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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, September 1991



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    Copgregatiot? Ner Tarpid ?ran u n?nn The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Ruth Fite, Executive Director Jeanne Schomaker, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor September 1991 Elul - Tichri 5751 - 52 Sanford D. Akselrod, Rabbi Cal Lewis, President Schedule of Services Friday. September 6 8:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by the Murillo Family in honor of the Baby Naming of Michael Antonio Murillo Sunday. September 8 8:00 p.m. Erev Rosh Hashana Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Ner Tamid Choir Monday. September 9 10:00 a.m. Rosh Hashana Services |l0:00 a.m. Youth Services 1:15 p.m. Children?s Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Ner Tamid Choir Friday. September 13 8:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood L?Shana Tova Again this year we celebrate Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur with our family and friends at Ner Tamid. Services, conducted by Rabbi Akselrad, with cantorial soloist Bella Schwartz and the Ner Tamid Choir, directed by Martha Olson, will begin on Sunday, September 8th at 8:00 p.m. Monday, September 9th services will begin at 10:00 a.m. Babysitting services are available for both holidays in Room 3. Please contact the Temple in advance so we can estimate the number of children. Yom Kippur services will begin with Kol Nidre on Tuesday, September 17th at 8:00 p.m. Services will continue the next day, Wednesday, September 18th at 10:00 a.m. Afternoon services start at 3:00 p.m. followed by closing and Yiskor services at 5:00 p.m. After services we will all gather at the front of the Temple to welcome in the New Year with wine, orange juice and challah. Then many of the members and friends will go back into the Temple for a scrumptious Break the Fast Dinner. Make your reservations early, this promises to be the best yet! Tuesday. September 17 8:00 p.m. Kol Nidre Services Wednesday. September 18 10:00 a.m. Yom Kippur Services 10:00 a.m. Youth Services 1:15 p.m. Children?s Services 3:00 pm. Afternoon Services 5:00 p.m. Yiskor & Afternoon Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Ner Tamid Choir Friday. September 20 8:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by Katz Family in honor of Bat Mitzvah of Jennifer Katz Friday. September 27 7:30 p.m. Succot Family Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad I Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood Monday. September 30 10:00 a.m. Yiskor Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Congregation Ner Tamid Cordially Invites You to Our Fourth Annual ?Break The Fast? following Yom Kippur Services Make your reservations early - seating is limited. Adults - $12 Children 5 to 13 - $6 Children under 5 - No Charge Please mail check to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89121 Attn: Break The Fast Name:________________________________________________________Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Reminder... High Holiday Dues must be paid three quarters before High Holiday tickets can be distributed. Please pay your dues. Pick up your High Holiday tickets in the Temple Office.As I entered the office one day, I overheard the end of a conversation, ?Yes, the High Holidays begin September 8th this year.? To which the other person responded: ?September 8th! You?ve got to be kidding! The Holidays are so early this year!? Early, late. Somehow the Holidays are never on time. It is a lament of contemporary Jewish life that we are out of touch with our own special brand of Time. Jewish time. The days go by, and the weekend comes and goes. But the last day of the week is something special?Shabbat. One seventh of our lives should be devoted to rest, to worship, to an encounter with God. And yet, in the hustle bustle of today?s busy lives, we often lose sight not only of Shabbat, the most important, most common of Jewish holidays, but of the rest of Jewish Time. Thus, we must remind ourselves that it IS the New Year. This month, the month of Elul is a special month devoted to preparing ourselves for the New Year. Traditionally, the shofar sounds every morning during Elul at the conclusion of Shachrit Services. The shofar?s strong shrill blasts reminds us that the Holidays are coming. They are not early, they are not late, they are when they are supposed to be. The question is are we? What are our goals? Where are (we?) with respect to our hopes and our dreams? Is life passing us by? Or are we passing life by? Rosh Hashana comes upon us before