayvrofth's marriage to Qrson Welles, and the Princess Yasmine, ZV2, like her moslem father a di rect des^ Mohami$pj|E Finas^rrie) cleared Wednos^lK'when Haymes copped a seven-mtei^piyorce decree frotn Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less-'.than an hour later, he brought HM| back to tbe courthouse, where^t>thi nel^wsly filled out the marrigi?║e-..3jge?·se forms. Should the^oy^Pcneht win its deportation c^ea^P^t'the Argentine-born c^donej^^hat country I will he and ^ita'tSen live in? j "I'm not going to be deported," j he answerjd. "We both intend to i live.^jj 'jthe' tJ.S.A." The cHtopersaid he^will move: into Miss!Hayworth's suite at thel Sands iri^t ?╜f|?╜r the wedding. AI reporter asked |j||i i^hfrhalt^ever 1 tasted aeixffiM Rita's gepoking. . "Who maftS^pRita Hayworth J for cooking!8* ffei"' singer asked. I j The actress," who M.'f re ii-; a i n ed | at the hotel, thre^g'&cr^; arms i - around 'her childrr'i,^ -r^ m?. "Oh, j God, we're" ?√ß all .t^ethe*r again. I We're all; safe." gg 1!_~ Yasmin, who hadg^been peeping in the arms-'', ."was; awakened by ne\Vs' fihoiographers'; flash bulbs, an.d ?√ß?√ß<?x^laiin:ed: - "Ooooh, I see lots of'moons'."'j REBECCA immedi.atSly .asked |: hci- mother if the hotel had a ] swimriiing pool. Before takeoff at Los /?√ß-. .Angelesi International Airport, '--''^^sody-' guards attempted tp prevent hews-! j men from taking pictures of the girls saying, "The FBI:has order-! * ed that no photographs are to be| taken. .;Sg.._ s -5 | Newsmen .were <escorted from! the field.- j Miss Hayworth has ^received two) CHAMBERSBURG, PA. PUBLIC OPINION Circ. D. l0,604 \A dress and Crooner Exchange Vows In Simple Ceremony at Las Vejgas T.ftfi VffOMLJKEfr-' ^-whiie, nearby crapSBooters tried:to make,] sevens and elevens, Rita Ha3hvorth and Dick Haymes today gan^j^d, once more with matrimioi&y. The 3^year-old actress and fyer croonergJlS, w&l' rfcite vpy(s eag$p* has said a three times before,? -irfia | simple ceremony-in the Gold Roorab of the j^pds Hotels District1 J Udg'iB IPT'StHk MacNamee will officiate at tb$g.f,ive-:rafttute J ceremony^dtack Entratter, general manager M the SahiS^ will be the only attendantrBbclWaphers and reporters will outnumber, the invited guests threei|$ one. The unpretentious f^dr will be quite a contrast to' .'the screen star's lavish French wedding to Prince Aiy Khan in^l^&^tiss Hayworth will not eVenk have a new wedding^ gown., I^p^said she would wear a blue IiBej>- straight, dress which she has-'W^rn before. Her head will .beSf'^covered*- byS-a toast-colored hat of tulle'"-and velvet Jp&e will wear gloves to match |the lia^.5-''..g.;B-r.: /5;. ,+. Only guests Invited are b^iness and legal associates of the couple. The o&y relatives on hand will be the bride's two daughters. Theyj are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayworth's marriage to Orson SKeUes, and the Princess Yasmine, |ffi?·like her Moslem father a di-i r?·ct descendant of the prophet jpgrammed^, '-C;_?╤fcit?·~ o^^al barrier to ihe wedding was Cleared yesterday wiiea Haymes copped a seven-mlmite^Vorce de- creenSfam Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes. Less than anlltour later, he brought Rita back to the courthouse, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. Both Haymes and llfcita claimed permanent residence iin Nevada, but said they will soon move near j Greenwich, Conn., where they are looking for a ho^si^p ?