we realize it, forcing us to stop in our tracks. Forcing us to do what we fail to do too often?to think about our lives, and how we use our God given Time. Are the Holidays-our time for reflection and new resolution?early or late? I don?t know, but I do know, they are sooner than you think... B?shalom, Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Social Action Committee ?A Pound Per Person? We will begin a year of Social Action activities with a HIGH HOLIDAY HUNGER PROJECT, which has already been in place for several years at Reform Congregations throughout the country. Our prayerbook commands us to ?share your bread with the hungry? (Isaiah 58). We request you to bring into the Temple a canned or non-perishable item during any of the High Holiday services, beginning with Selichot on Saturday, August 31st and ending with Yiskor on Yom Kippur Day. Last year UAHC Congregations collected and distributed over 300,000 pounds of food. The largest single donation was by Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills that collected 27,100 pounds from its 1600 family members. For our first year we are asking for a ?pound per person?, which should bring in about 1,000 pounds. Since the Social Action Committee is just beginning, we need both volunteers and ideas. We can consider any projects (political, Black-Jewish relations, Central America, etc.) in which you have a special interest. If there is a particular local charity that needs assistance, let us know. Please contact the office or me with your name and/or ideas. Let us extend our caring beyond our own congregation. Eileen Kollins Social Action Committee Chairperson 873-1413 Bat Mitzvah Hello. My name is Jennifer Lynn Katz. My family moved to Nevada when I was 11. Since then, I have learned many things. I found that being a Jew was the most important. I had no He?brew training when I arrived. That changed when I met Mel?issa Glovinsky. Rabbi Akselrad got me started on my studies. But the most helpful source was my grandma, Avis Katz. I look forward to sharing my Bat Mitzvah with my Temple friends and family. Among my hobbies are short story writing, drawing and gymnastics. Yahrzeits September 6 Miriam Siegel Morris Arum Bess Litwin Sam Zimmerman Martin Kishner Gabriel Stein September 13 September 20 Janet Abrams Pepie J. Molasky David J. Podolin Herman Sternberg Leo Schneider Mildred Wilner Hildegard Walrauch Harry Zabinofsky Jack Kalish Morris Lipshaw Blanche Berg Meiner SeDtember 27 Josep Karlin Bessie Lieberman Rose Bader Sarah May Simon G. Prezant Barnett Bader Page 2 YISKOR YOMKIPPUR 1991 September 29,1990 - September 10,1991 and YISKOR SHEMINIATZERET1991 October 12,1990 - September 30,1991 William Ackerman * Ely Alguadich * Irwin Altman * Mike Alva * A1 Baron Mortimer Benisch * Jeffrey David Berger * Henry Blair * Frances Golda Bradburg * Ada Chaiken * Muriel Chavin * Irving Cohen * Reevin Cohen * Robert Cohen * Harvey Cowan * Woli Cowan * Yetta Cowan * Barney Ebenholtz * Rudolph Elman * Tress Garfield * Joseph Geier * Samuel Gellin Ruth Getzell * Dr. Harry L. Goldberg * Helen Goldberg * Bent Gorosch * Lyndl Gorosch * Harry Greenberg * May Greenwald * Rose Herman * Max Heyman * Sydelle Hirsch * Ethelle Hoffer * Frank Hoffer * Reed Jacober * Robert Johnson Sol Kaminsky * Emily Kenner * Lyia Kotik * Irma Kyle * Alfred Landsberg * Marian Layton * Bernard Levine * Rose Levine * Harry Levy * Lawrence A. Lewin Abraham LeWinter * Sidney Lewis Reenor Mahon * Lottie Marco * Harry Modell * Mel Ostermann * Bertha Rosenthal * Philip Rosenthal * Constance Rudack * Molly Ruden * Blanche Ryder * Elaine Sassoon * Mike Schall Louis Schindler Shirley Schecter * Murray Shaw * Paul Sichel * David Solomon * Bobbie Sperling * Sid Stem * Ruth Stone * Ilene Swartz * Bernard Tager * Alex Tepper * Jen Taylor * Alan Tobman * Karin Leigh Vinnik * Pearl Weinstein * Adele Welch * Irving Wender * Note: * indicates that name will be read at both Yiskor Services. mmmtmmmmmmtm Congregation Ner Tamid Outreach Welcome to the 1991-1992 season of CNT?s Outreach Program. In conjunc?tion with Jewish Family Service, we have planned an exciting agenda for this year that will be informative and educa?tional as well as social. The need for Outreach Programs stems from the fact that over half of the Jews that are getting married will marry a person not born a Jew. The Outreach program has been designed to educate the non-Jew about customs, rituals and traditions of the Jewish religion. It is also a support program and affords in?terfaith families, and Jews by choice, an opportunity to be able to experience through workshops and discussions, a Jewish identity. Our calendar of events for the fall will be as follows: September 15th Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid Social Hall Movie,"When Love Meets Tradi?tion?... A very informative movie for couples about to enter interfaith rela?tionships, the difficulties experienced, the family involvement, and the resolu?tions. Rabbi Akselrad will give an over?view of the film with a discussion to follow. Please call the Temple office for reservations. October 20th Sunday at 10:00 -11:30 a.m. Congregation Ner Tamid Bagel Brunch and Panel Discus?sion of Interfaith Couples. Rabbi Akselrad will be the moderator. A $1 donation is requested and reservations are necessary. Please call the Temple office at 733-6292. November 24th Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Congregation Ner Tamid ?December Dilemma?... How inter?faith families deal with the issues of Chanukah and Christmas. Moderator will be Bill Feldman, Director of Jewish Family Services. December 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Congregation Ner Tamid Chanukah Party... Games, arts & crafts, singing & dancing, latkes, Menorah lighting, and the 6tory of Chanukah. This will be a family event and reservations will be necessary. Please call the Temple office at 733- 6292. Our Outreach program has been very successful and we have grown in numbers so rapidly that the Outreach committee is in need of additional people to help with programming and also to be part of the telephone committee. We welcome all volunteers. If you are inter?ested in helping us out please contact me, Lois Doctors at 456-0915, or Shawna Parker at Jewish Family Service 732- 0304. We look forward to seeing many new faces at all of the exciting events we have planned for the remainder of this year. Lois Doctors Outreach Committee Chairperson Page 3 Congregation Ner Tamid You?ll Never Forget A Family Concert ] with Judy Caplan Ginsburgh For the past ten years, Judy Caplan Ginsburgh has worked as a professional singer/ teacher specializing in early childhood music and music of Jewish heritage. She holds a degree in Vocal Performance from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Judy currently works as a freelance Early Childhood music specialist and performer. She holds several ongoing contracts with schools and synagogues where she works as a cantorial soloist and teacher. In addition, Judy spends a great deal of time traveling throughout the country presenting family concerts and conducting teacher workshops on a number of topics involving how to use music effectively in the classroom. Her travel has included bookings in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Maryland, and many other states. Judy has been a featured performer/presenter at the National Conference for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) for the past five years; the Union of American Hebrew Congregations Biennial Convention; UAHC Outreach Programs (Mid-Atlantic Region); National Association of Temple Sisterhoods Conventions; Virginia Reading Teacher?s Association Conference; La. Association on Children Under Six; and Reading is Fundamen?tal Conference. Judy has produced and recorded four highly successful award-winning tapes of Hebrew/ English music which have worldwide distribution and some of her original compositions for children have been published by United Synagogue of America Commission on Education. Judy has recently released her fifth recording, a Sing Along tape of secular children?s favorites. Judy was selected by the Louisiana Arts Commission as an official member of the Artist?s Roster. In the fall of 1990, she was awarded the Religious Heritage of America?s prestigious Special Music Award for her outstanding contributions to the field of religious music. Congregation Ner Tamid is very honored to have this wonderful performer at a concert open to the entire community on Sunday, September 29th at 12:30 p.m. A nominal charge of $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for children 2-12 will be charged. The Temple will provide cookies and punch. Parents are asked to bring a sack lunch and picnic with us. For more information please contact the Temple office at 733-6292. Judy will also give a lecture/repital at UNLV on ?Jewish Music and its influences?, Tuesday, October 1st at 8:00 p.m. Her presentation will be given as part of the Kaleidoscope Music Series sponsored by UNLV?s Department of Music and the College of Fine and Performing Arts. Admission is $5.00 and the concert will take place in the Alta Ham Fine Arts Building. For more information, please call 739-3332. ^ ------------- J) Membership News Congregation Ner Tamid is proud to wel come our new summer members. We are anx ious to get this new group of people integrated into our Temple