√ßig^^^ay work is in the East," the crooner explained. ^TMtss Hayworth said she plains i to commute between the East! Coast and Hollywood for - picture;'. makingg s^|fe PEORIA, ILL. JOURNAL Circ. D. 69,537 J EP 25 issa J Rita Hayworth Weds Crooner LAS VEGAS, Nev. (?·>)-^Rita HayJ worth and Dick Haymes are on thej fourth honeymoon fa^j^chjoj thejEE" today follov^ing a brief flashbj' ' I lit wedding;-ih' a gambling -j hotel. -'? . ' j She ^d ..^h^'l^J:1!! !Haymig|ijb$iis nig^^iuffl have rented-a hous,e-'5n,,ij' Conn. |^i|kHay5w|^ comipafe:;- lt__W^M^mm lywoopl^ : Thm^ Judg'^ gargles J^^BP ma^l whirrjiaj Rita's two daughters,. by her.,jnarriage to $____ Welles^fip^ Princess Yaspuhe, ] -by ex-husband Aiy; Khan', | on froi^^pvan.5Jai?? SPENCER, IA. REPORTER Circ. D. 5,301 SEP 24 1953 MT. PLEASANT, IA. ^^fr^,3os^ SEPM 1953 pimple Ceremony LasVegas, Nev., (INS)?╟÷ Rita Hayworth and; f>ick Haymes w??re married today in a simple ceremony at the ,^ggds"RoE' Las Veg^s. ml Rita, Dick Exchange Vows; Fourth Marria^e^tJ^ch LAS VF,flAS. Nev., gjP)?╟÷Rita*- Hayworth ^and Dick -Haymes, nervous as .begikflters/ make it four apiece Thurs4^vwheh thejr exf' change . w^'dins: vows amid -*1plij clickiit^Jip di|Mtg^|grhir bt ti^fe lette 'iraeeis iit.'a^- gambling hotel. AVfiife%gay mob* of tourists play their.chfps in ai^^iino downstairs, thet^flain^-hair^kMqv^ beauty and the croone|kmll say their "I do's"' .in the gpress conference room- o$ifb& blxWtvJ^snds H^tgl. ?╟≤i . ^rnplesj^feedding Rita,\^'acti|^Ei|ike an excited bride, jfe^clev ^plgfieremony the simplest?of' her:ewer. Z-'JLtf Wedding No;* ?·5$) t?rJice, Aiy Khan- featured ocfMnpafjj^ royal guests and^wli ^otiief^ut for her fourt^weddin^. Rit^^fose an old dres^. o|gblvi^5ne3|?·^R plain gold wedding ba|^an<^^Simple civil cereSfnony M&i -fi^d Decorations ah^^hly l?╜^?║i^^?╜^j?· The actress, wM?H?·ual^^q|iges the preg^this t&?·\|jQL^^r|'mem all ?╟÷ i^^reereiiir^^sgl^c^ted ?╟÷ to tb^|^eddiri^^^i^*|^|li- ing mecca. "-_ g ^^7?╜ Jud^, ;BranJc .^J^iNat^^^ks called ill to p%x^6r3l ?╜^ wVe'ftiony only 20 yfaqpts ^t^^fey^^^ wott his six-^^,w.^U|cK'. Nevadad'dl-i vorce d<0$0e Ttc^_^Ow "Eddington Flyrth. on ggj^^ids , "she lost interest, ih the; inf^fegl?*'|: Haymes Hasf^troubles Haym6s*^:;i^ti^e'^)f Argentina faces possible deportation or charges g^$?· ili^^lly re-entered this country from Hawaii. He also is up to ! pug nose in alimony troubles with wife No. 2. Joanne Dru. Nora divorced Haymes last Friday, but had Dick and Rita wojrfed when siie "delayed signing a ^waiver to permit todays marriage "-' -ISS^fe-- Rita still hasn^esettled her alimony with J^ Khan. An armed hotel ^uarir^^iovers Constantly around ITaJjmp .daughter of Slta and Aly^ m^Suse of threats, possibly from religious gfanatiM,'to the little girl's life. f$jpg After the cermony* Rita was scheduled to play hostess at a luncheon for the guests and : press. The^^^p^kie^sp^ had no plans fordvlcl^^est'd'^'tflie day and will hoKeyj^on here" until Sunday f%e& TKe^^g'to^hil^delphia,] where ^|($$a??s beffl^'a; singing! engagemefiC^"." ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. PRESS J^^l' - piaymes And Bride Tly To New York dAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 25 (/Pi- Mr. and Mrs, Dick Haymes and the kids check out of their honey-! moon suite tonight at the Safflj? j? Hotehand fly to New York City.) ~ H'a^m'ej^mioved into Rita Hayworth's -$$te y^erday after the Crooner send the ..screen star were wed in a 3-minute ceremony.. The '''couple will depart at 10 p.m. Miss Hayworth's g$a%hters, J Rebecca, 8, and:. -Yasmfi^g 3,^^wlll accompany the bride 'ahd groom Originally Haymeis-had planned to backtrack to Los Angeles to pick up his Boxe^tr dog, Brutus, "bpt pres- ent;^lans call for the dog tar,Join the wedding party in Denver. ^ Hemdersonville, N. C. TlitES-NEWS Circ. D. 4,775 QkJH?·231953 WEDDING FOR ACTRESS AND CROONER SET Rita Awd Haynes Plaa Simple Nuptials With TV, l^s Cameras LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 23. RP) ! Film star Rita Hayworth and crooner Dick Haymes today planned a "sisfifde wedding" with television andi^Wsreel cameras grinding awajr.. g :' Then they'll settle downgj^gtp what they hop^Will. be a ^date life as suburbanites inr^^iWich, Conn. ?·$$&'?√ß j The ceremony Tto$puay will, be held in the GoWgl&iiAm ojMtihe SandsHotejjvith-^^tiine &&&?√ß ?√ß. inviWd, BLIL irev^'^d'cam^^pien ! were told they could Attei^gl i The red-haired beattfe^^Pied I happily that she and Hayljlf^am i finally getting m&iried*g?·h?½f s# Imany difficulties^'^' f*r^^ 1 Among then*" r?╜^ri^ troubles have been an attempt i^jf the government to deport Haymes, a citi- izen of Argentina, and death threats against Mij$$Hayworth and | her youngest daughter, three-year- old "Yasmin. WhiL^MxtM$!i?·ite "We want a simple wedding," jMiss Hayworth said firmly. "This one is too important to me to clutter up with a lot of unnecessary frills.. It's enouj^ ihat ,we love : each other." .^&-s^^g>d , But the weddingg^plike the i final clinch in the movie thrillers, |won*t see all. of their headaches I solved. _W&ft ^^_t^^' ' ^^a Miss Hayworth, Yasmin, and her j other daughter, Rebecca, 8, still are: under pr|||ctiVe guard and I Haymes' difficiltieswith the Immigration Department remain to be irphed out. ?√ßIt will be Ritafs fourth wedding |and Haymes" third/ The couple plans to honeymoongat the Sands over the weekend and .then travel I to Philadelphiai>i|^here' Haymes kpajs a night-club engagement, (leaving the jcrooner's lawyers to handle his case before the ..govern- 4 jnent in hearings which resumei Monday. / CENTRALIA, ILL SENTINEL Circ. D. 11,696 SEP & 1953 I Rita, Dick Haymes, Children And Dog Fly To New York I LAS VEGAS, Nev. 2P ?╟÷ Honey* Imooners RitaJHavworth and Dick Haymes left"*^%;.? plane for New | York early today', along with her two daught^| and his boxer dog, : Brutus. s%/&SB_f, The youngsters, Rebecca, 8, and Yasmine, 31^ Were someh^pfc dis- ' appointed at the airpoffc-^cause time didn!t permit them ftp see j Haymes' dog, which had been placed in the a^pier's baggage compartment at ^%s Angeles. The actress-?√ß and crooner, married at the Sandsgjgptel here in a tir,-ee-ininute- cereJmony Thursday, appeared to be e^SSted as they left this gambling resort. They took 16 pieces of luggag^gfgwtth them. . 'Haymes is due^^ft 'Philadelphia Monday for a singing engagement. That same day in' Los Angeles, his attorney will ask for a continuance in a deportation hearing ' against him. jf)|?║|gsf