family. Anyone interested in getting involved, please contact our member?ship committee. We will gladly refer you to the appropriate committee and match you with activities that interest you and your family. New In Town... Call the Membership Com?mittee, we want to get to know you! Dyane Kohnen.....................................870-2204 Jack Nitzkin........................................435-1932 Sandy Greenblatt...............................735-1508 Hyla Worth..........................................458-4586 Lois Doctors.........................................456-0915 Sandy Ewan.........................................458-1031 Audrey Mishalow...............................458-7303 Scott & Lee Schreiber........................255-4214 Paul & Sharon Cohen........................456-0062 Nominations are being taken for Congregant of the Year. Please submit your names to the Temple office by September 15th, to the attention of Dyane Kohnen. NEW MEMBERS Mr. & Mrs. Scott Benedict Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Weiner Mr. & Mrs. Donald Colyar Mr. & Mrs. Howard Portnoff Dr. & Mrs. Walter Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Keating PALMS NEEDED Succot is quickly approaching and the Temple is looking for Palms to decorate the Succot. If you are trimming your trees, please give us a call and we will pick up the palms. Thank you. TOT SHABB AT This year we will again hold our very successfull Tot Shabbat program. Chaired this year by Betty Stahl and helped by last year?s chair Helene Smith and other volunteers the kids are in for lotssss of fun! The program will be Saturday, October 26 at 10:00 a.m. Please contact the Temple office for reservations. BABY SITTING FOR HIGH HOLIDAYS Baby sitting services will be available for the High Holidays. Baby sitting will be Sun?day, September 8th from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday, September 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Tuesday, September 17th from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Wednesday, Sep?tember 18th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Please contact the Temple office if you will need baby sitting services so we can plan accordingly. No children younger than 3 years of age will be accepted. Please understand that there is no exception to this rule. Thank you. (r President?s Message It is September, and in a few days we will be celebrating the beginning of the Hebrew year 5752. I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a most happy and healthy new year. It is the time to reflect on our lives, give thanks for our blessings of home and freedom, and make some plans to improve our lives and our world. There are many things going on in the world of Congregation Ner Tamid that exemplify our hope for a better future and our striving to be the best we can be. Tzedakah is the mitzvah we each perform to make Eileen Kollins? food program for the needy a success. We all need to cooperate by bringing canned and/or packaged goods to the Temple to make it work. We need to keep the Golden Chai ?Good as New? sale in mind as we clean our houses. Our throw?aways might be someone?s treasure. All will benefit Temple and Judaism, we need to stay involved. A well deserved special thanks to all who worked and are working on the Kol Nidre appeal. It is not easy to keep asking for contributions but this appeal is our most important fund raiser of the year and determines how much we have to offer in activities and services to our Temple community. I thank all of the contributors who gave generously, I hope everyone participates to the fullest extent of their abilities. Please do your part. Some of you have sent in your Committee Response Forms and expressed your interests. I appreciate your time and willingness to become involved. I promise that you will receive double the satisfaction by working for something that has your commitment. There will be a list of committees in the bulletin and in the office, hopefully one or more will be of interest to you. Ask yourself, ?Can I do something to help this group?? The answer will be, ?Yes!? Again, I wish everyone a year of health, happiness, prosperity, and involvement in Judaism. I look forward to greeting you all during the High Holiday season. Shalom, Cal Lewis f Page 4 Congregation Ner Tamid tfr "Good As New Sale" Start Saving Your Saleable Items Garage Sale Coming! w ^ October 6th Used (or new): Appliances, Furniture, Art objects, Kitchenware, Clothing, etc. If you have a truck or van, please volunteer to help us for a day or two this summer. Contact the temple office 733-6292 fr?.......... -- - At most Friday night serv?ices, congregants can partici?pate in a special way by accept?ing honors such as: lighting the Shabbat candles, dressing and undressing the Torah or saying the blessing before and after the Torah reading. The Temple gives any of these honors to syna?gogue members who enjoy par?ticipating in the Shabbat serv?ice in this special way. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, please call the Temple office at 733-6292 so we can schedule your honors on a con?venient day for you. fr fr ^ TEMPLE WISH LIST 1. Books for our Library. 2. Incidental kitchen items or $100. 3. Floor scrubber or $150. 4. Commercial stove with grill top. 5. Fire-proof Filing Cabinets 6. Dot Matrix Printer. 7. File Cabinet for Choir. CNT Installation The changing of this year?s guard took place at the Temple Board installa?tion ceremonies held at Friday night ser?vices on June 21,1991. Cal Lewis, as the new Temple President, took over from Eileen Kollins for the year 1991-1992. Gerry Gordon is the new V.P. of Adminis?tration and Dyane Kohnen is the new V.P. of Membership. Rounding out the officers slate is Jay Poster as V.P. of Ways & Means, Alan Mann as V.P. of Religious Activities, Denise Schnitzer as V.P. of Education, Sheldon Rosenberg as Trea?surer, and Janis Rounds as Recording Secretary. Many thanks go to Marilyn Glovinsky, Mary Fox, Gerry Gordon, Lewis Etcoff, Bobbie Bernay and Jay Poster, respectively, for doing a fine job with these positions. New Trustees were also elected to the board for various terms. A hearty wel?come to Bob Unger, Ron Worth, Hortense Alper, and Randy Spoor. The Sisterhood had their installation of new officers, and Rita Malkin as the new Sisterhood Presi?dent takes that chair from the outgoing President Dyane Kohnen. NTTY has a new President, Stephanie Bernay, who now sits on the Board representing our youth group, taking over from Jennifer Gross. Many activities for the 1991-1992 year have begun, and many more will start in earnest with the approaching High Holi?days. The new Temple Board has shown a dedication to improving the quality of the Temple through activities, participa?tion and new membership. (fr m ran TIStfMl ?RP0?tl mm wi mm/ mm mi& $MDra'?, All [itlSIht1 fr THANK YOU To Dr. & Mrs. Roger Simon for the donation of flowers for Rosh Hashana To Dr. & Mrs. Joel Davidson for the donation flowers for Yom Kippur in memory of Jack Davidson and Ber tha Locker To Irvin & Marlene Sherman for the donation of books for our library Mr. & Mrs. Alan Miller for the dona?tion of the vacumn cleaner ^ fr NEED TO GET INTO THE TEMPLE? In case of an emergency, call our custodian, Cliff Jamerson, at 734-1460. Paae 5Las Vegas Hebrew High is Herei Las Vegas Hebrew High, where Jew?ish education begins at 13, is an exciting community-wide cooperative effort for all Jewish teens entering grades 8-12, re?gardless of previous Jewish education. LVHH offers area teen the opportu?nity to expand their Jewish education and experiences in a challenging after-school curriculum based on nationally success?ful programs. Special programs for 8th and 9th grad?ers, and a continuing series of mini-courses for upper lever students, will add to a unique year. Also planned are social events, retreats, and guest speakers, with input from a Student Planning Board. Thursday evening classes will be of?fered at Temple Beth Sholom, first semes?ter, and Congregation Ner Tamid, second semester. Classes, taught by our community rabbis, cantors, and resource specialists, include: Comparative Religion (Rabbi Lederman), Jewish Bio-Ethics (Rabbi Hecht), Biblical Literature (Rabbi Harlig), Pirke Avot/Ethics (Rabbi Akselrad), Songs of Prayer and Cantillation (Cantor Bergman), Language of Prayer (Morton Shinbrood), Conversational Hebrew, and Jewish Creativity - combining visual and performing arts in the production of a video (Cantor Golbart). Sponsors include Chabad of South?ern Nevada, Congregation Or Bamidbar, Congregation Shaarei Tefilla, Congrega?tion Ner Tamid, Temple Beth Sholom, Temple Beth Am, and the Jewish Federa?tion of Las Vegas/Endowments. Registration is open now. For more information about this exciting new pro?gram, please contact Rabbi Akselrad (733- 6292) or call the Federation (732-0556). Ner Tamid to Host Teen Event to Kick- Off LVHH Congregation Ner Tamid mmmmmmm A community-wide dance for all Jew?ish teens entering 8th - 12th grades will be held at Ner Tamid Sunday, September 1st, from 8:00 -11:00 pun. This dance will be a kick-off social event to this Fall?s start of the Las Vegas Hebrew High School. All Jewish teens are invited to attend and enjoy an evening of music, with the opportunity to meet new people and re?new old friendships. For more informa?tion please call Sheryl at 733-6292, or the Jewish Federation at 732-0556 The Summer Camp Experience... CAMP SWIFT! Imagine a place where huge are numerous and smiles are EVERYWHERE! The amount of spirit and enthusiasm is infinite! A place of incredible beauty where you can have time to be alone, or be embraced in the loving arms of fellow campers and counselors. There are always fun things to do... swimming, sports, camp-outs, scavenger hunts, and even weenie roasts and s?mores. Everyone is always happy, and you feel very comfortable here. This is a place where the motto is ?all the love you can take, and ali the food you can eat? - where love and warmth are unconditional... a place called Camp Swift / Mitzvah Corps. In operation since 1980, Camp Swift provides 320 children, ages 9 through 11, a summer camping adventure that they would not otherwise be able to experience. The campers are referred to us by agencies such as the Human Resources Department, Valley Big Brothers and Big Sisters, the Phoenix Boy?s and Girl?s Clubs, and Child Protective Services. Camp Swift is located in Prescott, Arizona, and uses Camp Charles Pearlstein facilities. Because the camp is located near the city of Phoenix, the campers are selected from that surrounding area. AO of the children come from a low socioeconomic background. They are in desperate need of caring and affection. Because of Camp Swift, I have been able to experience perhaps the five most intense, yet fulfilling days of my life! As a counselor, I was able to see beautiful smiles and feel the abundance of love everywhere! Yet, this miracle would NOT have been possible without YOUR help! SWFTYites continually fundraise to get the thousands of dollars needed to operate Camp Swift. Still, it is imperative that we get support from our congregation and community. On behalf of SWFTY, I would like to thank those who have donated to Camp Swift in the past! YOU have made a difference! I would love to see yet another incredible response from our congregation this year, and in the years to come... Thank you for making the spirit of Camp Swift come alive!!! With love and peace, Stefanie Bernay NTTY President, 1991-1992 CAMP CHARLES PEARLSTEIN! Not only is Camp Charles Pearlstein a great experience just by being there and doing all the fun activities, but it is afro a great experience for being a Jewish kid. Behind the canoeing, horseback riding, archery, and much more... there is plenty of Jewish activities. Probably the most important is Friday Night Services. It?s just the usual Friday nigh service with all the prayers and Torah portion. The only difference is that you?re in an outdoor^^r chapel. We have a Shabbat dinner right before services. After services we have Israeli dancing. The dances were fun and easy to catch on to. Another activity is Havdalah which was every Saturday night. Everybody in the cabin sits in a friendship circle and expresses how they thought the week turned out. It was one of my favorite activities because you were free to express anything that was on your mind. After we were finished with that, we would go down by the flag pole and everybody in the camp would stand in a big circle and someone from each cabin would take the candle to the middle of the circle and light it on to a bigger candle. Another activity is Tefilah. This occurs every night after dinner except for Fridays and Saturdays. The whole camp gathers at the Tefilah area and the songleader leads us in the prayers. More Jewish activities are included. Once every week, we would have a Jewish theme as our evening program. This is where we learned a lot about ourselves as Jews, how to deal with prejudice, and learn about our Jewish identity. We also said a prayer before and after every meal. With all of these Jewish activities and much more, I know I?m going back to CCP next year for another great summer! Sincerely, Dan Gross Everyone knows that if you live in Las Vegas, your summers are hot and dull. Right? Wrong! This summer many Jewish youth left the heat to go to Camp Charles Pearlstein. Operated by Temple Beth Israel of Phoenix, the camp is nestled in the mountains near Prescott, Arizona. The regular camp activities range from art to swimming and from sports to horseback riding. There were also some exciting overnights to the Grand Canyon, Sedona, and Flagstaff. One special program, the ninth and tenth travel camp, visited Las Vegas? Wet N Wild, saw the Dodgers and the Angels, and rode the new Viper at Magic Mountain. The camp?s program was complimented by visiting clergy. Rabbis and Cantors from throughout the Southwest visited camp for Shabbat services, connecting the idea of Shabbat to the weekly Judaic theme. Without any arguments, one of camp?s favorite services was conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad. Joining the Pearlstein family for the first time, Rabbi Akselrad became an instant favorite of both campers and staff. This summer, Camp Pearlstein focused on the Judaic theme of ?Judaism in America?. As Judaic Program Director, our community?s own Alan Hirsch developed programming and evening services which covered the topics of American Jewish history, the Future of Judaism, and Tikkunj Olam (building a better world). The Judaic programming culminated with a two day ?International Jewry Summit?. By the end of the summer, Camp Charles Pearlstein had lived up to its motto: ?A Summer of Fun! A Lifetime of Memories!?. Page 6 Congregation Ner Tamid {? ~ " .... ^ BIRTHDAYS Christine Bader Jed Baron Bobbie Bernay Lindsey Bernay Louis Bernstein Shirley Bossak Douglas Chenin Irene Chenin Ellerie Cleveland Pamela Daitch Audrey Dolginoff Jessica Dreyfuss Michael Edelman David Edlow Popea Edlow Harriet Elman Carol Epstein Amy Epstein Wanda Erickson Katie Feldman Keith Fishman Ryan Fox Robert Frankl Elaine Galatz Lara Galatz Libby Giles Jordon Godorov Clarice Goldberg Jason Goldberg Sidney Goldberg Randy Goldhammer Jennifer Gross Brad Hogeg Robert Joseph Mitchell Kallick Foster Kamer Thomas Katz (r ^ Remember A Loved One With High Holidays quickly approaching it is tradi?tional to honor our loved ones by placing a plaque on the Temple?s Memorial Candle. Since our space is becoming very limited and it takes 6 - 9 weeks to receive the plaque after it is ordered, we suggest that you consider this remembrance now. This is an everlasting tribute to our dearly departed. Please contact Ruth at the Temple office, 733-6292, for fur?ther information. V--..............? ? ^ (? ------------------ - ^ ANNIVERSARIES David & Susie Allazetta Samuel & Hortense Alper Charles & Ellerie Cleveland Malcolm & Lois Doctors Mary & Jerry Fox Dale & Amy Glicken Steve & Rhonda Glyman Milton & Dorothy Grant Arthur & Judith Liebert Sandy & Cindy Milmeister Richard & Barbara Rosen Harry & Midge Rubinson Harry & Betty Schloss Herman & Trudy Schneider Norton & Lillian Shapiro (? ...........-....- ^ BIRTHDAYS con/. Sadie Kirshman Melvin Krauss Russell Letizia Mary Levey David Levey Neal Lewis Megan Lewis Kevin Lewis Stacie Marano Marjorie Miller Judith Miller Elliot Milmeister Joel Mishalow Alan Myers Randall Newmark Laura Pena Robert Pena Joshua Pete Nathaniel Raichelle May Raichelle Libby Raynes Alfred Rostov Drew Rounds Scott Schaefer Robyn Schwartz Bruce Shapiro Nancy Silber Kaelah Silverstein Julie Simon Michael Stuart Matthew Unger Julian Wallace Charles Weiner Hyla Worth Cameron Zachary Oops!... We missed Sophie Pisetsky in August. i ? ? J) Pape 7 Congregation Ner Tamid Pictured above are six of the twelve 1991 award winners of the Wilner Foundation. L to R: Standing - Jeff Lewis, Leo A. Wilner (Foundation Chairman), Jay Bernstein, A1 Benedict (Foundation Founder), and Andy Gratz. Seated - Jennifer Mendelson, Sari Greenberg, and Marci Riceberg. Not pictured: Michael Weisberg, Liana Dardashti, Dustin Tiep, Rina Roselinsky, Elizabeth Super, and Rachel Miller. 1991 Wilner Foundation Awards Granted to Twelve Meritorious Jewish Students Twenty-Five Cash merit awards have been granted to date, by the Wilner Foundation, to deserving Jewish Youth of Nevada, whose scholastic abilities, participation in Jewish Youth activities, and involvement in Jewish communal affairs have been judged outstand?ing and worthy of awards by the foundation?s selection committee. The Wilner Foundation has granted six such awards in 1989 (the year in which it was founded for the sole purpose of recognizing the achievements of Jewish youth) seven awards in 1990, and twelve awards in this current year. To be eligible for award consideration, the following criteria must be met: Applicants must be of the Jewish faith and residents of Nevada; under 18 years of age and attending school; have a scholastic GPA of B+ or better; be a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or attending Hebrew School; and be registered for participation in any activities sponsored by any Jewish Camp or organization. Applications are coded for anonymity, and winners cannot be relatives of any Foundation personnel. fr THANK YOU TO OUR SUPPORTERS FOR THEIR GENEROUS KOL NIDRE APPEAL DONATIONS: PATRON Mr. & Mrs. A1 Gerstler Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Goldberg Mr. Barry Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Liebert Mrs. Mollie Silverman Mrs. Florence Weinstein FRIEND Mrs. Ida Aberman Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bycel Mr. & Mrs. Art Cobb Mr. & Mrs. David Diamond Mrs. Rose Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Einhorn Mrs. Debra and Doug Go